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She glares at Eros with a sense of hatred. Eros smiles and looks at this girl. She was wearing a see-through blouse and around the legs and arms are handcuffs

The woman then says "Touching me with your hands. You criminals are all the same"

Eros shrugs"your the criminal" she was shocked by his claim to call her a criminal but he continued by pointing at her "Have you ever looked in a mirror your body is a crime. your freaking sexy ass body. Look at those thighs. "Eros then sees a scar so he bends down and starts to lick it but continues to lick closer to her private area.

The girl didn't know what was going on 'he starts licking me and now he is going near my pussy."

She tried using her hand but push him away but he continued to lick her panties and right when she was about to climax he stops 'why did he stop'

He leaves and nods "Yup now its all done! the scar is gone!"

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She looked at him confused "What scar?"

Eros pointed to her thigh "You had a scar didn't you feel pain there" he pointed to the spot "I cured it with my healing magic" Eros makes a pose that would look stupid on anyone else but awesome on him.

She touches the area and does feel better but 'why would he do that? How did he do that? Magic can heal but it shouldn't be able to remove scars.." She looks at him and asks how he was able to heal her and he responded "I am the summoned hero of this world to defend the world from devastation. To reunite all people within the world. To show the world what Lust really means, To extend our reach to the stars above! Raphtalia, "then Raphtalia comes out " Eros" Eros continues "Archer hero of Lust! freeing hearts with the arrow of loves"Filo comes out in the middle jumping out saying "Filo that's right" Filo was smiling, Eros was smirking and Raphtalia was blushing from embarrassment at the poses they made.

Eros spoke in Filo and Raphtalia head "good work girls. You were able to respond at the perfect time. Raph I was surprised at you. As expected of you."

She responses "Eros that was embarrassing. "

Eros opened his mouth from shocked "I thought that was cool right Filo" Filo nodded and said "big sister you don't know what fun is. " They started arguing. The girl was shocked when she asked "where did they come from"

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Eros laughs "haha its one of my many powers"

She looks at the two girls who looked cute to her and asked: "who are those two?"

Eros thinks for a second"hmm maybe my sisters or daughters or members of my harem...I haven't decided all I know is they're my family" The two girls run and hug Eros

Eros caress their hair and Raphtalia says"I don't like it reminds me of back there...I'm sorry I'm being weak...I'll get stronger" Eros just pats her head. Then he attractive his healing Shot and healed all the prisoners. "Alright, prisoners spread the love of the world..." Eros then Raphtalia reprimands him "Eros you shouldn't free prisoners what if they did anything bad"

Eros laughs and says" There is no such thing as good and evil in my eyes. No worries if they harm innocent I will make them regret it. Eros promise"

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"did you just promise your self? Should I promise to Filo now " Filo asked

Eros realized he never told them he was a god but he was all like after they had sex.

Then Someone opens the door telling everyone to escape so everyone starts running. They are on a bridge and Eros then sees a goblin a few miles away injured and was curious..." here you go hop on this Raphtalia "Eros lends Raphtalia his flying cloud and Filo transforms into her huge bird form and Eros hops one "Well see you guys later. My prison roommate I will fuck *cough * find you later " He winks and smacks her ass and they leap off the bridge

Raph glares at Eros and Eros smiles"Become a great woman Raphtalia"

"...." She just begins to contemplate what he means and Eros says "You too Filo" Then a second later Eros realizes his mistake'I forgot to ask her name...'

The said girl was thinking "Archer Hero of Lust...Eros...Why am I strangely attracted to you"

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The trio approaches the goblin who glares ready to attack but was wounded Eros just goes "Yo" in goblin "you seemed to be injured let me heal you" He was shocked "A human healed me "

Eros showed him his tail which he didn't have before "Do I look like a human? I am a monkey race..." Eros realized something 'what race of monkey is Wukong? he looks like a Rhesus Macaque but hmm also what did he mate with to create those Saiyans? How come he's the only one of the seven that an animal? Sun Wukong your the strangest of all the sins. Why am I...why am I and C.C the only normal ones." If any other sins heard Eros say that they would cough out blood

After that Eros got some goodies from the goblin Raphtalia asked why Eros helped the goblin we should have killed it. which Eros was confused "Huh, Why he's a good guy... Raphtalia you shouldn't just kill everything you see"

Eros then walked with them to the gate..Eros didn't feel like going to jail so he just walked in. They decided to go to the adventures guild to become adventures but first get some food for the two who seem hungry. So we go to the tavern

Raphtalia asks how can go when we have no money. Which Eros smiles and says "While I am known for being handsome and good in bed, I have another ability that people forget about. " They just look confused as Eros enters the Tavern and quickly follow him

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