Event 11: Chest tightening from love? 【3】 ※Intercrural Sex

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As I watched the young master make a splashing sound while licking up the liquid that he had spouted out, I repeatedly took deep breaths.

It’s gone well up until now. But he basically only has an interest in legs……rather, he’s a man that finds the female genitalia to be disgusting. In order for my plan to succeed, I can only do this……!

After he had finished licking up all of the filth that was on my legs, I kicked away the face of the young master who, continued to lick as usual, and took a distance from him. And then, I put my knees together and inserted my hand in between my thighs, which due to their plumpness, did not have a single gap between them.


“This time I will make you feel good with this.”


When I pushed the hand inserted in between my thighs in and out to show him, the young master extended a hand towards my legs as though he were being drawn in. After placing that thing which had risen once again between them, I came to a stop.


“If it’s like this, then I can’t lick them……”


I could hear him muttering that……

Lying down, my legs were placed up at a 90-degree angle. The young master was kneeling on his knees.

It is true that unless he lifted up my legs it would be difficult for him to lick my legs while placing him member between my thighs……? Huh, was this position a failure? What sort of position would be right for intercrural sex that emphasizes the legs?

Would it be better for the young master to stop kneeling and then lower his hips a bit? Or should I turn and lie sideways instead?

As I considered the other positions, before I knew it the young master had gone down from the bed.

This is bad. Did he lose interest!?

When I hastily crawled over to the young master, he said “This is just about right”, grabbed my legs and lifted them up.

He put my legs together as I tumbled and lifted them up. The young master as he stood at the side of the bed was at just the right height.

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I see. It is true that if it’s like this it won’t cause a burden on his hips, and he could also lick my legs! The young master is pretty smart! The bed is also at just the right height!

As I was feeling admiration at that, I was late in noticing it.

That I was also at just the perfect height……


“Let’s start!”

Eh, ah……no way, nooOOOO.”


The moment the young master thrust his hips between my thighs, that hot and boiling member of his rubbed against my chasm. Every time the young master moved, he drove into my chasm, and the tip rubbed against my flowerbud countless times.


“Ah, wait……ts…it’s hitting it, i-it’s hitting it, so-”


My voice didn’t reach the young master at all, as he swung his hips in a trance and sucked on my legs. On top of that, his caring caresses of my toes inside his mouth perhaps caused them to also become an erogenous zone, causing a sweet numbness to run through me.


“Ah, amazing, it’s all slippery……it’s the best.”

“No…ahhh, I’m already…sto-……”


My love juices made my thighs even more slippery, and the young master further increased his speed as he shook his hips. The obscene sounds of water and meat colliding resonated within the room.

As I listened to sounds as if he were really inserting it, I could see the pink head of his glans peeking out from between my thighs a number of times. Every time I saw it, it made me think……maybe next time he’ll actually end up inserting it?

……no, I wasn’t holding such expectations.

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But, it’s just that having my chasm only being rubbed gave a very irritating sensation.

It’s not that I want this perverted young master to insert it. It’s just that if he did——

Just imagining made the depths of my abdomen become hot as my flower bud reacted in a more sensitive manner to the stimuli. My twitching honeypot that twitched eagerly for an insertion overflowed with love juices that dirtied the sheets.

Although he continued to violate my chasm and stimulate my flowerbud with slippery, selfish movements, he gently caressed my ankle and the sole of my foot with his lips and tongue. That difference in treatment toyed with me.

My brain that had been thinking of an escape plan went white as it was overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure, and I reached climax in no time at all.




Suppressing the moan that felt like it would leak out of my lips with my own hands, my entire body trembled.

At the same time, I put strength into my legs. The tightening of my thighs also caused the young master to strongly hug my legs as he reached his who-knows-what-nth climax.

A white cloudy liquid spurted out onto my abdomen as he made an ecstatic expression while repeatedly making rough breaths. As expected, the member interposed between my thighs no longer regained its hardness.




Soon after that, the young master was called by someone and left the room.

As he rearranged his clothes and smoothened out his hair with a comb, he reluctantly kissed my legs. On top of his face still being swollen, his knees seemed like they were trembling. Was he really okay……?

Left behind, I wasn’t reconnected to the chains.

I can run away!? -is what I thought, but when I considered it again, <Owl> was here. Since I didn’t feel his presence at all midway through, I had completely forgotten about him……


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“Why did you erase your presence!”

“Iyaa, I thought you were an innocent Jou-chan, but you’re quite assertive. Did you start wanting to make some kids?”

“Please don’t say such stupid things! With that sort of pervert……!”

“Then you were horny? You were quite salacious.”

“You’re wrong!”


This was all a part of my plan to escape! ……although that last part was a rather unexpected development……but I generally succeeded. The rest depends on the young master but……even if it’s impossible today, there’s still tomorrow. It might take a bit of time, but with me unable to use magic and having <Owl> guarding me, right now I only have this method.


“I’m sure you’re plotting something but……do you really think you can run away from me?”

“……I don’t think I can run away. But, I rather not live a life being kept by that perverted young master.”


I said that while glaring at <Owl> as he gradually approached.


“Haha! I see, Jou-chan is quite cute. If you look at me like that while your ass is completely exposed, you’ll seriously make me want to violate you.”


“Don’t worry. Since it’s work after all, I’ll let you off for today.”


Seeing me hastily fix the hem of my skirt, <Owl> raised his voice in laughter.

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Dammit, this bastard……!

Since I hastily fixed my clothes, the young master’s semen that he released on my abdomen ended up dirtying my clothes as well! I’ll have to throw these clothes out……even if I wash it, I won’t want to wear it. Uuu……the extra expenses hurt.

For the time being, I wiped my legs that had been dirtied with saliva on the sheets. Although I wanted to enter the bath, I felt like I’d end up in some erotic situation if I voiced that desire, so I decided not to say it. I can see a development like, “I’ll wash you up” or “No matter how much I wash you, you’re still this slimy”…….!


“Jou-chan, do you want to enter the bath?”

“No thank you!”


See! See!!

When <Owl> spoke about entering the bath, he grinned while moving his fingers in an obscene manner, so I immediately declined.

I only have bad feelings about this man’s ero events. I don’t bathe while on adventures, so I can somewhat endure this sticky and disgusting feeling. For now it’s been avoided!


“I see……”


<Owl’s> mouth warped in an even more repulsive manner as he muttered, “Then it can’t be helped” and took a metal bottle out from somewhere.

It was a relatively large box about the size of a shoebox, and for some reason seemed to be moving, causing it to clatter……?


——maybe I made a mistake in my decision.


As I gazed at that box, I felt the blood drain from my entire body.

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