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This takes place after The first day of class

Due to the fact its Zuko (wannabee) Eros knew Zuko must have a hot sister...So he couldn't let this go unanswered. Azula is a freak in bed. He wanted to have another girl like her. then have a threesome with them

Shoto: Lust-sensei why are you following me?

He noticed Eros had followed him when he was near his house

Before Eros could say something the door opened and it was a beautiful girl. She has white hair, flecked with a few noticeable traces of a crimson-like color, which is mostly shoulder-length aside from the ear-length side bangs she sports and the short clump she leaves hanging down her forehead.

She was wearing a white dress shirt with a plain grayish peach-colored cardigan, the sleeves worn rolled up to just below her elbows, along with navy blue jeans. She also sports brown dress shoes and a pair of red-framed rectangular glasses.

sister: Shoto your back late how was class...

She then notices a handsome young man. She reconized was Cupid the hero said that might surpass All might...

She had a slight crush on him but seeing him in person shocked her...she was at a lost for words.

Sister: Sorry Me Shoto sister meet you nice

Eros: nice to meet you to sister, I'm Eros Lust the hero Cupid

Sister: I've heard of you

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She grabs his hands and blushed embarrassment

Shoto: Nee-san...

Sister: Oh sorry...I'm Fuyumi Todoroki

Eros: wow rumors were right..

Fuyumi: rumors? (there shouldn't be any rumors about me)

Eros: That Endeavor had a beauty as a daughter but I can see its an understatement...I'm Zu...Shoto's Teacher at UA

She blushed at her compliment even though she knew it was a lie because she knew he only wanted to be the number one hero. Everything else was nothing to him...but still girls love compliments especially from guys they like

Eros: So can I come inside...

Fuyumi: come inside...isn't that a little fast but.

Her face went a deep shade of red but then

Shoto: he did come all this way

She realized he meant inside the house not ...and recalls her father's orders

Fuyumi: Oh Shoto father...said he wants you to come to his office...he wants to talk to you

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Eros: Oh..I want to talk to him and his wife...

Eros then sees Shoto grips his fist...and sees his hand get a little red

Eros then bonks his head

and Shoto crouches down and rubs his head


Eros: Your face... I don't like it...Hero's don't become negative like that. They face forward and face their problems

Shoto grits his teeth and looks at Eros

Shoto: You don't know what kind of man Endeavor is. He ruined our family. I will never be like him. Face him...I don't want to even look at him

Eros laughs

Eros: What are you talking about. I mean making him suffer!

Shoto/ Fuyumi: Huh

Eros: He's the number two hero right then aim to be the number 1 and when you achieve that you can be like I owe this to and be like everyone but him. Be so popular that he is forgotten. You can also try

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The siblings are speechless at his shamelessness. talking about stealing his company, Erasing his legacy. Changing their name in spite of him, tons of other stuff they had thought in their heads...aren't you a hero...

Eros: All in all you should be like a god. shaking hands with him in one hand and a knife in your other

Shoto/ Fuyumi: gods?

Eros: Oh you should get going right?

Shoto looks at Eros for a moment and felt strange about his advice...strange that he thought he might do that

As he left Eros looks at Fuyumi and Eros smile goes away. Fuyumi notices it and was shocked

Fuyumi: Whats wrong

Eros: What happens to Shoto...his face is has a scar...what happened to him

Fuyumi takes him inside and tells him.

years ago Endeavor married a woman named Rei Todoroki. It was forced upon by her family and she was forced to bear his children...she forced herself to be happy...but she hated herself and her husband...she wanted to kill him..but she couldn't she bore his that his children could surpass All Might...All were as to how he put it failures...until Shoto was born...he was born processes both Ice and hot powers...and focus all his time on raising him...

One day Shoto said that he wanted to become a hero too and something snapped in her...she was warming up tea...and his words...his looks...she thought of Endeaver...her mind broke and she poured boiling water on Shoto...because he looked like him

Shoto had a heavy heart since them...his mother was hospitalized and cut off from the family...

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Eros nodded and thought to himself...

Eros: (He is Zuko...except his mother was the one who burned him...strange shouldn't he hate his mother because she was the one who burned him...wait Zuko wanted to be loved by his father even through he was burned by his that a fetish...humans are so interesting)

Eros looks at her

Eros: but you're still here

She bites her tongue...

Fuyumi: I have to... I have to try to be there for Shoto...I don't want him to be broken like...I don't want to lose another brother

Eros goes up to her and hugs her

Somehow or another... Eros ended up comforting her in her room...All night long...She screamed Eros name all night

Eros gave his number telling her she is his women and said he will help Shoto...and they should continue to give each other advice as fellow teachers...yeah they would fuck more in the future! Eros also told her that when he is the number one hero he'd take her as a wife!

Eros thought to himself nothing like taking advantage of a girl who is very emotional...

While Fuyumi thought to herself

Fuyumi: ( I hope I get pregnant with Eros baby...I can't belive my hero loves me KYAA)

//AN: Please rate comment and review

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