Era of Disaster

Chapter 103-105

Chapter 103: The Hope Within

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The results were completely out of all of their expectations. The moment they clashed, the group of people who thought they had an advantage felt like they had kicked a steel board. Bai Yi's group all possessed incomparably shocking speed and strength. If they really had to compare, all of their strength could be compared to their Boss Tiger. However, just when this group of people tried to look for their Boss Tiger, they realized that he was already lying on the floor. The blood and brain matter flowing out of his earhole told them that he couldn't be more dead.

So fast!

There were still a few of them who saw the battle between Boss Tiger and Bai Yi. However, seeing it wasn't the same as understanding it. The guy with soft fur all over his body and still retained his human shape seemed like he was just strolling through a park.

Elegance…that's right it's elegance!

This thought suddenly arose in everyone's head. Bai Yi's actions were totally incongruent with battle and there wasn't any cruelty or bloodiness in it. That kind of sauntering gave everyone a feeling of elegance as if the entire battlefield was his backyard. Some of them couldn't believe their eyes and charged at Bai Yi. Despite this, all of them stopped just before reaching Bai Yi, waiting for him to walk past and take away their lives.

Demon! At this time, everyone except those in Bai Yi's team thought this. Even though everyone had turned into monsters now, they didn't really have any special abilities. Bai Yi's powers just now had completely exceeded the realm of their understanding. This wasn't some fantasy world!

In just a few dozen seconds, 7 or 8 people died from the opposing side. The rest of them started to mentally break down. Some guy who thought that he was smart saw that there was a little kid in the group and quickly rushed toward Momo. No matter if it was choosing an easy target to pick off or to take Momo as a hostage, both seemed to be the right decision now.

His decision was actually correct, just like Bai Yi, Momo had only fused with butterfly genes and there weren't any changes in her body either. She was really the weakest in the team now, even weaker than a normal evolved human. However, Momo was the precious baby in the team. Everyone liked Momo a lot so how could they let something happen to her? Looking at this guy rushing toward Momo, nobody tried to stop him but revealed a look of sympathy.

This guy charging toward Momo still wasn't aware of his pitiful fate. Bai Yi wouldn't protect Momo in his arms completely because he felt that she should learn how to fight as well. However, Bai Yi still wouldn't let Momo take too many risks, and some safeguards were still necessary. Right after he started charging toward Momo, Sharpei immediately ripped off one of his arms and crunched down on his thigh with his huge jaw. Sharpei had turned him into a practice partner for Momo. Now, he really couldn't run even if he wanted to. He didn't want to die but he couldn't harm Momo either. That huge, fierce-looking dog was still staring at him like a tiger watching its prey.

Very quickly, the rest of them broke down mentally and started to run away. They couldn't see even the smallest possibility of victory in this battle. Obviously, they wouldn't just wait for their deaths here.

"Those who want to run away…die first!" Bai Yi said.

Heloise immediately flew over and stopped the one who ran the fastest. After more than a month of practice in the open, she was already very proficient at flying. As if proving Bai Yi's words, the guy that ran the fastest was beheaded from behind by Heloise while he was defenseless. The strangely shaped head immediately flew into the air and the malodorous blood spurted out high up.

The hearts of the people trying to escape squeezed tightly at this moment. They couldn't help but stop in their tracks

These people didn't have a strong will from the start, and Bai Yi's voice had a bewitching effect now as well.

"What do you guys want?" one of them said in a panic. The remaining 10 plus people stopped and leaned their backs against each other, forming a defensive circle. So many of them had died even though they had the numerical advantage, it was really humiliating. However, the most important thing was that looking at how Bai Yi's group had killed people, they knew that they weren't some kind and naïve souls, it was hard to say if they could live through this.

"That's a good question, what can a bunch of scum like you do even if I let you live?" Bai Yi pulled the fang sword out from the last resisting opponent and slowly walked over.

Bai Yi didn't pay attention to the group of people being surrounded at the center and walked toward the horse-headed guy.

