Era of Disaster

Chapter 109-111

Chapter 109: Interacting With Ghosts

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After looking around for a while, Heloise realized that she was really lost and flew up into the sky again. Although she got lost because she flew into the sky, there was no harm in doing so now since she was already lost. This time, Heloise didn't stop and continuously flew up all the way.

After reaching a height of more than 10000 meters in the sky, she seemed to finally break through something and sunlight appeared in her eyes.


Heloise hovered in the air, feeling the warms rays of the sun on her body. It felt completely different from the cold and dark environment she was in before. At this time, Heloise looked around, and she could see places extremely far away through the gap in the clouds. The towering mountains in the distance, and the emerald-green sea of trees. Everything seemed to be full of life.

When Heloise looked downward, she realized that Wellington seemed to be covered by a layer of dark clouds, and not a single ray of sunlight could pass through.

What a weird phenomenon!

If somebody told her that this was all caused by the activated cells, Heloise would never believe it. How could it be possible that the activated cells could change even the climate? No matter how powerful it was, it couldn't do this kind of magical thing. Heloise had wanted to fly outside of Wellington and go in again from the place they entered, but she suddenly stood still in shock.

This is!


"Did you scare away that bunch of people?" When that female ghost returned to her usual hangout location, another extremely handsome ghost suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"I didn't, there's a little girl with them that can see me. Don't talk about scaring them away, they weren't scared in the least! Just what kind of people are they!" The female ghost complained with a face full of unhappiness. "Hey grandpa, can you turn back to your original self? Who are you trying to impress with this appearance?" The female ghost said again after complaining.

"Very handsome right, I told you I was very good-looking when I was young, but you never believed me."

"You're already dead."

"Eh……!" The ghost was immediately shut down and his face became full of resentment.

"Ah right, you said that there was a girl who could see us?" The ghost who turned back into an old man said after a while.


"I'll go take a look then, maybe there's no need to scare them away, we can just tell them to leave." The old ghost drifted away. The female ghost hovered in the air for a while before drifting after him helplessly. Really, grandpa was already dead but still always worried about the living humans, fearing that they would enter the center of the city.


Momo suddenly stopped; from her expression, Bai Yi knew that she had definitely seen a ghost again. Bai Yi followed Momo's line of sight, but the dim street in front of them was completely empty.

"A male ghost and the female ghost from before," Momo said.

'Hello! So you can really see us, little girl.' The old ghost immediately floated over.

Bai Yi looked at Momo's actions, but he couldn't see any ghosts. As such, he tried to guess what was going on. He came to Momo's side, and from her actions, he could tell that these ghosts were nearby and in front of them. At this time, the old ghost drifted close to him, seemingly still not believing that Momo could really see them.

I'll test if you can really see us!

The old ghost was up to make some mischief, but the moment he moved Momo drew her short sword with a 'shing!'. She pointed the half a meter long sword at the center of the old ghost's eyebrows, and he immediately jumped back from her actions. Although he knew that normal physical attacks wouldn't be effective on him, this little girl was still a little bit too agitated.

'Hahaha, grandpa got scared too right! The first time I came out I got 'beheaded' by this little girl too. New Zealand has only changed for 9 months, I really didn't expect that even a little kid would be so alert and ruthless now. That strike was really without any hesitation.' The female ghost saw her grandpa's dumb look and couldn't help but laugh at him.

Of course, she wouldn't know that among all the little kids, Momo was an exception.

"The two of you are in front of me, right? Can you guys hear me?" Bai Yi spoke. After a while, everyone seemed to hear some voices beside their ears, yet it also seemed like there weren't any voices. If they really had to describe it, it seemed to be the so-called 'ghost murmurs'.

"Momo, did they talk? Can they hear our words?" Bai Yi asked.

"They're talking but I can't hear clearly, it's so noisy." Momo seemed to hear some voices but she couldn't hear them clearly either. This made her abnormally uncomfortable.

