Ch17 - Cardiovascular Ward 12

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Yue Xingwen relayed the result and basis of his reasoning to the other students in turn.

After knowing the truth, the students were shocked. 

This time, thanks to Ke Shaobin, a computer science expert, who had copied all the information from the doctor’s computer in advance; Thanks to Liu Zhaoqing, the grad student of the Medical Department that understood the principle of cardiovascular disease, and said the murderer’s modus operandi; The most crucial thing was that Yue Xingwen accurately located the suspect based on the analytical reasoning of criminal psychology, grouping and organizing the database.

Without the help of these three people, the other students were really at a loss and did not know where to start. They would be even less likely to be concerned about the difference in the number of monsters at the night examination’s battle royale in their panicked state, equating the number of monsters with the number of victims in the ward, and using the reverse thinking in the previous 20 victims to find the first victim…



Liu Xiaoxiao had a mixed feeling and said, “So the murderer can’t accept that his wife and daughter died of heart disease once after another, killing other heart disease patients to vent his anger. This old Zhu is the kind of anti-social mentality that ‘if my wife and daughter die, you don’t have to live either’, right?”

Liu Zhaoqing scolded with sullen expression, “The serial murderers area all psychopaths, it’s hard to explain their thinking, they’re not normal people at all!” 

“What about Dr. Xiao?” Qin Lu asked cautiously, “Has his suspicion been completely ruled out?”


Yue Xingwen replied, “Yes. After Zhu Chenxue’s death, Dr. Xiao turned into a workaholic. This year, he had successfully rescued dozens of patients, many old men and women were pulled back from the line of life and death by him, there was no reason for such a dedicated doctor to kill. And we found out that he had taken a call to a gastrointestinal surgery consultation around 1:30 this morning. In other words, he left for more than half an hour at the time of the last crime, and the time conflicted with the time of the victim’s death.”

Qin Lu nodded, “I understand. So to speak, it was Zhu Yuanbo alone who committed the crime, without Dr. Xiao’s knowledge?”

Yue Xingwen looked in the direction of Dr. Xiao’s office, and then said, “He probably sensed it and just couldn’t believe it. After all, Zhu Yuanbo was the biological father of his fiancée.”


Everyone was silent, and Yue Xingwen changed the subject, “We’ve already done the answer to the additional question, but the exam is not over yet, we still have to survive here for five days, and tonight this old Zhu may still commit the crime. Wouldn’t it be dangerous if he touches our ward to give a shot to one of our classmates?”

Thinking of this possibility, a chill was sent down to their spines. Finding the murderer was not 100% safe, and they still had to find a way to deal with the aftermath. “With so much evidence, can we call the police?” Liu Xiaoxiao subconsciously said.

Yue Xingwen shook his head and said, “We don’t have a mobile phone, and we can’t call out from the phone in the ward. This time the exam room is a fully enclosed exam room, so we can’t call the police, we’ll have to figure out how to handle it ourselves.”


He thought for a moment, then whispered a few words to their ears. 

At 11pm in the evening, the night examination had not yet begun. Several female students cooperated with the act, pretending to be sick and calling away all the doctors and nurses. Yue Xingwen and Liu Zhaoqing sneaked to the VIP-1 ward’s door. Liu Zhaoqing quickly stole a roll of gauze from the nurses’ station, cut the gauze into several long belts, and both of them cooperated to tie the ward’s door from the outside and they made a dead knot.

The door was locked from the outside, and old Zhu could not get out in the middle of the night. If he brutally broke the door, it would make a loud noise and alert the doctors and nurses on duty in the ward.

As long as he did not come out at night to commit crime, the students were safe.

At 00:00 that night, it was the third night examination. 

Yue Xingwen repeated the trick by letting Xiao Tu to sing a song and took the monsters around the ward, and the number of monsters had indeed increased from 25 to 28, with the addition of today’s three deceased, proving his previous reasoning completely correct.

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—— Those who died in the ward during the day would become ghosts at night.

Having had previous experience, this night examination’s battle royale, the students from all majors worked in silence to clear the field quickly, taking less than 5 minutes to kill the monsters.

On the fourth day, after dawn, there were indeed no additional dead in the ward. 

That night, they tied the door of the VIP-1 ward again. After all, Zhu Yuanbo committed the crime alone, without any helper. As long as no one opened the door for him from the outside, he could not get out.

On the fifth day, the last day of the cardiovascular ward exam.


In the afternoon, Yue Xingwen found that old Zhu was talking to Xiao Wen in the doctor’s office and seemed to mention the word ‘discharge’. It seemed that he had realized that his crime had been discovered and wanted to slip away.

