Era of Disaster

Chapter 68-70

Chapter 68: A True Battle

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Compared to Yeye who had a simpler consciousness, and could only judge based on what she saw on the surface, the Progenitor could see deeper and clearer. She could even clearly hear every person's thoughts at every moment.


A long lingering gasp rose from the bottom of her heart!


Bentham managed to reach the door before everyone else. The door slowly opened before him, but he did not go out, he instead turned his back on the door and revealed a cruel and delighted smile to Bai Yi's group.

Martin and Woolf each held a submachine gun, never releasing the trigger once they pressed it. 'Dadadada'! A torrent of bullets flew out, and they ran towards Bentham at the same time. However, Bentham just used that pair of giant wings of his to cover himself in front, as the bullets impacted them and instantly bounced back.

Normal guns were already completely useless to Bentham!

The two of them immediately threw away their submachine guns and held their hand-picked swords. Just like Bai Yi said, firearms which had limited power was already lacking compared to the power of cold weapons now.

Woolf was huge, so he gripped his greatsword and rushed in front. He wanted to see if that guy could take a blow of his. One must know that Woolf felt very confident lately as well, as his powerful strength and the frightening weight of his greatsword put his destructive power at the top of the team.

Behind Woolf, Martin bit on the blade of his short sword, and his sharp teeth slid across the blade. A trace of transparent fluid from his two sharp tooth covered the blade.


The spider genes that Martin fused with were actually very vicious, as he could produce deadly poisons, haemolytic poisons and neurotoxins. However, no matter what, he was still a human being, so he really did not have the habit of using his mouth to hunt. Moreover, he did not think that he could get the opportunity to bite Bentham. Due to Woolf's huge body blocking, Bentham seemingly did not see Martin's actions.

"Ha!" Woolf roared and the greatsword descended with great power.

Even if it was Bentham, he could not ignore such a strike. However, he just smiled in ridicule and his body moved instantly to the side. He then punched the greatsword's body as it fell beside him.

So fast!

The thought flashed across Woolf's head and he instantly felt an immense force coming from his greatsword. 'Dang!', the impact's huge sound rang, and the greatsword instantly got redirected to the side, bringing Woolf's body with it. At this moment, Bentham's two right arms rose, his face carrying a blood-thirsty smile… How nostalgic, those times when I fought to the death with my opponents on that platform.

Two times… Heavy punches!

Bentham's two right fists landed on Woolf's face mercilessly one after another. Woolf's big alligator mouth instantly bent, and the shockwaves seemingly rippled through his entire body. He then like a giant sandbag flew backwards and landed heavily. Fuck, this bastard is fucking strong…This was what's going through Woolf's head at this moment. During his first time clashing head on with someone at the LV2 Metamorphose Stage, Woolf finally experienced what was called absolute strength.

When Woolf flew out, Martin bent down and dashed forward, his body almost touching the floor. The short sword viciously swung towards the wound that Bai Yi created just now. Martin had no confidence that he could cut through Bentham's skin, but it didn't matter as long as the poison entered the wound.

Martin's eyes squinted, the short sword in his hands moving shockingly fast, yet unbelievably steady… Blade force!

Kill him…!


However, in that instant Bentham revealed a cruel smile again, his body defied common sense and jumped up in a split second. He then gripped his hands together, and sent them crashing down with a boom.

Two times… Hammer blow!

'Boom!', the first hammer blow struck Martin's back, and the immense force instantly transmitted to the floor, creating a tremor. Martin's eyes bulged instantly, but in the next moment the second hammer blow impacted him again. With another 'boom!', Martin's body bent at an unnatural angle, his back almost being smashed into mush.

"MARTIN!" Woolf shouted in fear, and Hong Qi Hua also pushed her speed to its limit.

"Now you know, the strength of a LV2!" Bentham grinned cruelly and whispered beside Martin's ears.

Martin's body twitched all over, blood flowing from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears. After hearing Bentham's words, Martin slowly raised his head, and slowly raised the short sword in his right arm, swinging it towards Bentham's calf. His actions were painfully slow, seemingly without even the slightest threat. None of them could bear to continue watching this scene, and even Hong Qi Hua who was rapidly sprinting turned her head away and closed her eyes.

"I saw it you know, your actions just now…HAHAHAHA." Bentham suddenly started laughing, his left foot brutally stepped down, and 'kacha!', Martin's right arm instantly shattered into pieces. Bentham laughed mockingly, and his left foot grinded on the floor continuously. Martin's body instantly spasmed in extreme pain, but he still forced himself to not even let out a single cry.

