Era of Disaster

Chapter 62-64

Chapter 62: Stop

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"Can you tell us in detail what exactly happened in this research facility?" Bai Yi and a few others asked Yeye seriously.

"It's a very simple matter."

She continued. "On the 3rd of January 2020, the Progenitor awakened. On the 23rd of March 2020, early morning, the Progenitor suddenly erupted. Using a power that can't be explained by current knowledge, it ripped apart the research facility, forming a giant hole like that of a volcano. After that the Progenitor erupted all of its flesh and blood out through the hole, proliferating over all of New Zealand and its surrounding sea."

"Doctor Wang is the overall in charge of this research facility. The moment the incident happened, he immediately thought of the state New Zealand was going to become. He then prepared all the data and took away the main computer system, my older sister… 'Sunlight'. Due to sister being taken away, there was nobody taking control of the defence system inside the research facility. Although I had the ability to take over her role, I of course couldn't be bothered to do so." The background behind Yeye changed again to a barbeque shop, and she was eating barbequed meat without any care for her image while explaining to Bai Yi.

In truth, they didn't understand why Yeye was doing this. She was just a virtual image, she couldn't taste the taste of barbecued meat anyway.

"Why did the Progenitor do so?"

Yeye didn't answer but looked at Sara with an 'are you stupid, how would I know' expression.

"What is the relationship between you, Sunlight and Doctor Wang?"

"Simple, the highest authority here is Doctor Wang, but as a human he can't possibly oversee everything. Hence, the major responsibilities were passed to Sunlight. However, humans always liked to have safeguards against unexpected situations, so that resulted in me, the second artificial intelligence… 'Moonlight'."

"Isn't your name Yeye?" Woolf asked in puzzlement.

Bai Yi, Hong Qi Hua and Mavis looked at Yeye in astonishment.

It was true, it was really true! Yeye was just as she said. She had the ability to act autonomously. One must know, a name as a representation of somebody normally did not have much of a special meaning. However, if an artificial intelligence could change her name, even if it were just a single letter, it meant something completely different. (TN: So, the 'Ye' in Yeye is actually the Chinese word for 'night', and 'Ye Guang' which is literally night light is Yeye's real name, which also means 'moonlight'. So Yeye changed her name based on her real name to something cuter and more affectionate.)

"That's what they call me, but I like the name Yeye!" Yeye chewed some unknown barbecued meat in her mouth and spoke in a muffled voice with her mouth full of meat.

"Yeye, do you know where the drug that can let us regain human form is?" Bai Yi asked straightforwardly.

"There's no such drug!" Yeye said nonchalantly.

No such drug!

Bai Yi and the rest of them didn't know how to describe their feelings right now. They'd carried such great expectations here only to suddenly find out that everything was just their delusion. The thing they hoped for actually didn't exist. This intense disappointment was really just indescribable.

"There's really no such drug?" Bai Yi asked again seriously.

"There's no drug to regain human form, but there's a type of drug here - Prototy original form drug (TN: the drug is called 'Prototy Drug' in english in the raws, but Prototy Drug is followed be the term 'original form drug', so i dropped the first drug. And yeah it's not prototype drug but prototy drug). The meaning behind this is that even if you fused with genes from other lifeforms, it wouldn't cause any changes in your physical body. In truth, after discovering that the human body will undergo great changes after fusing with other genes, the researchers here had already started researching this area." Yeye said and instantly raised great hope in everyone again.

"However, the drug has not been successfully developed yet." Yeye added again.

The smiles that had yet to fully appear on their faces froze again.

"But it still has a certain amount of effect."

Even Bai Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, as Yeye was really too much. Just a few words from her could cause them to hope and despair in cycles, and all of them had extremely strange expressions on their faces now. However, Yeye seemed to be very happy, jumping and laughing inside the computer screen, seemingly delighted at how she managed to tease them.

