Ch14 - Cardiovascular Ward 09

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Last night, everyone had just experienced a night horror battle royale, and all of the members survived under Yue Xingwen’s command. Tonight was the second night examination, and the students were obviously much calmer, not as panicked as last night. There were no frightened screams from the corridors. With the help of the communication engineering’s 5G signal tower, all the students ran to the nurses’ station in the lower right corner as soon as possible.

When 10 people arrived at the nurses’ station, Liu Yufan from the Physics Department said in a deep voice, “Everyone, close your eyes!” 

After everyone closed their eyes, Liu Yufan quickly took out a ball of light, controlled the light energy and shone on the meter box area next to the nurses’ station, and Zou Yuhang, who was also from the Physics Department, hurriedly rolled up his sleeves and began to connect the circuit board.

—— All of this was like a replay of last night’s night examination, and the students were extremely skilled.



Yue Xingwen did not dare to relax at all. Since childhood, Yue Xingwen never saw the exact same question appear on the paper when he was taking exams. If the monster tonight was exactly the same as before, wouldn’t it be easy for students to pass it? Would the library be so kind enough to let everyone repeat last night’s process?

Liu Xiaoxiao asked in a small voice, “Xingwen, do I have to continue the lecture to stall for time?” 

Yue Xingwen walked over to her, “En, I’ll cover you. First, we must repair the meter box to see the situation in the ward.” Both of them came to the lower left corner, Yue Xingwen called ‘Senior brother Liu’, and Liu Zhaoqing immediately understood his meaning, “I know, leave the right side to me!”


Everyone had cooperated once before and there was already a certain tacit understanding.

The moment the 5G signal tower disappeared, messy footsteps came from both sides of the corridor, and Liu Xiaoxiao immediately read the lecture notes in the direction of the corridor. Once she read the lecture notes, those monsters really stopped and started to listen to the lecture.

15 seconds later, Liu Xiaoxiao finished reading her lecture notes and Zou Yuhang had also finished repairing the meter box. The lights of the entire cardiovascular ward turned on at the same time, and Yue Xingwen finally saw the situation in the corridor——


A large number of monsters were chasing after him and Liu Xiaoxiao. While the hands and feet of these monsters were nothing but gnarled white bones, the body torso parts were intact, and a pair of eyes as big as ping-pong balls bulged out bloodily.

These monsters were exactly the same as last night? Was it really a repeat question?

Yue Xingwen said decisively, “Retreat quickly!”


He escorted Liu Xiaoxiao back to the nurses’ station quickly, and senior brother Liu Zhaoqing also withdrew back. Qin Lu from the Geography Department had already skillfully taken out her globe and asked, “Is it still the same plate movement as before?” 

Yue Xingwen replied, “Let’s avoid these monsters first and go to the upper left corner.”

Qin Lu nodded her head, and her fingers operated on the globe swiftly.

The plates were switched and everyone instantly appeared in the rest area in the upper left corner. Zou Yuhang cursed with a sullen face, “Damn it! We repeat last night’s examination content again, is it interesting to toss us around?!”

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Ke Shaobin summoned Xiao Tu, and then he looked at Yue Xingwen to ask, “Is it still like yesterday that I’ll let Xiao Tu to attract the monsters and the Physics Department student will blinds them with a ball of light and then everyone will teleport with plate movement to the monsters’ back?” 

This was how Yue Xingwen commanded last night, and in the end, the 10 students were unscathed, the group destroyed all the monsters. Everyone was already quite familiar with the process, so the students were not nervous at all for tonight’s night examination.

Yue Xingwen’s expression was particularly serious as he pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the messy footsteps coming from the corridor. After listening for a few seconds, he suddenly changed his tone and said, “We can’t exactly repeat the previous routine, it’s not that simple. I’ve been taking exams for over ten years and I’ve never seen the exact same question on the same paper.”

Everyone thought about it carefully, and chills ran down their spines—— seeing these monsters looking just like last night almost made everyone let their guard down! However, how could the library let them do the exact same questions twice in a row?

There must be something wrong. 

Yue Xingwen lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then he quickly made a decision, “Everyone, let us hide in the first ward.” The students did not doubt Yue Xingwen’s command and did as they were told. Yue Xingwen was the last to walk into the ward without closing the door.

“Don’t you close the door?” Liu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.