After torturing Martin for a while, Bentham raised his left foot again and placed it on top of Martin's head.

Hong Qi Hua turned her head, and stared at Bentham's icily, a short knife appearing in her hands. 'Sou!', the short knife flew out from her hands, shooting towards Bentham's eyes. After that short knife flew out, another short knife appeared in Hong Qi Hua's hands again, and she pushed her speed up by another level.

Bentham instantly turned his head to face away. Without waiting for his left foot to step down, Hong Qi Hua rapidly closed on him, and a short knife spun and cut. At the same time, Hong Qi Hua's body twisted strangely, her right foot kicked Martin's body away while her left hand grabbed onto Martin's short sword.

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Bentham squinted his eyes, though he was unbelievably powerful right now, he was still more afraid of things like poison. However, without waiting for him to move Hong Qi Hua flashed past him, and at that moment the 7 vicious monsters had already caught up to him. These 7 monsters wouldn't care who was blocking them in front, and their frightening jaws instantly opened wide and clamped down.

Hong Qi Hua steadied her body and regained her balance, preparing to take advantage of the opportunity to attack. However, what she saw was Bentham opening his mouth wide.

Hong Qi Hua immediately covered her ears with both her hands, and shot backwards.

"ROARRRRR…!!" A powerful soundwave exploded. This wasn't a concentrated and directed soundwave like before, but an indiscriminate soundwave attacking everything around him. The few monsters that had clamped their jaws on him instantly released their mouths and flailed about in pain.

However, at this time Bai Yi bore with the soundwave and retreated towards Bentham, seemingly like he was pushed back by Yu Han temporarily.

No, it wasn't like that!

Yu Han immediately chased after him, but had a moment of hesitation due to the soundwave attack. He still couldn't risk his life like what Bai Yi was doing. The soundwave that continued for 4-5 seconds finally stopped, and Bai Yi's orifices on his face started bleeding from the shock, appearing incomparably terrifying. At this moment, Bai Yi suddenly turned around and dashed towards Bentham. From the very start, Bai Yi never felt that Yu Han was the biggest threat this time.

With his absolute strength, the true obstacle to Bai Yi's group was Bentham.

Bai Yi jumped up and his broadsword viciously stabbed towards Bentham's open mouth. At this moment Bai Yi appeared exceedingly frightening, the tremors from the soundwave only attacked the internal organs. There weren't any wounds on the surface, but only Bai Yi knew just how serious his injuries were.

"DIE!" Bai Yi gritted his teeth and spat out.

Bentham's eyes opened wide, wanting to release his soundwave again, but the breath of air in his lungs was just finished, it wasn't possible to release another soundwave now. Their eyes stared at each other, and Bentham could clearly see resoluteness and ruthlessness in Bai Yi's eyes. Ruthlessness not only towards his opponent, but also to himself. For the sake of victory, he was a man that could sacrifice to the largest extent.

'Dang!', Bai Yi's broadsword stabbed in Bentham's big mouth, but at that moment Bentham's big mouth snapped shut, his teeth fiercely biting onto the blade.

'Clink clink clink clink!', Bai Yi pushed with all his strength, and the blade shook continuously due to the force on the broadsword being too huge.

A trace of blood flowed down from the side of Bentham's mouth, but at this time his four arms slowly drew back, and he clenched his fists tightly.


Bai Yi screamed viciously, his right hand brutally smashed onto the hilt of his sword, the powerful impact instantly sent the broadsword in by another inch. Bai Yi's right palm continuously pounded on the hilt of the sword, and there was finally a sign of loosening in Bentham's mouth. However, at this moment, with a 'dang!', the tip of the broadsword suddenly snapped, the broken blade flew away and landed on the floor with a clang.

Four times…Heavy punch!

Blood flowed out from Bentham's mouth, but his four arms smashed towards Bai Yi with immense force…The person to die will be you, Bai Yi! Bentham was somebody who managed to survive among all the killing within the experimental monsters, so he wasn't lacking in brutality and ruthlessness.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly jumped up from the floor and put himself in front of Bai Yi. Martin laid on the floor on the verge of death and his was spine broken into pieces, so nobody knew how he'd managed to jump up in that state, but he had put himself right in front of Bai Yi.


Four giant fists brutally smashed into Martin's head, neck, chest and abdomen, and the immense force erupted within his body. Martin's initially tough body instantly suffered from a massive force of destruction, tearing his body apart into pieces.