"Yeye, are you just purposely messing with us?" Bai Yi asked again in the end.

"I'm not! Everything that I said was the truth. There's no drug here that can let somebody that turned into a monster regain their original form, but there's the Prototy original form drug.(TN: In case anybody is confused, she's saying that the drug can stop any changes from happening to the body, but not reverse any changes that already happened.) Other than that, before the eruption of the Progenitor's activated cells, the drug was merely at the mature stage and hadn't been perfected yet. We can't be sure if there will be any side effects to the drug." Yeye was sitting on a table now and swinging her legs.

"Then can you tell us where is the drug now?"

"En…… wait, there's new people entering the research facility. They entered through the giant hole that the Progenitor created, are they your companions?" Yeye said and suddenly displayed an image of a few people on the screen. They immediately stared at the screen in shock, Yu Han and the few others had changed greatly, but they definitely wouldn't recognise them wrongly.

"They aren't our companions. We can only say that we know each other. We got to know of the drug to regain human form in this research facility at the same time, but we split up after that." Bai Yi explained.

"Oh~~, those people on the other side seem to be more capable. They aren't as foolhardy as you guys." Yeye displayed another image again. A man held his laptop and used a cable to link to a door, trying to break open the defence system.

"Didn't you say that the defence system in the entire facility is deactivated?"

"I'm in charge of that place." Yeye rolled her eyes at Martin.

If Yeye was in charge of that place, didn't that mean… that was the place imprisoning all the experimental monsters?! Everyone suddenly understood while Yeye casually sipped on her cup of coffee, happily admiring this group of people trying to break her defence system. However, Yeye's image suddenly wavered and she revealed a shocked face.

"How powerful, stop…!" Yeye said in shock and suddenly her image disappeared.

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"What happened?" Everyone stared at the screen and Woolf asked dumbly.

"She got hacked." Hong Qi Hua said solemnly.


"To put it simply, the person who hacked Yeye's defence system in Yu Han's team is more capable than we thought. Perhaps Yeye hasn't really been hacked yet, but she is unable to maintain her presence here. No matter how smart she is and has an autonomous consciousness, she is still just an artificial intelligence." Bai Yi said. Suddenly, a file transfer appeared on the screen.

"Hong Qi Hua, laptop!" Bai Yi immediately said.

Hong Qi Hua immediately connected her laptop to the computer, and transferred the file over to her laptop. This was a 3D image of the research facility, but the file wasn't complete, and they could only see a part of it. They could only see from their position to the position of Yu Han's group.

"What's going on now?"

"Yeye's responsibility is to prevent the experimental monsters from escaping, no matter how intelligent she is, as long as she is still an artificial intelligence then she has to follow that objective. By giving us this incomplete map, she wants us to go and stop Yu Han's group." Bai Yi explained.

"Why should we go and stop them?"

"The place that Yu Han's group is heading to is where the experimental monsters are imprisoned, but they do not know this. Once they release the experimental monsters… all of us will die for sure! Moreover, with the size of this place, does anybody know where we can find the Prototy drug?" Bai Yi said to everyone seriously after he walked out through the glass door and turned his head.

With that, even Woolf, who was the dumbest, understood. They had no choice but to stop Yu Han, regardless if it was to stop them from releasing the experimental monsters or to reactivate Yeye to find out the location of the drug.

Hong Qi Hua held the laptop in her hands. The screen displayed the 3D map of the place as well as everyone's locations. Hong Qi Hua fiddled with her computer, and suddenly a pathway appeared on the screen. This was the closest one to Yu Han's group.

"Let's go!" Bai Yi said to everyone.

This time there was no hesitation. They immediately grabbed their weapons and followed the indicated pathway to where Yu Han was.


"Is it this direction?" Bentham asked.

"I have already obtained the general map of this place from the computer. The entire research facility is split into an upper and lower section. The upper section is again split into five buildings, there's one building in each of the four directions and a main building in the center. This is our location now. Normally, the most important thing would be kept at the deepest level for research, and this door heads to the lower section." Balawi said to Bentham.

