Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 1713: Chapter 1713 The Wyvern Overlord


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Shadrach had come back to life in the most unexpected way possible, and all because I had forgotten to give him an independent body beforehand. But aside from feeling bad about it, I felt rather happy to have someone from Genesis back, and even now as a Maxima Summon. Shadrach was one of the first Living Weapons I ever made too, he had grown up to become a powerful Pseudo Supreme God in the form of a sword, and now he had become both an Ego and a Maxima Summon upon his reincarnation!

Aside from having a new companion from old times here, who is rather calm and wise, which is a very nice addition. Hes also a great new addition to my own party of Egos and Summons, a large sword was what I needed right now, especially one like Shadrach, which is big and thick like Clouds powerful sword.

And to boot, he got the Fire Element! Yeah, Sol and Fiere also are Fire Element wielders, but nothing beats having my own Fire Wielding Ego Weapon and also companion with me. With him and Aquamarine, I already have both Fire and Water covered, heh.

And heres his stats too:

[Name]: [Shadrach] [Rank]: [E+]

[Race]: [Blazing Wyvern Overlord Blade (Divine Species)]

[Job Class]: [Fire Magic Sword]

[Subclass]: [Wyvern Soul]

[Level]: [0/20]

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[HP]: [725/725]

[MP]: [5000/5000]

[Strength]: [900]

[Agility]: [750]

[Vitality]: [500]

[Intelligence]: [600]

[Dexterity]: [600]

[Divinity]: [200]

[Passive Skills]

[Unique Skills]: [Maxima Summon: Lv] [Master Connection: Kireina: Lv] [True Sentient Weapon: Lv] [Maxima Summon Physique: Lv1] [Blazing Wyvern Soul Embodiment: Lv1]

[Body Skills]: [Magic Sword: Lv1] [Automatic Self Recovery: Lv1] [Hardened Metal Body: Lv1]

[Resistance Skills]: [All Element Resistance: Lv1] [Physical Damage Resistance: Lv1] [Status Effect Immunity: Lv]

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[Active Skills]

[Physical Skills]: [Blazing Blade Slash: Lv1] [Fiery Parry: Lv1] [Draconic Heat: Lv1]

[Magical Skills]: [Wyvern Soul Fire Aura: Lv1] [Wyverns Blazing Claws: Lv1] [Wyverns Blazing Breath: Lv1] [Fire Shield: Lv1]

[Title Skills]

[Unique Title Skills]: [Wyvern Overlord: Lv1] [Ancient Rulers Soul: Lv1]

[Available Stat Points]: [0]

[Available Skill Points]: [0]

[Can gain 10 Stat Points and Skill Points with each Level]

[1 Stat Point = 5 Stats (Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence, Dexterity)]

[1 Stat Point = 10 Stats (HP, MP)]

[1 Stat Point = 2 Stats (Divinity)]


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A mystical weapon that is said to hold the Soul of an Ancient Wyvern Overlord. After being defeated and sealed by the Heroes, the Wyvern Overlord rested within its underground Dungeon for eons until it was finally revived into the form of a powerful Living Sword to govern the Forest of Monsters as its King and True Ruler once more.

This powerful Maxima Summon is a Unique Existence created through the power of the Dao of Summoning that has been Mutated through the connection with the Soul of a Foreign Origin that doesnt belong originally from the Maxima Universe yet has met the qualifications to transform into one upon its death.

It contains incredibly slicing power, the ability to fly and hover at will, Fire Element Magic, and several Wyvern Soul-related Skills, such as the power to embody the form it used to have when it was alive by spending all of its current MP for a few seconds. It can continue growing and reach new heights never seen before.

Wow, now thats a hefty explanation! The Wyvern Overlord had indeed grown weaker than before, but all these Skills honestly looked pretty interesting. He now had the standard Status too, no weird Durability Stat instead of HP or something, which is pretty interesting.

Most of his Skills are also straightforward. The Embodiment Skill is the same as the other Ego Weapons, but it requires more MP than them, as it boosts his stats a lot and gives him several new abilities, most likely. So because of this, he can only use it momentarily.

Aside from that he got both physical combat and magical combat Skills, nice and varied, but nothing too overly complex either. Wielding the Wyvern Overlord must be an easy thing to do for the most part.

I cant believe it, a new Ego! Said White. Welcome to the team.

It is nice to meet you as well, speaking white spear lady. Said the Wyvern Overlord. I am not really accustomed to talk with other weapons though, but I suppose this is going to become a thing from now on, hahaha

He really still laughed like an old man, didnt he? Well, hes indeed an old man- in fact, a grandpa. Also hes processing that he died very easily. He hasnt even mentioned his kids either. Does he not care?

Silvas my name Silva said. Maybe its nice to have you or not.

Woah, youre like my complete opposite! Laughed Aquamarine.

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Hm, I think I remember him from somewhere He was one of Masters living allies, right? Heh, so you died! Bwahahah! Black began to mock the Wyvern Overlord.

Well yes I died with master. Dying with her is nothing to be embarrassed of. Giving my life with her is something a true loyal subject would do for his master! The Wyvern Overlord said. I have shared many experiences with Kireina-sama, she protected my home from many threats and even helped my children prosper and find me I am sure shell find a way back home, since the moment I was summoned here that I had such thing clear in my mind. There is simply nothing impossible for Master.

Despite being a dignified existence he always acted humbly with me. Hes a loyal ally, with a heart of gold. I suppose a ruler such as him wont simply be a nobody, he has to be somewhat special and strong minded.

Hahaha, I guess I needed someone like you here, Shadrach. I sighed. Thanks for reminding me of that! I have begun getting a bit gloomy again.

Anything for master Now, can I get some more introductions here? He wondered, as half of his Wyvern Soul emerged out of his body made by red and orange flames, shaping into this wyvern form with face, two arms with wings (as he was a wyvern) and bright golden eyes.





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