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"oh I guess I should go check out the city" Eros stops and realizes something"oh yeah I forgot to warn the people that I sent to their new planets that their sun will explode in 500 years. Due to my modifying their bodies and their technology in like 50 years they may be able to stop aging. I should say something like to plan ahead to leave the planet so they wont doom future generations. Otherwise they will be sent into a false peace and happiness that will eventually break...oh look a cute flower ...what was I talking about?"

As Eros was walking from some place Nether Realm. Eros heard about a few people from a Dark Guild working for this Demon lord.

'I remember during the month I went to the world I sent the Demon lord I sent away to check on him. Hes doing well, he has a new friends. He even learned how to travel to dimension haha hes smart. He seems to be so emo now. All he wants to do is kill. his power made all creatures fear into submission. He went to a new world name Lambda? and started shattering the peace of the world. He even had started fighting gods...

I'm glad hes having fun now..however when I was about to leave I notice the incarnation of wrath there in the world she about to fight some of his army but I shot her with my love arrow. Thats what she gets Gods shouldn't interfere in a mortals...wait isn't the Demon Lord a god now??? well whatever I wished Guduranis good luck causing genocide on the world...'

Eros continues to follow the Dark guild guys he starts thinking what to do 'Maybe I should go to Roots realm. Morgan said the world is full of magic and she has a game to grant any wish even her powers.'

Eros starts trying to look into the world and try to understand the world as he travels to this place called Glory city. 'Okay I process the world this is a map of the world

originally This World Creator forms the Divine Continent and structures the Power of Law into it, sealing off the higher realms from normal cultivation and protecting it from outside realms. The main purpose of this is to protect important Artifacts and people from a Sage Emperor?, as even he can not break the seal

As for whom the Sage Emperor is. It is a demon beast with a primordial bloodline, which is one of the reasons he is so powerful. Most demon beasts worship him as the "God Ancestor," however, the Sage Emperor probably doesn't care about the demon beasts in the least. They are nothing but tools to him

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A expert confronts the Sage Emperor, but is defeated. He then seals his and his wife's cultivation inside of their daughter blood and send her into the far future to a time when another cultivator of the Heaven's Divination Technique could protect her. The time alternations doesn't seem to come from them however.

A Spiritual God travels to the Divine Continent on a meteor.during this time a Black Infernal Tower is left behind after a battle between two experts

The human clan and demon clan Spiritual Gods fight a great battle. Though the human clan wins, they also suffer many casualties and greatly exhaust their strength. The Nine-Layered Deathlands was likely formed at this time judging from the environment.

A Spiritual God of Fire, Divine Spark is scattered. A barrier array and many inscription pattern traps are set around the Black Spring to protected her as her divine spark and body are reformed. Oh the major power of this time was the Spirit Saint Empire

Then 5000 years later The major powers of this time are the Snow Wind and Black Gold Empires.

Many of the books in the Holy Orchid Institute's library are written in the language from this time. Inscription patterns and the Demon Spiritualist code of conduct date from this era

Due to the major powers of after this was the Sacred Empires and Emperor Kong Ming the next era was called the Sacred Empire era. Emperor Kong Ming was a mysterious emperor of the Sacred Empire. He used his title as his form of address, which was a very strange thing. He also left the Sacred Empire in the middle of his rule and passed his throne to his son. It's said that he had already cultivated to the extent of becoming immortal. The Ancient Orchid City Ruins in the St. Ancestral Mountain Range and the most powerful elixirs are from this era.

The Woodland Empire came after the Sacred Empire fell, but did not last long before the demon beasts riot that started the Age of Darkness. This appears to be the Empire that was in control of the area where Glory City now stands. Its language was very similar to the Sacred Empire. The Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array Book was from this time. The origin barrier protecting the Ten Millennium Spatial Array also dates from this period

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Two millennium later The demon beast riot begins. A demon beast reaches the Heavenly Fate Realm (most likely becoming a Spiritual God) and is attacked by 300 legend rank experts. It kills them and commands a great demon beasts horde to attack humanity. Most of the great powers fall within months, starting the Age of Darkness.

Thirteen families from various empires escape from the demon beasts by entering the separate space within the Ten Millennium Spatial Array. Five legend rank demon spiritualist lead tens of thousands of survivors to fight off the demon beasts and found Glory City. One of these founders starts the Snow Wind Family.

Glory City sits in a valley surrounded by the St. Ancestral Mountain Range, because of demon beasts and the physical barrier of the mountains the people living here have not had contact with the outside world for hundreds of years. This isolation has not only kept the people from knowing what the situation in the world is, but has also protected the city from attack during the Age of Darkness. The old walls that protect it have withstood the attacks from demon beasts countless times

The people have survived by hunting the nearby demon beasts for food, crystals, spirits, and other items which are then used and traded within the city. There is no outside trade as they are isolated. The currency of Glory City is in demon spirit coins. Glory City actually covers a fairly large area and is made up of two major cities and six towns. Despite its name, it would be closer to call it a small kingdom. The Lord of Nether has been watching over Glory City and protecting it for an unknown "friend

(Within Glory City there are three major families. The City Lord is usually born from one of them. After them are the seven noble families and then the twenty aristocrat families. If a person is not a member of one of these families then they are considered a commoner.

