Wei Ying slept until six in the morning and was woken up by the red ghost.

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Xiao Hong awakened her and said hurriedly, “Boss, it’s not good. There are four other wild ghosts out there. They are trying to pull out the evil spirit in the wild boar. They are so fierce that I can’t stand it.”
Wei Ying immediately got up, picked up the shovel on the bedside, and rushed into the yard.
When she rushed into the courtyard, the other four little ghosts combined into one, and they were extremely powerful. They were dragging their dying ghost out of the boar’s body.
As soon as they pulled out his head, Wei Ying rushed out with a spade.
The four evil spirits and the evil spirit that just came out turned their faces to see Wei Ying, and they almost collapsed. Before they could run, Wei Ying came over with a shovel and pushed the big one to the ground.
Immediately after that, Wei Ying dropped the shovel in her hand and stepped on the strong ghost with one foot, grasped the other ghost’s ear with one hand, and pulled him out of the boar’s body.
Wei Ying used both hands and feet and ordered the female ghost in red, “Little red, get me a thermos!”
The thermos cup could hold dead gas and haze, and of course, could also hold ghosts.
Xiao Hong kept holding the thermos cup and opened the lid. Wei Ying quickly stuffed the two evil spirits into the thermos cup.
When the thermos cup was closed, Xiao Hong raised her eyes and asked her, “Boss, why do you want to put them inside? What would we do with them?”
Wei Ying had been a ghost in her previous lives, and she knew the attributes of ghosts. She said, “These five evil spirits coexist and each one of them is indispensable. But they have lost their reason. They are unable to think by themselves and will harm people everywhere. So when it rains, put them in the rain and there will be thunder.”

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Xiaohong said, “Wow,” and looked at her with admiration, “Miss, you know a lot, who are you? Are you a Taoist master?”
“I’m the same as you.”
Wei Ying bent over and picked up the shovel. She was preparing to return to the house but happened to meet Tang Yu coming out of the back room.
Mr. Tang looked at her with sad eyes.
Probably because of the butterfly effect, his little girl not only became strange in this life but also talked to herself.
He sorted out his mood, moved the wheelchair towards her, and asked, “Are you hungry?”
Wei Ying subconsciously raised her hand to touch her belly, and nodded at the other side, “I’m really hungry.”
Mr. Tang approached her, and said, “Go to the kitchen with me, and I’ll cook noodles for you.”
Although the food on the earth was not that useful to her, now that the thermos cup was used to hold evil spirits, she could only eat food to pack her belly.
The kitchen was monitored by the show group, so their every move in the kitchen was seen by the outside world.
After entering the kitchen, Mr. Tang boiled a pot of water. He turned his face and asked her, “How much do you want to eat?”

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Wei Ying squatted next to the low furnace, stared at the noodles in his hand, swallowed, and said, “All!”
“All?” Mr. Tang reminded her, “All the noodles will feed ten men after cooking, are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” Wei Ying said as she reached over, grabbed the noodles in Mr. Tang’s hand, and threw them into the pot.
Fortunately, there was so much water in the pot, so it wouldn’t go down with the pinch of noodles.
The noodles were cooked quickly. Wei Ying smelled the fragrant smell in the pot. She immediately brought over an enamel basin for washing vegetables and came to Mr. Tang.
Mr. Tang took a spoon in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand. When he saw the girl holding a large enamel basin, he was stunned, he asked with an unbelievable look, “Are you going to use this?”
She nodded, “The small bowl is too troublesome.”
“…” He knew that she became strange because of his rebirth. But he didn’t expect her to become so weird.
Tang Yu grew more distressed. He filled her basin with noodles, and specially added some greens and fried poached egg.
The little girl rested the enamel basin on a stool and squatted down on the ground to start eating.
Listening to her eating, sipping and sweating, Tang Yu himself got hungry.

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Not only him, but even the staff crew who got up early now were starving.
Tang Yu thought that the little girl would have a small belly, but she ate a bowl of noodles with all the soup. In shock, he took out a tissue, wiped her lips, and asked, “Are you full?”
Wei Ying was squatting on the ground. She was holding the basin, looking up at Tang Yu with a small face, she honestly shook her head, “No.”
Mr. Tang, “???
It must be when he was reborn, something went wrong that made Miss Wei so miserable.
Tang Yu went to the cupboard to pick up a noodle packet. He again got a pot of water to cook her noodles. There were ten eggs left in the kitchen, and he cooked them together.
Wei Ying was rude. She crouched on the ground and began to eat again. When she ate, she took it very seriously, as if she was not eating farmhouse noodles, but eating in the mountains and the sea.
Tang Yu was so hungry that he even began to wonder if his cooking was really that good.
Netizens across the screen were also hungry. Originally, they laughed at Wei Ying who got Tang Yu to cook so many noodles. They were waiting to see her joke. But after watching her eat two bowls of noodles, they were heartily convinced and even wanted to give her a kowtow.
At around eight in the morning, the news of # Big brother Ying pk Big Stomach King*# was trending again. Of course, because of her frequent entry in hot searches these days, there were opinions by the passers-by.
There were also a few passers-by and hostility that popped out of nowhere. They without even watching the video, began to scold–

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“Who is this? Why does she bother buying a place in hot searches every day?”
“Isn’t it embarrassing to buy hot searches every day? I really don’t know what these kids are doing. What’s the meaning of brother? So she likes to call herself brother and wanted to get transsexual surgery!”
“Poisonous, it’s her again! Did you buy a lot of hot searches? Stars in the circle do this, why are stars not as good as a kid now?”
“The big stomach king? Have the ability to eat shit!”

Such remarks made people very angry. Immediately after that, several of Wei Ying’s fan groups started to mobilize fans to fight against these bad opinions.
But they did not have Tang Yu’s leadership, and they were not familiar with organized routines. Secondly, they had no practical experience on the Internet. They responded to the bad comments in a clumsy way, but they were put on a “brain residual powder” hat.
Big Stomach King: : Competitive eating in China
Pk: player killer: a competition.
Passers-by: who know nothing but were just checking out the net

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