'Hey, what do you mean noisy you little beansprout!' The female ghost immediately blew her top. If she could, she wouldn't want to be like this either. However, there were some rules binding the body and soul, so their words couldn't be heard by the people in the physical world. The only way to interact was for the ghost to possess the body, entering a dream-like state.

Bai Yi swept his eyes across the surroundings and found a messy stretch of sandy land. This was the place where the glass window before was pushed off by the ghosts! That also meant that ghosts could affect the physical world to a certain degree.

Bai Yi went toward the sand and flattened it before writing down a simple greeting.

After Bai Yi finished writing, he followed Momo's line of sight and looked in that direction. After a while, the soft sand beside Bai Yi gradually concaved inward, forming a simple 'hello!'.


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Bai Yi's group immediately laughed in their hearts, it was really their first time interacting with ghosts. Afterwards, Bai Yi communicated with the ghosts through writing on the sand. Although it was very slow, it was still better than being unable to communicate at all. Luckily, Momo could see the ghosts and the group had strong nerves as well. If it were normal people they would have fainted from fright long ago. Wasn't this a real run-in with ghosts?

'Can I ask, what exactly happened in Wellington? Why did it become like this?'

'We aren't sure either. After the activated cells proliferated in New Zealand, the beginning stages were very chaotic. Since Wellington was the capital, many people nearby rushed to this place. A lot of them suddenly established their own religions, hoping to be saved. Despite this, the intangible Gods would never come and save them. I don't know when it started, but Wellington was slowly engulfed in a mad self-destructive emotion…everyone went crazy!"


'That's right, crazy. Everyone thought that they would die soon and started to kill and destroy in their madness.'

'So it's like that.' The intense madness and self-destructiveness were easily infectious within a mass of people.

'But how did you guys turn into ghosts? The number of people that died in other cities wasn't small either, but none of the other places experienced changes like Wellington.'

'That I don't know, when I regained my awareness, I was already like this.'

'Forget about it since you don't know. But do you know how many ghosts are there here? Also, why are there so many incidents of ghosts here? What are your goals?' Bai Yi continued writing. Everyone else looked at the patch of sand being wiped clean, and words mysteriously appeared on it again. They all felt that this kind of experience was very novel.

'It's of course to frighten you guys away, this place is very dangerous.'

'Why do you say that?'

'We aren't very clear as to why Wellington became like this, but since it's hard to meet someone that we can communicate with I'll just tell you what I know.'

'There are probably more than 100,000 ghosts in Wellington now, but there aren't a lot of ghosts that retained their self-awareness, the number is probably less than 10,000. These ghosts are all staying in the outer area of the city. Also, even if they retained their self-awareness, in reality, all of the ghosts have some missing gaps in their memories and emotions. As for why this is the case, we don't know either.'

'Other than these 10,000 ghosts that still retained their self-awareness, the remaining ones have lost all of their rationality and minds. If I really had to describe them, they could be considered to be vengeful spirits. These vengeful spirits usually resided in the center of the city, and that place is extremely eerie and ominous. All the ghosts feel extremely comfortable in that place, just that it is very easy to lose your way.'

'Other than that, we tried to exit Wellington once before. However, it seemed that we can only exist inside Wellington. Once we exit this place, we would rapidly disappear. Many of our companions thought that this was ascending to heaven and insisted on leaving. The other portion thought that this meant their complete erasure from the world and decided to stay in the city. No matter what, even though we are ghosts now, we still have family and friends that we knew initially.'

'I'm really thankful that I did not lose my memories of my granddaughter!'


'That's right, we are grandfather and granddaughter.'

'Oh, so the main reason you guys tried to frighten us was to prevent us from entering the center of the city?'

'That's right, those vengeful spirits are different from us. Once any living thing enters that place, they would surround the living thing crazily. Based on our understanding, in the underworld-like environment of Wellington now, ghosts have a small ability to affect the physical world. But the most crucial thing was that they could directly pollute the soul. Don't think that you are fine when it's just one vengeful spirit because once the number increases the outcome can only be death.'