"There's experimental monsters inside the research facility." Yu Han said in neither a light or heavy tone, and everyone's bodies suddenly stiffened.

"Then what do we do?" Everyone looked at Bentham.

Bentham recalled the scene where he'd escaped from the Northern Hamilton Research Facility. To think of it, when he escaped initially, he was just running along with the other experimental monsters. He wasn't even sure how he escaped at all. As for where the experimental monsters were imprisoned here, how would he know?

"We go down!" Bentham decided at the end.

The rest of them didn't say anything and followed behind Bentham.


"Damn monkey, I could finally take over that side since sister got taken away, but you actually disconnected me now. But anyway, I'm so bored… Human food, just what does it taste like…" Yeye stared at the sky and actually started to drool. No matter how exquisite or how adorable she was, she was still just a virtual image made by a computer.

After blanking out for a while, Yeye finally stopped zoning out and controlled the weapons inside the corridor to attack Yu Han's group.


In the deep end of the research facility, the Progenitor's dried and shrivelled body lay in the cultivating pool. Various types of nutrition were continuously being pumped inside. After the Progenitor erupted, she was on the verge of death but still not yet dead. The researchers moved the Progenitor to another place and delivered her here.

After that was the breakout of extreme hunger. The researchers who understood activated cells well immediately escaped this place after knowing that the defence systems were deactivated. After that, nobody tended to this place anymore.

Suddenly, the Progenitor, who had a very weak life force left, slowly opened her right eye. Fleshly tumours with blood vessels running over them still surrounded her eyelids. However, everything that was happening in the research facility was being reflected in that eye of hers.


Chapter 63: Imprisonment Facility

Bai Yi's group very quickly rushed towards Yu Han's location using the indicated pathway, but the research facility was frighteningly large. Moreover, even though the defence system was deactivated, that didn't mean that the doors were open. Perhaps the time taken to open each door wasn't long, but every second was precious now. If they really let Yu Han's team release the experimental monsters, then they were all screwed.

"Martin, how are the experimental monsters in the research facility locked up?"

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"Although the activated cells have a chain infection capability, but it isn't like the T-virus which can infect even the dead. Hence, the defences aren't as strict as in zombie movies. In reality, gene-fused monsters are actually just powerful beasts. Large-sized experimental monsters are locked up individually, normally one to a room. As for those smaller and colony-type lifeforms, they are kept together. Other than those mutants, the prison for the experimental monsters did not require any special preparations either." Martin replied after hearing Bai Yi's questions.

"That means that it's impossible for the experimental monsters to all be released at once, unless the main artificial intelligence gets hacked?" Bai Yi asked.

"That's right!" Martin nodded while sprinting with the others.

"I hope that they won't be so reckless." Bai Yi said and jumped down from a flight of stairs. After falling for more than 10 meters, he pushed off the railing and landed on flat ground. He then raised both his hands and Hong Qi Hua threw Momo over to him.

A terrified scream pierced the air and Momo landed into Bai Yi's arms.

After a while, Momo finally opened her eyes and looked at Bai Yi shyly. Bai Yi smiled at Momo and placed her on top of Sharpei, letting Sharpei run along with everyone else. Bai Yi had already told everyone in the team before to not go out of their way to look after Momo just because she was small. They had to let Momo get used to New Zealand now. To put it simply… to let Momo get used to facing danger.


After getting attacked by the defence system, Yu Han's team were even more certain that they had entered the truly important place, the core area. One couldn't help but admit that humans had this kind of psychology. The more guarded a place was, the more important it felt. If something was placed simply in front of them, they would actually feel suspicious about it.

Yu Han's team was just like this.

Bearing with the pressure along the way, they destroyed the weapons on the sides of the corridor, and finally arrived in front of a door.