"Can you still move?" Bai Yi asked.

"Why didn't you guys come earlier!" the horse-headed man shouted himself hoarse. His voice sounded very strange now but the speech still flowed. Tears flowed continuously from his eyes as he hugged his dead companions in great sorrow. "Leeds, Faust…" This guy hugged the corpses of his companions, murmuring non-stop.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blame you guys." After a long while, this guy realized that his attitude at the start wasn't right and explained.

"No, we did come a little too late." Bai Yi shook his head.

"Can you tell us what happened here exactly?" Bai Yi asked. Although he had some guesses, they were still guesses after all.

The horse-head stabilized his mind and slowly told them everything that had happened. Actually, it wasn't too different from what they had guessed. This place wasn't some safe residence, it was just a trap. A bunch of desperate scum occupied this place and spread their lies through the radio.They tricked people who were hoping for safety and protection here. After tricking them into eating something, they would kill these monsters who were originally humans and use them as their food.

Nobody would be able to tell if they were humans before in the New Zealand of now, these people probably wouldn't feel too bothered in their hearts over it.

"What did they feed you guys?" Bai Yi asked, but the horse-headed man apparently didn't know.

"Speak, what did you guys feed them?"

Reverse Flower Eyes!

Seeing that nobody spoke, his eyes changed in a moment and stared directly into the eyes of the person right in front of him. This guy immediately fell into a daze but he didn't answer Bai Yi's question. After a few seconds, Bai Yi closed his eyes and they returned to normal. Sure enough, his eyes hadn't become such a cheat yet. He did have a simple ability to befuddle and hypnotize people, but his ability still wasn't strong to the point that he could control others. Such as now, he wasn't able to hypnotize others to do as he wished.

Anyway, it didn't matter if they didn't want to answer, they just had to investigate themselves.

When Bai Yi was questioning the horse-headed man, Woolf and the rest tied the remaining 11 people up. It was quite funny when they thought of it. These nets and ropes were prepared by this bunch of scum themselves, but now it became the thing used to tie them up. Nobody resisted except for one who wanted to take Woolf by surprise when he came to tie him up, but Woolf ended up biting his head off in one mouth.

Warm blood sprayed all over them, and the bloody scene in Woolf's mouth let all of them understand that this group of people in front of them weren't some kind souls. They might even be crueler than them.

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After tying everyone up, they entered the center of the small town and carefully investigated the area.

Most of the houses inside were quite normal and were tidied up quite well too. After all, this group of people still needed to trick their original fellow humans, making them think that this was a safe place and making them lower their guards. However, following a faint smell of blood, they walked to a remote location. Bai Yi immediately saw a building that was originally a processing plant. More than 10 corpses of monsters that were originally human were slaughtered and placed on the meat racks. On top of the chopping board, there even a corpse of a young boy who hadn't changed much, looking to be around the same age as Momo.

"Kill them!" Bai Yi said icily.

"Yes!" At this time, nobody had any objections.

Bai Yi didn't love killing. If he really did, then he wouldn't have kept that bunch of people alive just now. However, it was hard to spare this kind of people. Seeing Bai Yi's group walking back out again, the 11 people opposite immediately felt extremely uneasy. They hoped that Bai Yi's group hadn't discovered their doings at the processing plant.

"A pity, but I can't allow you guys to continue to live," Bai Yi said.

After being stunned for a moment, the remaining 11 people immediately started to resist with all their strength. Despite this, what could they do at this point in time? They lost to Bai Yi's group from the start. Now that they were all tied up, how could they stop them? It couldn't be considered a battle, just judgment.

All of them killed a scum each, even Momo sent her short sword into the chest of one of the scum.

These guys roared ferociously, wanting to bite Momo. They probably never imagined that they would die at the hands of a small child. They suddenly felt that these people were really even more vicious than them. It was true that they were bad people, but Bai Yi's group had even trained a little kid to have the courage and resolution to kill people.

Blood spurted out from the wound. Momo slowly pulled back her short sword and flicked it, getting rid of the dirty blood before she sheathed her sword again.

