He couldn’t even concentrate properly when he entered the dark forest.

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He was too disturbed by images of Isabella and  Evan being together that he left the Knights to clean up the mess and return to the barracks first.

Even if he didn’t want to be a substitute for her dead lover, Duke Kyar became so jealous of the man she loved that it almost drove him insane.

Even that knight, Evan, became envious of her loving gaze every time she talked about that person.

It occurred to Duke Kyar that if she looked at him with eyes full of adoration, he would give her the moon and the stars.

She made him that mad.

Since this woman appeared, the pain he felt every morning had vanished, but it was replaced by discomfort.

He truly felt uncomfortable for the first time in his life.

These emotions were too burdensome.

“Do you want to drink more water, Your Highness?” Isabella asked cautiously as she glanced at the leather canteen’s rim in his mouth.

Meanwhile, Duke Kyar’s eyes were fixed on her mouth as she spoke.

Will this terrible thirst disappear after kissing those pink lips that looked as soft as rose petals?

He clenched his teeth at the idea.

He was mad, but he couldn’t get it out of his mind.

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How would she react if he kissed her like she was the air he breathed?

Would Isabella look at him with blue eyes full of resentment, or would she tremble in fear and anger after slapping him?

“Your Highness?”

“I don’t need it.”

His deep baritone sounded subdued as he put down the leather canteen.

Duke Kyar had gone insane.

His head was full of thoughts about Isabella, urging him to follow the dark side.

Still, he tried to drive the wicked idea he had in mind away.

This wasn’t the time to cause confusion between the two of them.

He might put that crazy idea into action if he kept staring at her lips.


Isabella slept in a narrow, hard cot, and her body felt numb.

As she exited Duke Kyar’s barracks, Isabella patted herself on the shoulder and walked towards the valley to wash up.

A sword-carrying brown-haired woman approached her out of the blue.

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She was a knight Isabella knew very well.

It was one of the knights that Duke Kyar ordered to become her escort once.

“I’m Louina, Isabella. Starting today, I’ll be your escort on Evan’s behalf.”


She thought Evan would watch over her for a week, but it changed without prior notice.

“Nice to meet you, Knight Louina.” She greeted her with a smile.

Isabella preferred Louina as her escort compared to Evan because she was quiet.

“Don’t get too close to the woods, alright? Please, promise me. The dark forest is dangerous.”

“Yes. Don’t worry, Louina. I’ll be going to the valley to wash up.”

Louina nodded and followed her.

“Can I go alone?”

“Your Highness ordered that I shouldn’t take my eyes off you even for a moment.”

Isabella smiled.

This exchange just reminded her of the past with the Archduke.

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Was he worried about her?

Isabella shook her head in denial.

She shouldn’t get ahead of herself.

Isabella could sense from his gaze alone that he didn’t like her very much.

Maybe, Duke Kyar was just trying to protect himself by protecting her.

His cure shouldn’t get hurt after all.

High expectations will lead to heartbreaking disappointments, so Isabella tried hard not to expect anything.

When  Isabella arrived at the valley, she washed her face with cold water and wiped it with the towel she had brought.

Isabella moved to the valley’s upper stream and filled her leather canteen before returning to the barracks with Louina.

“I’ll be giving the His Highness some water.”

Thinking that Louina wasn’t the talkative type, Isabella entered the barracks and witnessed Archduke Kyar taking off his robe to change clothes.

She had no idea why she kept seeing him half-naked even though she didn’t mean to.

“I’m sorry,” Isabella said and hurriedly turned her back.

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“It must be your hobby to check out someone else’s naked body, Isabella.”

Isabella shook her head at his sharp remark.

“No way. I’m not that perverted.”

Archduke Kyar approached her, still wearing an untied robe that revealed his solid chest.

Why did it look sexier than taking it off altogether?

Her brain told her to close her eyes but her instinct chose to ignore it.

When he noticed that Isabella’s hooded gaze was fixed on his solid chest, Duke Kyar smirked and reached into the leather canteen she was holding.

Before she knew it, the water bag was already in his grip.

The way he was drinking water with his head slightly tilted back was so hot that Isabella swallowed hard.

She wanted to kiss his Adam’s apple slowly bobbing up and down so badly.

Isabella watched him slowly withdraw the leather canteen from his mouth and lowered his head toward her face.

“I still think you’re a pervert.”

Her face flushed instantly at his deep baritone.

That’s when they heard a loud wail from the dark woods.

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