“Isabella is mine. No one can ever take her away from me.”

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When the man’s words came to his mind again, Duke Kyar emitted cold air from his body.

The mirror in front of him froze before the glass shattered, and the broken shards lay scattered on the floor.

Duke Kyar knew it was a dream, but he couldn’t figure out where his anxiety and frustration came from.

He sat down on the sofa and nervously swept his wet hair to the side.

Then, he caught sight of the blue-green jewel shining on his wrist.

A gentle smile spread across his face as he glanced down at the flickering bracelet.



Isabella had buried her face on the pillow, but she slowly raised her head upon hearing Duke Kyar’s voice from her bracelet.

He must have caught her thinking about him.

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She heard him chuckle, and Isabella slightly blushed at the crisp sound.

You were thinking of me again.

The instant the blue-green jewel on his bracelet lit up, Archduke Kyar had already read her mind.

“I was just wondering what I should do in return for the favor you did.”

Isabella got up from bed and approached the window.

A cool wind came through when she opened it and returned her flushed cheeks to normal.

[That’s all?]

Had she even thought of actually repaying him?

“I’m still thinking about it. By the way, I wanted to go to the capital with Ria the next time you go on the beast hunting expedition, Your Highness.”

[You’re going to the capital with her again?]

“I’m going there for medical research, but I don’t want to leave Lia behind. I also wanted to buy you a present while I’m at the Capital.” Isabella said as she sat comfortably on the window frame.

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[I hope that finding that reward of mine wouldn’t take a long time.]

“Don’t you like my reward at all?”

It was frustrating not to see his face because she couldn’t figure out from his tone whether he hated it or he was making fun of it.

[I’m not looking for material things, but if the gift is from your generous heart—-]

“I’ll buy that gift for you with all of my heart’s sincerity. Is that alright?”

His laughter sounded cheerful, and a smile spread across her lips.

[Anyway, what did all of these have to do with you going to the Capital, Isabella?]

“I realized that business should be done in such a big place. While I’m at it, I will look for ideal locations for the drugstores we are trying to establish. The research center is almost complete, so I think we need to find more people to help us with manufacturing medicine. I need someone to work for me in Arpeon and the Capital and the laboratories.”

[How many people do you need?]

“Well, shouldn’t we at least hire fifty people? I’ll have to make an announcement first. Things were hectic for a while.”

[Take it easy. Don’t push yourself too hard.]

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“Yes. I’ll make sure you don’t worry, Your Highness. Unfortunately, I can’t see any stars today.”

Isabella murmured as she looked at the sky.

[Are you outside?]

“No, I’m just sitting on the window frame to breathe fresh air. I’m too lazy to go down to the garden.”

[Do you like stars?]

“I don’t like it very much, but sometimes I remember they’re there. There were times when I forgot to look up at the sky, but I realized it felt strangely comforting to see them twinkle in the night.”

At that moment, star-shaped ice crystals glittering over the clouded heavens unfolded before her eyes like the Milky Way galaxy.

Isabella looked up at the twinkling ice crystals under the soft, dewy moonlight.

Even the full moon, half-hidden by the clouds, was beautiful.

“Did you do this, Your Highness?”

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[I’m just sorry you didn’t see any real stars tonight.] He replied calmly.

She couldn’t understand how he could speak with nonchalance after making a big deal out of such a simple story.

His ability to create something so beautiful in the spur of the moment was also excellent.

[You don’t like it?]

“There’s no way I wouldn’t like it. It’s beautiful. Thank you, Your Highness.” Isabella replied while observing the enchanted ice crystals embroidered in front of her bedroom window.

She wouldn’t forget everything she had seen today for a long time.


Many people in the North had expressed interest in Bella’s job hiring announcement.

The submitted applications were more than expected.

Isabella, along with Ria, scrutinized each application form and decided on the first successful candidates.

She planned to interview them herself in Rubella Castle’s receiving area for the second round.

Out of 500 applicants, a total of 250 people got accepted.

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