If a family produces a gold rank demon spiritualist, they can become an aristocrat family; if they produce a black gold rank demon spiritualist, they can become a noble family; and if they produce three black gold rank demon spiritualist or a legend rank spiritualist, they can become a major family.

A families position is largely decided by financial means and prestige. Producing strong demon spiritualists is considered essential because it results in an increase of both of these things. A strong spiritualist or fighter can join the army and draw an income relative to their rank. If a family is unable to do so, it is said to be on the decline. When this happens, the family falls in rank. This can result in a change in type, such as a major family becoming a noble family, a noble family becoming an aristocrat family, or even an aristocrat family becoming commoners. It appears that the number of each type of family is fixed, but these ranks can change greatly from one generation to another. )

A founder spirit was then sealed within the Heavenly Sacred Border to watch over Glory City. Around this time Emperor Kong Ming arrives in the Draconic Ruins Realm and quickly advances his cultivation, gaining the attention of the Sage Emperor. Kong Ming was then hunted down by some of the Sage Emperor's Deity rank servants and fought them for several days until disappearing.

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(Draconic Ruins Realm a separate domain from the Divine Continent. It is far larger and not restricted by the Power of Law so its experts are far higher in cultivation. A mural depicting this realm is on the walls of the Death God's Tomb. This included huge floating islands with gorgeous mountains and rivers as well as the ruins of a palace floated among them.

One of the most valuable things in the Draconic Ruins Realm are Spiritual stones because Heavenly Energy is extremely thin in the Draconic Ruins Realm. The spiritual stones contain pure Heavenly Energy collected in Deity's Lakes which can be used to greatly assist one's cultivation.

There are 3000 subsidiary realms / domains connected to the Draconic Ruins Realm, with most being made up of a main world and smaller realms. The portal between the Divine Continent, also called the Tiny World, and the Draconic Ruins Realm only opens once every five years. When it opens only those who have come from the Divine Continent can travel to it though, those born in the Draconic Ruins Realm are unable to enter. Because of this, It is common for experts that have left the Divine continent to become ambassadors between the Draconic Ruins Realm Sects and those with talent in the tiny world.

The master disciple relationship is very important in the Draconic Ruins Realm. The success of the disciple reflects onto the master and vice-versa. It is seen as the highest sin for a disciple to betray their master, causing them to be hunted down and killed. Each of master forms a Soul Seal with their disciples to ensure loyalty)

eight centuries later a young starving child he was taken in by an old man that worked for the Red Jade Family. When the boy was seventeen the old man was ruthlessly whipped to death by the family for failing an assigned task. The boy disappeared for decades. When he returned he was wearing a demon mask and called himself the Demon Lord. He then single-handedly massacred the entire Red Jade Family, including several high level black gold Demon Spiritualists. He then left Glory City and founded the Dark Guild.

He has been reborn into younger bodies multiple times using the Spiritual Constellation Technique, allowing him to live for hundreds of years. In this incarnation he has a body with the Supreme Physique.

The only thing else is Ye Mo is the only Legend rank demon spiritualist.

Next is Types of cultivators. Cultivators is the term used to describe a person the uses cultivation techniques to raise their innate abilities. There are many different forms of cultivation. They are all measured by the same system of ranks.

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Fighter- A more traditional type of warrior. They focus on developing the abilities that they are born with by using martial arts. They are limited in they types of attacks they can do by the type of species they are and are generally weaker than a demon spiritualist, which can take on the traits of other species.

Demon Spiritualist- Only humans can become demon spiritualists. They are able to use a variety of cultivation methods to have a large range of abilities available to them. By absorbing a demon spirit they are able to use the traits of that demon beast. This allows humans a to have a lot more flexibility in how they cultivate.

Demon Beasts- Demon beasts have innate traits and strengths that they are born with. Rather than a traditional cultivation technique they can gather more soul force and rise up in the ranks by defeating others. They typically have a very low intelligence and social structure to begin with and survive simply by natural selection. Demon beasts that are able to form a demon spirit and unlock their Spiritual Wisdom gain an intelligence similar to that of humans and can even take on a human like form. Their cultivation methods and abilities are limited by what type of species they are.

Humanoid -Similar to the demon beasts, they have given traits and strengths and their cultivation methods and abilities are limited by what type of species they are. However, they have a higher intelligence and social structure similar to that of humans.

Demigod / Spiritual God- A Demigod or Spiritual God has cultivated the Power of Law in order to reach the highest point of cultivation in the Divine Continent Domain. Any of the above types of cultivators can also become Demigods or Spiritual Gods if they also start to cultivate a law

Next is ranks. These are the ranks used to describe the strength of a cultivator, including demon beasts. The same ranks are used no matter the type of cultivation method, though sometimes the names are slightly different.

The ranks are Bronze , Silver , Gold , Black Gold, Legend/Earthen Fate, Heavenly Fate, Heavenly Star, Heavenly Axis, Dao of Dragon, Martial Ancestor, Deity, Emperor, Supreme...

Wait why didn't I just read their minds instead history of this...sigh guess I should join a family.

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