Hearing a rustle, Isabella looked up from the book she was reading.

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“Would you like some of this?” Evan asked, offering her candy from across the seat.

“It’s all right.”

“Don’t be shy. Eat this.”

Evan was adamant that she accepted it, so Isabella had no choice.

After giving her the candy, he peeled off another one from his bag and put it in his mouth.

“Don’t you like sweet things?” He asked her while rolling the pink candy on his tongue.

“No, I like sweet things. It’s just that I don’t want to eat it now. Perhaps, I’ll eat it later.” Isabella replied while putting the candy inside her bag.

Then, she returned to the book she was reading.

Two hours in the dark forest felt very long.

Evan’s intense gaze made her shift in her seat in discomfort.

“Are you not fond of me, Isabella?”

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Could Evan possibly read her mind?

He suppressed a chuckle.

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“Why? Do you think I like you or something?”

Isabella couldn’t believe he was saying that out loud!

This man wasn’t normal at all.

Closing her book shut, Isabella pondered her response with caution.

“Honestly, you are right. You make me uncomfortable.” Isabella paused before she added sternly,  “I already have someone in my heart. I mean—”

Evan interrupted her and muttered to himself, “Oh. You already like someone.”  Then he flashed her a good-natured smile. “I’m relieved. I also like you. But not in that kind of way.”

“What do you mean?”

Isabella blushed at his unexpected yet straightforward answer.

“You look a lot like my sister. I guess that’s why I secretly want to take care of you.”

Evan’s eyes looked a little lonely as he talked about her.

Did he miss his sister a lot after leaving his hometown?

“She died of an illness a few years ago.”

Isabella was speechless for a moment.

She knew how hard and painful it was to let a loved one go.

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It was impossible to move on from it quickly.

“My brother likes this candy very much. I don’t like sweet things, but every time I eat this, I feel like my brother and I were never separated.”

“I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

Unfortunately, Isabella had misunderstood this man.

She finally understood why he appeared interested in her when they saw each other for the first time.

“Is it alright if you treat me more like a friend?”Evan grinned.

Isabella nodded slowly.”Yes.”

Isabella had no reason to be uncomfortable with Evan if she was rational.

“Please take care of me for the whole week.” She said.

Evan reached out his hand as if asking for a handshake.

Isabella hesitated for a moment before holding his hand.

“Let’s get along well.”

She was relieved that Evan hadn’t taken her confession the wrong way.

Maybe, she could be comfortable around him now.

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Duke Kyar arrived in the dark forest with the commanders of the black knights and immediately descended from his horse.

He fixed his gaze on the carriage, following the knights on their horseback.

After a while, the carriage stopped in front of the dark forest, and the doors suddenly opened.

Duke Kyar frowned when he saw the light blue-haired man emerge.

“Was Evan the knight escorting Isabella?” Duke Kyar asked the Head of the 3rd Knights who stood next to him.

“Yes, Evan had volunteered to do it, and I agreed.” He replied nervously and explained further. “He is joining the beast-hunting expedition for the first time. I thought it would be good for him to adapt to the new environment by being the pharmacist’s escort.”

Duke Kyar watched the knight in silence, but he stiffened when he saw Evan lend Isabella a hand when she got out.

He averted his gaze and turned his head quickly.

‘I don’t have to pay attention.’

His brain was rational, but his heart was seething with anger and jealousy.

“All pages will stay here, unpack and prepare the tents. The knights and I will go straight into the woods.” Duke Kyar commanded.

“Yes, Your Highness!” The Knight responded loudly.

This wasn’t the time to be distracted by a woman.

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Duke Kyar moved to the dark forest and tried not to think about her.

He pretended he didn’t see her at all.

Isabella glanced anxiously at his back.

The dark forest was bigger and creepier than she thought, worrying her.

“Casa.” Isabella summoned the fire spirit in a whisper.

She wanted Casa to accompany His Highness, but the fire spirit’s gloomy face almost changed her mind.

“I’m sorry about this, Casa. But please keep an eye on His Highness. I beg you.”

Casa nodded before he blended into the torches the knights were carrying.

“Are you scared?”

Evan approached her while watching Duke Kyar’s distant back.

“I’ll protect you, so don’t be too scared, alright? My bow is bigger than yours.” Evan said confidently.

Isabella gave him a faint smile.

“We should help them  first.” Isabella pointed at the dynamic pages setting up the barracks.

“Yes.” Isabella and Evan helped the pages prepare dinner too.

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