With his own eyes, Bai Yi saw Martin getting torn apart right in front of him, his blood, flesh and brain matter splattered behind, coating Bai Yi's body.


Bai Yi roared sorrowfully in his heart, his eyes turning blood red.


TN: Oh shit Martin died?!

Chapter 69: Regret and Change

Martin's body burst into pieces, his flesh and blood splattering all over the floor. Everyone was shocked speechless from the brutal and cruel scene.

Even if there was Martin blocking for him, Bai Yi's still felt an enormous impact. An immense force transmitted to Bai Yi's body, his clothes instantly got shredded as he landed and slid a long distance on the floor.

Spewing blood from his mouth, Bai Yi slowly climbed up. A piece of flesh from Martin's body slid down from his head and landed on his hand. Bai Yi raised his hands in front of him, and all he could see was a patch of red now. He bit on his lips, gently shaking, his eyes containing frustration and regret… My fault, this is all my fault, if only I didn't let Yu Han go at the start!


Bai Yi gave a long-drawn-out sigh in his heart. A line of red fluid flowed down from his right eye, not knowing if it was blood or tears.

Bai Yi was actually a very kind person. When he was a chef he always carried a smile on his face, letting him gain a small 'fan club' in Waikato University.

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However, at this moment, Bai Yi's heart transformed rapidly.

Bai Yi breathed out deeply, tore off the remnants of his clothes and stood up again. After tearing off his clothes, Bai Yi revealed his entire body full of colourful fur. With the fur stained with Martin's blood, it appeared to be even more brightly-coloured and bewitching, almost sucking everyone's gazes into it.

At this time, Bentham also spat out the broken tip of the blade from his mouth and a mouthful of blood.

That was really too dangerous just now, the broadsword almost stabbed into my brain through my mouth! If that really happened, even he probably wouldn't have survived. However, even though he didn't die his mouth still suffered a great injury. His tongue almost got cut off and his throat was also severely injured. The Bentham now could barely speak, not to mention continue using his soundwave attack.

Bentham closed his mouth, and blood continuously flowed from his open wounds, very quickly filling his entire mouth. However, this time Bentham did not continue to spit the blood out but swallowed it down.

Bentham stared at Bai Yi in the distance. He could clearly see that Bai Yi did not fuse with many genes, and from the clash just now he realised that Bai Yi's physical strength wasn't as large as his other teammates. However, somebody like that actually caused him the greatest amount of damage.

I mustn't take them lightly anymore and settle this fast, or else an accident really might happen.

"Yu Han, go save Noel." Bentham instructed Yu Han at the side.

"Ok, team leader!" Yu Han was abnormally respectful, looking just like an incomparably loyal subordinate. In truth, Bentham also trusted Yu Han a lot, treating him like his right-hand man.

Everyone in the world always fantasized about how capable and awesome they were, but to put it bluntly, in reality 80% of people were 'nobodies'. All their so-called intelligence and capability couldn't be seen when something truly went wrong. However, no matter who, even if it were the smallest 'nobody', people would grow and become the powerful character in their minds as long they were given a chance and survived their experiences.

As long as they didn't die, everyone could learn something from their various experiences!

Yu Han ran towards Noel, and Woolf immediately chased after him after getting a glance from Bai Yi. At this time, Bai Yi and Hong Qi Hua gripped their weapons and stood to the front and back of Bentham.

The front 30 plus centimeters of Bai Yi's broadsword had broken off, but it was still considered to be a decent weapon. Hong Qi Hua held two short swords now, one was her own and the other was Martin's poison-coated short sword. Both of their expressions were extremely solemn, even if Bentham had his most powerful attack 'soundwave' crippled, he was still not an easy opponent to deal with.

Actually, the two sides didn't have any grudges against each other, other than the grudges between Bai Yi and Yu Han, or Bentham and the researchers, everyone else had just met for the first time.

However, after Martin's violent death, a burning fury surfaced in everyone's heart… A cruel and brutal air manifested around all of them.

LV1-2: Brutal Stage!

They did not lose their rationality, but that rush of fury and killing intent couldn't be suppressed. All they desired now was to tear their opponents to pieces. Yu Han was still running over to Noel. If he could save Noel then he would definitely do so, but if not, he of course had other plans.

However, Woolf fiercely caught up with him from behind, glaring at him with hostility and swinging his great sword viciously.

