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Third Hokage report

It has been a decade since Eros has establish his reign.

The people are afraid wondering if they do something wrong Eros will strike. During these 10 years Eros made rules that every kage has to follow. One being that every Jinchūriki has to come to his village if the want to extract their beast. Eros has establish a stone that transfers the tail beast out of them and into another without harming the others. the year prior Mito Uzumaki transferred her tailed beast to a girl who is living in the village Kushina

Mito along with other Uzumaki migrated to the Lust kingdom... Oh strangely Mito disappeared and a girl that looks similar to Mito in her younger years came out. named Mito. It is suspected she is a distant relative of hers and the Lustkage used her to get the Uzumaki's to go there.

It is also seen that Lustkage is ruthless. The land of rice and Fields. He went to every place and killed them woman and children. He then forced the Feudal lord to resign and took over his position.

It was said that he forced the leader of one of the clans wives and had her kill her husband to protect from this man.

Update it was later found that isn't the story. The Fūma Clan had split into two and some of the clans did stuff like kidnapped members of the Shin clan and civilians and...have fun with them. They would teach their children that at a young age. They would have the Feudal lord taste the young girls. once when young then sleep with them right before their marriage....This way he could overlook their actions. The boys had taken place of some..

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There was a report stating that the information network the Lustkage has is impressive he found out that Blue B the Jinchūriki was rampaging. He calmed him down and was able to extract him. Later the tail beast was made a Jinchūriki of Killer B.

He then made a law stating all Jinchūriki would be selected from his village. They would stay and bond with their tailed beast and until that bond is completed they will stay.

Another rule was implemented that war orphans can stay in the village they will be provided every necessity and need. With that many war orphans went to the Hidden village of Lust.

The village wasn't open for the others so it was unknown what it was like inside and spies went insane trying to enter. They would be blinded with lust attacking the first thing they see even a animal or object... It is understandable why it is called village of Lust

It was then reported that a second great war was starting and Hanzō of the Salamander the leader of the Amegakure was attacking his fiance... Tsunade. It turns out that the Lustkage and the Second were close friends and it was arranged. When she was attacked the Lustkage appeared then beat Hanzo down. then dragged him to Amegakure and tortured him for 3 days first pulling out all his nails. then he....lets just say it was seen as the worst torture in history he would heal him right before he died and this went on for 3 days and then he let him be eaten by a pack of dogs...

The Lustkage then had a meeting at his Village with the other Kage. Many of them were worried and looking to see if they can get spies into the village. So when they 6 Kage meeting happen in his village they were shocked.

First the air was cleaner than they ever felt possible. They also felt stronger. There bodies felt that it had been upgraded. They felt more chakra, found it was easier to think and some even came up with some new jutsus

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When they were looking around they found this village was like a eden. They saw a tree growing fruit and they tried some and it was the best tasting thing they ever had. The village had technology that was unknown one being something called android..

When they went to meet the Lustkage. they all kneeled. It was unknown why but they had a feeling this wasn't a ruler this wasn't a king, this was a God.

The Lustkage spoke of a alliance that will work together and will make decisions together. Also If one should betray the others they will get together and crush that said one.

Lustkage had given each village, seeds that will grow in all weather and environments, New cloths and food easier and cheaper to make, technology, how to train each shinobi...the list went on. Each of these inventions would change the state of the village for good and the Lustkage gave it away like it was nothing.

Once the meeting was done they all had many things to set up and hoped to maintain a good relationship with the LustKage. Then they see two girls come out of underneath his table with white stuff on their faces. They had scarlet hair so possibly the Uzamaki their names were Irene , and Erza..

They stayed for a few days experience heaven they also notice the LustKage has a few Hot women and cute girls around him...they all thought he really is the LustKage.

These 5 Kage were all crafty old men so they begin scheming on how to use this Lustkage to their advantage. They were thinking on how to get the most benefits out of him as they can.. They also planned for acts against war wondering if they fought who would win...they knew they would lose..they even saw kids walking the air. With powers rivaling them. When ask the Lustkage just said they are walking on the water/air molecules and explained in detail...

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For months they were utilizing the plans and the nations were at peace. They secretly got together without the Lustkage planing to combine and attack together if The LustKage turns on them. They were afraid to fully trust such a monster.

Then one day Land of the Sky attacked the villages thinking that it was strongest and had the best technology. It was formed by ninja from several countries that could mould their chakra into mist in order to fly. T

The Land of Sky utilized the Zero-Tails in order to use its flying headquarters, Ancor Vantian, with the intent of destroying the Five Great Shinobi Countries for domination.

Their power was unbelievable and attacked some villages. This upset the LustKage and we see him actually fight. First he used something called a giant ....robot? called a god gundam to stop the Land of sky...

Then what was seen was the Lustkage slowly walking out of the robot . then slowly killing everything. screams could be heard babies, Women children, old. Tons and tons of screaming. This went on for a month. Non stop, The LustKage then using the robot brings the Land of fire down and tells us that this is for all to see if you do something like the Land of Sky this will happen to you.

many anbu and other nations specialist were sent to investigate the incident and what they found was scary. babies, children women young and old. All seen dead. Some looked like blood was drained out of them. some looked like they had all the bones removed, some were ... lets just say it was scary.

After some time a few bandits tried to steal from the Land of Sky resident knowing that they had many inside. The LustKage informed them not to touch any treasures but these didn't listen. They were from different villages but the Lustkage grabbed them then delivered their heads to the Feudal lords...

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Each of the Feudal Lords were scared of the LustKage and felt if they don't do something to appease him he will kill them. Knowing that the LustKage loves women they started making documents selecting a few females ninjas or there daughters to marry him. They notice the Lustkage looks young and rumor is he will live twice as long as a normal person so if a clan has no unmarried people they will set it up with their daughter for an arrange marriage.

Hiruzen Sarutobi starts smoking his pipe "so according to this our villages are close ties?"

"correct Third. Lord Second and him were close friends"

"Tsunade already left the village...I guess I have to arrange some people from this village...maybe we should plant some anbu agents in there"

"Danzo came out of the side and spoke up"

"No he is powerful if we do that it would be negative for us...However we can plant some people such as body guards and have them report back to us... we just let him know..." Danzo was planing replacing the body guards with some of his root. Hoping maybe to find somethings to help his goal in taking over the village. He also is speaking to Orochimaru in hopes to get some of this LustKage body and eyes maybe it could help them live forever. He is still upset that some of the Uchiha moved to that village...

All the village were looking to bring some of their men inside to report back to them... While they were doing that Eros was shouting

"yes finally I can take out my wings. My powers isnt back but at least I can get the girls to come out huh? WHY ARE MY WINGS BLACK

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