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The exam had started. The goal of the exam was to get as many points as possible! You get points by beating robots...Everyone was nervous.

Glasses is still being anal as fuck...I think he needs to fuck...or to be fucked...seeing how he is anal ... ok, I'll be sure to help him out! I am a kind God after all...oh his glasses seemed to be cracked...what happened to them...


Everyone seems to be excited. The kids don't know where the enemies are how many of them they are. They have limited time and must cover a vast area and hunt down every last target

Eros looks to the side and sees someone using information gathering abilities, while some use speed to beat their pairs. some just use their raw power and combat abilities. The most successful use a combination of all these...


Eros sees no one is injured yet so he goes to Izuku is and sees what hes up to

Eros: Yo

Izuku: AHH

Eros just appeared behind Izuku and nearly gave him a heart attack

Eros: Damn kid you're going to be a hero, no need to be scared about how many points have you gotten

Izuku: Umm I -I have none

His face was pale

Eros: Haha then you better hurry up...oh...whats that noise

Izuku: noise

then suddenly a huge robot comes from the ground causing lots of havoc. Everyone was afraid. It was too big and tough for these students to beat so they all ran from it

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Izuku: Ahh this is a disaster I have to run and find some smaller villains

Eros watches everyone run in fear and sees the heavenly child frozen in fear seeking smaller enemies. He sees Anal glasses run pass the frozen Izuku...

Eros eyebrows furrowed

Eros: Is this what you call heroes...pathetic...No one even noticed that there was a girl trapped...some future heroes...

Eros is talking about Ochaco. When the robot appeared it caused damages to the surrounding building and some of the debris fell on her leg

Eros shakes his head and moves forward

Eros didn't speak loud...but some people heard him...One being Izuku

Izuku grits his teeth and gets up

Eros looks and smiles at the sight of Izuku

Eros: take down the monster...I'll rescue Ochaco and heal her alright

Izuku: Right

He had made an he ran to prep himself to something stupid...

Eros went to Ochaco...and saw..she wasn't wearing a skirt...damn

Eros: Yo...need a hand

Ochaco: came back but...

Eros blew the stuff away from her and kissed her lips

Her face went completely red and but her injuries were completely healed

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Eros: I healed your wounds...I have the ability to heal by kissing...

Ochaco who was in a daze from her first kiss being taken froze...then she realized she was able to move again...

Ochaco: but how I thought you had healing ability

Eros just smiled and looked at Izuku destroying robot with his one punch...and broke all his bones in his arm

Eros: (oh I see his body can't handle the strain on punch...lame...wait his legs are broken too)

Eros walks out and uses his wind to stop the idiot from falling to his death

Eros looks at the broken Izuku

Eros: How ya doooing...did you have a nice fall?

Izuku: She alright

Eros: Yup you did it you are the hero who saved us from the villain. I was so scared...

Eros sounded like he was afraid...but he was faking

Eros: How about I give you a nice big punch

He lifts Izuku up and punches him into a wall

Everyone froze...

Eros: What...he was an idiot for doing something so stupid...besides...all I did was heal him

Izuku who was thrown into the wall looks up and saw that all his wounds were completely healed

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Eros put his hands around his neck


*In the monitor room.*

Nezu: That don't think it was...

All Might: but he looks younger and he was using wind powers earlier

Nezu: It isn't unusual for someone to possess more than one quirk

All Might: ( did he get younger)


Recovery girl came and went to check on the people but surprisingly all the people were healed. If they were a guy they were punched hard and if they were a girl they were kissed

Eros then waved at Recovery girl

Recovery girl came over to Eros

Recovery girl: Did you heal everyone here

Eros: is my job...oh by the way I'm Cupid

Everyone made a lot of noise

Recovery girl: But you look younger... and you were using wind

Eros: Oh my quirk is healing! as for my wind and monkey stuff I was experimented on. I'm not sure if I was a monkey that was humanized or a human that was monkeyed. the wind is one of the natural abilities.

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Recovery girl was stunned

Recovery girl: Then you getting younger

Eros: Oh my healing ability it makes me younger... A horrible side effect when I overuse it.

Everyone was is that a bad side effect!

Ochaco felt conflicted...she thought he was a student...but it turns out he was a hero...the most eligible bachelor hero...


Eros then had a lector about interfering with the exam...luckly he didn't defeat any villains

Eros: So...I'm the gym teacher right?

Nezu: No you will be every teacher guinea pig *cough* assistant

Eros: did you say guinea pig

Nezu: haha no I didn't

Eros eyes twitches...

Eros: (I wonder if silica wants a new pet)

Eros smiles at the principal who is a mouse who was experimented on


Eros was forced to have Midnight babysit him...

//AN: Funny thing is I found out that some people think that Eros is a good guy. I was shocked. I mean depending on how Eros feeling he would be a villain. Good evil means nothing to him. Only his lust...maybe it's just me. What do you think?

Please rate, Comment, Review, Check out my discord and check out my coffee page just search DemonKingVan at you know. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. //

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