Yu Han immediately used his tortoise shield to block in front of him and a giant 'dang!' rang out. Just as Yu Han expected the shield was extremely tough, and even with such an attack no cracks appeared on it. However, Yu Han miscalculated Woolf's strength. A ridiculous power transmitted from the shield, his left arm instantly fractured and pressed against his own body, resulting in his entire body flying away.

At this time, Bai Yi and Hong Qi Hua also suddenly burst towards Bentham from the front and back.

Heloise and Mavis were always apprehensive about hurting Noel, since they needed him to open the door. However, at this time the both of them dropped all apprehensiveness, and even somebody as calm as Mavis was agitated. Her body lowered as she rapidly circled around and rushed towards the two of them.

Behind her cover, Heloise also stood up, a submachine gun in her left hand and a sniper rifle in her right, helping Mavis to give covering fire.

While running, Mavis reached her hands into her white overcoat, and when she took them out again both hands held three scalpels each.

In the battle earlier, Noel and Balawi both realised that the two women opposite them were afraid of harming Noel, and so used that against them. However, when Noel stretched out his head again, immediately a white light flashed in front of his eyes.

Instinctually, Noel tilted his head and suddenly a piercing pain came from his ear.

Fuck, if I didn't move fast enough that blade would have stabbed into my brain! Aren't those two women scared anymore?

Without waiting for Noel to be happy about dodging, the scalpel violently impacted the observation deck and bounced back, stabbing deeply into Noel's thigh. Noel immediately opened his mouth, but he couldn't scream even if he wanted to, why was his life so sad? Most importantly, how were these two women so powerful? Mavis and Heloise who turned ruthless were definitely not people these two guys could stop, because the genes they fused with were specially picked for adapting to this world.

On the other side, Balawi was sympathizing with Noel, and wanted to stretch out his head to counterattack. However, the moment he raised his head a sniper bullet flew past him, almost getting his head burst. Balawi instantly shrunk down, but his heart grew more and more anxious, because when he raised his head just now he saw Mavis rapidly running towards his direction.

"On top!" Balawi pointed at the sky.

Noel had yet to understand what was going on and instinctively raised his head to the sky, and the two of them suddenly found Mavis' figure above them.

It's that female doctor…Mavis!

Balawi and Noel immediately raised their submachine guns, but at this instant Mavis threw a scalpel into the muzzle of Noel's submachine gun and simultaneously pounced at Balwai.


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Balawai immediately triggered his gun, but he saw that the female doctor directly used her finger to block his muzzle, while a scalpel in her right hand viciously stabbed towards his head. Blood flew all over from Mavis' left hand, and two broken fingers flew into the air, but she still violently pushed the scalpel all the way into Balawi's brain.

'Puchi!', Balawi's shocked eyes lost its life, his body twitched, and the submachine gun fell onto the floor.

Noel also got stunned. Fuck, are doctors this strong? However, even though he was shocked, he was still used to the cruelty in New Zealand now and immediately wanted to counterattack. However, Mavis' actions were even faster, and a scalpel on her right hand pressed directly on his neck.

"You guys need me, you won't… harm me."

Without waiting for Noel to finish speaking, the scalpel in Mavis' hand sliced across his neck. A sharp pain, and blood started to flow profusely from his neck. Noel was stunned speechless. Did this doctor intend to kill him?

"External jugular vein, although you won't die immediately like if it were the artery, you definitely won't have the opportunity to treat your wound now. That is to say, you will die, and your only chance of survival is to obediently stay here and help us to open the door." Mavis looked at Noel coldly.

"Ok… Ok!" Noel replied dumbly, deeply afraid that this female doctor would kill him just like that.

Although Bai Yi and the rest always treated Mavis like a medic and protected her behind them, it didn't mean that Mavis had no fighting ability. On the contrary, Mavis was already close to being middle-aged, so she was calm and rational when facing things. If she truly got serious, she wouldn't be inferior to even Bai Yi or Hong Qi Hua.

Yu Han was flung far away from the immense force, and slid on the floor for a distance. After climbing up again, Yu Han stared at Woolf in shock. When they split up previously Woolf's strength should have been inferior to his! This powerful strength… Ant's genes! Yu Han immediately realised that Woolf had fused with ant genes as well.

Coincidence…No, it wasn't a coincidence!

Yu Han wasn't stupid, it was just that he didn't think in that direction. Now that he thought of Khina's increased strength during this period of time, Yu Han immediately thought of a possibility… Active fusion of genes.