As the exam was about to end, Yue Xingwen took advantage of the dinner time to sneak into Dr. Xiao’s duty room and placed a stack of information on Dr. Xiao’s desk—— Including the list of all the victims they sorted out, the time of the four crimes, Zhu Yuanbo’s modus operandi, the motive for committing the crime, the first deceased, and the family portrait of the four people. 

The girl in the photo had a sweet and lovely smile, and the corner of Dr. Xiao’s mouth was also slightly curved. Both of them were holding hands with their wedding rings on, so if it was not for the heart attack, they would have been a very happy couple.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tef Wlcukfc rilqqfv j cbaf ecvfg atf qtbab: “Gb sbe kjca tfg ojatfg ab yfmbwf j yeamtfg?”

Ktlr kjr j mibrfv fzjwlcjalbc gbbw, atf raevfcar mbeiv cba kgjq atf fzjw ys mjiilcu atf qbilmf. Lbkfnfg, Tef Wlcukfc jikjsr ofia atja fnfc lo la kjr pera jc fzjw, j olmalbcji rabgs, atf qfgqfagjabg rtbeiv yf qeclrtfv jr atfs vfrfgnfv.

Zhu Yuanbo’s hand were stained with blood, turning the cardiovascular ward into a ‘deathly’ hell on Earth. He hoped that Xiao Wen would prevent such a tragedy from continuing, based on the position of doctor with a conscience. Of course, Yue Xingwen could not control the subsequent plot, he could only do what he could do. 

Day 5, night.

[00:00 am]

[No Night-time Examination]

[End of Examination] 

[The scores are being calculated…]

After a few mechanical sounds, everyone was pulled into the night examination room.

There were no monsters in the night examination room this time, no blackouts, and in the midst of the light, everyone looked at each other and the joy of the aftermath brought a smile to everyone’s face, “Is it finished?!”

“It seems that we have all passed the exam, there’s a prompt saying the scores are being calculated on my side!” 

A minute later, the hover box in front of everyone prompted their own results——

Name: Yue Xingwen

Student ID: 18384016

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Faculty of Medicine’s Course: Cardiovascular Ward 

Credit: 4

Clearance Score: 95 (+60 points for surviving five days, +25 points for leading a class to survive, +10 points for passing before surgery)


Additional Question: 30 points (correct answer, extremely outstanding contributions, receive a full mark)

Overall Score: 125 points 

Final Point: 4 x 125 = 500 points

Course Failure Rate: 60%

Click on the [link] to see the course performance ranking

After seeing the hover box in front of them, the students were curious and asked about the others’ scores. 

Zou Yuhang said, “What score do you guys get? I’m 105, higher than I thought. At first, I thought I would fail!”

Liu Xiaoxiao replied, “I get 20 points for the additional question, it’s great!”

Qin Lu said, “My passing score is 80, and I get 20 points for the additional question, so my total score is 100.”

Qu Weiwei said, “My passing score is 85, and I get 15 points for the additional question. My total score is also 100!” 

Everyone was happy to get such a high score, especially since the course had 4 credits and the score was multiplied by 4 points of credit. All the students almost got about 400 points, even double the points from the previous course <Escape from the Laboratory>.

After a moment of discussion, everyone turned their heads to look at Yue Xingwen in unison and asked, “Xingwen’s score must be the highest, right?”

Yue XIngwen just clicked on the [Link] on the last line at this time. He wanted to see the scoreboard.

After opening it, there were the results of the <Cardiovascular Ward> performance ranking of Hua’an University. 

He saw a familiar name hanging impressively at the top of the list——

Jiang Pingce, male, Faculty of Mathematics, 125 points

Followed by——

Yue Xingwen, male, Faculty of Humanities, 125 points 

Since his score had just been calculated, he surpassed senior brother Zhuo Feng, who was originally in second place on the list (with 122 points), and became tied with Jiang Pingce in the first place.

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He still remembered after the division of liberal arts and science in high school, the first in liberal arts was always Yue Xingwen and the first in science was always Jiang Pingce every time the school unified examination, and their names were always written side by side. Unexpectedly, now that they came to the library, they could also tie in first place in the <Cardiovascular Ward> scoreboard, as if it was predestined mysteriously.


Yue Xingwen could easily guess Jiang Pingce’s way of reasoning. The man, who valued data analysis above all else, had probably also been the first to discover the connection between the night-time monsters and the day-time death patient, and the he found the first victim and located the murderer.

As for the night examination’s battle royale, he could find out how they got through that after meeting Jiang Pingce. 