'Ah, I'm sorry, this little girl is called Momo, right? She can indeed see the vengeful spirits, but there's nothing much a little girl can do either.'

Bai Yi's group communicated with the two ghosts about many things, while Mavis seriously recorded all of these things down. Souls, ghosts, vengeful spirits…All of these things were extremely foreign to the humans in New Zealand now. This seemingly simple information might become something very valuable in the future.

Chapter 110: Unfortunate Encounter

'I want to ask you about somebody.'

After asking about the changes in Wellington, Bai Yi asked again about the whereabouts of Yu Han. If there was anybody who knew where Yu Han's team was, it could only be the ghosts here.

Suddenly, an ear-piercing scream full of fear came from their left. This scream wasn't because of pain, but it seemed like the person had burst their guts from fright. Everyone involuntarily looked toward the source of the sound, and they had even momentarily forgotten about the conversation between Bai Yi and the two ghosts.

"What happened?"

"It should be some other people coming here."

"Don't tell me that it's Yu Han and his group?" Woolf said. All of them felt a jolt in their hearts, ever since the information spread about ghosts appearing in Wellington, very few people came here to seek thrills anymore. As such, it could very likely be Yu Han's group. They just had to go and take a look. However, some words appeared on the ground at this moment… 'Stop! Don't go!'

Without waiting for Bai Yi to ask anything, all of them instinctively looked in that direction again.

A team of 6 ran toward them in a panic, as if there was something terrifying chasing after them. Bai Yi and the rest did not see anything abnormal, but Momo's body suddenly tensed involuntarily. Her small hand had already gripped onto her short sword. Everyone looked at Momo's actions and immediately understood that she had definitely seen something. She had seen ghosts a few times by now, so if it were just ghosts she wouldn't be so nervous.

"What is it?"

"A giant mass of blackish things are clinging to their bodies and tearing at it, their bodies…no, the thing inside their bodies is getting torn apart," Momo said softly.

The thing inside their bodies!

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This word instantly flashed across their minds. When the group of 6 saw Bai Yi's group, great joy immediately appeared on their faces. At this time, this group didn't have the mood to care about the identity of Bai Yi's group, and they didn't care if they knew them or not. It was something worth being happy about as long as they could see other humans.

'Run! Let Momo follow us, that is a mass of vengeful spirits, you'll be dead for sure if they manage to catch you.' At this time, new words rapidly appeared on the sand.

"Momo, follow grandpa Johnny." Bai Yi saw the row of words and immediately said this to Momo. They didn't have the time to worry about whether the old ghost called Johnny would harm them or not. From the looks of the group of people running toward them, they knew that once they were caught by these invisible things, they wouldn't even know how to fight back even if they wanted to.

Once Momo heard her daddy, in addition to the two ghosts drifting forward, she immediately followed after the two ghosts. The vengeful spirits behind them were completely different from the two normal ghosts in front of them. Momo knew this very well because she could see them with her own eyes. However, Momo kept on looking behind her as she ran, looking in the direction where the vengeful spirits came from.

The group saw Bai Yi's group running away and immediately followed. To them, Bai Yi's group seemed like a piece of straw that had appeared when they were drowning, they would definitely grab onto it if they could.

"Daddy jump!" Momo shouted loudly.

Bai Yi didn't ask why but immediately grabbed the window sill of a building beside him and flipped over it. He then abruptly increased his speed again, jumping off the window sill. At this moment, Momo dashed past Bai Yi's side and her short sword viciously slashed across the empty space behind him.

The moment Bai Yi and Momo crossed each other, he clearly saw that her eyes seemed to be enveloped in a ghostly white flame, hazy yet incomparably clear.

