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Eros decided to see some people and went traveling then Eros ended up coming to a young planet. It seems only like 100,000 years old. Surprisingly they have humans. Eros sees a beautiful girl who seems fairest in the land

No men seems to court this girl..'she reminds me of Psyche. '

She seemed to be locked in a castle. forever restricted and then one they a man came and broke her out of the cage.

Despite Eros looks he loves watching love bloom between others.

They traveled around the world and slowly fell in love with each other. However one day the man fell ill and past away. She was sadden by the lost and went to the God of light to bring her love back. She begged him to bring her husband back from the dead, but he denied her, saying he must maintain the balance of life and death. She then went to the God of Darkness to request the same of him, and the God of Light appeared in his domain after his brother granted her wish. As tensions escalate, the brothers feud in their draconic forms until the Light God said She came to his brother only after him denying her request.

The God of Light transports her to his domain before she retaliates, where the Fountain of Life grants her immortality. He with his brother said they did so as both punishment and to help her learn the importance of life and death, but she is unmoved.

She calls people of the world to denounce the gods, finding promise in her immortality. As a response, the God of Darkness harnesses their onslaught of magic and crushes it, killing every Human except for Her. The God of Light gives a damning farewell to her and departs world know as Remnant.

Eros sighs and shakes his head. 'I would revive her husband but... The Gods in this world are cruel. I see so they are going to revive her husband anyway and make it so shes the bad one...Even through they never understood humans to begin with.' As for the girl she did love him but I feel it was the ideal of him.. their souls aren't connected...As for him if he does care about her but would abandon her if she was lost...

Eros went in front of her in his god form but she doesn't notice him.'hmm she should be able to see me... no she is covered with to much despair that she wont notice me. Her hatred of gods caused her to now... but she maybe be able to hear me

"Little Salem, I know you have suffered in this life but don't lose hope your husband will return eventually. As for Gods don't worry about them think about your own happiness." Eros then played a song {Cry No More-Vaults}

tears fell down from her face "Who Who are you are you? Are you one of those gods?"

"Me I'm just Eros when ever love comes around I'll be there. I don't care about good or evil. light and darkness for me its all the same. I just hope you don't lose yourself to despair but I know it will be hard. One day I'll return. I hope you find happiness if not I'll save you"

Eros looks at her one last time before he leaves. Eros knows she will only think of her husband because that's her obsession and shakes too bad I like her and teleports away knowing she wont stray from her path of hatred

Eros then went to a world where this clan of lower gods go different worlds. in search for the fruit of the God Tree,which she was supposed to provide to the clan's main family.

She was discovered by the people of the Land of Ancestors, who brought her before their emperor, She used a mysterious power to wipe the emperors memories of the encounter and subsequently settled among his people, becoming recognized as his concubine. Growing closer with the emperor, she eventually fell pregnant.

When the Land of That began to threaten the Land of Ancestors over a border dispute, the emperor attempted to prevent the outbreak of war by declaring that anyone who attacked the larger nation's representatives was to be executed, an order which she broke when she was threatened by them, resulting in her and her assistant becoming hunted by their land to be executed.

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'I guess due to the fact she didn't understand human nature that this came to be as for the man' eros shakes his head but understood' hes a emperor first even though she helped he hates the fact she did something against his wishes. A what I say goes nature I think but she is a goddess and...sad her assistant tried to stop the attack and protect her and died..

Losing all faith in humanity but still longing for peace, She believed that it was necessary for her to attain god-like powers in order to put an end to all of humanity's conflicts. So, despite her clan waiting to harvest that world of its God Tree, she defied the taboo surrounding the fruit and ate it. In doing so, she awakened the Rinne Sharingan and became the sole person on the planet endowed with chakra. Using her new-found power, She single-handedly ended the wars,

she is kind but naive...Eros continued to watch

She took control of the nations. For her deed of stopping the conflict, she received the blessing of the people and was worshipped as the Rabbit Goddess3 'strange she was already a goddess unless oh I guess she was one of those...cultivators' After establishing peace and changing somehow, Kaguya used the Infinite Tsukuyomi on humans to transform them into an army of White Zetsu over the course of many years in order to protect her chakra from being stolen by other clan members. Not wanting mankind to perish, she freed some victims of the genjutsu and erased their memories

While giving birth to her twin sons Hagoromo and Hamura, she dispersed chakra to them,making the pair the first people born with chakra. Ruling by herself and often resorting to cruelty, her dōjutsu and jutsu were regarded with fear, awe and reverence by humans. At some indefinite point, the Rabbit Goddess had instead become known as a Demon...

