Even with that thought, Duke Kyar could not take his eyes off Isabella for a while.

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He fell asleep after a long time and woke up sobbing.

The heart-rending pain came again, and Isabella patted him on the back.

“It’s all right, Your Highness. Nothing bad is going to happen.” She said warmly, and Duke Kyar stopped crying.

His affliction mysteriously disappeared the moment she embraced him when before, he couldn’t stop sobbing or feel anyone’s touch.

But how come he started becoming normal after feeling her touch and hearing her voice?

He wasn’t sure why, but it made him realize one thing.

“Your Highness, are you okay?” Isabella asked him as she glanced down at his face.

Duke Kyar looked up at her and murmured, “As expected, you were my cure.”

Isabella’s blue eyes widened in surprise.


Duke Kyar was determined to keep this woman next to him as long as he would help him deal with this terrible pain.

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“Come to my bedroom every night, Isabella.”

He wouldn’t be afraid to fall asleep now as long as she was around.

She was just a cure for his suffering, and it didn’t mean anything more.


A week had passed since Isabella entered Rubella Castle.

At first, she was uncomfortable sleeping in Duke Kyar’s bedroom, but she was getting used to it.

She also liked to watch the Archduke to her heart’s content after he’d fallen asleep, but that also made her sleep late.

Less sleeping time usually leads to exhaustion, but Isabella couldn’t give it up.

After all, old habits die hard.

She usually returned to her bedroom to take a nap for a while after the Archduke had woken up, and in the afternoon, she continued making various drugs for the medicine shop.

The number of people looking for her medicine also increased one by one.

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Isabella had already sold the medicine to people in Rubella Castle before, so she had a perfect grasp of what the customers need.

Isabella slightly lowered her head and stirred the medicine pot using a large spoon.

“Give me more fire, just a little bit.”

Casa, a low-ranking fire spirit, moved his small body busily to produce the flames.

Isabella’s smiled at how adorable it looked.

Ifrit might not be there to help her at that moment, but a few fire spirits were eager to lend a hand every time she made medicine.

Ignis complained that his abilities were too strong for this trivial work, so she asked other spirits to help her light the fire and control the heat instead.

She was grateful to the spirits of fire because it made her work more convenient.

“It’s her! It’s her! The woman spends the night in His Highness’s bedroom every day.”

“Oh, was she the woman who cures the Archduke’s restlessness?”

“They said that the woman cures the His Highness with her words. What if she was using that as an excuse to seduce His Highness?.”

“No way. I don’t think the Archduke was interested in a woman like that.”

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Isabella heard the women’s voices as they whispered and exchanged glances outside the medicine shop.


She changed her mind.

Their voices were too loud to be considered whispers.

“What aren’t you doing your tasks?”

Isabella heard Anna scold the maids, and they all scattered instantly.


Anna called her and entered the medicine shop.

“Are the maids still there?”

“I don’t care what they say, Isabella. I’m sure they’re just jealous that you’re close to the Archduke.”

“Thank you for your concern, Anna.”

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“The servants are grateful for your presence in Rubella Castle. His Highness was anxious before you came, so he gave everyone a hard time.” Anna said warmly, and Isabella smiled.

“That’s a relief. You’re here because you needed medicine for your muscle pain, right?”

“No, it’s not like that. I’m here for an important vote that you must participate in.”

“Important vote?” Isabella asked in surprise.

“Yeah. It’s a popularity vote every year, but the votes are tied right now. Your precious vote will determine this year’s most popular man in Rubella Castle.”

“All of you do something like that?”

“Of course. It’s an event that’s already been going on for ten years.”

“Who’s hosting this event?”

Isabella wasn’t aware of this event before.

Indeed, she didn’t have time to be close to the rest of the servants, so she might not have had a chance to participate in such an event.


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