Looking at the news online, Ning Hao fell into anxiety.

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At first, he could sense the existence of the online vengeful ghost, but soon all sensing was cut off. As before, the break was very clean.

Ning Hao had no idea what went wrong. Was it really the jade pendant?


Repeated failures made him doubt life. He decided to find a way to take away Wei Ying’s amulet first.

Since the end of “The Rebellious Youth”, in addition to Wei Ying, Tang Bowen and Tang Yu were the trending brothers. In the program, Tang Bowen looked like a slapstick* character, while Tang Yu took a savvy head.

This was totally inconsistent with Tang Haolong’s original plan.

He asked Tang Yu and Tang Bowen to participate in this show, in order to let the audience see Tang Bowen’s ability and how wasteful Tang Yu was.

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Before leaving, he asked Tang Bowen thousands of times, but he did not expect that this unsatisfied son actually took his words as winds*, and his plan collapsed.

What made him even more angry was that Tang Yu walked in the show with a “home pillar”, giving the audience an illusion of stability and reliability.

This was obviously not the result Tang Haolong wanted.

Now he had only a little more shares than Tang Yu. Once Tang Yu stiffened his wings and wanted to return to the company to preside over the overall situation, the veterans would trust him. How bad it would be for Tang Haolong.


Coupled with the recent incident of Wei Ruin, he felt worse.

The girl’s lower body was paralyzed, and no matter how prosperous his son would get with her luck, he could not let him marry a girl with a paralyzed lower body.

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The more he thought about it, the more Tang Haolong felt disgusted and thought that it was necessary to do something.

Recently, Tang Yu moved to an apartment near the school on the ground of the college entrance examination. Even so, Tang Haolong had him under surveillance for 24 hours a day.

He thought that on the college entrance examination day, he needed to make him miss the college entrance examination. He was a cripple, and studying was his last life-saving straw.

If he couldn’t even take the college entrance examination, it was tantamount to cutting off the climber’s rope on the cliff, and then letting him fall into the abyss.

After self-study in the evening, Wei Ying and Fang Yuan were going home, but Wei Daoming appeared at the gate of her school.

Now his wife’s face was rotten, his stepdaughter was paralyzed, and his home didn’t feel like home anymore. In order to seek a little comfort, the old father took the initiative to pick up his daughter home.

There was a constant stream of parents at the school gate.

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Wei Daoming called Wei Ying to the parking space, and said sadly, “Ying Ying, something happened to your aunt Liu. I believe you have heard of it. Dad has been struggling recently, I hope you come back home. You are staying in your grandmother’s house often, your father feels lonely. “

He thought that his daughter would go home with him, but Wei Ying said directly to him, “No father, you are not alone. You have Aunt Liu and Rui Rui. I heard that Aunt Liu is very sick and Rui Rui is paralyzed. They are so miserable, you should take good care of them! At this time, you can’t betray them, and you can’t draw them out of the [Family] circle.”

Wei Daoming was choked by his daughter’s words, and for a moment he didn’t know what to say. He paused before saying, “Of course Dad won’t abandon them. Dad is here this time because I just miss you and want to pick you up.”

“Dad, in order for you to reconcile Aunt Liu and Rui Rui, I still won’t go back. You should think about their feelings and you should focus on taking care of the patient’s emotions.”

Wei Ying patted Wei Daoming’s shoulder, and said, “Dad, at this time, we should bear staying away from each other for a while.”

With a fist, Wei Ying made a cheering gesture, “Dad, for the physical and mental health of Aunt Liu and Rui Rui, let’s work together!”

Something was wrong, but his daughter’s every sentence was right.

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When his daughter left, Wei Daoming was still in his place.

He felt numb as soon as he thought of going home to face his wife’s rotten face and paralyzed stepdaughter.

The assistant got out of the car and handed him his phone, “Boss, your wife is calling.”

Wei Daoming took the phone,and connected the call.

Liu Su’s hysterical voice came over the phone, “Why are you doing this? Did you ever come back home so late before? Wei Daoming, do you dislike me? Do you want to divorce me? Did you forget how your ex-wife died?”


Slapstick character: comedy character deliberately doing clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events.

Word as wind: pay no heed.

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