Looking at the sender’s name, Wei Ying frowned, wondering why Wei Qi sent her something.

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Her grandmother gestured with concern—

—What did he send?

Wei Ying shook her head. She took a scissors, opened it, and got a recording pen from the inside. It clearly recorded the conversation between Wei Daoming and Liu Su.

After listening to the voice inside, the grandmother trembled with anger and her mouth opened slightly, but she couldn’t make any sad voice.


Fang Yuan hurriedly went to the grandmother and hugged her, giving her the greatest comfort.

Wei Ying sat there without talking. She didn’t have any expression on her face. She turned the recording pen with her finger. About ten minutes later, she said to her grandmother, “Don’t be too sad, the dead can’t be resurrected. The important thing now is to make these two people pay.”

Fang Yuan frowned and proposed, “Yingying, let’s call the police.”

“Police?” Wei Ying shook her head and said, “The incident was so troubled that the police could not find anything. Moreover, the evidence in our hands is too weak. Why did the window frame suddenly fall? Why did mom suddenly fall from the window? This must be Liu Su acting as a demon behind my father’s back. My father let my mom go after Liu Su said a few words. He can completely defend himself.”


Fang Yuan asked, “What should we do? How can we just let them go?”

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The grandma sorted out her emotions. She wiped her tears, and gestured—

—Yingying, don’t worry about this matter. You’re going to take the college entrance examination. You should wait for the college entrance examination before you deal with it, okay?

In order to reassure her grandmother, Wei Ying nodded, “Okay, let’s relax for now. We will discuss how to deal with it after the exam.”


Back in the bedroom, Fang Yuan asked her, “Yingying, what are you going to do?”

Of course, she knew that Wei Ying just said that to reassure her grandmother. With her ability, naturally, she would not be willing to let the two disgusting people escape.

Wei Ying fiddled with her homework and said, “Let the dog bite the dog.”

“Dog bite dog?” Fang Yuan couldn’t understand what she meant.

Wei Ying explained, “Now that Liu Su has become like that, do you think she would like to divorce? Since she has Wei Daoming’s weakness. Wei Daoming must be extremely disgusted with her. If they were divorcing. At this time, Liu Su will definitely find a way to make her son inherit the family property.”

She finished, paused, and asked Fang Yuan, “What do you think Wei Daoming is most afraid of now?”

Wei Ying asked as she texted Liu Su.

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Fang Yuan asked, “Huh?”

She said in the text message that she knew the specific location of Wei Qi, and to meet her at school the next day.

Immediately after, Wei Ying sent a WeChat to Wei Daoming.

[Wei Ying]: Dad, Aunt Liu said that she would come to see me tomorrow! I’m so happy! Pretend you don’t know, hee hee.

Fang Yuan saw her text message, and then she understood what she was going to do.

Wei Daoming worked overtime in the company until the early hours of the morning, and saw his WeChat at ten o’clock in the morning. He immediately turned over from the office rest bed.

He called his assistant and asked, “Is the madam home?”

The assistant made a phone call to his home, and then he replied, “No, she said she was going to Miss Wei Ying’s school.”

“Call the driver.”

Wei Daoming said while wearing his clothes, “Tell him to drive the car back, you can’t let her go to school!”

The assistant called the driver and asked him to drive back home, and called the bodyguard to bring Liu Su back.

Liu Su was forced to return.

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The couple closed the study door and argued with each other.

Liu Su shook with anger, pointed at Wei Daoming and scolded, “Wei Daoming, what do you want to do?”

“What do I want to do? I want to ask what you want to do!” Wei Daoming loosened his tie.

“I promised you that I wouldn’t divorce you, but you didn’t want to keep your promise? You thought that if Yingying knew the truth, I would give all my property to Xiao Qi and Rui Rui? You dream!”

Liu Su stared at him, “What are you talking about? I went to school because Wei Ying texted me and said she knew where Wei Qi is! Wei Daoming, what are you talking about?”

“Really? What about the message?” Wei Daoming wasn’t stupid, he immediately asked for the short message record.

Liu Su said nothing, she took her phone from her pocket, and when she opened the SMS chat interface, she found that the chat record was gone!

Wei Daoming saw her face change and grabbed her phone.

There was nothing in the text message record. Wei Daoming held her phone and asked her, “Don’t you want to tell me that the text messages have been deleted? Are you a vicious woman? You are provoking my relationship with my daughter. If Yingying wasn’t simple, because of you, she would have already considered me a stranger!”

Being questioned by Wei Daoming, Liu Su was full of anger. She also shouted, “Yes, what if I deliberately provoked your father-daughter relationship? You want to leave all the property to Wei Ying, right? If you dare, I will spout out all the disgusting things you did to your ex-wife. Go out! Anyway, If I have nothing left, I don’t mind pulling you to hell with me!”

The woman’s eyes were wide, they almost fell out, her face looked like hell.

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Wei Daoming was probably discouraged. He grabbed the woman’s hair, held her on the desk, and began to punch her hard.

Liu Su quickly fell to the ground, she curled up on the ground and groaned in pain.

Wei Daoming was clearly angry, he lost his mind, and began to kick her head with his leather shoes, making a terrible “bang” sound.

Liu Su tried to struggle, but the more she struggled, the more fierce the opponent became. The man was too fierce, she had no way to fight him, and she couldn’t even ask for mercy.

Soon Liu Su passed out, Wei Daoming found a rope from the bookcase, tied the woman and stuffed her into the closet.

When he calmed down, he realized that he had made a big mistake.

But mistakes had already been made. As a person whose basic moral bottom line had been broken, he felt that he didn’t need to pretend anymore, and simply made mistakes again.

Locking up Liu Su, could at least keep his secret.

After a while, Liu Su died. Wei Daoming was well prepared, the reason for her death was simple, she went insane and harmed herself.

Liu Su obviously did not expect that the honest man Wei Daoming could do such a cruel thing to her.

Liu Su was kept in the closet for a week, and died because she didn’t eat or drink. Wei Daoming quickly dragged her to the crematorium for cremation, and claimed that his wife had been hit hard because of disfigurement, and went on a hunger strike at home. And because he was on a business trip for a week, he didn’t even know his wife had been on a hunger strike for so long.

The news was reported, but it was quickly suppressed. Wei Rui, who was paralyzed in the hospital, heard that her mother had died, and couldn’t believe her ears.

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