“In these monsters’ eyes, this door is like a paper paste, and they still can easily break open the door even if it is closed.” Yue Xingwen replied calmly, “If we really encounter danger, we will just switch places with the plate movement. I’m going to stand here and take a closer look at the monsters.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ole Itjbdlcu mjwf bnfg ab Tef Wlcukfc’r rlvf joafg tfjglcu tlr kbgvr. Ktfs rabbv abufatfg ja atf vbbg bo atf kjgv jcv ibbxfv bea. 

Tef Wlcukfc rjlv, “Tbecu Bf, tjnf sbeg Wljb Ke wbnf jgbecv atf mbgglvbg lc j mlgmif ab jaagjma atf wbcrafgr.”

Bf Vtjbylc gfifjrfv tlr Wljb Ke jcv atf ojwliljg cegrfgs gtswf gjcu bea lc atf rlifca mjgvlbnjrmeijg kjgv. “Kkb alufgr, akb alufgr, gecclcu ojra…”

A blue light flashed on Xiao Tu’s head, the rollers under his feet glided quickly, attracting all the monsters from the nurses’ station in a twinkling of an eye. The scene was spectacular as a group of monsters chased after Xiao Tu in a long line behind.

Due to the attraction effect of Xiao Tu’s song, the monsters did not attack everyone as they passed by the entrance to the ward, but continued to run after Xiao Tu, so they saw this bizarre scene of the intelligent robot Xiao Tu sliding along the corridor. 

Xiao Tu had wheels at the bottom of his feet, the gliding speed was particularly fast. Since the meter box had already been repaired, and they had not fought the monsters yet, there were no corpses or other obstacles in the corridor. Xiao Tu sang and glided through the corridor, with a group of monsters chasing after it and could not catch up.

In the twinkling of an eye, Xiao Tu had taken the group of monsters to move around the ward in a big circle. Everyone did not know what Yue Xingwen was trying to do by doing this, was it sneaking around to play with monsters?

Zou Yuhang asked him straightforwardly, “Xingwen, what’s the purpose of doing this? Don’t you just hit it?”

“I’m counting,” Yue Xingwen replied calmly. 

Everyone looked at each other and quickly understood, “The number of monsters has changed?!”

Yue Xingwen nodded, “There were 20 monsters last night, and there are 25 monsters tonight—— there are 5 more.” He felt something was wrong from the beginning, the footsteps were much more chaotic than last night, and it turned out the number of monsters were increasing.

Everyone: “……”

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If it was not for Yue Xingwen’s carefulness and caution, no one would have thought of such an operation as ‘counting’! 

Their first reaction after seeing these disgusting monsters would be to quickly kill them. Last night, Yue Xingwen and Liu Zhaoqing did have a count when they cleared the monsters in the final stage. Tonight, he had Xiao Tu to attract the monsters and count the number again, apparently trying to find the difference between the two night examinations from it.

And it turned out that Yue Xingwen’s carefulness was not wrong—— There were five more monsters tonight than last night!

Ke Shaobin could not help but say, “It shouldn’t be a coincidence that there were exactly five deaths in the ward during the day and five more monsters at night, right? Is there any connection?”

Seeing that Xiao Tu’s song was about to finish, Yue Xingwen spoke quickly, “There’s no time to analyze now, let’s settle them first. Let’s pay attention to the five extra ones, they are likely to be stronger than the others, so be careful!” 

He looked at the pale Qin Lu behind him and said, “Prepare to switch places.”

Qin Lu immediately used plate movement to switch everyone collectively to the nurses’ station in the lower right corner. At this moment, the singing in the corridor had stopped, and the monsters were no longer controlled by the song, roaring and chasing after them.


The five monsters running at the front were clearly faster than the rest of its peers, they were agile and nimble, and a pair of gnarled white bone’s hands directly attacked the crowd in their chest! Yue Xingwen hastily dodged, and that sharp hand bone actually hollowed out a big hole in the wall behind him. If he had not reacted fast enough, his chest might have been hollowed out with a bloody hole!

The number of monsters had increased, and their ability became stronger! 

Yesterday, their white bone hands could only destroy the wooden doors, today they were actually able to dig a hole in the cement wall. Looking at the holes on the wall, the students just felt their scalps tingle—— Fortunately, Yue Xingwen had kept an eye out, otherwise, if he had rushed up to fight, everyone might have been killed!