Seeing Momo's solemn and composed look, Bai Yi actually felt a sense of helplessness and heartache. If he could, he really didn't want to bring Momo up like this either.


After burying all the corpses, Bai Yi's group asked the horse-headed man what plans he had now. Under this situation, they couldn't abandon him in this place alone like this either. If they did, then he would definitely die in this place.

"I initially wanted to go to Palmerston North. Leeds said that he had a relative staying there. Of course, finding your relatives at a time like this is quite useless, but that relative of his is extremely rich. In fact, he owns a few private jets. If possible, we wanted to try and go to Australia," the horse-headed man explained.

"You guys wanted to leave New Zealand?"

"That's right."

"That's probably what the majority of people currently in New Zealand are thinking, to leave this dangerous country. However, it may not be safe even if you managed to leave New Zealand," Bai Yi said.


Apparently, in New Zealand now, the majority of the people didn't have information about the outside world like Bai Yi's group previously. In reality, even if they didn't know any information, they should still be able to guess the result. Turning into a monster like this, how could the people from the outside world accept them? However, humans needed to hold onto a hope inside their hearts to have the strength to continue living, especially in desperate times like this.

Chapter 104: A New Year

The date was now the 1st of January 2021, a new year!

Nine months had passed since the proliferation of the activated cells through New Zealand. Over this period of time, the changes in New Zealand were rapid and varied. In the first four months, the physical bodies of all lifeforms underwent massive changes and these lifeforms battled for food in this period. Nobody could resist the hunger of the Binging Phase. After the activated cells stabilized, the vegetation in New Zealand grew rapidly as well. The vegetation became the staple food for lifeforms and supported the food chain of New Zealand.

However, this period of stability didn't even last for a month.

Starting from the fifth month, lifeforms gradually entered the LV1-2 Brutal Phase. The incongruence between the body and soul caused them to become possessed with abnormal brutality. Even if they weren't lacking in food, they would still go around seeking death and destruction for no reason. These lifeforms that had already changed greatly became even more dangerous. Moreover, the Brutal Phase still had one more massive effect—the original evolved humans in New Zealand would completely lose their rationality if they couldn't control themselves and fell to their brutality multiple times.

Because the activated cells all proliferated at the same time, all lifeforms were now in the LV1-2 Brutal Phase. This was the cruelest phase, while the mindless death and destruction left no safe place in New Zealand anymore. The saddest thing was to see their initial companions—the companions who had persevered through everything together with them fall into desperate battles to protect them. However, as a result of these desperate battles they fell into a berserk state and became mindless monsters in the end.

However, based on the information that Bai Yi and Yu Han had revealed, there were fortunately a few solutions to this stage.

Plants that can calm and relax the mind.

The activated cells not only caused animals to evolve but plants as well. Although a large portion of the plants became very dangerous too through the evolution, many plants still evolved to become very useful. Some plants had the ability to calm and relax the mind. Additionally, from the very beginning, the human race's research into medicine and drugs had begun from plants and animals. The New Zealand of now only returned to the very beginning, starting to understand and research these new plants from scratch.

Physical Arts that can calm their spirit and nourish the soul.

From the information that Bai Yi had released, the soul did indeed exist. Despite this, no one could sense it yet. When progressing into the LV1-3 Hypersomnia Stage, the lifeform would naturally sense the existence of the soul.

Humans couldn't sense the soul and they didn't know how to train the soul as well. However, through the use of some exercises that could calm the spirit and nourish the soul, the cultivation of the soul could be brought about. It would also speed up the rebalancing of the body and soul, cutting short the duration of the Brutal Phase. So far, due to the inability to sense the existence of the soul, nobody could confirm this. Nonetheless, anybody who knew of this information believed that it was true.

No matter what, that Bai Yi and Yu Han had revealed so much information, there was really no need to hide this bit of information or trick them. Nobody could think of any ulterior motives or plots that they might have by intentionally making people practice the Tai Ji Fist.

