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"huh, what is going on?" Eros is in the air on his flying cloud sees Artoria on a motorbike chasing Alexander the great. "you know in some ways this is hilarious"

Eros flys down sitting crosslegged eating a banana and his tail is holding a hand of bananas

"Hey Artoria what's going on with you"

"whoa" Eros sudden appearance startles Saber and she shoved"Don't do actually I'm looking for lady Irisviel. Rider has taken her and I'm chasing after him...if you can would you help me..." she looks down. It was a rude thing to ask of someone she criticizes before.

"hmm ok but you will have to go on a date with me after this is all over!"

"ok as long as you can save her...huh wait what?"

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"good its a deal I hope you dress up in a hot dress oh and I'll let you handle this Rider...I know you hated last time I interrupted your battle. " Eros flys away

"..."She didn't know what to say but then saw Rider in front of her and prepares to fight him... She felt at ease know Eros was helping her. She remembers Eros used to help her with all her issues...he was the only one she could open up to well him and Morgan. 'no time for that though I have a big battle to take place. Eros is going to get Lady Irisviel and ...wait if Rider is here where did Eros go? Rider was the one who took her!'

Eros turned invisible on a roof as he saw the fake Rider turn into the beserker...'oh yeah that's lancy right? the one who was fucking Artoria wife. wasn't he like super jealous of her because Artoria never put out. but Lancy shouldn't have known she was a girl...

Oh isn't that Kariya?' he appears to be working with Kirei... he made a deal with Kariya to kidnap Iri using Berserker's For Someone's Glory, (in order to disguise himself as Rider,) in return for the restoration of the two Command Seals this consumed and the promise of a duel with Tokiomi at the church..sound kind of convoluted and it is... both of these two are weird Kariya has a hard-on for the only person whom he feels can understand him and Kirei has a crush on a Aoi but she chose someone else. He is willing to do anything for his idea fantasy.' Eros looks at his face and wonders something how much suffering has he gone through for a girl who doesn't love him...'well don't worry as the god of love I will help you out oh I should listen...midnight at the church...okay? I guess he is wanting to set him up. The most obvious would be to kill Tokiomi and have it blamed on Kariya but why would that matter to a man who only has a little longer to live...unless Aoi the woman he loves shows up and she thinks he's the one who killed him and she attacks him in rage and he ends up killing her...but that would be too cliche...Oh, Kirei notices Zōken and orders him to come out. Zōken remarks on how Kirei relates to his enjoyment of watching Kariya suffer, but Kirei drives him away.

I hate Zoken. I know what he is doing and how he's been alive for Three hundred years...I will curse him later. 'Iri it doesn't seem they are going to kill you here. since they promise that guy the grail I guess they will give it to him at the church. Besides it's not an epic entrance here...I'll wait till you wake up...'

Eros goes to the church with Kirie and sees 'THE CLICHE' Aoi appears and sees Kariya over the body and says he doesn't understand love because he never loved anyone and Kirie loses himself to temporary madness.'...maybe its true my wives are the only ones who aren't stupid in this universe.' Eros arrives in between both of them. He makes sure he manipulates Kirie and archer memories first.

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"Kariya and Aoi calm down. " They both stop and look at a boy with wings...Kariya regains his clearity

"Who are you? "

Eros exorting his loving divinity speaks with a voice different than normal. "I am Eros the God of love I have come today to give you guidince...ok thats enough of that. " Eros started to act normal again. "you two have forgotten something. "

"My lord what do you mean?"

"no lords or anything just Eros. First let me show you this." Eros showed them something they both forgortten. You see a boy and a girl every spending time together. The boy would talk of the future. Dreaming of runing away from their destiny. The girl felt he was the only one who could make her laugh. They even made a promise as kids to always be together under the promise tree. However things didn't go the way they planed as they grew older both felt the responsibities of their families. Her parents wanted her to have a successful marriage with a strong mage. She was made to think she had to be a wife of a mage. The boy didn't want to be a mage he understood how corrupt their family was. Zouken Matou was the creator of the grail wars. He kept himself alive by gettin getting people from using them as future vessales.

(The way he does this is the Crest Worms.They are a unique kind of Magic Crest of the Matou family made out from Zouken Matou's personal Familiars, magical energy eating worms that can channel energy even when their host is no longer alive. and using that it can increase someones life namely him.)

Then When word got out about the boy wanting to leave the mage family she was 'told or brainwashed' that he was no good. then another boy proposed to her and she didn't accept him right away even through she knew his strong mage history...she wanted to see the boy one last time hoping he could do something. They talked and he convinced her to leave. the boy one day tried to take her away with him running away from the family but they were caught by their family and had memory manipulated and she was made to believe he just ran away once that other guy confessed and he thought she just went up to the boy and agreed right away..both of them knew that these two was them..."

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"This is your past you forgotten originally you two were going to leave with each other but were manipulated to...well this isn't all." Eros showed how sakura had the warms in her body and what they do to people. He also showed how Kariya was willing to risk his life shroten his life to have less than a year left just to save sakura.

Tears were falling down "I never wanted this I wanted "

"You failed as a mother the second your daughter was told that she was going to be going to the Matou family you never rejected you accepted it. As a mage right but that means nothing. Do you know how much pain she goes through. A little 8 year old? Let me show you a portion of it." Eros transfered 1 % of Kariya pain to her

"AHHH" She screamed and fell on the ground he ran to help her up

"That was 1 % of the pain Kariya going through and for Sakura its even failed as a parent. So tell me whats your excuse huh. Kariya did everything and is dying just to save your daughter and you havent done anything. You mocked him and just acted like your better than him. " Eros used his powers to make her look at him."look at him this is what he did for not his child for you. This is what his love did for you. He was willing to go through hell for you.

After he is implanted with crest worms, half of his limbs have become disfunctional and distorted, resulting in a limp. He has a sickly pale complexion brought on by the constant deterioration of his health. On certain parts of his face, veins protrude and when Kariya uses magecraft, crest worms are seen squirming under the surface of his skin, specifically around his face. His hair turned completely white from shock and he went blind in one eye."

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Eros then sung {Fox Spirit Matchmaker (2017) - OP 2}

Tears were falling from her eyes she kept saying shes sorry sorry"

"ok that is not what you should say to him.."

"...thank you"

"I will tell you he wasn't the one who killed your husband." Eros told them it was a trick just to see a show by Kirie Zouken and archer.

"I will kill them I will"

"Calm down you have very little life left..I will save your daughter later tonight and kill Zouken as for Kirie and archer...I'll let the others handle them. As for you two wait at the Einzbern mansion in Germany for a while. I'll come back getting you after I save Sakura"

Before they could respond Eros sent them away. Eros had Kirie and Archer think Aoi was strangled to death. ..'Now lets see what your dreams are Kirie and Gilgmesh so that I can destroy it. ' Eros smiled 'dance for me for you tried to hurt my women.

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