Yue Xingwen took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his emotions, saying, “Physics Department, please release the ball of light!”

When the Physics Department’s student heard this, he immediately threw a ball of light towards the group of monsters.

In an instant, the blinding white light spread around like an explosion. The monsters let out a scream as their eyes were stimulated and lost their light, crashing everywhere and in the blink of an eye, the doors of the wards were smashed by them. Although the five monsters in the front were blinded, their sense of smell was strong as they smelled the students to pin-point their locations and pounced on them with their teeth and claws! 

The students had to dodge the monsters’ random attack as they could not see. The nurse’s desk was like a fragile foam in their eyes, and the whole nurses’ station was quickly destroyed by them, smashing it to pieces in less than five seconds.

Yue Xingwen shouted, “The student majoring in anestesia go quickly to control them!”

The female student from the anesthesia major was pale, and when she heard this, she immediately took out her lidocaine and threw the syringe straight out—— No matter how powerful the monsters, the anesthetic had an immediate effect, and they would still be controlled. Unfortunately, her anesthetics were limited, the female student shuddered and said, “I can only control three!”

In the blink of an eye, the 3 elite monsters in the front were put down by the anesthetic. 

There were still two elite monsters with extremely strong combat power. Zou Yuhang was quick-witted as he simply threw the magnet out. N pole was thrown to the wall in the distance to settle the monsters, and the S pole was thrown behind the two monsters. A huge magnetic force sucked the two monsters to the wall tens of meters away with a ‘bang’, and they frantically struggled in the distance as they fixed onto the wall for a while.

The students were terrified and their hearts started to beat violently. Everyone hurriedly took deep breaths to adjust their heartbeats.

Yue Xingwen shouted, “Use plate movement!”

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Qin Lu had one more chance for plate movement, and upon hearing that, she immediately summoned her globe and everyone collectively teleported to the vicinity of the doctor’s office above, and circled around the back of the monster group. 

The 5 elite monsters were being controlled, while the remaining 20 monsters swarmed towards everyone like a tidal wave——

Yue Xingwen opened his dictionary and used his skill decisively, “Seven up, Eight down!”

This group control skill was very useful in melee fights. They only saw 7 skeleton monsters floating into the air at the same time, 8 of them lay on the ground as if they had slipped, and the remaining 5 monsters were blocked by the bodies of their companions, unable to get through.

Yue Xingwen glanced at Liu Zhaoqing and said, “Senior brother, seize this time to clean them up!” 

The combat power of these monsters was completely consistent with yesterday, and they could be killed by smashing their head with his dictionary. As the monsters were being controlled, Yue Xingwen smashed them one by one with his dictionary. Liu Zhaoqing also killed them with his scalpel, and his accuracy rate was also significantly improved. After they cooperated, all of these monsters were cleaned up within 1 minute.

Yue Xingwen shouted, “The students without skill can hide in the doctor’s office!”


Several female students who had used up their control skills quickly ran to the doctor’s office and looked outside nervously through the glass.

As the magnet’s control effect ended, the 2 elite monsters that were pasted on the wall before rushed towards the crowds as if they could fly and let out sharp roars, waving their gnarled white bones hands. Yue Xigwen hurriedly shouted after he saw that the monsters were about to lunge at several students, “Use the sulfuric acid!” 

The chemistry student quickly raised his hands, and then the transparent sulfuric acid splashed towards those two elite monsters like heavy rain. The deafening ‘zi zi’ sound of melting flesh and blood, mixed with the hissing sound of the monsters.

The 3 elite monsters that were anesthetized also woke up, and Yue Xingwen smashed his dictionary over, clearly hitting their head, yet the monsters actually only swayed their body a little. Yue Xingwen’s heavy dictionary failed to knock the monsters out.

Seeing the monsters was about to grab Yue Xingwen’s face, he hurriedly took a step back and flipped the dictionary, “To prostrate oneself in admiration!”

The monster fell in front of Yue Xingwen with a ‘bang’, and then Liu Zhaoqing immediately stabbed the monster with his scalpel. The monster convulsed for a moment, and then no longer moved. 

Liu Zhaoqing sensed the monster’s weakness and hurriedly shouted, “The monster’s weakness is in their heart, hitting their head didn’t work!”

