Era of Disaster

Chapter 147-148

Chapter 147: Cocooning

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Heloise flew over to support Bai Yi only after the Sea Serpent Emperor disappeared and the sea regained its calm. However, Bai Yi stopped Heloise from helping himself, he gently swung Red Kiss and sheathed it with a soft 'ding!'.

"Bring me to the deck!" It seemed like Bai Yi really didn't receive many injuries from the battle.

"En." Heloise put her heart at ease as well.

Bai Yi returned to the storeroom and exited the sight of the sea. The moment he entered the storeroom, the rest of them saw his legs suddenly go soft and he fell flat on the floor. At this time deep in the sea, the Sea Serpent Emperor quietly observed the cargo ship floating on the sea and the piece of floating scrap that Bai Yi had left behind. In the end, it swept its tail and swam deep toward the bottom of the sea.

The rest of them initially thought that Bai Yi only seemed to look miserable, but all of them started to panic when they saw him fall inside the storeroom. Nancy was the Medicinal Maker and immediately came to give Bai Yi a check-up. Although Medicinal Maker and Doctor weren't the same jobs, there were still some similarities between these two classes.

Nancy cut open Bai Yi's clothes, and everyone immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.

Multiple deep teeth puncture wounds were visible on Bai Yi's body, and the teeth brutally lacerated a few giant wounds from his chest all the way to his legs. Everyone could see Bai Yi's breastbone and ribs were long broken as they stabbed into his internal organs. Although the Sea Serpent Emperor did not close its mouth completely due to the pain from Red Kiss, it was easy to imagine the level of danger and riskiness of the situation. Up until now, nobody other than Bai Yi knew exactly how he escaped from the mouth of the Sea Serpent Emperor. Luckily, Bai Yi's head didn't seem to receive any wounds from the Serpent's teeth.

Nancy immediately looked for the blood-clotting potion that she concocted and wanted to apply it on Bai Yi. But at this moment, Bai Yi's eyes abruptly shot open.

Nancy immediately jumped in fright. He could actually still wake up when he was already in such a terrible state!

"Pilot the boat and leave this place!" said Bai Yi in a low voice even though he did not see clearly just who was beside him.

"I know, we will handle this, you rest and recuperate your wounds first." Nancy knew that normal people would have died long ago from wounds like this. Bai Yi fainting just now was his body's automatic self-protection mechanism to prevent him from suffering too much pain. However, Bai Yi was apparently worried about everyone else and woke up in such a short while.

Bai Yi heard Nancy's words and didn't try to continue forcing himself, closing his eyes again.

Although the battle even didn't even last for 1 minute, the danger and close shaves in that time couldn't be fully described by words. If not for the Goddess of Luck standing on Bai Yi's side, they would have become food for the giant serpent if it chose to attack in any other way.

After hearing Bai Yi's words, Heloise immediately ran toward the bridge and tried to start the cargo ship again. Luckily, although the Sea Serpent Emperor had constricted the ship, it was still a gigantic heavy metal structure. As such, only the outside of the ship was deformed. There was also a huge hole at the head of the ship from the Sea Serpent Emperor's bite as well, but other than that, the ship was still operational. However, very quickly, everyone realized that something was wrong. The sea was rising higher and higher up the sides of the ship.

"There's a leak!" anxiously said Raymond, as he ran up from the bottom of the ship.

"Let Bai Yi rest, we'll think of something." At this time, Vala stood up. Within this team, there were probably only Bai Yi, Vala, and Heloise that were better at leading. Heloise was still piloting the cargo ship now. Although Vala was new, she took the initiative to lead at this critical time.

Under Vala's instructions, everyone immediately started to deal with the crisis, looking for ways to plug the leaks. After Heloise knew that the cargo ship was leaking, she didn't continue on the original path to head to Queen Charlotte Bay either. Instead, she headed toward the closest shore. After half a day of panicking and trying to resolve the crisis, they finally realized that their actions were all futile. However, this cargo ship still didn't sink, it just moved very slowly. It was almost like the ship would stop moving completely in the next instant.

