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After the audience with the king ended Eros followed Naofumi as he was laughing at telling the king he should bow. Eros then decides he should go back to his mansion. So he gathers his members and gets ready to go there

Raphtalia: So you're saying you had no idea what was going on. But you thought he wanted to suck your *whispers* penis

Eros: Yup its kind of funny if you think about it

Christina: Well who cares about those humans...none of us are humans anyway

Eros: Even through Rishia a furry doesn't mean she isn't human...

Christina: well she doesn't count

they started traveling for a few days then suddenly Eros remembered

Eros: Shit we have to return to and find the princess

Filo: Melty!

Filo was excited

Eros: no the other one...but we'll see her if we can

Raphtalia: Are you sure I thought you wanted to go back to the mansion and do all those things with those girls

Eros laughs for a moment

Eros: Well spending time with you is not bad besides something tells me next time we go back we will be doing a lot of stuff...

Eros and the girls went to a town and found Naofumi killing a bunch of knights and kidnap the princess Melty. It was seen on an imaging device everywhere

Christina: This is clearly fake. The modified this to make like the human did this

Rishia: How cruel

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Raphtalia: Eros what do you want to do

Eros knew she was worried about Keel and her friend Lifana.

Eros: sigh lets go help them out...I'll drive you there

He took them to where Naofumi was being attacked by the spear hero and fake Kirito

Eros easily blocks the attacks like it was nothing

Eros: Yo

everyone was shocked because not only did he come out of nowhere but he blocked all attacks and made it seem like it was nothing

Eros looks at Myne

and a weapon appears in his hand. His walk scared everyone and he stabs Myne with his blade and she starts screaming


she passes out from the pain

The spear hero attacked Eros but he just flicked him and sent him flying back

Eros: Calm down. I'm sure she's fine. I just freed her mind...She needs lots of rest...She will be a new person So I suggest you take her out of here

Ren: what's going on Eros

Eros tells him this is all a play by the church. They want to get rid of the shield hero thinking their god hates the shield hero and demi-humans.

Ren: What! but that would mean

Eros: well you can look it up yourself. I'm going on with Naofumi...

Eros grabs Naofumi and his gang and teleports away

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Fuckboy Spear looked at Eros direction with hatred before passing out


Naofumi: So you were right the church is trying to get rid of me

Eros: yeah but it could be worse

Naofumi: Worse?

Eros: Yeah you could be alone...but you're with your family

Naofumi: .....

They traveled in Eros carriage and they felt it was a mansion instead of a carriage.

Raphtalia tells her friends that she killed the slave owner who tortured them. and they all started crying to her

Milo Naofumi bird companion looked at Filo with respect. Eros didn't get birds at all

As for Melty, she seemed drained but she went up to him

Melty: bow hero. I think you for your assistance but I want to know what you did to my sister

Eros: Princess fuck off

Melty: what

Eros: damn bow this, proper that. I hate all that stiffy shit. If you have a question just ask, shit.

Melty: I'm a princess you shouldn't

Eros: I don't give a damn about what your title is. You don't even know me. Let me ask you do you really think you have a greater title than me...I'll let you know. My mother never had a kingdom that didn't bow for her.If she wanted to any kingdom could be destroyed...So little girl fuck off

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Melty starts throwing a tantrum and Filo goes over to her and hugs her

Raphtalia looks at Eros for being mean to a child

Eros: damn since I'm being a bad guy.

Eros shows her his keyblade

Eros: do you know what this is?

Melty: It's a

Eros: of course you don't because I created it

She starts blushing. Everyone came close to Eros because they were curious too about this weapon

Eros: This is the X-blade...but its the series of Keyblades

Naofumi: what is it? how can you use it when you're a bow hero

Eros: this is a soul bounded weapon. If you're worthy it chose you. I just have to select you and make one for you...

Christina: But what does it do? It seems simple

Eros laughed

Eros: A keyblade and open and close anything. It can purify anything, The X blade can control the Kingdom hearts

Filo: I'm lost

Eros then realizes it was confusing for her

Naofumi: What do you mean by open and close anything

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Melty: Purify...anything...

She looks at him she still confused a little

Raphtalia: Kindom hearts

Eros: ok let's say I want to close your eyes. I can permanently close your eyes forever and you can never be opening them. I can open worlds, universes.

Naofumi: So your saying I can leave this world with it

Eros: I can but if I did the lady might destroy your world

Naofumi: Huh

his happiness was gone

Naofumi: What lady

Eros: well I'll tell it to you with all the heroes but your sister was being influenced well majorly influenced by a goddess. She corrupted her mind...when I purified her mind she realized all the stuff she's done and it shocked her...

Melty: How bad? I mean big sister seemed...I don't know how she is

Eros: It's like imagine if someone forced you to feel you love someone and then you realized you never loved them at all. It was a lie...would you be okay after that...I'm sure it was worse for her. She probably had a similar personality to you.

Naofumi: Forget all that why would she destroy the world

Eros: For fun...

With that Eros went to bed

The next day they saw a pretty girl with wings

Eros looks at it and just says

Eros: Filo show this bitch whos the boss

'glaring at me...fuck you'

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