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{POV Eros}

So 5 years have gone by in a flash... We have establish ourselves as a small time organization so they don't pay mind to us. Which is fine we don't need any issues...for now

Asuna and Iris memories returned they were happy and angry at me for some reason saying I didn't tell them they'd lose there would I know

My wives are having fun with CUPID, I played a song with Yuna but had my face hidden. Were pretending were only a girl unit and while my face is beautiful I don't want them to know of Iris, Asuna and I are connected yet.

The three of us all gotten weapons I have a Katana which I usually have at my side and a magic pole similar to Wukong.. My bow was destroyed so I have to make a new one... luckily I don't have to worry about my lust yet oh I do use my tail to please the girls.. oh I also use my fist to fight oh I also have some called the Lust Quad Blasters

As for Asuna she uses a rapier and she has Two Handed Assault Spear too in her storage. she has a storage ring. she also has Quad Blasters

Iris she uses a two handed sword or a assault riffle....and Quad Blaster

Our power isn't that great but our techniques are amazing. Its cool because my body will grow stronger on its on but I train it. The only issue is it will take till I'm 15 till my growth seems like low growing period. Well no use worry about it now.

Today I am walking around well trying to learn to fly without my wings and I was doing well for falling... Yup I didn't grasp it the first time so I used my wings to glide down and ended up in this nobles house. I see this girl in a tree and I come flying down and say

"Oh sorry I came from heaven and I saw you were trapped in a tree do you need a hand"

"I-I" she blushes

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I princess hold her and carry her down. she gets scared and hugs my neck

"Don't worry I wont drop you princess "

As we land I see shes a little flushed

I retracted my wings and ask "My princess what were you doing in such a high tree"

"I-eehhmm I am Carta Issue the pleasure is all yours I'm sure who are you bird man?"

"haha it is a pleasure to meet you I'm happy you made my new life. " killer smile "My name is Eros I am not a bird man I am a special case through"

"Eros" she mumbled to herself trying not to forget it "special case"

"yeah I and my family were experimented on so we gained lots of stuff. My family has been through a lot. "

"E-experimented on li-like the al...thing system"

"no I wish mine was a 99.9 chance of failure. it was done at birth as you can tell with my tail. My two twin sisters have them too. We have gained the ability to fly and can move and are as strong as mechs...or will be IDK but there are issues. we crave something. My youngest sister craves fighting (with kissing) The second sister craves food (she likes cooking and eating food she is our chef at home)

"what about you"

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"I crave to find love... when I find the girls of my dream I have to make her mind and on this planet you are the first one to move my heart to settle the demons that tells me to kill by meeting you you helped me out lots. " Eros finding girls does lessen his urges

"You you cant just say that we are two different "

"why I decided you will fall for me. "

"you cant decide that. I order you to leave"

"sigh fine I will leave i will visit you some more and ask you again if you will be mine"

so then it went on for a month. Sometimes I would visit alone sometimes I'd visit with my sisters she became close with Asuna and treated Iris like the youngest sister. She would talk about her dream of joining Gallahorn asking if I would join and I flatly said no. Two others joined us it was Gaelio Bauduin and McGillis Fareed. We hung out with them. Oh the reason why I'm able to spend time is I met with her father and introduce myself as a Lust family heir.

Some days we would talk just the too of us which made her happy. She still says no for marrying me. but now she said I have no status I sung her a song and she loved it

One day it was at night I snuck up to see Carta. She seemed to be crying and I went up to her and hugged her she told me her father is ill and it looks like he will have to step down.

"well no worries I cant have my father in law get sick I will save him"

"huh but how can you cure his illness they said its impossible"

"Don't underestimate your boyfriend do you know who I am.. I am your Eros"

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I disappeared calling a family meeting and the next day we went to the Issue family home telling them that we heard that the head was sick and come to heal him.

They did hear rumors of us and I have came by multiple times so they allowed us to work and in a few days he was back in full health..actually better than ever...Sasha said it looks like he was poisoned but I knew things wont go well for us if we say anything so I thought it would be better to leave...and go to space.

Carta was busy and happily spending time with her father and I was prepping leaving well first I was going to travel for a year around the earth then we were going to leave.

"Carta "

She ran up about to hug me and hesitated and stopped in front of me she looked nervously down

"I came to tell you I will be leaving soon"

She looks shocked at my words..those aren't the words she wanted to hear. She wanted him to ask her will she marry him or take her away one day but not those words...

"wh-why" She squeezed those words out and held tightly her dress trying not to cry. thinking because she never accepted him.did he hate me for I never meant

"I want to change the universe"


"I want to see everything that the universe has to offer. I don't know whats over the horizon. I don't know how many bumps are along the way but I want to experience it. I want to reach the peak in my existence... I dont know I'm running towards something I don't know why but its calling me"

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"But"but what about me why are you leaving me tears fell down

"I want to us to change the world together"

"..t o ge t her''

I got my guitar and sung {Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Ending -Reset}

"We may run different paths but are ending road is the same. Gjallarhorn isn't as great as you may think they have lots of underhanded methods and organizations. The world is darker than you imagine...even the kindest person has a dark history and shady organizations are sometimes the kindest...I just want you to know" I went over to the shocked Carta and kissed her on the lips with some tongue and she was in a daze

"that is all for now when we are older I will take more. Oh give this to your father he will understand the meaning of the words in this letter oh and this is medicine for you and him...Well that it for now...oh and be careful of McGillis I feel a great darkness inside of him...byebye"

She was crying for a while but then she notice a necklace on the ground it had a heart on it and said Carta ...she put it on...

A few days later Asuna, Iris and I were on top of a train...sleeping the other girls were finishing up paperwork and getting ready to launch they said they would be ready now but I told them were leaving for who knows how long and we might not have good food in space...

Truthfully I wanted to test our powers against some mechs so we found some shady places and used them as our training we hid our faces and destroyed all evidence we were there.

I got bored along the way and decided to go back on the way back we ended up helping this girl out. I wasn't in the mood to chase her even through it seemed like she was a match...well then returned and we got ready for our space adventure...

We public some Aids cure and easier medicine for cancer and a few other our pockets were well off but we stopped someone powerful from taking over Issue so I thought we better leave for now and kill them later.. right now were pacifist but next time we will be reapers.

well its P.D 308 and now its the start of my adventure....

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