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Eros and Lukyrus sat down at the table to join Renner. Eros smiled and sat close to Renner. She then was thinking of somethings and wanted him to have the best food and drink. Right when she was about to call a maid Eros grabbed her hand and shook his head

"No let me treat you to some of my food from my home."

"food from your home?" he didn't carry anything

"oh its space magic here Eros waved his hand and amazing cookies and cake were on the table with a drink it was was strong but sweet

"what is this" she looks at Eros?

" Latte macchiato and black forest gateau. Also called milk coffee is made by combining espresso with steamed milk. Usually it goes best with black forest gateau, dried fruit cake, lemon cake or chocolate pastry. That is why I prepared a black forest gateau for you, dried fruit cake for Lakyus and chocolate pastry for me.

Renner bit into the black forest gateau and then drunk some of the latte and she couldn't stop. She started sweating and sweat off her face fell down her breast she started holder her self tightly and her nipples started getting harder

"Its like I'm a goddess and my mere presence is blessing the world and I am shooting arrows and more and more people are being happy and and love is EVERYWHERE" She orgasm from the food. She then fell and leaned on Eros.

"how was the food"

"idiot" then she pouts and says low "i wish I met you first"

Eros laughed and said "no worries you will be mine"

Renner eyes widen and was about to say something when a knock could be heard

Renner straightening up and told the person to come in.

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Eros wasn't bothered and saw the person coming in a puppy no a boy who like a puppy.

{Climb POV}

I received a message to see her highness. She was stunning as always but she was with guest lady Aindra and a man I never seen before

"Excuse me I didn't expect company so I will return later."

"Climb don't fret I asked you to come. I will introduce you to him " She stands up and held his hand and went to introduce him. "This is Eros the adamantite ranked adventurer and the leader of Cupid. "

"nice to meet you. I am also her husband. "

wait you didn't look at anyone whose husband..wait what. nononono must have misheard him

"I'm sorry you said you are Lady Aindra husband" he just nods

"*phew* You highness may I ask what you had summoned me for"

"oh I just wanted to see you. You were gone for all days." she smiled at me which warms my heart.

"No-nothing at all I was just training and ended up following a lead which led to nowhere"

"well why don't you sit down climb standing there makes me feel distance from you." Aww how can you be so kind I wish the rumors about her stop..

"pftt haha " everyone looks at Eros. "sorry its just funny you said sit down climb stand haha its funny" (GIWE has a horrible since of humor)

I dont get it. but I listen to her highness

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"Oh so why did you want me to come here today Renner?"

Her highness discussed with Lady Aindra about her new suggestion on improving the crop change of the Kingdom, but Lady Aindra deemed it as too risky to be carry out. One of their discussions was about Eight Fingers and the last brothel in the Royal Capital. Her highness easily decodes a message and discovered various locations of Eight Fingers within the Kingdom. All while this was going on Sir Eros was quietly staring at her highness.

"Is something wrong you have been staring at me for sometime"

"oh I was just marveling at you beauty I can't wait to make you mine" and did a killer smile. wow that smile is deadly wait no don't think like that

"you what do you mean" I touch my sword "you are being rude to her highness"

"Climb calm down he meant no offense right Eros"

"yup all I said was true oh also concerning eight fingers don't worry about

"what why "

"Oh this is a secret so let me put a silence spell to prevent those maids hiding in the corner from hearing. " whats a silence spell and maids hiding what?

"Ok well I already dealt with Eight Fingers and all their hideouts"


'well not me my wives but well they did it for me...and because they wanted to see if they could do it without my help'

"but if you did that then" it looks like her highness has something to say

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"no worries I took control over Eight Fingers"

"What you cour " I grab my sword

"Calm your dog down Renner and let me finish"

"Climb lets hear him out"

I begrudgingly sat down while glaring at him

"Let me ask you who runs the country"

"Well obvious the king" Lady Aindra says I nod only her highness didnt say anything just looked at Eros with interest.

"Its the underground they control slave trafficking, assassinations, smuggling, larceny, drug trade, security, banking, and gambling. while does things seem bad most of the money for the kingdom is made through those said means so if they stop what will happen."

"An economic downfall"

"correct beauty and brains if only you ... nevermind everyone has their secrets." he then looks at me

"whats a Economic downfall?"

"no money, people will lose jobs, and well since we have conflicts we would be taken over by another country. there will also be many civil wars civilians will riot and try to fight royalty... thats the reason why I took control also someone else would take their place some may be worse or stupider than the last.

Shocking he just saved us from a huge crisis but he treating it like its nothing

"Thats why I said keep it a secret I trust Lakyus she is my wife and Renner I will go to her father once I earn her love. you are her guard so I trust you just not your skills.

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I don't know how I feel about you..

Well they talked for a while and I went to train with Gazef and talk with him about this Eros guy.

"Eros...hmm now that I think about him he was with Ainz Ooal Gown. I think they were friends but Gown-san mention that he was more powerful than him.

"Wow so he is stronger than the person you look up to"

"yes supposedly but I haven't seen him fight"

The next day I heard rumors in the palace about a ghost moaning all night long and throughout the morning I have no clue. I think people need to stop with the ghost stories. I went to see her highness she said tomorrow to come with her to meet with his highness the king. Not much happened did the same thing trained. and went to bed. The next day I went to get her highness to take her to the throne room where everyone was waiting. I heard rumors again about this ghost screaming

the screaming sometimes saying I need holy water to cleanse my soul another saying how can you tell us apart in the dark, then there was haha I changing sizes and both are breaking me how can this be so good. then there was someone saying In the air were in the air haha the final one was saying your Excalibur is the best you are the one true king the ruler of all I will serve you forever ahhh

No one knew what they were talking about.

I knocked on the door and surprisingly there was Sir Eros there... I don't remember hearing about visiters but maybe it skipped the maids thoughts. As I was about to ask her highness said

"well then Eros lets go" She held onto his arms and smiled" Climb lets go" for some reason it felt like she wasn't looking at me like she used to. I felt strange.

We arrived to the throne and I went to the side where I was suppose to go and saw Sir Eros in the center. He didn't even kneel when the king passed by the guards all wanted to kill him but the king let it slide whats going on

"So why have you brought this man here who has been disrespectful"

"Oh I wanted to" before her highness could finish Sir Eros grabs her waist and kiss her on the lips and says

"I have made Renner my wife and decided to be King of the country. Making Renner my Queen all those who oppose me I willing to take on anyone. " He then did something and shouted.


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