Chapter 70: Desperate!

At this time, Woolf chased after him again, and Yu Han immediately dodged to the side. The greatsword landed on the metal floor, instantly breaking the floor apart and leaving behind a huge hole. The broken metal pieces flew across Yu Han's eyes, and in that instant his eyes became incomparably focused. From the reflection in the broken pieces, he happened to see the scene of Noel being subdued.

Tuning his head, Yu Han abruptly twisted his body on the spot, and he sent his right fist flying towards Woolf.

After splitting up, Yu Han had seriously thought about where it was he had lost in. Undoubtedly, the first would be his plotting. As a university student, although he had his own plots inside his heart, he was still pitifully tender compared to those experienced veterans who experienced life in society. Other than that was absolute strength… In this lawless world, absolute strength was the best safeguard. If he had the power to kill whomever he wanted, then he could disregard any covert or overt plot.

When Woolf raised his greatsword again, Yu Han didn't retreat but instead pushed forward, sticking close to Woolf. This kind of huge weapon needed enough space to swing it around.

Sure enough, when Yu Han closed onto him Woolf immediately found that he had no space to swing his greatsword, and it ended up being cumbersome instead. The two of them engaged in a messy battle, and very quickly the golden snake on Yu Han's left arm managed to bite Woolf. This extra snake growing on Yu Han's arm was really too agile!

Yu Han revealed a cold smile, and blocked Woolf's powerful punch with his tortoise shield. He borrowed the power of the punch to rush towards Noel and didn't care about Woolf anymore. Woolf felt his body stagger and he knelt on the floor, immediately realising that the area that he was bitten on in his left arm had started to change colour.


Woolf squinted his eyes and roared fiercely, the poisoned arm bulged and brutally smashed onto the floor. A loud boom came from the metal floor, leaving behind a fist-shaped dent. After roaring, Woolf immediately stood up and chased after Yu Han again.

"I'll manage things here, you go and help Bai Yi and the others." Mavis said to Heloise, and looked at Yu Han who was running over.

"Ok!" Heloise nodded her head.

They trusted each other, Heloise believed that Mavis could definitely hold on to Noel, and Bai Yi's battle on the other side was really not looking very optimistic. After Heloise finished speaking, she immediately ran towards the door, where Bai Yi, Hong Qi Hua and Bentham were battling each other.


Bentham, LV2 Metamorphose Stage, active control and usage of special energy. To any experimental subject, this was a new experience, as nobody could act as a precedent to tell others what to do. Hence, they had to figure everything out themselves. However, even if it were this kind of blindly-discovered and crude way of using special energy, it still gave Bentham immense strength.

Energy left Bentham's body now like a layer of wispy smoke, covering his entire body. In this state, Bai Yi and Hong Qi Hua's attacks could not cause any effective damage to him. Moreover, Bentham's speed was shockingly fast in this state and the two of them had to spend more effort and energy to dodge.

Bai Yi crossed his broadsword in front of his chest, and heavily blocked Bentham's powerful attack, but he still flew backwards from it.

"Throw me over!"

Bai Yi shouted. Beside him, Hong Qi Hua suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Bai Yi. Spinning around and making use of the rotating force, she threw Bai Yi away again. Bai Yi curled his body slightly in the air, flying faster back towards Bentham than when he flew away. The moment before impact, Bai Yi stretched his body open like a giant bow, and powerfully brought the broadsword down with this elastic force.

After throwing Bai Yi out, Hong Qi Hua dashed towards Bentham again as well.

Bentham saw Bai Yi risking his life to that extent, and couldn't help but to reveal a cruel smile. He stretched out two hands and raised his head to wait for Bai Yi to land.

Kill you, I must kill you!

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Bai Yi roared malevolently in his heart, and all the colored fur on his body started to wave bewitchingly. Even Bai Yi himself did not realize that the colored patterns on his body now were exceedingly bright and enchanting.

Bentham looked at Bai Yi with bloodlust, waiting for Bai Yi to land to split his body apart. However, looking at Bai Yi's bewitching fur on his body, Bentham suddenly lost focus slightly. In that instant, Bai Yi's broadsword came down brutally.

Bentham hadn't reacted yet, but Bai Yi's broadsword landed heavily in his outstretched hand. 'Puchi!', this blow carrying Bai Yi's immense fury finally broke Bentham's defence, chopping off one of Bentham's hands.

Intense pain transmitted into Bentham's body, immediately clearing up his dazed mind.

