Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 1734: Chapter 1734 Time To Exterminate


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The beautiful Oasis that once was so big it covered all of this area completely and had a big jungle forest surrounding it was pitifully reduced to less than half of its original size now. Most of the vegetation surrounding it was also completely gone, and the plants that barely remained were drying out rapidly, even the cactuses were not having a really good time!

There were also small pools black liquid everywhere, Miasma. The monsters probably carried this here to make the place more comfortable for them. I should quickly clean this while I can.

W-Wait Lady Kireina please dont step forward! Cried Darkling.

Come on, I can do a bit of cleaning at least, cant I? I sighed, quickly waving my hands. It is too nasty in this place, lets do a bit of a cleanup.

I pointed my hands into the floor and then utilized [Miasmic Ooze: Lv7].


The entire surroundings began to be cleansed in an instant, as the Miasma stared flowing into my hands and I began to absorb it.

It was a nice snack for sure, and there was a lot of it. The enormous quantity of Miasma didnt stop coming at all.

Darkling, the crow-faced guard, was left shocked.

W-What is this power?! Lady Kireina, you can absorb Miasma?!

My soul produces it naturally. Dont worry, unlike the Genie I am not into infecting this beautiful world with Miasma. Luminous, do the rest.


Luminous stepped forward and extended his claws.

[Grand Purification]!

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An evolved version of [Purification] that he could conjure, unique to him as a God of Primordial Light.


An arc of light emerged from his hands as the entire ground was bathed in this beautiful, divine light.

Darkling stepped back and then fell over his own butt in shock at what he was seeing.

I guess it is only natural for a someone that has never seen the power of Gods.

It is being purified rapidly but the Miasma goes deep underground. Said Luminous.

Yep- Oh! Weve got a big fish already! I said with a smile.

Big fish? Asked Darkling, his eyes opened wide as the floor began to tremble out of the blue.


And from within the underground, a large swarm of small, cat-sized creatures emerged endlessly!





W-What are these things?! Ariant cried in disgust.

Uagh! They look disgusting! Eriant added.

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Oh, theyre Frank muttered.

Yeah, I guess thats why people in the desert doesnt know what they really are, these creatures usually dont live in such arid places. Sol wondered.

Wait, arent these SLUGS?! Luminous asked.

Indeed, they were hundreds of cat-sized, blue-colored slugs with sharp spiraling mandibles and big, long eyes popping out of their small bodies! It seems these little guys were the source of Miasma everywhere, and seeing how theyre slugs, they were probably drinking all the water as well.

[Race]: [Desert Piranha Slug]

[Status]: [Furious]

[Rank]: [C+ (+)]

[Level]: [23/50]

[HP]: [7850/7850] (+2500)

[MP]: [5332/5332] (+2500)

[Strength]: [9203] (+2500)

[Agility]: [15602] (+2500)

[Vitality]: [4302] (+2500)

[Intelligence]: [2300] (+2500)

[Dexterity]: [7600] (+2500)

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[Divinity]: [50] (+250)

[Passive Skills]

[Unique Skills]: [Viscous Body: Lv7] [Earth Element: Lv] [Darkness Element: Lv] [Water Element: Lv] [Poison Element: Lv] [Water Boost: Lv10] [Cosmic Enhancement: Lv10] [Miasmic Enhancement: Lv10] [Endless Thirst: Lv10]

[Body Skills]: [Watery Body: Lv10] [Extrasensory Senses: Lv10] [Sharp Sight: Lv3] [Mucus Production: Lv10] [Slime Secretion: Lv10] [Steel Tearing Sharp Jaws: Lv10] [Rapid Egg Production: Lv8] [Self-Division: Lv7]

[Resistance Skills]: [Physical Damage Resistance: Lv10] [Magic Damage Resistance: Lv7] [Sunlight Resistance: Lv10] [Thirst Resistance: Lv10] [Hunger Resistance: Lv10] [Water Absorption: Lv10]

[Active Skills]

[Physical Skills]: [Powerful Bite: Lv10] [Acid Spray: Lv9] [Chemical Spray: Lv8] [Slime Ooze Control: Lv7] [Rapid Draining: Lv7]

[Magical Skills]: [Water Bullet: Lv10] [Water Spear: Lv7] [Shadow Bullet: Lv6] [Mana Sense: Lv8] [Call Ally: Lv10] [Chaotic Bullet: Lv5]

[Title Skills]

[Unique Title Skills]: [Piranha Slug: Lv6] [Cannibal: Lv5] [Miasmic Servant: Lv10]


An aberrant Slug Monster that often only lives underground. It sucks dry any liquid water from anything it finds, often acting in big colonies. It catches prey and only drinks their fluids, often leaving graveyards of dried corpses behind. Once they find a sizable source of water, they make a large nest where millions of eggs can be laid in the depths of these waters.

Ferocious and always trying to protect their territories, they take away anything they want with fury and numbers. Proficient in water magic the most and can dry anything they bite with their jaws from their water in mere seconds.

This specific colony has been enhanced with Miasma and Cosmic Energy from an unknown source

T-Those things! Theyre the ones that attacked us before, those damned slimy creatures! I remember how they ate some of our friends alive, drying them out of their liquid like and leaving their bodies like dried mummies Dont let them touch you! Darkling desperately flew into the skies using his wings, too afraid to get any closer.

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I can tell common folk would be afraid of them, their stats are pretty good despite being little shits. Also theyre being boosted by Miasma AND Cosmic Energy, so theyre several times stronger than normal.

Theyre using Cosmic Energy! These slugs Frank muttered, quickly growing angered. He summoned a Golden Spear and a Black Sword, ready to join the fight.

And we needed as many hands as we could, there were probably almost a million of these tiny things underground, they kept coming from the underground endlessly, flooding the entire area!


Suddenly, I was swarmed by many of them, as they began to bite through my body and attempt to suction my watery fluids and dry me out.


Noooo! Lady Kireina!

Darkling cried dramatically.

Hey, why are you being so loud?

However, nothing was happening, in fact, I used HP and MP Drain to dry them out of their own energy, as the ones biting me began to dry out and fall apart into pieces in mere seconds.


This guy was having way too many surprises lately, I wouldnt blame him if he had a heart attack





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