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After a lot of scolding the girls calmed down... Eros also realize they wanted babies to have babies too. Sasha went to take care of the girl and Asuna went to cook her a meal.

When the girl awoke she found herself in a unfamiliar location

"Where am I " She then sees a boy her age and a lot of beautiful girls

"Hey there cutie are you feeling better?"

"Huh..I what happened?"

"You passed out from hunger"

"Oh I haven't eaten anything in 4 days"

"....gasp" some of the girls have experience that before so they knew how it felt the others havent

"I see well lets get you some food" She is led to the kitchen to eat

After that is done Sasha inspects her

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"So whats the diagnosis?"

"Its as I feared she looks small but she is actually older than she appears. She is suffering from Malnutrition"

"whats Malnutrition?" the girl asks

"Malnutrition is lack of proper nutrition, caused by not having enough to eat, not eating enough of the right things, or being unable to use the food that one does eat."

she just blinks thinking it means hungry

"*sigh* it means not growing at the expected rate or not putting on weight as would normally be expected (faltering growth). It can also cause you to being unusually irritable, slow or anxious or inability to concentrate."

Eros then ask "Do you make a lot of mistakes and have a difficult time learning things and are smaller than a person you age"

She thinks for a moment and nods

"thats is due to Malnutrition. "

"Are you saying the reason I had suffered so much is because of Malnutrition ?"

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"yup" well there are also many other things such as hygiene "so who are you?"

"My name is Atra Mixta"

"haha nice name. Its suited because it means Belonging Here"


"So my name is Eros, I am the head of the Lust family. We support CUPID financially and the leader of CUPID is her. Her name is Calca. They are a all female group that go around helping people with medicine and also provide music that can inspire them.Oh I play instruments for them even through I am a guy. We are on board the Argo which is a bounty hunting ship that is used to hunt pirates. this is Amida leader of the bounty hunters which are called the...Sailor Senshi."

Amida, Lafter, Azee, Eco, and Blit did a pose with outfits like this

Eros was thinking I dont get it while Atra was thinking cool

"*cough* the Lust family also support them too. I saw you and helped you for a reason and that reason is I want you to.." before Eros could finish

Atra says "I understand. I don't have money so you want my body ok" she was about to remove her shirt but Eros flicks her head

"idiot I don't want your body. I was going to ask if you want to become my daughter"

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"daughter?" she felt awkward "what how can I become a kids my age daughter?"

''"""hahahaha she thinks your a little kid Eros""""


"Don't mind he wants you to be under his protection you can say your his little sister or something. We can provide with more things you ever thought possible but its dangerous also we all have a job to do...your job would be harder because you would be learning."

"what would I"

"you will be giving a place you can call your own and people around you that you can trust and food that will give you strength so a home and family.... Will you join our Lust family?"

tears fell from her and she said yes and put her hand out but Eros said

"We dont shake hands we" Eros then hugs her and the others did too"are family so we hug"

Like that Atra joins the Lust family and begin getting training. Along the way they hunted pirates. perform concerts and helping people. There were two girls famous Kudelia and Yuno.

After a couple years Atra was able to handle gravitational pressure and switched with Shizu spot in her machine. Eros was trying to be like shes too young and which Atra went I dont want to hear that from you little brother...Eros still hadn't had his growth spurt and Atra was taller them him now.

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In P.D 321 Eros finally had his growth which he was glad about. He also using his identity as the Lust family head teamed up with Teiwaz. (Teiwaz is Jupiter's biggest conglomerate, which represents the Outer Sphere. It has countless corporate affiliates and its vast range of activities encompasses heavy industry, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, financing, medical care, education, agriculture, private military work, and transportation. The organization is also rumored to be run like a mafia. )

Eros had also became a sort of brother with McMurdo Barriston the boss of Teiwaz. The people of Teiwaz heard about there is a brother someone who handles medicine and they knew CUPID and the Sailor Senshi joined Teiwaz but other the Turbine which is led by Naze no one had any idea who this mysterious person face is because he always wore a mask calling him Tuxedo Mask looking like this

In P.D. 322 Eros heard rumors of Kudelia. He actually hadn't seen her in years thinking she forgotten of him. Eros laughed bitterly but heard that she is having a negative effect on her father and it is affecting his business.

"I have a feeling hes is like greed was and not care about his children and will do anything to keep with power"

So Eros tells McMurdo that he will go undercover for a bit and Asuna will take care of things. McMurdo was shocked thinking how does he have a connection to this girl...After that Eros told the girls that he is going undercover but didn't tell the reason but they were all thinking it was a girl. He then took all the girls to bed except Atra. the next day he gave all the girls a deep kiss but kissed Atra on the forehead which pissed her off saying why does she get different treatment. saying she no longer the little girl she used to be now looking like this

Eros was just messing with her. He had Yui, Eco make him a gundam using parts from one they found and it. Eros called it the God Gundam it has wings and a katana on the side looking like this but turns golden in god form. He put it in his storage device and left.

Eros then goes to Mars and goes to the CCG and asks to speak with the leader.

Haeda Gunnel thinking he is a naive rich guy takes him to see their leader Maruba Arkay . Maruba thinks how he can take advantage of this young man but then his next words shock him.

"Hi I'm Eros I'm a poor orphan who has struggled my whole life and I have no where to go. I haven't eaten in weeks. I was wondering if I can join you.I worked hard my whole life so please take care of me."

Those two almost coughed up blood thinking bullshit like you ever suffered.

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