
Chapter 104

Chapter 104. You’re Luomei

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Proofread by Snake

Mount Xianlai was thirteenth in the list of the most blessed spots of the world. Although it was not all that illustrious, the fog surrounding the mountain was one-of-a-kind.

Every morning, when the first rays of dawn broke through the clouds, mist would start to curl around the peaks of Xianlai. Then, lush forest trees, unusually shaped rocks, and plenty of bizarre fruits would emerge from the sea of clouds. Of course, commoners like woodcutters from nearby villages were unable to enter the premises of the Wanjian Immortal Clan, but some people would lose their way, wander off, and end up in the midst of the outer peaks. Every single one of them thought that they had accidentally entered the land of deities, and praised it loudly upon returning home. After some time, the fame of Mount Xianlai spread like wildfire, and its reputation gradually grew as time passed. The Wanjian Immortal Clan was also named after Mount Xianlai.

The Wanjian Immortal Clan was also named after Xianlai Mounts: Wanjian Immortal Clan’s “immortal” is Xianlai’s “xian”

Yun Weisi had arrived here at dawn, which was the best time to admire the view the peaks had to offer. Unfortunately, he did not even give it a passing glance, and moved forward without being distracted in the least. It seemed that Jiang Li had deployed some blocking formations along Yun Weisi’s path, so nothing obstructed him as he was going up the mountain. Neither traps nor any disciples of the Wanjian Immortal Clan appeared during Yun Weisi’s ascent either..

Jiang Li was standing near a steep cliff on the main peak of Mount Xianlai, with his hands clasped behind his back. Despite having his back turned to Yun Weisi, Jiang Li still seemed to have noticed him.

“You came.”

“I came.”

“Why don’t you admire the sunrise together with me?”

Yun Weisi took a few steps forward, stopping at a distance of five steps from Jiang Li.

“Look at the dawn. The sun rises from the east every day, yet it always looks different. The sky brightens with colors, and the fog scatters away, swirling around like some enchanting spirit. It’s constantly changing. How many profound mysteries are hidden within? Who knows, perhaps, even the intricate principles of the Great Dao we cultivators are pursuing can actually be found within. Could this be the reason why daoyou Yun has achieved enlightenment?”

Cultivators had different practices, and everyone had their unique opportunities to gain enlightenment. Whether it was the hills or rivers, a blade of grass or a tree, or even a random stone—all these could cause a cultivator to achieve enlightenment, which let that person break through to the next realm.

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Yun Weisi was not interested in being a part of this discussion with Jiang Li. Moreover, he did not believe that Jiang Li had set a trap that was this elaborate and had spanned such a length of time just to call him over in the end to chat about trivial things.

Yun Weisi raised his head. The sky now seemed to be divided into starkly different halves. The right part was lit with the morning sun, just like countless other scenes of dawn, while the other part of it was shrouded in the dark colors of the night. Bright red flames were burning in the sky, and a pitch-black whirlpool was stretching up from the earth to the sky, forming a vortex that threatened to swallow the entire human world.

One part was white, and the other black, and they did not flow into each other smoothly. The contrast was harsh and weird, as if two worlds were being forcibly stitched together. This juncture of yin and yang was distinct, just like how water was incompatible with fire. This deadly confrontation between life and death was seemingly telling the people of the world that they would either obtain the light, or be submerged in the darkness forever, while a third outcome was impossible.

But Yun Weisi clearly saw that the left side was slightly evolving, and the night was slowly engulfing the day—it was obvious that the darkness was more powerful. The red light in the sky, meanwhile, was flashing in exactly the direction of the Sacred Mountain Wan.

“Look at the scenery. It’s something no one has seen in a myriad years. So breathtaking!”

Jiang Li was admiring it with all his heart, and his line of sight had not left the sky even once.

Far away, on the Sacred Mountain Wan, ghosts and demons were madly wailing. The sound had not yet reached this place, but Yun Weisi could feel it even from Mount Xianlai.

The demonic qi in his body was agitated, echoing its kin in the distance.

Murderous intent started to rage in his heart, and it was very difficult to fight against it, as the slightest mistake would let it spread all over, taking over his mind.


The crisp clashing sound of a sword resounded inside his sea of consciousness, making Yun Weisi tremble slightly, regaining his clear-mindedness.

“I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s exceptionally beautiful.”

He gradually restrained his aura and managed to suppress his murderous thoughts.

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However, when Jiang Li turned to look at him, he still saw Yun Weisi’s blood-red eyes and a distinct demonic mark imprinted between his eyebrows. Obviously, Yun Weisi had been possessed, and there was nothing to suspect.

“After leaving the Nine Layers of the Abyss, daoyou Yun visited a lot of places together with your shizun. Given your cleverness and wisdom, I’m sure you already know what I intend to do?” Jiang Li was smiling gracefully, and his expression was calm and composed.