Eros thought how humans are and knew one moment they can view you as a hero but as soon as something goes wrong your a villain. Also mans jealously knows no bounds. I'm worried about your sons through you should talk with them....

'I'm not sure if it was fear or didn't agree with methods or something else but Her kids fault her and sealed her away... I don't think I could handle having my children attack me. It must be shocking. She must be filled with so much hatred, anger... no sadness and despair. First her husband then the people whom she protected calling her names cursing in the back then her own children...

Eros told her not to lose heart and not to fall into despair but she was even worst than the last one... Eros shook his head and traveled again.

Eros then entered this palace and saw a kid playing around knock planets together destroying the world...Eros then appeared in front of him and a angel and went


"eh Yo" the kid ...god did the same salute as Eros"

"Who are you"

"I'm Eros a traveling god I saw this universe and thought I say hello."Eros pulled out some of his divinity and both fell to their knees he look at the boy and asked "whats your name"

"Im Zeno "

"Cool I'm Eros you can call me Nisan, I'm just here to visit my friend I'll be gone in a few days. Oh and I'll play lots of games with you next time"


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"Yup its a promise but it be like a 1000 years but thats pretty quick"

Eros then teleported to a forbidden god realm where all the wanted gods are sent who cant be killed. they are so strong titans cant contend. .

Eros went to a rock one and no light exsisted in there. Eros then appeared

"YO monkey king its been a while. How you been Sun Wukong"

"E-EROS haha its been good my friend"

Eros summoned a big bowl. Asuna came and sat between the two and poured wine for them.

"So I always wondered why you like this cave" Sun spit all the wine out"like my ass thats bullshit"

"huh then why don't you leave"

"I cant you know gods can't leave this area" he says as he looks at Asuna

"Don't worry she knows shes my second wife and my right hand"

"oh I see. " Sun smiles and relaxes "Nah just bored I'm not strong enough to break the seal with force so I'm training to break it with force"

"Why not just escape if you can just leave then do that?"Asuna asked

"Well my sister in law then I'd be admitting defeat and I hate losing no I refuse to lose expressively to him"

"Asuna Sun wukong is the God of Pride "

"Oh and here I thought it was a man thing"

They both laughed

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"So why are you visiting me"

"well I just *****Eros told him about the girls one screwed over by the gods another by the people she loved"

Sun Wukong laughed and said "Well all gods are like that thats why the seven of us keep our distance from the other gods and hide our true Identity.

"yeah but don't you always challenge the other True gods "

"Yeah but I want to be the best my pride wont do to lose. ... speaking of which why is it you always seem stronger..."

"Simple I get stronger with sex"

"Bastard I wont lose"

"Oh Eros tell him"

"Oh yeah on the way we ran into your descendants"

"Descendants..I have those?"

"Did you have Nectar "

"haha I stole some from when you were leaving last time..

"OMG what is with you two in Nectar and losing your memories"

"Sorry its a curse for us seven don't mind."

"So who how are they doing. Are they strong?"

"hmm they are monkey like race but then they turned humanoid. One of the gods put a curse on them so they get weaker from next generation. They all have red skin. Oh the strongest one was named Zamess? Zamaku..."Eros looks at Asuna"

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"Oh I was close well he is what they call a super saiyan god. he has divinity but the rest dont"

"oh well if they aren't strong I have no use for them my pride wont allow the weak to follow me"

"plus they will die if they fight with you"




they bother laughed and talked for hours and Eros got up and said "well I'm off to look for more wives and adventure

"have Fun god of Lust

"you to god of pride"

They fist bump and Eros and Asuna went to the next world

//So where should Eros go?

Im between four worlds

1. Rising of the Shield hero- I only read the web novel through

2. Avatar the last air-bender. I love avatar

3. Frozen/little mermaid I have been playing kingdom hearts so I'm into Disney right now.

4. Goblin slayer

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