Yeye's image appeared on the small screen in front of the electronic door and prepared to tell them to leave this place and the experimental monsters. However, the moment Yeye appeared, Yu Han's team whose nerves were extremely tense from the attacks before immediately fired their guns at the screen. With a few gunshots, the small screen immediately started to smoke.

"Hey!" Yeye revealed a dumb look, as if she only reacted after being stunned for a long time.

"Idiots, morons, dumbasses… Hehehehe." Yeye swore for a while and started laughing to herself. She then hummed an unknown song happily while reactivating the defence system.

Just like what Bai Yi and the others guessed, Yeye had her own autonomous consciousness now, but she was still restricted by her programming. She could not go against the responsibility placed onto her by her creators - to prevent the experimental monsters from escaping.

To fulfil this role, Yeye's artificial intelligence would analyze the situation immediately and produce the optimal solution. This included making Bai Yi's group stop them, or appearing to warn them not to proceed ahead… However, in truth, the autonomous consciousness that Yeye had did not care at all if the experimental monsters escaped. It didn't matter to her even if they really did.

So Yeye only fumed for a while when Yu Han's team destroyed the digital screen. She immediately did not bother about it anymore, and prepared to activate the other defence systems while humming her song.

"Hmmm~~~, should I just use the poison gas? But due to the Progenitor's destruction, the ventilation system is spoiled as well, so I can't use it normally. Ah, stopping the experimental monsters from escaping doesn't mean killing them, so I shouldn't do that." Yeye hummed her song and muttered to herself. Actually, the processing speed of her artificial intelligence was very fast. She had answers to these questions long ago, just that Yeye liked to say things out loud just like a real human would.

"Something seemed to appear on that screen just now." Khina said, holding a submachine gun in her hands and carrying a machete on her back.

"What was it?"

"It seemed to be an image of a person, but it was destroyed the moment it appeared." Khina looked at Moses. Moses was one of the newcomers, a white male that now looked like a lion from his neck up. A thick mane of hair dozens of centimeters long grew from his neck.

"Noel, continue opening the door." Bentham said to the man carrying the laptop after pulling his claw back from the wall, a giant hole appearing in the wall itself.

"Ok!" The man walking in the back cautiously came to the front and started hacking the system.

More than 10 minutes later when everyone started to get impatient, the door finally opened. The lighting system inside automatically switched on and everyone stared at the scene inside wide-eyed.

They were now at a walkway, but this walkway was extraordinarily large. Over the heads was a simulated sky, making them feel like they'd returned to the surface again. The walkway formed a giant circular shape, and on the sides of the walkway were countless individual rooms. Without even approaching the rooms, everyone could feel an immense pressure. They could also see a ladder heading towards the center in front of them.

"This place is?" Yu Han said in puzzlement. This didn't seem like a place for researching drugs.

At this moment, Bentham felt his body go cold. This shape, this environment, there could be no mistake. This was the place used to imprison the experimental monsters! All the prisons formed a circular shape, while the giant cylinder in the center connected all the prisons. Other than letting various experimental monsters switch rooms, there was also a huge platform in the center for the experimental monsters to battle each other. They could use that to test the experimental monsters' fighting strength as well as collect other data.

Bentham looked at the platform and immediately recalled the scene of him battling for his life with other monsters, his eyes turning bloodshot instantly.


A berserk roar shot out from Bentham's mouth, and powerful soundwaves shook everyone until they almost fainted. With this roar, the monsters trapped inside the rooms started to become agitated and rowdy. After a while, Bentham finally turned his head around and his eyes filled with murderous intent made everyone subconsciously be on guard.

"Relax, I'm one of the few LV2 experimental subjects, I can already control my own emotions. If I were at the LV1-2 Brutal Stage, I would've probably started killing already." Bentham placed one hand over his eyes and said in a low voice.