Everyone held in their feelings of unease and anxiousness, as they stood in the cargo ship. When land was finally in sight, all of them went crazy with joy.

Heloise didn't bother looking for a port and directly steered the cargo ship into the beach. The gigantic ship charged onto the beach heavily and got stuck in the sand.

Everyone's hearts could finally relax when they touched land. The cargo ship seemed to be on the verge of sinking, so it really gave them great fear and anxiousness. The sea was really too dangerous, and they were all afraid of meeting some sea monster again. If that happened, then they would probably be buried in some fish's stomach. Everyone immediately carried the unconscious Bai Yi down and looked for a suitable place on this group of islands.

"This should be somewhere down from Queen Charlotte Bay, it's a patch of islands randomly distributed about. Small marine trenches separate each island, but they aren't considered too far from each other," Vala said after analyzing the map.

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"Let's find a safe place first, Bai Yi's injuries need immediate attention, and he needs peaceful recuperation," Heloise said. None of them had any objections and made a simple stretcher, putting Bai Yi on it and walking inside the island.


At this time, various other countries continuously replayed the battle between Bai Yi's team and the Sea Serpent Emperor. The battle lasted only for a minute, but it was already incredibly thrilling and dangerous. The satellites high up in the air couldn't perfectly capture scenes like that. However, this wasn't the main point, the most important thing was that none of them had imagined that everyone from Bai Yi's team would survive, and it was actually the Sea Serpent Emperor that ran away.

Bai Yi's outer appearance was very similar to that of a normal human, he only had some colored fur on him. However, his combat ability and rationality was incomparable to the other Brutal Stage lifeforms. In addition to the information collected on Bai Yi previously, practically every country treated Bai Yi as a target to observe carefully.

They couldn't be certain now, but perhaps the research into activated cells might achieve a breakthrough from Bai Yi.

New Zealand was really too dangerous now and even airplanes found it difficult to fly into this space. If not for that, some of the countries might have already sent people in to control Bai Yi in their own hands. Although New Zealand was the publicly recognized natural ecosphere for activated cells research, it wasn't possible for the rest of the world to let it develop completely autonomously.

However, even though rationally everyone knew that sending a normal human to New Zealand was just a death mission, some people still couldn't bear it, especially those who were naturally crazier.


At this time, Bai Yi's team had found a cave and chased away a bunch of animals that lived inside. Vala took the initiative to light up a big fire inside and let it burn for a few hours. After that, all the random things and smells inside the cave were finally exterminated and cleared. This place would become their residence for this period of time. Luckily, after such a long time, all of them had grown used to life like this.

After they found a quiet place to stay, everyone looked at Bai Yi worriedly. Then, they turned to looked at Nancy after that.

"His bones are already set in place, and he has stopped bleeding as well. But Bai Yi's vital signs are still extremely weak. His pulse is less than 10 times a minute and there are still signs of it continuing to fall. However, although his vital signs are very weak, somehow it's very stable. As for what exactly is going on now, I'm just somebody that decided to become a Medicinal Maker halfway and not a doctor, so I'm not too sure either," Nancy explained.

Everyone could only give a blank look when they heard her words. None of them were doctors either, so it would be strange if they knew what was going on.

"Anyway, I will try my best," Nancy consoled.

"We're depending on you," everyone said seriously.

"No need for words like that, aren't we a team? And Bai Yi is also our team leader." Nancy waved her hands. After Nancy looked over Bai Yi's injuries, she concocted a few self-developed potions and wanted to feed them to Bai Yi. However, after a few tries, Nancy got stuck at a problem. Bai Yi wasn't able to swallow any of these potions now on his own accord.

"What do we do?"

"Can't we feed it to him?"

"It is possible. Actually, this isn't something difficult. Many hospitals have tools to help feed their patients, but the thing is, we are in Devil Island now. We definitely wouldn't be able to find things like that now," Nancy explained.