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Treasures that can nourish the soul.

The natural world was a harmonious whole. Since there was a soul, then there must be something that can nourish it. However, even if an object could nourish the soul, nobody could detect it before anyway. Of course, they hadn't discovered any so far, but Bai Yi and Yu Han hoped that everyone would consolidate and record all their findings. One day, humans would make a complete encyclopedia of their changes.


Lastly, it was to call for everyone still living courageously in New Zealand to search for a way to return to the normal world. So far, everyone understood that the outside world was still generally safe as the infection had not spread to other countries. However, nobody from the outside would be willing to accept them without them settling the problems of their mindless brutality and their currently monstrous appearances. Even if they headed to other countries now, they would only be treated as experimental subjects.

There were quite a few talented people in New Zealand; everyone already knew by now that the outside world had changed New Zealand's name to—Devil Island!

This name was also accepted by the surviving humans in New Zealand. Nobody else could understand better than them just how suitable this name was.

Although so far, most lifeforms were in the LV1-2 Brutal Phase, some of the experimental subjects that escape from the research facilities confirmed the truth of the LV1-3 Hypersomnia Stage and the LV2 Metamorphose Stage that Bai Yi had talked about. Then, how can the humans in New Zealand now get past their greatest obstacle now—Metamorphosis!

Bai Yi!

Yu Han!

These were both Chinese names, and they were also the ones that circulated the information about the activated cells to everyone else during this period. So far, both of them had a certain amount of reputation and fame among the evolved humans in New Zealand. However, comparatively, most people wished to meet with Yu Han. This was because there was a rumour that Yu Han held the drug that could roughly let people regain their original human form - Prototy drug! Moreover, Yu Han had also called for all the learned people in New Zealand to come and work together, hoping to improve and mass produce the Prototy drug.


"Just what kind of people are they?"

A young lady closed her notebook and looked at her hands that were covered with scales. Then, she glanced at the Horror Bird flying across the sky outside. This giant Horror Bird was ferocious but she wasn't afraid. It was actually easier to hide from because of its giant size. She was more worried about the colony of Giant Devil Mosquitos living close to her. This bunch of Giant Devil Mosquitos were around half a meter in size, with a long sucker in front of their heads. They were the natural enemies of many animals.

The rapid-dissolution fluid secreted from their suckers could very quickly dissolve the blood, flesh, and even the bones within a lifeform's body. They would turn into a piece of skin in just a few minutes once the fluid got injected into their bodies.

This was precisely the origin of the name Giant Devil Mosquitos.

However, even if this place was so dangerous, she still kept on staying here. That was because there wasn't any nearby place safer than here. If she were to say why, then it was because there was something that everybody had heard of but never seen before here—ghosts!

That's right, ghosts!

This young girl had not seen them before, but she could be sure that there was something on that level of intangibility existing here. Every human and animal that came here could be sure of this. Moreover, the ghost or spectre here had protected her more than once. Otherwise, how could she manage to survive in this place?

This young girl walked out of her place. When taking the wide view into account, one would find that this place was once a gigantic flourishing city. The place that this young girl stayed was a skyscraper more than a 100 meters tall. However, this city was now completely covered in countless layers of emerald-green; even this tall skyscraper was covered with flesh-eating vines.


At this time, Bai Yi's group came to this exact place…Wellington, the previous capital of New Zealand!

There weren't many changes to the members of the team; it was still those few people. Even the horse-headed man they met along the way had left the team as well, staying in a small human settlement.

Horse-head Austin was very grateful for their magnanimity and contribution to the people of New Zealand. Despite this, he did not wish to continue wandering around. Even if it was because Bai Yi's group wanted to tell others of the information regarding the activated cells and the change in New Zealand. As for Austin choosing to stay at that settlement, they didn't try to dissuade him either. They wouldn't tell others of their promise to the Progenitor within the research facility. They would just do what they felt they were supposed to do.

However, the reason why they came here was not just for that.

"What is he doing at this place?" Woolf asked.