Yu Han and the rest stared at Bentham involuntarily after hearing his words. LV1-1 Binging Stage, LV1-2 Brutal Stage…and LV2 Metamorphose Stage, these were the names given by the researchers, but what exactly was the difference between them?

"Are we still searching here?" Noel asked.

Bentham looked at the huge walkway, and walked towards the side to a reinforced glass window. A gene-fused monster laid inside, but it didn't have many changes and it also appeared to be very skinny. Bentham knew with a look that it hadn't been long since it assimilated with the activated cells, so there wasn't much of a change. Moreover, with the long period of starvation, it was already very good that it could still survive.

The powerful experimental monsters would of course be imprisoned at the bottom-most level, there would definitely not be any at the entrance area.

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The rest of them came over and took a look as well. The gene-fused monster looked at everyone and gave a low growl. It slowly stood up, and in its eyes flashed a ravenous hunger.

Bentham walked towards giant cylinder in the center, and saw the big platform at the center.

That's the place!

In Bentham's head, countless fighting scenes and experiments appeared in his mind. Bentham then turned around to call everyone to leave this place, but he suddenly looked at a passageway cautiously. The rest of them saw Bentham's actions and listened carefully. After a while, they finally heard some hurried footsteps rapidly approaching their location. All of them looked cautiously in that direction and held their own weapons firmly.

After a while, Bai Yi's group finally reached their destination. They looked at the heavily damaged passageway and the wide-open door. Bai Yi gripped his broadsword tightly and tightened the hook gun on his back, then walked step by step slowly inside.

'Kachi Kachi' they could hear sounds of guns being raised and all of them became anxious.

At the opening of the passageway, Bai Yi's group appeared and just happened to be opposite where Yu Han's group was on the observation deck.

Although they had all changed greatly, they wouldn't fail to recognise each other now that they met again. In reality, Yu Han also thought that they might encounter Bai Yi's group in the research facility, just that he didn't expect that it would really happen. Both sides aimed their guns and stared at each other. What would they do?

"Long time no see." Bai Yi spoke first.

"Oh, thanks to you, it really has been quite long." Actually, it hadn't been that long either, but in the New Zealand now where they weren't even sure if they could survive to the next day, it seemed like a long period of time.

"Then, what do you think?" Yu Han stood on the observation deck and looked down at Bai Yi.

"Leave this place, the experimental monsters are locked up here. If anything happens, neither of us will gain anything." Bai Yi said seriously.

"How do you know so well? Also, why should we listen to you?"

If Yu Han's group had the intention to leave this place before, that intention changed with the appearance of Bai Yi. As we say, people's attitudes had very strange rebellious natures, especially towards the group of people who were their enemies. Yu Han couldn't help but suspect that Bai Yi had a deeper motive, such as… something really important was being hidden here.

Chapter 64: Crazy Hatred

'Aren't you going to introduce us?" Bentham saw Yu Han and Bai Yi talking for a while and interrupted.

"This is the guy I've mentioned to you before, Bai Yi, the team leader, and this is…" Yu Han slowly stepped back and introduced them, but he did not add anything extra in the introductions. In truth, through this period of time he realized that Bentham wasn't stupid. A real idiot probably wouldn't have been able to rise above the other experimental monsters and survive to return to the outside world.

"And this man is the researcher from Northern Hamilton Research Facility… Mr Martin Anderson!" Yu Han pointed at Martin and introduced grandly.

Bai Yi had already put up his guard when Yu Han introduced them in such a way, why did he put the center of attention on Martin? As expected, the four-limbed gorilla whose expression was initially quite normal suddenly froze and revealed a cruel smile after knowing who Martin was.

"Oh~ So he's a researcher from Northern Hamilton Research Facility, I wonder if you know me?" This four-limbed gorilla slowly walked down.

"You are?"

"I am Bentham."