Using the resistance of the broadsword against Bentham's arm, Bai Yi threw himself into the air again and reached the ceiling more than 10 meters above him. He planted his feet on the ceiling, and fiercely pushed off, his body carrying the force of both gravity and his kick, the broadsword swinging towards Bentham's head. At this time, Hong Qi Hua also rushed over, the poisoned short sword mercilessly sliced towards the open wound on Bentham's calf.

I don't believe that you can take all the attacks!


Intense anger arose mysteriously from Bentham's heart, and the special energy hanging around his body suddenly exploded outwards

Bai Yi's broadsword almost pierced into Bentham, but he suddenly felt an enormous resistance. At that moment Bentham's pair of wings abruptly closed, like two palms brutally slapping into Bai Yi at the center. Hong Qi Hua's short sword got sent flying as well, and Bentham's fist landed heavily on her tummy.

'Sou!', Hong Qi Hua flew into the distance, across the open door, and landed beside Ning Xue and Khina.

Bai Yi only felt a buzzing trembling in his ears, as if his entire body and brain had exploded from the impact of the slap, and his entire head felt empty. Bai Yi fell onto the floor weakly. Bentham had wanted to take the chance to kill Bai Yi in that moment, but he himself did not know what happened in that explosion of fury. Bentham only felt like his body was thoroughly exhausted, not even able to move an inch.

At this time, Heloise in the distance used her sniper rifle to aim at Bentham and squeezed the trigger unhesitatingly, a sniper bullet flying towards Bentham's head.

Bentham wanted to dodge instinctually, but his body suddenly became extremely slow, and the bullet instantly impacted right in between his eyebrows.

'Bo!', Bentham's head instantly shot backwards, but he still slowly raised it back up. A bloody hole appeared in the middle of his eyebrows, apparently left behind by the sniper bullet, but even so Bentham did not die. Of course, even though he did not die, it still caused Bentham to feel the fear of death.

At this time, the door which had opened to its widest was starting to slowly close. This was what Bentham had made Noel do, not letting the door stay open for long. Initially Bentham thought that with his strength, he only needed to drag things on for a while and he could send his team members out and make Bai Yi's team stay here. However, things turned out in a very unexpected way. The strength of Bai Yi's team was weaker than his, but this group of people were far more willing to put their lives on the line than he imagined.

"Get out!" Bentham did not care about killing Bai Yi now, and with how he was lying motionlessly on the floor he looked like he had already died.

Bentham ran towards the door, and at this time the rest of them couldn't help but to become anxious. After the door closed, there was no way of getting out.

The battle became even more heated, and everyone started to put their lives on the line.

"Kid, go away, if not I'm going to get serious!" Moses, who had encountered a little kid, threatened fiercely.

"No!" Just like a real kid, Warner replied wilfully, and blood flowed profusely from his fat and sturdy body. The pet pig Pupu lay on the floor beside him, not knowing if it was dead or alive. Warner did not understand what this cruel battle was for, but he could feel Uncle Bai and the other's resoluteness and courage to risk their lives.

"Ha, then I'm not going to be nice anymore." Moses said viciously, his heart growing more and more nervous as he saw the door close.

At this time, Heloise found that Yu Han and Noel were rushing towards the door, and she looked at observation deck in shock and fear. She found Mavis lying on the floor, not knowing if she was dead or alive, and Woolf fighting a desperate battle with a monster that got attracted by the smell of blood.

What happened just now?!

The question flashed past Heloise's head, but no matter what, Noel must stay, otherwise when the door closed there would really be no way out anymore. Heloise immediately ran towards Yu Han, but at this moment she suddenly heard an ear-piercing howl of grief.

Sharpei's cry!

Heloise immediately turned her head, and found a monster viciously biting into Sharpei's neck. That indescribable monster shook his head vigorously, increasing the power behind his bite and the damage. Beside Sharpei, Sara already lost her normal clean and tidy look, her hair was all over the place, appearing very miserable but also carrying a desperate air. Momo, hid in the side of the prison cell, stretching her head out with eyes filled with fear and anxiousness.

What happened… Wasn't Sharpei and the rest of them in the prison cell? How did such a powerful monster appear?

Heloise hesitated in her heart, and in that moment of hesitation Yu Han had already helped Noel past the door.

The chance is gone! 

Everyone in the circular walkway instantly had this thought flash past their heads, they definitely wouldn't be able to make it with their speed now.

Despair rose in everyone's hearts!

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