"Just tell us directly what we have to do."

"It's actually really simple. We just have to feed him mouth to mouth." Nancy shrugged.

So, it was that simple. This was actually the simplest method to feed somebody. Everybody looked at each other, and anyone who got looked at immediately stepped backward subconsciously. Were they joking? Although it was the simplest method of feeding, who dared to do something like that to Bai Yi? It was just like asking for death when Bai Yi woke up. In the end, everyone looked at Momo unanimously.

"Eh?" Momo looked at everyone in puzzlement.

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"Momo, we'll leave this to you! Help feed your daddy this medicine. Hold some in your mouth first then pass it into your daddy's mouth," Nancy slowly explained.

"Ya sure!" Momo nodded.

Everyone saw Momo's pure eyes and couldn't help but turn their heads away. Sure enough, little kids were the purest, the bunch of them were just too evil in comparison. After that, Momo followed Nancy's instructions and fed the potion to Bai Yi mouth-to-mouth. While concocting the potion, Nancy thought about it for a while and added an extra ingredient at the end.

Fostsoul Soul Nourishing Dew - A potion Nancy developed using the Dead Soul Flowers that only appeared in the ghost city Wellington. It could bring out the effects of the Dead Soul Flower to a very large extent. (TN: Fostsoul was in English in the raws, so I assume that's the name the author gave the potion in English.).

Although Bai Yi's injuries were only physical, Nancy had the feeling that she should add this component. As for why, Nancy didn't know herself. Perhaps this was just her talent, or the so-called intuition.

After feeding the potion to Bai Yi for two weeks, his vital signs were actually getting weaker and weaker. If not for Bai Yi's face looking extremely calm, everyone would have thought that Bai Yi was going to die soon. After two weeks, Nancy, who looked after Bai Yi all this while, realized that there were some slight changes to Bai Yi.

On Bai Yi's body, the colored soft fur had slowly grown longer, and a small portion of them connected together and formed a web.

This is?

Bai Yi's changes confused everyone, and they slowly observed Bai Yi like that for a whole week. A dense series of colored webs formed from his soft fur practically enveloped his entire body. By now, they didn't let Momo feed Bai Yi the potion anymore. Anyone would be able to guess what was happening to Bai Yi right now.

Butterfly - Cocooning!

Chapter 148: Just Like Before

Half a year, in this half a year the evolved humans on New Zealand gradually changed. Although many people still lost their lives, many people still went berserk and lost their sanity forever, those who remained alive and sane were full of confidence and hope.

Without relying on those people outside, they could save themselves with their own power!

Within this half a year, those teams that traveled around New Zealand and spread the word to unite all evolved humans all achieved great fame. As for Bai Yi, who had incomparably great fame before, seemed to have disappeared completely in this half a year. Although Bai Yi had disappeared, many other outstanding people rose up within this half a year to lead the remaining evolved humans in their efforts. The world was huge, and it would never stop moving just because one person was missing.

However, although Bai Yi disappeared, nobody had forgotten him. This was because of the power that Bai Yi had revealed in the snow valley - Reverse Flower Eyes!

The name of that pair of eyes, along with the evolved human teams, traveled and spread throughout the whole of New Zealand. An unknown number of evolved humans who had their companions fall in the berserk state looked for Bai Yi in secret, hoping that he could help their companions regain consciousness. The Brutal Phase became more and more severe, and the number of people who went permanently berserk increased unendingly. The longer Bai Yi disappeared for, the greater the hope and expectations these people held for Bai Yi.


At this time, just where was Bai Yi?

After the initial stage, his team discovered that the fur on Bai Yi's body grew at a crazy pace and enveloped both himself and the objects around him. The rest of them that stayed in the cave with Bai Yi for a single night was almost similarly wrapped up in the fur threads.


Woolf tore off a thin fur thread around his body, it was sticky yet tough. After that, he looked at the others. They rested with Bai Yi together in the same cave, but they would always discover some of Bai Yi's fur threads on them when they woke up in the morning. Although they could clear it very quickly, it still felt abnormally uncomfortable on their bodies. It was just like a mild piercing pain on their bodies, along with a sense of tiredness.