Martin looked at the four-limbed gorilla in puzzlement, trying to recall who was he. At this time, Bentham had already walked down from the observation deck and was only 20 meters from Bai Yi's group. Bai Yi tilted his body slightly and put his hand on the hilt of his broadsword. Bentham looked at Bai Yi's actions and revealed a mocking smile.

"If you don't recall that name, then what about No. 0124-2!" Bentham glared at Martin viciously.

Martin was still thinking about who was he, but when he heard that number he immediately stepped back in shock.

"No. 0124-2, you are the experimental subject that entered LV2 in Northern Hamilton Research Facility!" Martin said in shock.

"En, that's right. Back then in the research facility, I was really tortured miserably by you inhumane researchers. I never thought that you would have this day too, but…" Bentham said slowly in a seemingly calm voice.

"This is not enough!"

"This is far from enough!"

Suddenly, Bentham roared viciously, and his expression turned sinister in an instant. Powerful sound waves crashed into them and disorientated them. At the same time, Bentham shot out like a bullet towards Martin.

Bai Yi felt that something was not right from the start, and after knowing Bentham was an experimental monster from the research facility he had raised his guard to 120%. Bai Yi didn't know what the experimental subjects had gone through in the research facility, but he guessed that it probably wasn't anything pleasant. However, no matter what Martin was his teammate now.

Bai Yi immediately moved, and his broadsword swung towards Bentham mercilessly.

'Ding!', Bentham's giant right claw caught the blade, his five fingers pinched onto the body of the blade tightly. There was just a small distance to his palm, but the blade was completely immobile. At this moment, Bentham showed a cruel smile to Bai Yi and clenched his other fist.

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Bai Yi hurriedly crossed his left arm in front of his chest, but it was easily pushed back and landed heavily on his chest.

In an instant, Bai Yi could hear his ribs fracturing in his chest. His heart instantly stopped beating from the immense impact. After that his body flew out like a ragdoll and slammed heavily into a wall behind him, finally slowly sliding down from the wall.

Everything happened in an instant. Bentham's rush, Bai Yi trying to block him and flying out, and after that Bentham was grabbing onto Martin by his neck.

This was… LV2 Metamorphose Stage!

Everyone looked at Bentham in shock. Only Hong Qi Hua rushed out following behind Bai Yi. Her two short knives sliced across Bentham's back from the left and right. Due to the height difference, Hong Qi Hua could only manage to reach this spot. 'Puchi!', just like toy swords cutting cow skin, Hong Qi Hua's short knives felt unimaginable resistance the moment it touched Bentham's body. At this time, Bentham's two other hands came grabbing fiercely, Hong Qi Hua instantly forced a direction change and shot out backwards.

Only now did the others react and aim their guns towards Bentham.

"What are you planning to do?" Hong Qi Hua rolled on the floor, and asked Bentham half kneeling.

"What do I plan to do? That's a good question. What am I planning to do? The moment I heard that this guy was a researcher from the research facility I just burst out in anger, but what should I do exactly?" Bentham clutched onto Martin's neck, his hand slowly using more and more force. Martin struggled vigorously but it was to no avail.

"I suddenly thought of a good idea!" Bentham suddenly said in delight, but Bai Yi's group felt their hearts dip.

"Didn't you guys make various experimental subjects fight each other in the center to gauge their changes and battle strength? Why not you try it as well?" Bentham pulled in close to Martin and said. Martin started struggling even more when he heard Bentham's words, he seemed to be very afraid of the thing that Bentham talked about.

Bai Yi was undergoing emergency resuscitation by Mavis, and she finally managed to get his heart beating again. Bai Yi slowly got up, the immense impact just now had even caused his heart to stop. He'd almost died just like that. This let Bai Yi deeply understand that his strength compared to a LV2 was like heaven and earth.

Seeing that Bai Yi was revived, Yu Han couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed inside. However, in the next instant he regained his calmness. With Bai Yi's personality, he would never abandon his teammates. If that was the case, then a clash with Bentham was unavoidable. I'm afraid that you guys don't even know the true power of a LV2. It'd be best if you guys just died like this… No, the best would be if it ended in mutual destruction.

