Chapter 2: After the Earthquake

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Dread filled Han Lin’s mind, he turned and ran without knowing which direction to run, running where he subconsciously felt was forward. Arriving at a large intersection, he saw the crowded street. The crazy crying and screaming continuously rang in his ears, the loud voices made him both irritated and scared.

“Hong!” In an instant, a tall building not far away collapsed and there was a cloud of dust. People standing in a neighbouring building didn’t even know what happened — they didn’t even make a sound before they were pressed into a meat pancake[1] by the tall building.

The tall building was like a fuse. Suddenly, the houses near the tall building also collapsed and the ground trembled more fiercely. The survivors’ cries kept ringing and they scurried like street rats. Once again, Han Lin was shocked into a cold sweat and quickly ran to an empty place. He only took a few steps when the shaking ground caused him to fall into a small pit[2]. Disregarding the pain, he scrambled to his feet and fled.

Han Lin was behind a high-rise building which was constantly crumbling, there was a continuous hong long sound as it collapsed. One look broke the last line of defense in Han Lin’s heart.

Hell was on earth. The wretched screams and cries for help don’t stop. Behind him it’s like a bloodthirsty demon, as soon as he stops, he will fall into the mouth of the devil.

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He wanted to save those who fell to the ground, but he didn’t dare to; his heart is full of contradictions and powerlessness. Perhaps this is also the selfishness of human nature. When disaster strikes, the first person you’ll think of is yourself.

He didn’t know how long he ran, but the ground tremors seemed to decrease in magnitude. Han Lin only felt that the bones in his body felt like they were falling apart, and his energy was being spent, but he didn’t dare look back and continued to run painfully.

After a moment, the ground slowly stopped vibrating and the whole world became quiet.

Han Lin’s heart finally slowed down when the ground stopped shaking. When he relaxed, his strength instantly disappeared. He fell to the ground and panted.

The crying around him gradually grew quieter, and he felt like he couldn’t hear anything.

The sky is still so dark, before it seemed like he could faintly see the road, but in reality it was all pitch-black. It’s like being in a black hole, reaching out and not seeing your own five fingers.

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The fear in his heart constantly deepens, it’s icy and cold; even his desire for daybreak is not as acute. For the first time he felt that time was slow; one second, two seconds, even though the duration of time hadn’t changed.

The darkness was like a bladeless sword, piercing the heart of Han Lin. Finally he can’t bear it and he faints to the ground.

When he awoke again, Han Lin felt his scalp was hot, as if it was on fire. He slowly opened his heavy eyelids and saw that the sky was already light. The bright red sun hung in the air, it’s strong rays full of hope illuminated the ground.

His eyes were a little sore as they weren’t used to the light. He closed his eyes so they could slowly adapt.

It was the first time that he felt the sun was so warm. His experience last night felt like it came out of a dream of Nanke.

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Gradually he heard an intermittent sound. The tearful shouts stimulated Han Lin’s mind again. He stood up in an instant and examined his surroundings. Yesterday it was still a bustling city, now it had turned into ruins. All that was left of a high-rise building was a broken roof. There are black web-like cracks in the pavement, and blood-stained bodies are everywhere. It is a living hell.

Few people had survived and their hearts were full of despair. Han Lin couldn’t believe that this was the same city he’d lived in for several years, but he had to acknowledge the reality in front of him.

“Help me!” A faint and slightly desperate cry came out of the debris. Han Lin’s heart trembled, he quickly ran in, carefully locating the source of the sound.

“Don’t be scared, I’ve come to help you” Han Lin eagerly shouted towards the rubble.

Both of his hands kept moving the crushed rocks in front of him. Piece by piece he removed the smaller rocks. However a large piece of slate blocked his way. Han Lin tried to move the block using both his hands but it was too heavy, he couldn’t move it at all.

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“Don’t be stupid, quickly come help, there’s still people here!” Han Lin shouted at the crowd not too far away, who were still trapped in fear.

He shouted several times, but no one answered. Han Lin quickly ran over and saw that these people were all quivering, they were stunned and their eyes were glazed over. Their mouths muttered, “Too scary, too scary.”

Words: 1553



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