Momo's short sword sliced through the air, but her feet forcefully pushed off the ground. She shot backward abruptly, completely reversing her previous momentum. Although Bai Yi couldn't see, he still subconsciously grabbed Momo with his hand while landing. The two of them accelerated toward the ground.

"Is it a vengeful spirit?"

"En, if grandpa Johnny wasn't lying just now. However, Momo can't hack into it." Momo nodded. In her eyes, her attack did nothing to the vengeful spirit. It was just like it belonged to another space.

"Where's Johnny?" Bai Yi asked.

Momo heard and looked over. She suddenly realized that the two ghosts they had just communicated with were nowhere to be seen. Looking at Momo's face, Bai Yi knew that the moment of delay had probably caused them to lose the two ghosts. At this time, they didn't have the time to check where Johnny and his granddaughter ran off to. They could only follow the direction Momo pointed in and run toward a place where there were no vengeful spirits in front.

Very quickly, the guy running at the back of the other team suddenly screamed. His eyes instantly turned bloodshot and he charged forward while roaring loudly. He rammed into various things on the street. Abandoned cars, trash bins, he rammed into things to the point where blood flowed all over his face. Despite this, he still didn't know to stop.

With just a look, everyone knew that the debilitating fear had broken his mind. One must know, everyone was in the Brutal Phase now. Although Bai Yi and Yu Han released the methods to deal with the Brutal Phase and this resulted in more people retaining their rationality than in the research facility, it didn't mean that they had completely solved this problem.

"Collin! Bastard! Ghost is it?! Spectre is it?! Your daddy isn't afraid AHHH….!!" Another guy saw his companion charging out and roared loudly. He took the torch in his hands and waved it about frenziedly. It was like he believed he could kill some vengeful spirits if he did this. However, this was apparently a waste of effort. Everyone could see his movements becoming slower and slower. After that, something seemed to wrap around him and he very quickly fell onto the floor.

In such an eerie and ominous environment, coupled with the inability to see the things behind them made their thoughts freeze. All of them just ran frantically for their lives non-stop. When the two groups of people stopped, everyone suddenly realized that they were at a huge cathedral. However, their location wasn't inside the cathedral but at a large cemetery behind it. They were just running frantically previously and did not realize it. But when they stopped now, this large ruined cemetery immediately made them shiver inside.

"Why did we run to this forsaken place!" The group of people that ran after Bai Yi's group immediately scolded.

This trip to Wellington was really too thrilling for their hearts. They never expected that there would really be ghosts in Wellington. This nearly scared these guys who thought they were already veterans in this changed New Zealand to death. As such, in their terror, the great joy they felt when they saw Bai Yi's group was genuine. They just didn't imagine that they would run to a cemetery.

A gust of wind blew and the leaves on the trees nearby shook noisily and fell, startling and making them jump again. 


"They didn't follow us but…!" Momo said and looked at the guy cursing loudly. This guy's face was full of lumps and his eyes bulged out, looking just like a toad.

"What happened to him?"

"No, nothing." Momo shook her head after looking carefully at him. Momo's vision was very weird now, she seemed to see double when looking at people, but it didn't seem like a double image either. In Momo's eyes, giant black spots appeared on the other image of those people who were getting devoured by the vengeful spirits just now.

"What happened to us, hey you better be clear!"

The toad-like guy opposite them immediately asked anxiously. They had been surrounded by ghosts just now. Although they couldn't see them, they could still somewhat feel what had happened to their bodies. At this time, when he saw that Momo seemed to have seen something but didn't want to say it out, he immediately got angry and rushed toward her.

However, before he could come close, Sharpei immediately blocked his path. Sharpei's vicious appearance immediately put all of them on guard.

"I'm sorry, Ocote is just too nervous." The leader of this team immediately pulled his companion back.


"I told you to scram!!"

The guy called Ocote struggled vigorously under the grip of his teammate. After a moment of struggle, this guy looked at Momo viciously. Suddenly, he shot his tongue out, piercing toward the figure holding him back. At the same time, the many lumps on this guy's body abruptly exploded, spraying a yellowish pus everywhere.