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Teacher, this isn't right! You never said that when a caterpillar cocooned itself, it would envelop others in it as well!

All of them couldn't help but harbor complaints about how they didn't study biology seriously back then. In the end, all of them seriously had no solution for this and just decided to bring Bai Yi's giant cocoon to the middle of the forest outside. After just three days, they realized that the threads had spread from the giant cocoon and had already grown over the other plants. The cocoon had wrapped itself over those large trees. Without them noticing, the giant cocoon actually hung itself the air from the threads that formed a huge web.

None of them understood what was happening to Bai Yi, so they could only stay in the cave and continue to wait.

Up until one day, Woolf woke up in the morning to discover that a prey that he had tied up at the side of the forest went missing. Woolf looked around and realized that Bai Yi's thin threads had wrapped up the prey and killed it.

"You actually stole the food tsk." Woolf looked at the giant cocoon formed from white threads and grumbled.

Naturally, Woolf was joking, as he wasn't petty to that extent. However, Vala, who was recording Bai Yi's changes, suddenly raised her head. Then, she looked at the prey that was wrapped up in the threads. In just a single night, Bai Yi's threads hadn't managed to wrap up the prey completely. Through those slight gaps, she could see that the Bai Yi's threads looked as though they grew out from within the prey's body.

No, that's not right!

It wasn't that the threads grew out from inside the body of the prey, but the threads grew into its body.

Vala immediately had a realization, and she carefully observed the forest surrounding Bai Yi's cocoon. She didn't realize it before, but now that she looked out for it, the vegetation growing within the area of Bai Yi's threads all didn't seem to be growing too well. It was just like they were all malnourished. With her previous discovery combined with this realization, a thought immediately flashed across Vala's mind…If indeed!

Very quickly, Vala gathered everyone and told them about her discovery.

"Today Woolf said that Bai Yi stole the food that he hunted." Vala didn't beat around the bush.

"I'm just joking, joking!" Woolf immediately waved his hand nervously. It couldn't be that she wanted to pursue even this?

"No, it's not a joke. You are right, Bai Yi did indeed steal your food." On the contrary, Vala shook her head and said seriously, "Everyone look at that prey, Bai Yi's threads wrapped up it up last night. In just a day, it looks like it has dried up, and it became a size skinner." Vala brought everyone to the prey that Woolf had caught.

"And now, observe the vegetation that Bai Yi's threads cover and compare it to the surrounding forest. Do you guys notice anything?" Vala asked everyone.

"Notice?" Everyone immediately followed Vala's hint and started to look carefully.

"Did you guys see it? The vegetation around Bai Yi are all relatively shorter, and they all look slightly yellowish as well. To plants that have assimilated with activated cells, this is something absolutely impossible. In addition, you guys mentioned it before as well, that you would feel your body itching and uncomfortable after Bai Yi's threads wrapped you. From all these points, I can make a conclusion." Vala raised a finger.

"Absorption!" Heloise opened her eyes wide.

"That's right, Bai Yi is absorbing the nutrients from these plants through these tiny threads that are even thinner than hair. Moreover, he isn't just absorbing nutrients from plants but also animals, and it would be even faster for animals. It's just that these threads do not have the ability to actively hunt prey, so we never realized this point until Woolf tied the prey up at this area," Vala explained.

So that was what's happening, but then, so what?

Most of the people in the team stared at Vala. For the past one and a half months, Vala's meticulous and thorough planning in all areas obtained much of their admiration. Although Vala's combat ability was pretty much the bottom, she had become the director in the team. Vala looked at the eyes of everyone looking at her, and she didn't purposely leave them hanging either.

"We need to catch prey and tie them up here. I think Bai Yi would absorb however much he needs," Vala said.

"Got it." Everyone nodded their heads seriously.