9 months had passed and the Prototy drug that Bai Yi's group had injected had some effects. However, it was naturally only 'some' effect. It wasn't possible to reverse the huge changes they had experienced before, such as Woolf. His doughty body that was taller than 4 meters showed no signs of shrinking at all. However, they still regained some part of their human appearance. Although they still had characteristics of other lifeforms on them, people could at least tell with a look that they were humans.

The rest of them weren't too different. Although they still had some non-human characteristics, at least other people wouldn't think that they were monsters with just a look.

"Who knows what he is doing here. He obtained many things from the research facility, and he seemed to have gained something during this period as well. Maybe he would know some other unique things," Bai Yi said.

The 'he' that Bai Yi referred to was of course Yu Han. Ever since they left the research facility, Bai Yi's group discovered that Yu Han had spread the information about activated cells to the remaining survivors even quicker than them. Perhaps, other people wouldn't understand why Yu Han would do this kind of good deed. Only Bai Yi's group would understand, Yu Han, this guy…changed!

Just by taking this step gave him a great reputation. Although they couldn't see what the use of this reputation for now, they believed that it would show its usefulness for him sooner or later.

At this time, Yu Han was really at the other side of the city, looking at this city shrouded in darkness. Beside Yu Han was 9 other people, and none of them had the body shape of a human anymore. Other than Ning Xue who had followed Yu Han all along, the other 8 all seemed very unique and very powerful as well. The most important thing was that they all seemed to trust Yu Han a lot.

At this time, Yu Han also carried a warm and gentle smile with him. From the looks of it, he really did seem different.

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At the same time when Bai Yi unreservedly circulated the information about activated cells to everyone, Yu Han also did the same. It could be said that among all the evolved humans in New Zealand, Yu Han had a really good reputation, even better than Bai Yi's. If they didn't know Yu Han's past and just looked at him now, probably nobody could guess how despicable he was previously.

This was the change in Yu Han's attitude from his previous experiences.

Of course, Yu Han knew that Bai Yi's group was looking for him but he didn't fear them at all. He was waiting!

Yu Han didn't deny that he was a bad person, a despicable person. He wouldn't even deny the things he did in the past but that was in the past. If they thought that he would be like those dumb antagonists in novels and get killed off dim-wittedly, then they would be gravely mistaken. He was a man that was also learning and growing continuously, desiring to ascend to the peak of this world.


TN: Wow I was a bit surprised at the time skip as well (I only read up till the end of the research facility arc before deciding that this was the novel I wanted to translate, so I'm translating as I read now. Though I know I should read ahead oops). Maybe it wouldn't sit well with some of you but interesting eh? Finally, a non-idiotic antagonist that actually knows how to use his brains and seems to be able to stand toe to toe with the protagonist, whether in potential or abilities. Well, the satisfaction of justice getting served just have to wait I guess (or not?). Anyway, new arc finally starts!

Chapter 105: Fear Comes From The Unknown

"I heard that there are ghosts in this city!" Woolf stared at the city from a distance. Even in the day, this city was shrouded in shadows.

"En, ghosts!" Bai Yi nodded.

The New Zealand now was extremely dangerous. Despite this, it wasn't to the point where evolved humans couldn't survive. It was still possible to walk around outside at least. Of course, there were still dangers around; it was possible to meet some powerful monster and lose their lives if they were careless. Even so, various information and news were still continuously being circulated around. This included information regarding activated cells or how the ex-capital of New Zealand, Wellington, had reports of ghosts.

"We really can't do anything about things like ghosts." Heloise ran her fingers through her hair.

"Have you a seen ghost before?"

"Nope, I've never seen one."

"Why are you acting like you know everything when you've never seen one before!"

Bai Yi didn't pay attention to the bickering between Woolf and Heloise. Instead, he led them into the originally bustling city. The capital of New Zealand was previously a really bustling city. Even now, they could still see the form of the city. However, the Wellington now gave everyone an eerie feeling, and anyone who walked in here would feel abnormally uncomfortable.