Mavis' eyes twitched and a scalpel abruptly shot out from her hand. 'Sou!', the scalpel immediately stabbed the long tongue and the powerful force immediately pushed the tongue to the side. The tongue then embedded itself into a gravestone at the side with a 'ding!'.

The team leader and the last remaining member wasn't able to react to this sudden and unexpected change.

Apparently, Ocote was also forced to the edge by this whole series of incidents, and he had entered the berserk state with just a small stimulation. This was the problem that worried everybody in the Brutal Phase, it was just too easy to lose control. Even if they were very normal usually,  they could very likely lose their minds in the next instant.

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At this moment, Ocote took advantage of this opportunity and escaped his restraints, pulling his tongue away from the scalpel and tearing open a huge wound in the process. He then charged viciously toward Momo. Sharpei's body tensed slightly, once Ocote came over, Sharpei would definitely rip him into pieces.

Sharpei definitely had the ability to do so now!

However, Bai Yi's eyes suddenly opened. He stretched out his right hand, stopping Ocote in front of him. Bai Yi's right hand pressed onto Ocote's head, and he paused like that silently in the air before suddenly falling to the ground.

"Bastard! What did you do to Ocote!" The two people opposite them saw what had happened to Ocote and immediately became furious as well. Although Ocote had entered the berserk state and had even harmed his own teammates, they were still comrades no matter what.

"Shut up and keep quiet!"

Bai Yi said incomparably coldly. He raised his head immediately and looked at them with his eyes. The two of them who were initially going to explode in anger suddenly blanked out. Soon, they gradually regained their normal state of mind. The moment they went back to normal, the two of them unanimously turned away their heads and avoided Bai Yi's eyes.

Too bewitching!

Chapter 111: Spirit Devouring Butterfly

"He's fine but doesn't your other companion need help? Since this Ocote is your companion, you should know how to neutralize the corrosion from that pus, right?" said Bai Yi as his eyes returned to normal. After hearing Bai Yi's words, the two of them finally realized that their teammate had been sprayed by Ocote's pus earlier and many small holes had appeared on him.


The two of them immediately became anxious, and hurriedly took out a powder they extracted from some plant. They immediately poured this powder over Samuel. Since Ocote was their companion, they knew long ago how to neutralize the pus inside the meat lumps on him. However, Samuel just used his hand to stop the two of them and said, "There's no need to, I've already applied the medicine on myself."

His tone was very plain and subdued!

Bai Yi could hear a faint anger in the voice of this person called Samuel. He wasn't wrong to be angry either. They were similarly companions, and he got injured because he tried to stop Ocote. Despite this, nobody thought about him first. However, this wasn't something Bai Yi wanted to care about, he obviously didn't want to bother about the relations in other teams.

At this time, the Ocote that Bai Yi had hypnotized slowly climbed up, still seemingly in a daze.

Bai Yi didn't use his hypnosis to its greatest extent; he wasn't that kind-hearted. Making the person enter deep-level sleep using hypnosis had great benefits to the balancing of the body and soul. Bai Yi would rather save these benefits for his own teammates than to help strangers for no reason. One must know, Bai Yi's eyes couldn't be used without limitations, especially the reverse flower eye that consumed special energy.

"What did I…what happened?

"Ocote, you're awake?" The leader of the other team said in shock.

Although Bai Yi didn't hypnotize him deeply, this was already enough to shock the other team. One must know that the things everyone were most afraid of now was to enter battle or receiving any big stimulations. If they accidentally fell into the berserk state, then whether they could wake up again was really up to luck. Even for their companions, it was rare for people to go through danger to stop somebody in a berserk state. To put it more accurately, nobody had an effective way to stop somebody in a berserk state, and the plants that the evolved humans had found so far weren't powerful to the point of instant results.

"Momo, where are those vengeful spirits?"

