Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 1711: Chapter 1711 Luminous' "Huma


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Luminous is that you? I asked.

Yes It is me. The Silver Lizardman answered. Do I look scary to you? Woah, I never experienced being so small before. The world surely feels different Is this what being an ant feels like? Amazing Everything small is suddenly very big! He said in surprise.

Hey why are you calling ants now! I angrily said.

Thats not fair youre just too big! Ariant said.

Yeah! Youre the weirdo here! Eriant said after his sister.

Well, what sort of Skill did you got? I asked.

I found something named Humanification, I thought I could become human-like, like you. Luminous sighed. I dont know why I am in this form though. And the worst part is that it is draining MP quite rapidly, around 1 per second.

Dont you have like thousands? I sighed.

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R-Right But still! He complained. Also I thought I would become like a handsome human with clear white skin and long silver hair

Well maybe it becomes more clearer as you level up the skill? I asked.

I guess Ill simply have to wait, the skill might improve once it levels up. He sighed.

Yeah, just keep it activated at all times, eventually youll get there Eventually. I laughed a bit.

Hmph, it is not funny at all! Luminous said. But I wonder if the humans would tolerate this appearance. He wondered. Are we not going to a town?

Yeah we are taking a small detour there, but we are not staying or something, just an hour or two to see whats up and then we continue our path. I said.

Well by a few hours more itll be night so we can stay to sleep in a comfy inn Said Ariant.

I want to wash myself in a bathtub with warm water Sighed Fiere.

I also desire the same. Ariant cried.

Ah, me too Eriant cried.

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Geez Fine, fine! I guess we deserve it. I said.

As the food was being cooked Luminous quickly came to sit at our side. It felt like a completely different person showed up, some sort of snarky and overly prideful giant lizardman with silver scales. But we cant complain, this size is just better for now than his enormous mountain-sized form.

Hm, getting used to this forms a pain He sighed, beginning to move around his body and sometimes tripping over the floor. How can you make it feel so easy? He asked me.

I practiced for a long time, Ive been an innate shapeshifter since always, I also evolved into a Fairy so I always had this form in a way No, a more adult form than this teenager one. I nodded. But yeah, pretty much that.

So you were saying the truth He sighed. Hahh This is a pain to get used to. My body is way too light

Just do some basic exercise. I said.


Luminous groaned as he began doing sit-ups and then push-ups as the food was being prepared. In the meantime, as the food was getting ready and Frank was buying the list of materials, I decided to just summon my third Maxima Summon for now.

Colora was a Maxima Summon and also an Ego together, so I plan to enchant her and upgrade her the same way as the other Egos, so thats why I am holding on her evolving just yet. However that doesnt stop me from summoning the third one which became available a bit ago.


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Suddenly, the little Bubu appeared over my head. Apparently, he can shapeshift from his Full Dragon Form to his Tiny Energy Saving Mode, which turns him into the tiny and cute Caterpillar I remember, slightly smaller than the classic one though and now mostly black and purple colored.

Bubu, do you want to see your new friend? I asked.

Buuuu! He was excited. Bubu started jumping around my head and then the ground constantly. Thankfully he was a light weighted creature, or he would had blown my head away rather easily

Ah, Master, are you summoning someone new? Wondered Colora. She could shapeshift from a beautiful and small fairy to a large paint brush at will, in her fairy form, she was capable of talking through a mouth.

Yeah thats exactly what I am planning to do right now. I nodded. Colora, how are the seeds?

I have already planted them! She said happily, her shiny eyes shone with rainbow light. Those rainbow eyes reminded me of my dear Rimuru, damn, I miss her. I want to cuddle all night with her like before

A-Anyways, Colora has a variety of awesome Skills, amongst them, theres this!

[Sacred Rainbow Seeds]

Channeling the wondrous power of the Dao of Colors, the user is capable of transforming a Painting stored within a Canvas into a Sacred Rainbow Seed that can be planted in rich soil and then will sprout by the infusion of Mana and the command of the user or their master.

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This will automatically make whatever Canvas was there emerge and be summoned, of course, as long as the stats of the painter match the total envisioned power of the canvas. Seeds can also be modified to be given specific effects or create [Divine Color Plants] where special Divine Colors which cannot be created naturally can be extracted. All power and effects are enhanced with each Skill Level.

This Ability allows her to create special Sacred Rainbow Seeds she can plant over the floor and that will sprout into beautiful and colorful plants, herbs, flowers, and the like, filled with a Color she can extract and use for her other Skills

However! These plants are not just colors that can be extracted, but they are also Divine Color Plants, low-rank Divine Materials! If theyre not just used for her colors, I can actually use them for alchemy and forging too, theyre all precious materials for enchantment and creation of items!

I cannot replicate them with Yggdrasil Spirit, sadly, but Colora can make as many as she has MP!





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