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Eros did his goodbye speech as always and left the world when he entered the world it seem like a war was going on.

Eros saw a dragon approaching a girl and killed the dragon.

"Yo do you need a hand?"

"haha. the girl laughed"That dragon was the one who attacked me and he was the one who said he would save me now that hes gone I have...huh I'm healed"

"Yeah while you were talking I healed you...what didn't you want to be saved?"

"no I do...umm"

"Its polite to introduce yourself first but I dont really care about that stuff I'm Eros you are?

"Im Sonya...I huh why are you walking away"

"oh I was bored you were talking for a while."


"well do you want to come with me? you seemed to be out for a few days"

"hmm hop onto my wings."

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"wing magic?"

"...sure thats right I have god magic"


"ok go inside my wings"

Eros allowed her to enter his Argo which he stored in his wings. He told his girls. The reason why he did is he senses seems weaker through...

Eros went closer to see for himself. There he saw Acnologia he knew this wasn't his real form. 'thats right the 7 parents aren't able to enter the mortal realm due to their large powers so they make weaker versions of themselves to show their dominance..' Eros smiled thinking this is my chance to kill it haha I mean it will be an accident. Eros saw it about to kill one of the last dragons running wild he retracted his wings.

"haha lets see which of us mortal bodies will last longer....seeing from his power its not enough to destroy the world haha.

the dragon being attacked by Acnologia looked at the beauty next to him and said "my friend I am glad to know you my queen " then as he is about to be killed he saw a figure...

"is that a bird? its not a dragon its?"

"I'm Eros " Eros then punches down on Acnologia and knocks him on the ground

"haha have fun on the climb up bitch"


"YOU SON BITCH" Eros takes his sword and cuts one of Acnologia wings off

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"haha how do you feel you like pain...aww how cute..I will enjoy breaking you" Eros and Acnologia begin to fight

"young human you have done enough you should take her and get out of here"

"Dude shut up I'm fighting here right now. This bitch has caused me such pains in the past I want to vent ok so fuck off" Eros waved the wonds on the dragon heal and Eros and Acnologia continue to fight.

Belserion watched in the air for a couple days hoping for this youth to beat this mad beast.

On the ground the girl was face revealed she was turning into a dragon and the the king seemed to pull his blade at her. saying shes a monster

Eros was in battle mode so he didn't even care. but he was getting bored and wanted Acnologia to die at least its mortal form so Eros got his wings out and was going to do a copy of the Demon king attack that can damage gods souls and right when he was about to destroy it Acnologia eyes and body changed golden and Eros knew at that moment he fucked up.. the true one lent some of its power

"Auntie you know your my favorite Aunt right "

Eros knew it can only activate on attack then it will lose all power and need to rest for years.. Eros through caution to the wind and attacked with arrow to destroy the attack that was made on him but it was too late and Eros was attacked. his wings were forcibly sealed and Eros nearly died. Eros did destroy half of Acnologia face and wings and it barely flew away full of anger before it return to its mortal form Acnologia went "Nephew I will make you regret harming my mortal form. If you are here when I come back I will kill..."

Eros fell he mentally told the dragon from before to back up or he and everyone in the kingdom would be killed so he did once it transformed .

Eros fell down to the ground and near the king and the men right when they were about to capture the girl


"ouch huh I cant contact the girls....I can't get into my god mode or summon my wings I have some of my powers ' Eros was thinking a million times per second.

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Eros opened a dimension portal using all of his remaining powers and was force his way to go through it when

"young one my queen seems to be in trouble please take her with you. " the dragon from before went and took the injured girl and threw her to Eros

"wha" Eros didn't have a chance to respond she was thrown at him and they both went through the portal

"damn it I'm not sure if its safe on the other side you idiot. " Eros had to recover his god powers so he had to cut off most of his powers. sealing the portal cost him greatly and then Eros looked around and saw the girl. Eros went to her and notice the girl was pregnant Eros last his power to heal her wounds he looked around and found he was in a forest. (his tail was sealed too) He was about to look around when the girl started crying in her sleep

Eros went up to her and hugged her. She calmed down"from now on we have to rely on each other until my powers come back"... 'right now I notice fighting him that my power isn't strong enough to blow up the world...which sucks.'

The girl eventually wakes up and looks over at Eros. shocked shes being held she backs away..she has a slight trauma "Dont worry I saved you along with your dragon friend My name is Eros Lust what is your name?"

"she adjusted her dirty cloths and says proudly "I am Irene Queen of Dragons"

"oh...ok do you have a last name"

"I ...did but I no longer want to be associated with that man"

"I see then how about Scarlet because your beautiful red hair"

"..." she frowns because she was a little happy about being praise "please don't flirt with me"

"huh I wasn't I came up with a name. You will know when I am flirting. Now lets get some food then look for somewhere to stay the night. We don't know what dangers or here"

"Dangers.. speaking of which where on Earth Land are we"

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"huh didn't you know we no longer are in Earth Land as for this place..How the hell would I know I was thrown here too.

"Then can we go back"

"yeah in a few years"


"Yeah years"

"Is there anyway to speed it up?"

"Sex thats it. Do you want to try it?"

"I'm pregnant stop flirting with me"

"no I wasn't just asking a question"


Eros winks and smiles at her as she stares at him

'this is going to be a long wait my child but at least your safe for now..

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