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After that, various evolved lifeforms in the surrounding area were all down on their luck. Woolf and the rest moved out and captured all the animals they could see, no matter big or small. They tied all these evolved lifeforms besides Bai Yi's giant cocoon. These lifeforms were all unable to escape. Slowly the white threads wrapped all of them up and turned them into another giant cocoon.

With sufficient nutrients now, Bai Yi's threads spread even further. If somebody looked down from the sky, they would find that a mysterious stretch of the forest 100 meters in diameter. Within this patch of forest, countless white threads covered all the vegetation densely. Within this mass of white threads, numerous giant cocoons either laid on the ground or hung in the air. Occasionally, there would be a few giant cocoons that broke. But what fell out from within were just some broken skeletons.

In the heart of this mysterious stretch of forest, there was a giant cocoon more than 3 meters tall. It didn't seem to be too special at first glance but, upon closer observation, one would realize that all the thin threads seemed to originate from this giant cocoon.

"What do you think Bai Yi will turn into? Will he grow a pair of wings and turn into a butterfly?" Woolf suddenly asked. He seemed to be quite bored.

"Who knows, we'll see when Bai Yi comes out. It probably wouldn't take much longer now," Heloise replied.

"En, it shouldn't take much longer. Bai Yi's rate of absorption has recently decreased significantly, even if we tied those evolved lifeforms at the side of the web, he didn't continue to absorb them either. He has probably absorbed a sufficient amount of nutrients, and he would come out soon after," Vala added.

"Oh is it?" Those who didn't understand at first nodded their heads and stared at the stretch of vegetation in front of them.

Momo stood beside Sharpei, as she silently stared at the stretch of forest in front of her with eyes full of protection and anticipation. At 7 years old, Momo was already 1.2 meters tall. With Vala's guidance over this half a year, she also gradually shed the restlessness and tenderness of a little kid and gained a serene and noble air around her. Vala was a specialized etiquette teacher for noble families, so it was very much expected for her to bring Momo up like this.

Humans would always grow faster in special environments. In this half a year of Bai Yi's absence, although there was still the care and concern from others, Momo still felt the difference without her daddy around. Without somebody to whine to, Momo really grew up a lot.

Momo stretched out her finger and two Spirit Devouring Butterflies flew out toward the giant cocoon at the center. They gently landed on it and flapped their wings.


Almost as if he had heard Momo's call, Bai Yi in the heart of the cocoon felt like a drop of water had fallen onto a completely calm and still lake, 'drip!'. Bai Yi consciousness, that had initially fallen into hibernation, immediately started to slowly wake up with the slight sound of the water dropping. Inside the giant cocoon, Bai Yi gradually opened his eyes, and the Reverse Flower Eyes activated by itself. Everyone outside of the forest immediately felt a sensation and looked toward the center of the forest in shock.

Just now, that was?

Bai Yi stretched out his finger, and his nail suddenly grew a centimeter in length. Although it wasn't long, it still looked incredibly sharp. 'Puchi!', his nails pierced the tough cocoon and Bai Yi forcefully tore open a gap in it. Initially, Momo had just wanted to let the Spirit Devouring Butterflies check on her daddy. But at this moment, Momo suddenly looked in that direction in shock and started to run. She jumped on top of a tree branch and jumped off from it again.

At this time, the calm and cultured air around Momo completely disappeared.

Bai Yi had just broken open the cocoon and climbed out from within. At this moment, he saw a small figure that rushed toward him. Although it had been half a year since he saw her, Bai Yi still recognized Momo with a look.

"Momo, you grew fatter again," smilingly said Bai Yi, as he hugged Momo. She had rushed into his arms tightly, just like before.

"I'm not fat at all now!" Momo looked up at Bai Yi.

"Is it? That's right, you grew taller!" Bai Yi looked at Momo's little delicate face. Suddenly, he realized with a start the Momo really wasn't fatter, but she had grown taller.


TN: 4/7 of the chapters i owe! Yes i'm clearing my debt steadily

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