"They didn't follow us, but I don't know where they are either," Momo looked over and said.

Hearing their conversation, everyone focused their attention again and observed their surroundings. Honestly speaking, they didn't feel good at all staying in this cemetery; especially in a city with ghosts. Fortunately, none of them were normal people, and after the initial panic, all of them started to calm down. Even the four newcomers followed Bai Yi's group into the cathedral.

After entering the cathedral and having the cemetery out of their sights, they finally felt a bit better.

"I'm sorry, very sorry, we were too anxious just now." The team leader felt quite embarrassed at himself, the difference between them was really too much.

"I am the leader of this team, my name is Xiao!"

"Bai Yi!"

"Bai Yi?"

"You are really Bai Yi?" The few of them asked in surprise.

"Do I have a need to lie?"

"No no, we just didn't expect to bump into you at this place. But really, thank you so much. If not for you and Yu Han releasing the information about activated cells, a lot more people would have fallen into the berserk state and not be able to recover from it," Xiao immediately said excitedly. Bai Yi and Yu Han had good reputations among the majority of evolved humans in New Zealand. The feeling was just like meeting a movie star in the world before, but of course, they might have other expectations from him as well.

"The method you used just now, is it a new way to deal with the brutal urges?" Xiao continued to ask excitedly.

This was the reason behind his excitement and expectations. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Bai Yi and Yu Han definitely knew of more detailed and effective ways to deal with the Brutal Phase. This was a common mindset that people had. After all, why would a person share something good with everyone else so unreservedly and selflessly?

"En." Bai Yi looked at Xiao and nodded.

"Really?! What is this method?"

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"How do you hypnotize people?"

"It's probably due to the genes I fused with giving me a basic hypnotic ability, but as for the details of how it happened, I don't know either. Just like how you guys aren't clear about how your abilities came about, you guys aren't able to recreate your abilities either. Of course, if you guys could hypnotize through other methods, it's worth trying as well," Bai Yi said.

"Is it really like that? You won't keep it from us intentionally, right?"

Bai Yi glanced at Ocote and didn't bother saying anything else. He was already being very generous by explaining so much. If this group of people didn't know what was good for them and continued asking, Bai Yi didn't mind showing them what was called appropriate behavior. Fortunately, Xiao didn't let down his role as the leader and pulled back his companion. He knew that it wasn't appropriate to ask anymore.

Suddenly, Momo drew her sword nervously again.

"Vengeful Spirits!"

A simple reminder instantly put everyone on full alert. However, before anyone could think of how to deal with these vengeful spirits, a continuous fluttering sound suddenly came from above them and gave everyone a fright again. All of them saw a large bunch of unknown lifeforms flying out toward the main entrance of the cathedral. These lifeforms seemed like bats at first glance, but they realized that they were butterflies after a more careful observation. However, they were still different from the butterflies they normally saw. But none of them was surprised by this, there weren't any normal lifeforms left in New Zealand by now.

A huge bunch of blackish translucent butterflies flew out, surrounding a side of the main door as they danced around lightly and gracefully.

Momo saw the scene over there and her body relaxed slightly.

"What happened?"

"They are eating, the vengeful spirits are getting eaten by these butterflies." Momo's face was full of surprise. At this time, Xiao's group was even more surprised than her. They had already guessed that this little girl could see ghosts from her words before, but after hearing Momo's words now they didn't have to guess anymore.

"She can see ghosts?"

However, before Bai Yi's team could reply, the bunch of butterflies started to fly toward them. Everyone instantly became nervous again, but only Bai Yi and Momo didn't feel nervous. On the contrary, they felt very close and dear. The feeling was just like the joy they got from seeing somebody similar to them. Bai Yi's team could guess the reason, this was definitely because Bai Yi and Momo had fused with only butterfly genes.