"Put Martin down!" Bai Yi walked back slowly, his broadsword facing downwards.

"It's just a teammate, are you really going to become enemies with me over an inhumane researcher? You must realise that there's no conflict between you and me." Bentham looked down at Bai Yi.

Bai Yi gestured lightly and everyone in the team focused their attention and prepared for battle. Opposite him, Bentham smiled sinisterly and raised his three other arms, while behind him Yu Han and a few others grabbed their own weapons.

Ning Xue was still hesitating, while Khina did not make any movements.

Are we really going to battle?

Bai Yi closed his eyes for a moment, nobody knew what he was thinking about.

"I don't want to judge Martin's past in the research facility. You can talk about how immoral and inhumane he was, because all of us can probably guess what had happened in there. However…That was the Martin before, the Martin now is my teammate." Bai Yi opened his eyes suddenly. Inside those eyes eyes contained not even a trace of hesitation or doubt.

"Ha!" Yu Han sneered at him. Teammates and friendship, is it?

In practically an instant, Bai Yi and Yu Han both pressed the trigger, the target wasn't Bentham in the middle, but each other. Their actions were like a signal for the others, causing everyone to descend into a chaotic battle. Gunshots rang continuously, everyone dodged rapidly while trying to shoot their opponents.


"Hehehehe, they started fighting!" Yeye looked at the situation through the surveillance camera and giggled. At this time, Yeye sat on a small chair and snacked on some tidbits. It felt like seeing the battle between the two teams was just like watching a movie to her.

"I can't judge the situation for now, so I'll just watch the show… oh, I meant observe, observe!" Yeye muttered to herself, observing everything that was happening through the cameras spread throughout the entire facility.


Everybody had shockingly fast movements, jumping, rolling, and dodging in an environment where bullets flew everywhere. Other than the few who had large body sizes or were slower, the rest of them managed to find cover in a short period of time. Even for those that got shot, this kind of 'minor' injury wasn't something they would be worried about.

Bai Yi never thought he would be able to kill Yu Han just like that, so in the moment when Yu Han was dodging he rushed towards Bentham at the center. Behind Bai Yi, Hong Qi Hua sheathed her knives and took out two high caliber revolvers, aiming them at Bentham's eyes.

'BANG BANG!', Hong Qi Hua raised her guns slightly. The two bullets instantly flew across the tip of Bai Yi's head and towards Bentham's eyes. At this moment, Bai Yi lowered his body with his broadsword pointing down, his speed almost catching up with the bullets and flashing past Bentham's body.

Bentham grinned and raised his hand to intercept the bullets, but suddenly Martin, who was in hands, opened his mouth wide.

'Pu!', Martin spewed out a milky-white fluid from his mouth, the fluid expanded rapidly in the air and covered half of Bentham's body in a split second. At this time, Martin finally seemed to recover from his initial panic. Bai Yi was right, everyone could guess that the work he did in the research facility was… inhumane and immoral! However, since Bai Yi did not give up on him, he must not disappoint his teammate. He had to fight back as well!

Spider silk fluid!

Bentham felt his arm tighten and suddenly stopped, at this moment the two bullets and Bai Yi on the ground had already reached him.

Rotate, cut!

Bai Yi's body started to rotate fiercely. Borrowing the force of the rotation, he brutally hacked into Bentham's calf. At this moment, though Bentham tried his best to tilt his head, the two bullets still impacted his head. Hong Qi Hua's eyes followed the bullets all along, and saw the rotating impact of the bullet. The air pressure from the bullets split apart Bentham's fur on his face, and the bullets pushed itself into his skin, heading towards his brain.


All of a sudden, Bentham's body shook and the two bullets that were halfway into his flesh instantly got repelled by a powerful force.

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