Yue Xingwen was lost in thought when he suddenly noticed a gentle tap on his shoulder. He looked back and saw Liu Zhaoqing raising his eyebrows, laughing and teasing him. “Junior brother, what are you doing? Everyone is asking how many points you got on the exam.”

Yue Xingwen came back to his senses, coughed lightly and replied, “My total score is 125 points, my passing score is 95, and I get 30 points for the additional question.”

Everyone was stunned. “You get a full score for the additional question?!”

But then everyone thought that his score was very reasonable. After all, Yue Xingwen had the highest contribution for everyone to be able to pass this course. Everyone was really convinced that he got a full score for the additional question. 

Liu Zhaoqing followed the topic and said, “That being said, I looked at Hua’an University’s scoreboard, the score of your good brother in Mathematics Department is tied with you ah, both with 125 points.”

Yue Xingwen smiled and said, “He is really good, and I’m not surprised that he can get this score in the reasoning course.”

Ke Shaobin asked curiously, “Classmate, what is the highest score on your university’s scoreboard?”

Zou Yuhang replied, “We have a senior at Kyoto University with a score of 125 as well.” 

Liu Xiaoxiao said, “There are two senior sisters with 120 points or more in our Binjiang Normal University, everyone is so strong ah!”

Everyone felt quite emotional after listening to the scoreboard—— It seemed that the university’s top student was still a top student after arriving at this escape game.

Yue Xingwen looked at everyone and said encouragingly, “You guys are actually pretty strong too, you have a passing score above 80 points.”

Zou Yuhang made a joke, “Classmate Liu Xiaoxiao had given lectures to monkeys and monsters. In the future, if she encounters more naughty students, she doesn’t have to worry about not being able to control it!” 

Liu Xiaoxiao blushed and said, “I hadn’t helped much, thanks to everyone for taking me to pass the course.”

Qin Lu looked back at Yue Xingwen and said sincerely, “Xingwen, I really want to thank you this time. We made it through thanks to you, temporary class monitor—— You’re the best class monitor I’ve ever seen.”

She gave Yue Xingwen a thumbs up.

A round of applause rang out around the room, “That’s right, let us give the class monitor an applause!” 

“Thank you class monitor!”

Their gaze was filled with praise and admiration for Yue Xingwen.


Yue Xingwen said modestly, “No need to thank me. This time, everyone had cooperated well to pass the course, everyone had contributions. Our temporary class of 10 people will be disbanded after this course, and it may be difficult to meet again in the future. It was nice to meet everyone at this course and I hope everyone comes out of this library with flying colors.”

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Liu Zhaoqing sighed and said, “That’s right, everyone must live well. I hope everyone will never fail in the library!” 

Everyone also chimed alonge, “I hope we all don’t fail!”

Failing a course in the library could be fatal.

At this moment, a familiar mechanical sound rang in their ears——

[The exam is over, the exam room is about to close. Please be ready to exit] 

[Countdown 10, 9, 8…]

Everyone looked around reluctantly at their classmates.

Meeting by chance in an examination, the students from different universities and colleges in all over the country came together to pass this course. No one knew how much hardship would be on the road ahead. Only by gritting their teeth and never giving up could they come to the end.

Yue Xingwen politely waved goodbye to his classmates. 

The image before Yue Xingwen suddenly shifted the moment the countdown ended. He was once again back in the library’s database. The solid wood shelves around the room were filled with various literary books, and the familiar mechanical beeping sounded in his ears——

[Congratulations to student Yue Xingwen, who has successfully passed the two compulsory courses in the Faculty of Medicine on the first floor of the library]

[Unlocking new contents as follow——]

[Library 1st floor, Faculty of Medicine, All Elective Courses are Fully Open] 

[Library 2nd floor, Faculty of Mathematics, Compulsory Courses Open]

[Library -2nd floor, Research Group Center is Fully Open]

[Library -3rd floor, Student Dormitory; -4th floor, Student Canteen; -5th floor, Shopping Plaza Are Fully Open]

[Friendly Reminded: Your current points are 700 points, you can always go back to the library’s database on the negative floor to upgrade the <Modern Idiom Dictionary>, or exchange it for a new Chinese Department’s skill book] 

[Next step, you can upgrade and exchange skill books here at the Library Tutor, or take the elevator to go to the unlocked -1st to -5th floors, 1st to 2nd floors above the ground, and check the corresponding floor announcements]

[I wish you have a good time in the library]


Have a good time? This time he almost lost his little life in the cardiovascular ward.

Yue Xingwen frowned, and he walked quickly into the elevator. He pressed the -2nd floor without hesitation. 

—— Research Group Center.

—— Jiang Pingce, don’t go back on your word when you say you’ll be waiting for me in the Research Group.

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