Woolf shivered and goosebumps rose all over his body.

Suddenly, a giant glass panel fell down from the building beside them by the street. The glass panel fell very quickly, and it practically landed without any notice on their heads. In that instant, all of them lightly tilted their bodies and stepped aside, continuing to walk forward like nothing had happened. Although the sound produced by the falling glass panel was very soft, they had still discovered it the moment it started falling. As such, none of them actually minded it. Only Momo looked toward that direction, seemingly looking at something.

"What is it?" Bai Yi asked.

Momo looked toward that side, her eyes blinking. Then, she shook her head. Momo thought that she saw something. However, since even her daddy and the rest didn't detect anything, then she should have seen wrongly. Bai Yi patted her shoulder but didn't realize that an incredibly small red dot slowly spread outward in her eyes.

Momo's eyes weren't good since a young age, and she had a congenital visual disability. But after assimilating with the activated cells, her vision hadn't gotten worse anymore. On the contrary, her vision had even improved. Based on this, the activated cells weren't bad for Momo but a great fortune. However, Momo's eyes had changed and became very different from the others. Her pupils had disappeared, only leaving the whites of her eyes. After that, the Progenitor's source blood fell onto Momo's eyes. It's just that after so long, they still didn't see any changes in her and they had all forgotten about it.

Everyone continued to walk toward the center of the city. Suddenly, a transparent and vague figure appeared beside the broken glass panel.

The more they walked, the stranger the atmosphere became. Additionally, Momo was rubbing her eyes from time to time as well.

"Momo?" Bai Yi finally realized that something was wrong and squatted down, looking at Momo's eyes.

Momo raised her head and looked at her daddy; Bai Yi immediately noticed that something was wrong. There was like a drop of blood falling into a clear pool of water within her eyes, which slowly spread outward. This kind of spreading wasn't limited to just her eyes, and there seemed to be an additional layer of dark mist around it.

Bai Yi immediately squatted down nervously and looked at her eyes carefully. Mavis also jogged over, intending to give Momo a check-up. But in the end, she didn't move hastily. No matter how she looked at it, Momo's eyes now were just too strange. It would be bad if she acted recklessly and caused some abnormal change in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I have never seen this kind of change before." Mavis apologized.

"Momo, do you feel that anything is wrong?"

"Just that my eyes are swelling, a bit like the feeling when I want to cry but I'm unable to," Momo replied. "AHHH!!" Momo suddenly shot out backward, drawing the short sword behind her back with a clear 'shink!'. Her eyes then stared at an area in front.

The group was instantly surprised and looked at the spot in front of them. However, it was just an empty patch of land without anything there.


This thought immediately shot through everyone's minds. They knew of the reports of ghosts in Wellington long ago, and so they had all mentally prepared themselves before coming here. However, they really didn't know how they should face a lifeform that they had never seen before.

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Nevertheless, from the abnormality in Momo's eyes and her actions, it seemed that her eyes were triggered by something after coming to this place and changed. As a result, she became able to see ghosts or maybe lifeforms like spectres.

Momo's eyes abruptly contracted and she shot out fiercely. The short sword quickly sliced through the air before she stopped.

That soul-lifeform that had just emerged from the ground wasn't aware of what was happening. Suddenly, it saw a blade flashing across her eyes and slicing through her neck. Even though she knew that she was already dead, she still instinctually jumped in shock at this moment. Ever since it became a ghost, only other people got frightened by her. This was the first time that she got frightened instead.

Momo stopped and squinted her eyes. She held her short sword vertically in front of her and stared forward seriously.

"Momo, calm down!" Bai Yi reminded.

Although they didn't know why, Momo could apparently see ghosts or other spectre-like lifeforms. The spectre that had suddenly appeared gave Momo a fright so she instinctively counterattacked. One must know, even Momo had been trained to have that kind of vigilant subconscious reflex.