The other two monsters from the other side pounced ferociously, they smashed the walls around as they went with their terrifying attacks, and there were many ‘boom’ ‘boom’ sounds.

The monsters’ sharp claws went straight to the chemistry student who had just used up his sulfuric acid.

The chemistry student’s face was pale and his whole body was stiff. As Liu Zhaoqing saw this, he hurriedly summoned his scalpel and stabbed hard at the monster’s heart—— 

The scalpel stabbed through the monster’s heart, and the monster rolled its eyes and fell to the ground with a ‘bang’ sound.

That chemistry student came back to his senses, found himself out of the crisis, turned his head to see Liu Zhaoqing covering his chest with the blood dripping from the scalpel in his hand. The male student turned sour and he said gratefully, “Thank— thank you…”

Liu Zhaoqing smiled shallowly, “You’re welcome, I don’t want to see a classmate die in front of my eyes.”

That was true, but how many were willing to save people’s lives at a critical moment? 

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There was still a monster left, chasing after Ke Shaobin who was hiding in the corner, the monster’s claws were only a dozen centimeters away from Ke Shaobin. Seeing the monster was about to grab his head, Ke Shaobin immediately summoned his laptop and covered his head with it before he turned around and ran wildly in Liu Zhaoqing’s direction, shouting as he ran, “Senior brother, help me!”

“Squat down!” Liu Zhaoqing yelled.

Ke Shaobin squatted down as the scalpel flew over his head with a ‘whoosh’, stabbing the monster through its heart.

Listening to the sound of the monster falling to the ground with a loud ‘bang’ behind him, Ke Shaobin still squatted down there and said with a slightly trembling voice, “Thank— thank you…” 

Liu Zhaoqing withdrew his scalpel and said, “You’re welcome, your ‘help’ shout was quite timely.”

Ke Shaobin hugged his broken laptop and wanted to cry without tears. Fortunately, his laptop also had an auto-repair function so he used the laptop to shield his head at critical moments, or else it would have been his head that had just been broken.


The physically exhausted Yue Xingwen next to him paled and leaned against the wall to catch his breath. The severe pounding of his heart made him dizzy. It was the first time he had truly felt fear of imminent death. His heart twinged with a wrenching pain that made his entire back starting to hurt as well.

Several female students in the doctor’s office rushed over to Yue Xingwen and asked nervously, “Is everyone okay?” 

“Are there any injuries?”

“Xingwen, how are you?”

Yue Xingwen closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. After a long time, he finally calmed down and slowly straightened up.

His face was splashed with a few drops of blood, his hair was slightly disheveled, and his lips were pale and bloodless, but his eyes were the one that was always clear and calm. He looked back at the mess on the ground, and his voice was slightly hoarse as he said, “Tonight’s experience is enough to prove that the night examination room and the day examination room are not two completely separate worlds.” 

“The extra 5 elite monsters have a weakness, and it’s in their hearts. They should be patients who died in the ward during the day. The night examination room is a supplement to the data for the case in the daytime. If my reasoning is correct, it means that 20 more patients died before we entered the cardiovascular ward.”

He was a liberal arts student who was not really sensitive to data, but he had a good friend in the Mathematics Department. After spending a lot of time with each other, he would always be affected by something about the other person, and subconsciously counting the number of monsters.

He had purposely counted the monsters at the first battle royale last night and there were 20 monsters. At that time, he thought that it was distributed proportionally because there were 10 examinees.

Was it a coincidence? 

There could not be such an obvious coincidence. It was an obvious hint.

The patients who died in the ward during the day would turn into monsters in the night examination room. After being killed by the examinees, it would be refreshed again the following night. It could be understood that they were killed by the murderer and turned into spirits of grievance in the cardiovascular ward, hunting down examinees in the night examination room.

20 monsters on the first day and 25 monsters on the second day. If there were still subsequent deaths, the difficulty of the night examination room would become more and more difficult.

This exam was gradually increasing in difficulty. Unless they could find the murderer and stop him from committing the crime as soon as possible. Otherwise, on the fifth day of the night examination room, once the murderer killed too many people, the increase in the number of monsters would be difficult for them to cope with. 

Yue Xingwen took a deep breath, looked at the students around him and said calmly, “The murderer in the cardiovascular ward are did not commit a single crime, but lurked here for a long time. The scope of suspects could be narrowed down further.”

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