This big bunch of butterflies of an unknown species surrounded Bai Yi and Momo and danced around them. Finally, they stopped on Momo's body. There were some on Bai Yi's body too, but comparatively, the majority of the butterflies had landed on Momo's body. Moreover, they seemed to be even more intimate with her. These butterflies could consume vengeful spirits, and Momo's eyes could see ghosts, so it made sense that Momo had better compatibility with them.

"Hahahaha, so itchy!" Momo laughed happily, twisting her body.

"Daddy can we bring them with us, I like them a lot." Momo suddenly turned and looked at Bai Yi.

Bai Yi could only smile bitterly in his heart after hearing her words. He could tell that these butterflies were very useful as well, but taming them wasn't as easy as talking about it. Whether they would follow them or not, where they would keep them, and what to feed them with, these were all difficult questions to solve.

At this time, these butterflies started to fly toward Xiao's team instead.

Xiao's team became slightly nervous. However, they very quickly felt an extremely comfortable feeling as if they were ascending to heaven. The few of them immediately thought that these butterflies were healing their injuries for them. Even if they couldn't see it, they knew that they were injured by those vengeful spirits before.

However, only Momo could see the clearest. These butterflies weren't healing their injuries for them but clearly sucking out their souls!

While their souls were being consumed, Xiao's team suddenly felt an immense pleasure like they were ascending to heaven, and they were all completely lost in that feeling. If these butterflies flew toward them from the start they might still be quite cautious, but they had surrounded Bai Yi and Momo for so long. This made them think that these butterflies were harmless. Just that bit of change in their mindsets caused them to be completely defenseless, and very quickly they were completely lost in that ecstatic feeling.

All of sudden, the four of them all fell to the floor with a 'pat!'.

Even Bai Yi's team were stunned by this, what just happened?

"What happened?"

"Their souls were consumed," Momo said.

"AH!" Bai Yi, Woolf, Mavis, and the rest of them stood on the spot in shock. Their thoughts were actually not too different from Xiao's team. These butterflies had flown around Bai Yi and Momo for so long and nothing had happened to them. As such, they really thought that these butterflies weren't dangerous. However, after they flew toward Xiao's team, why did the butterflies suddenly consume their souls?

At this time, the bunch of butterflies flew back again, and all of them instantly went on full alert.

"Stop!" Bai Yi stopped Woolf and the rest from moving. These butterflies didn't seem to consume people's souls without a reason. Otherwise, they wouldn't have just surrounded the 4 people in Xiao's team earlier. Moreover, the person that could sense everything the clearest here should be Momo. Sure enough, Momo didn't stop the butterflies and the butterflies around flew past their bodies and stopped on her again.

"Probably, these butterflies would only consume those vengeful spirits, ghosts, and those souls that are damaged or polluted. This is also probably the reason why there aren't any ghosts or vengeful spirits around this cathedral." A butterfly stopped on Bai Yi's hand, and he looked at Momo. Momo could see anything that happened with their souls; since she didn't say anything, it proved that these butterflies weren't sucking their souls.

"Shit, lucky I didn't get caught by those vengeful spirits, otherwise, I would be in so much danger now." Woolf was frightened out of his wits.

"Dead!" At this time, Mavis also checked for the vital signs of Xiao's team.

"What a pity." Bai Yi shook his head slightly. However, all he did was shake his head slightly. With how dangerous New Zealand was now, any new thing could prove to be fatal to anybody. If Bai Yi's team had suffered some damages from the vengeful spirits earlier on, they probably couldn't have escaped this fate either.

"Give a name to these butterflies," Mavis took out her notebook and said. When they discovered something new, most people would immediately record it down. All this information would prove to be extremely important in the future. Many people were willing to pay a large price to buy new information. After all, the more they understood the safer they would be.

"Spirit Devouring Butterfly!" Bai Yi didn't think about it much and immediately gave it a name.

Spirit Devouring Butterfly - A mutant butterfly that grew in the underworld. It fed on dew, ghosts and vengeful spirits, and the souls of normal lifeforms if the soul was damaged or polluted.

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