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Eros then told Lupusregina Beta to come out. She came out of his wings wearing

Eros was wearing Lupusregina Beta then goes to Eros arms kisses him on the cheek and says

"Eros I missed you" she snuggles and puts his arm between her boobs as she holds him.

"mmhhmm so how are you feeling?

"I feel clear" she smiled

"well lets see Shalltear and solution"

"yes "

Eros walked with to door and opened it

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"sorry I kept you two waiting" Eros did his killer smile. the girls felt like their heart beat 10 times faster.

"N-No we-were the ones sorry Lord Eros"

"hmm Eros nodded and sat down in a single chair. Lupusregina Beta sat down on his lap. which pissed the girls off. Eros had his right hand around her waist

Eros then looked at the girls seriously "I'm disappointed in both of you"

They both looked down "First there is you shalltear. You loss yourself to the Blood Frenzy and then you get brainwashed " eros shakes his head then looks at Solution "let me ask you how long have you been here?"

"well we've been here for a few days"

"So how come I was able to have some of my human people that I met the other day already conquered the eight fingers I also reorganized the organization slave trafficking, assassinations, smuggling, larceny, drug trade, security, banking, and gambling were the things before however I have no use for illegal stuff I like slaves, assassination only if their is a background check. We now sell information and knowledge. gambling is going to be bigger it will be legit and everyone will be able to gamble but there are limits to what you may bet. We will have institutions where people can drink all they want.... for larceny ...

Eros went on and on with his plans and what he had done. It was shocking. he completed these task while they haven't even made much impact yet. Also Eros is well known in this place..

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"So the humans you both look down upon have accomplish what you could not accomplish. What does that make you feel are you still so conceited that your better than humans. You have both greatly disappointed me." Eros looked at them

"Wait Eros calm down they don't understand for them only the supreme ones matter they don't know how small they are. They just want to follow those guys but don't realize how weak they are. "


"what do you mean weak and why are you addressing Lord Eros so familiar"

"ha was I ever so naive..." Lupusregina smiled "I learned more about the world and why we exsist and I also learned how great Eros is compared to everyone else they are ..."she shakes her head" I call him Eros because I am his wife. I dont walk behind him or follow him I walk at his side because that is where his wife should be.."

'what did you learn' that is what they wanted to know

"OKAY NOW" Eros using his divinity voice" I will punish you both" they went to their knees from now on you two or banish from Nazarick till I deemed you can return "They both had fear " And you will follow me from now on" they were conflicted they were happy but confused not being able to return was a huge punishment but following a supreme one was a reward.

"oh I will tell you when you see Eros home you will think Nazarick is like nothing"

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they both glared at her 'seriously what does she know and what has Eros-sama showed her '

Lupusregina got off of Eros and Eros clapped his hands"Ok you have been punished now" Eros smiled" Now for the reward" Eros and Lupusregina got naked fast... Eros looked at the girls showing his giant sword fully ready for battle confused and asked "whats wrong hurry up and get your reward"

"reward but we failed you"

"yeah I don't think we should get a reward"

"haha you two are stupid Eros already gave you a punishment and its harsh right his reward is for something else"

"Yup I want to reward you because you three looks so hot I want to make you my wives so were going to fuck until every part of your bodies is marked with me and for you solution till my seed is most of your body.." Eros looked at the two" this is my reward too for not jumping you when I had the you two tempted me with you releasing your scent. the next day all girls in the house were fucked like crazy Eros then summoned his wives from his wings and fucked them too. it was a huge orgy and then Eros gave Clementine, Hamtaro, Tuare, Solution Epsilon and Shalltear Bloodfallen a drop of my blood and a feather. They all felt different like were no longer restrained and had emotion shift a certain direction they understood more and the world clearer. When they saw the humans they felt more intrigue than anything else with learning the truth.

Eros also sent Sebas a message informing him to tell Ainz he took this place over also that Solution had fail to complete her mission and he had humans defeat her. he also told him that a group called Black Scripture had used a world item on Shalltear they are part of the Slane Theocracy. the ones who attacked that village were actually from Slane Theocracy. .

Also Black Scripture is the Slane Theocracy's final trump card, a special forces unit comprising of individuals with heroic-level abilities. One could even think of them as a group supposedly made up of adamantite-ranked adventurers. However, there was actually a critical difference which sets the Black Scripture apart from most adamantite adventurer groups, that of their equipment used by each of its respective member. In other words, they're utilizing the equipment that originated from the arsenal of items belonging to the Six Great Gods. While so, the Black Scripture are commonly assigned to very dangerous tasks, and so they had a very high attrition rate.

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"Well thats all I know well care to share. Tell Ainz I said this is a gift for bone daddy with love from cupid "

"ehmm Yes think you for your help Eros-sama"

"no problem sebas haha you remind me of Touch-me with the seriousness well I'm off have fun"

"So I became the highest rank adventure here, loved by all. Even the guild master offered me his job. I have taken over the underground I even been helping lots of people with love... My wives are all having fun especially Rika seriously why are all my wives outfits greek goddess robes...she knows my style..

its been a few days

In case your wondering Eros wives can come and go as they please and sometimes they leave right now Yui, Merida, and Nemu who are setting things in motion in the kingdom Rose and twins are handling things in the underground. Asuna and kyouko are in charge giving out orders doing other things I don't know. Silica...Rika is helping making cloths

Eros and Enri go to adventures guild and my dick senses are tingling I look and see at a table, a super noble hottie, twins, a loli hag (looks young) a huge muscle woman but I have a magic to reduce the size and haha this is going to be fun.

Eros and Enri walk to the table and say "Yo I have decided I will make you all my wives"


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