Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System

Chapter 253: Chapter 253 A Fox Girl Stalker

As I evolved, I dive into dreams. Some of them were pleasing and others not so much.

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At some point, I gained consciousness of myself, and started to find those that were having unpleasant dreams… It seems that my very presence was making them unpleasant.

Why was that? But others were having great dreams and seemed moderately happy over them.

How strange and bizarre, what is the meaning behind these strange dreams? I inspected them and began to understand that all those having terrible nightmares were quite the scumbags.

I looked around and found that those with great and pleasant dreams were people of good hearts, or at least they tried. Some were even victims of abuse, innocent souls… some of them were slaves, most of them, in fact.

Why am I seeing this? Is this part of becoming a Daydreaming Dragon?

I was able to interfere within them a little bit, so I began to intensify the dreams. The scumbags had such horrible dreams that they began to weaken their souls, while those that had good dreams had their souls strengthened… interesting, so Dreams can be used in this way?

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At some point, I found a strange dream where the Lord Ice Moon was. Indeed, I recognized him from the aura he emanated. Even while sleeping, I was able to feel the Rank 4 Mana Core flowing with power. An icy and cold power…

I approached him, evading this cold environment, and began to intensify his dreams. He had nightmares; it seems he had a lot of sins.

I targeted him on his nightmares and made them worse. And when he was weakened, I moved towards him and greeted him.

"What… What do you want, beast! Don't dare come closer to me! Even in dreams… I won't die easily!" roared Lord Ice Moon.

He was acting brave, but for a Rank 4 Magus he was trembling in fear, nightmares can target anyone and even more, the depth of their souls and emotions. In the right hands, it is a deadly weapon, especially against mortals who have to sleep. I would imagine that immortals are superhuman enough to hold into a sleeping or something more than mortals, but mortals usually feel exhausted enough to go to sleep every night.

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I decided to just tell him something very direct to see how he reacted, his reaction wasn't what I expected, he looked at me fearfully…

"Clean your sect of trash, or I will do it myself."

"W-What…! Who are you?!"

As he cried who I was, I noticed that he was soon to wake up, so opened my jaws and ate him in his dreams.

The result? He felt a bit of pain in his soul because I managed to take a chunk out of it. Now, he's a tad bit weakened… heh, thanks for the meal.

I ate the nutritious Rank 4 Magus soul fragment, which was actually not that surprising from a common soul, and barely had any flavor, and then decided to return.

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However, instead of returning where I wanted, I was stopped by a large portal of pink color in front of me.

As I hopped between dreams, this portal greeted me, and from within, a cute fox girl came out.

Wait, no!

I quickly began to run away from her as she flew towards me at a speed I could barely keep up with.

"So you've become a Daydreaming Dragon? I never thought monsters could evolve into such great varieties. Oh, I guess it must be due to your uniqueness as a reincarnated person, right? Oi! Where are you going?"

The fox girl followed me from behind at a fast speed, she was like a predator hunting for prey, she didn't stop until she got what she wanted.

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But how? How did she manage to get here? I don't get it! I was sure to have made a rune to protect myself against her… A system, can you help me out?

Ah! Can that happen to Benladann?

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