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It has been a couple of months. Eros has been working hard...for Eros he has been working hard. He one day took Toph and met her parents

"Mom,dad I am her husband now and I will be taking Toph now"

"huh what are we doing here and what do you mean husband?"

the parents were happy and congratulated the two for their marriage..yeah Eros hit them with a arrow. he also told them to try to get another child and gave them some medicine that increases chances of having a child.

he then pushed toph down after which Toph called him a rapist she went on top of him calling him scum and molester. .. Eros then healed her sight and she got pissed off asking why he didn't do it in the first place His response it was fun seeing me attack you like that.. she was pissed off and Eros used that anger and fucked her again. he later gave her a feather and a drop of his blood

Later Eros took Katara to help her father and unite her grandmother with master pakku. Katara proudly showed off her necklace and telling them she was Eros's wife. That was a good night

Eros later met up with Suki and she learned of Azula and my relationship which pissed her off talking about no longer being with me but me and Azula attacked her for a few hours till she accepted the harem haha we have a great threesome. Suki is surprisingly meek in bed...I like that contrast. I gave her a feather and a drop of blood too. then I went to Mai parents with her and told them about us which was surprise because they were like so your that Eros Mai has been talking about... Well I spoil Mai later that night. then Ty lee and I went to meet her parents and ...sisters she had several sisters

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"Ty lee I love you know that" Eros loves twins

"Eros you know I rather not have my husband be a eunuch "

"oo-oh that I was just saying you are the most beautiful of your sisters haha"

"why think you if you were saying about adding my sisters to your harem I was just saying you might lose something you value"


Eros then taught Aang how to energy bend he then took Azula and Zuko to find their mother. they went to this acting Troupe Eros went to with Yue...Azula was kind of upset he always goes traveling with her to places like that... he discovered this married couple with a child

"this is your mother. "

"This isn't her " They both were skeptical

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Eros went to the family and told them

"Hello you three I am the Avatar god Eros this is my wife Azula and this is my brother in law leader of the Avengers Zuko we have come because they wanted answers and to speak with their mother again.

the man now known as Noren was scared "I I dont know what you mean what does that have to do with us"

"sigh I have the eyes of truth I can see through all things. I know your birth name is Ikem

"shocked and fear went on his face

"Please were not going to hurt you I just need answers whats going on here and why does my mother face look different"

"what are all you talking about ?"

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"Eros then brought out remember potion to help restore memories and potion to undo magic cast upon face.

"this will have you restore your lost memories...

"But I "

"She isn't the same she suffered enough

"SHE IS A PARENT FIRST." Everyone in the room looked at Eros"I dont know what reasoning she left but the fact they were suffering for years. Look at Zuko's face he was burned by his father and banished. Azula had went through so much stress and forced to be something she hated to live up to the explanations not because she wanted to but because she had to. I am not criticizing you for living happily I think they are ok with it too but they do deserve an explanation as their mother that is what is right."

She fearfully took the potions and her face changed and she remembered and she hugged her two kids. after a bit she told her story how she was a descendant of the previous avatar so her parents forced her into marrying the current fire Lord Ozai. It was tough because she had to leave the person she truly loved. Years went by and she became more unhappy and didn't like how her husband treated Zuko so she was always soft on him while Azula she was worried because of her acts. 'I then explained she just wanted your attention but she didn't know how to get it because you would only give Zuko attention.' she was shocked feeling regretful. she then explained how she used to send letters to her lost love telling him of the events and worries and one day finding out that her husband has been reading them and not sending them. so he took his anger out on zuko. Then one day Ozai said he should become the next fire lord because he has a air but his brother Iroh lost his. Fire lord at the time got anger telling him that they will kill his son and see how he likes it. She then talked with Ozai asking what to do and he said nothing can do Zuko probably will die unless they kill him. So she said her family knows a medicine that will kill animals without pain she can prepare some for the firelord and then he can be named fire lord. The fire lord fearing for his life said alright but if I do you have to leave and never return. scared but more worried about her children she agreed she prepared the medicine and gave it to him asking him to not harm Zuko and said goodbye to her children before looking for her lost love. she then found he was missing and felt lost long story short she had a spirit take her memories and change her face and thats how she got here.

So many emotions were in the room. Zuko was fine with it and thanked her for saving his life and hugged her, Azula complained and yelled at her with all the emotions she kept bottle up for so long but she ended it saying. she is grateful for giving birth to her but she will live her life and for her to live hers.

I comforted Azula all night as she cried in my arms and then I took Zuko to face off against the fire lord

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It was team avatar led by Aang and the avengers led by Prince zuko aginst the fire lord. I hear it was a crazy battle. Toph was explaining it later as we fucked saying how amazing she was...seriously a goddess needs shame. so I punished her a little.

Yup a battle for the ages... I was sleeping with Azula through she needed to feel better.

Well two years after they beat the fire lord The people are adapting quickly. Zuko united the nations and made a republic with his friend Aang. Aang has zuko fuck his girls in while he watches until I erased that effect on Aang...why did I erase it. Raava said all the avatars were affected by my arrows... It was awkward between the people involved but I didnt care...Oh I'm now known as the God of lust avatar. the person who would sacafice the world to sleep with a girl. A man who takes women aginst their wills. children are being told be careful of being bad or I the evil god of lust will take you... I kind of feel like burning this planet to the ground now...Toph was laughing 'I feel you are the reason for this'

Then all things must come to an end and its time to leave this world and go to another. My girls went inside my wings and greeted by the others...I wonder what they talk about but sounds like a pain to know

I shake hands to my brother Zuko and Sokka wishing them the best and then start a portal

"Well everyone I thank you for my times here it has been.. long but I'm glad after my help you were able to take down the evils in the world and become better. but it saddens me to say this but I your god of lust avatar Eros is leaving so please follow Zuko and Aang and best wishes for you " Eros left through the portal with these words and as always bells were ringing and screaming could be heard people even started crying...

"I guess they miss me that much. well I guess I will return in like 50 years" If they would have heard Eros words they would cough up blood "its hard to be loved " Eros said as hes closing the portal

"now this world is...WHAT"

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