They were forced to stop the live broadcast because It went dark.

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Various discussions on Wei Ying’s stubborn behavior online began. If something happened to her, the unlucky one would be the program group. The parents of the minors involved in the program would inevitably make a big scene, then the program had to be stopped.


Many viewers who watched this show were loyal fans of it. They did comment positively about Wei Ying, but they didn’t want the whole show to be stopped because of her.

This show had been around for many years and so far it had achieved more than ten seasons. If Wei Ying’s impulsiveness destroyed the show, the old fans would not like it.

The live broadcast was interrupted, causing heated discussion on Weibo. Everyone discussed fiercely on this matter.

In summary, if someone was weak but stubborn. It didn’t matter if they died, if it affected the entire crew, no one would sympathize with them.

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Opinion on the Internet was raging, but no one got the final news because the broadcast was interrupted.

Studio City.

Fang Yuan just got an acting break and was watching Wei Ying’s live broadcast while chopping rice. When she saw Wei Ying risking her way into the jungle, she was stunned.

Xiao Ba crawled up to her shoulders and moved her little ears slightly. When he saw the video, he was so frightened that he caught his big tail.

“Ah ah…”

Xiao Ba apparently felt the evil ghosts’ power in the video. He got into Fang Yuan’s pocket, exposing only his pair of eyes that looked at the screen timidly.

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Fang Yuan couldn’t understand what was going on with him, but she could obviously feel his fear. It wasn’t until the broadcast disappeared that she went to call her grandmother.


The grandmother was cooking vegetables at home. The elderly did not watch the live broadcast and did not know what happened to Wei Ying. So, she changed her mind and called Wei Ying instead.

But the other party’s phone was confiscated and couldn’t be reached at all.

She was too anxious. So, she put down the chopsticks and ran to ask the director, “Director Liu, do you know the director or the staff of “Rebellious Youth”? I am very worried about the safety of my friend and would like to contact them there.”

The director said he didn’t know.

When the male lead, Xu Jianghuai, who was resting next to her, saw her worried look, he took out his cell phone and called the director of “Rebellious Youth”.

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He called the director’s personal phone number, so it quickly got through. When it was connected, Xu Jianghuai got up and walked over, patted the girl’s shoulder from behind.

Fang Yuan turned around and saw Xu Jianghuai handing his phone to her and froze.

Xu Jianghuai said, “The phone is connected.”

Fang Yuan then responded, she thanked Xu Jianghuai and answered the phone.

She just explained her intention from the call, and only heard the director’s arrogant tone, “She’d better be fine!”

After saying this, the director hung up.

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Fang Yuan embarrassedly handed the phone back to Xu Jianghuai.

The man put his phone back and asked, “What did he say?”

Fang Yuan shook her head, “Wait for news.”

This was the first time she had been worried and frightened since her parents died. If something happened to Wei Ying, what would she and her grandma do?

She subconsciously put her hand on her chest and began to pray that Wei Ying was okay.

At the same time.

After Wei Ying ran to the forest. Tang Bowen got someone to help Liu Su on the ground. The woman was obviously frightened. Her face was covered with blood and there were a few bloodstains, as if scratched by something.

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