The atmosphere slowly turned heavier. Bai Yi suddenly felt that something seemed to have climbed onto his back. The inside of his neck suddenly felt cold, as if he had sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Scram, you aren't allowed to climb on top of my daddy!" Momo shouted toward Bai Yi like a frenzied little cat.

"Calm down." Bai Yi said calmly, silently sensing the change in temperature on his back.

The spectre apparently didn't give up and its body distorted. Bai Yi immediately felt the temperature around him falling in an instant. This wasn't a real drop in temperature but a feeling in his heart. It was like the heat around him was sucked away by something. At this moment, a translucent shadow also appeared in Bai Yi's eyes. The translucent figure in front of him had blood flowing from her eyes, her long hair covered most of her face, while her figure was blurry and out of focus, and her body floated softly in the air.

Shit, I saw a ghost!

A normal person would probably get a heart attack if he came here at night.

However, since they knew long ago that there would be ghosts in Wellington, they weren't surprised at all but rather…curious. Anyway, with her horrible looks now, she could probably scare normal people. Despite this, it was actually nothing much in New Zealand. Bai Yi himself had killed scums in a much crueler way.

"Oh~? I can see it now too," Bai Yi said lazily.


The ghost was probably stunned too. Normally, she just had to tease them a while and no matter if they were evolved humans or not, they would definitely be frightened out of their wits. However, no matter Momo, Bai Yi, or the rest, they all appeared very calm. They were not frightened by her in the least.

"Fear comes from the unknown, humans have never truly seen a ghost before, so most of the times they were just scaring themselves. However, my daughter apparently can see you now. With your appearance, maybe I would have been scared in normal times but in the environment we are living in now, there's nothing scary about it." Bai Yi actually took a step forward to go face to face with the spectre, mysterious patterns blooming in his eyes.

The spectre dodged again, disappearing from Bai Yi's eyes. Suddenly, Bai Yi felt that something had wrapped around him and he somehow felt that it was difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Momo looked at Bai Yi's body.

Needless to say, everyone knew that the spectre had most likely wrapped itself around Bai Yi's body. If it was before, they would immediately be alarmed to see the sudden appearance of a ghost. Moreover, with the sudden difficulty in breathing, they would definitely panic even more. After that, they would scare themselves more and more, letting the fear grow in their hearts before finally scaring themselves to death. This was also quite a common storyline inside those horror movies.

"You are so shameless! I told you to come down!" Momo said angrily as her face flushed red.

"What happened Momo?"

"She became a normal woman and is hanging on my daddy now!" Momo said furiously.

"Oh, a woman? Is she pretty…it's very similar to the storyline in the movies though, the sin of lust? Or is it that Momo is getting jealous even at such a young age?" Heloise even had the mood to tease Momo now. Everyone else looked at Bai Yi teasingly. Although there was clearly nothing on Bai Yi's body now, all of them still had a weird look in their eyes.

"Hey hey, don't look at me like that, I didn't do anything to her," Bai Yi retorted.

At this time, none of them had any looks of worry on their faces, they were just chatting nonchalantly. Just like Bai Yi had said, fear came from the unknown. Now that they could see it, there was no need to be afraid anymore. They were all not normal people anymore, it would definitely be useless trying to frighten them. At most, it would just make things more troublesome for them, and they would have to think about how to deal with spectres like this in the future.

"Your muscles are under pressure from a mysterious source, causing difficulty in breathing. But don't worry, this won't have much influence on you. That is to say, although this spectre has the ability to affect reality, her ability is very weak just like in the movies. More of it is just those normal people scaring themselves to death," Mavis didn't care so much either and said seriously after helping Bai Yi to do a check of his body.

"Oh ok, we can continue on our way then," Bai Yi said after he tried moving his body and realized that there were really no problems.

Is it really ok like this? There's still a ghost hanging onto you!

The spectre shouted inside her heart and looked at Momo angrily. To think of it, this was all this little girl's fault. If not for Momo being able to see her, then something illogical like this wouldn't have happened. At this time, this group of people should be hiding in some place in fright, being afraid of getting possessed by ghosts.

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