Although he was addressing Yun Weisi using “daoyou”, his seemingly intimate intonation was actually quite distant. Jiang Li looked like a deity that was isolated up above by a sea of clouds, looking down at all these ignorant creatures that were leading a vain and humdrum life on earth.

Yun Weisi said slowly: “Fifty years ago, you anticipated the failure of the Liuhe Zhutian Formation, and so, left a gap there deliberately in order to build a new enormous formation on the whole world in the future?”

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows: “Correct. I knew that Jiufang Changming would refuse to meekly turn into a puppet, and something would definitely happen while they were guarding the formation. It was better to reveal a flaw, push the boat down the current and turn him into the main target for criticism. Had he died that day, his souls would have stayed in the Yellow Springs, and supported the formation. And who knows? There would have perhaps been a place for him in the ranks of the deified later. Unfortunately, I hadn’t anticipated him escaping mortal danger and returning.”

Push the boat down the current: act according the circumstances

His voice was full of regret. However, he did not feel sorry for his ruined plans, but for Changming instead. His intonation was impeccably sincere and earnest.

“Unfortunately, Jiufang Changming’s outstanding, brilliant talent wasn’t spent in the right place, but wasted on the foul human world.”

“Dei… fied?”

Yun Weisi uttered the word slowly, quoting Jiang Li.

Jiang Li nodded his head: “Deified.”

Yun Weisi: “Surely, I am also a tool to protect the formation and assist in the process of deification in your eyes?”

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“No, no, you’re different from him. You’re the master of the future Abyss, and you’ll share the glory of ruling over the universe together with me. You’re nothing like the mediocre people of the world, and even Jiufang Changming is inferior when compared to you. Don’t undervalue yourself, daoyou. I know that you have a lot of questions. We still have some free time—roughly the time it takes one incense stick to burn. If you want, I can clarify something for you.”

Inside the Chunzhao Sword, Changming frowned slightly.

It was not that he was dissatisfied with Jiang Li’s words. On the contrary, he felt that Jiang Li had revealed too much.

This information of spectacular significance had suddenly been dropped on them, and now, one of the layers concealing the truth was about to fall off.

Although they were getting closer to the truth, Changming was somewhat frightened.

This was rare for him.

He had been through many deadly adventures throughout his life, and had nearly approached death not just once. However, he always cherished lofty sentiments, and pressed forwards unrelentingly no matter what. Occasionally, he was also serious and cautious, but he did not care about life or death after reaching a certain level in his cultivation.

Yet now he was actually a bit scared.

Changming was not afraid of Jiang Li himself, but of something he had said.

Jiang Li waved his sleeve, and a table with a jar and two cups appeared in front of them.

Cultivators were not afraid of low temperatures, so Jiang Li sat on the ground, paying no attention to the cold. Such manners were common among scholars.

What will happen after the time it takes a stick of incense to burn?

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Yun Weisi looked at him, and then sat across from him.

“I’d like to hear the details.”

Jiang Li raised his hand to pour Yun Weisi a cup of tea.

“For a long time, cultivators have thought that becoming an immortal or a deity means reaching another cultivation realm. In this mythical realm of immortals, spiritual power is supposedly way more abundant than what we have here. There, invaluable treasures and spiritual plants are also scattered everywhere, and everyone’s cultivation level is above that of masters. Perhaps, wars never occur in this land, and everyone lives in peace and justice there. Daoyou Yun, have you also imagined something like that?”

Yun Weisi did not answer, but Jiang Li did not need his answer either.

“Many years ago, I reached the unrivaled and the most revered realm in cultivation. Originally, I thought that what waited for me were brand-new heavenly lands, but it turned out I was mistaken. After breaking away from the human realm, instead of a new life, I met my doom. My body could not endure leaving this world, so it was torn into pieces and disintegrated immediately. My souls barely escaped the collosal pressure after being on the verge of extinction. In the end, they flew back to the human world after undergoing all kinds of hardships and sufferings. I hid away like a turtle to heal my wounds in secret. It took many years.”

Yun Weisi: “Then are you Jiang Li?”

Jiang Li laughed: “Many years ago, when you met me, I was Jiang Li, so you can treat me as Jiang Li. It doesn’t matter.”

“But you’re not him, you’re Luomei!” Yun Weisi said coldly, “I’ve heard about you, but I’d have never guessed I’d meet you like this. Perhaps, no one would have guessed that the role model whom many cultivators look up to with admiration, the past master of the prominent Wanjian Immortal Clan, is in fact a loser who has occupied his disciple’s body!”

Changming was not the only one who was suspecting Jiang Li’s true identity. Having listened to Jiang Li up to this point, Yun Weisi had already guessed almost everything.

Jiang Li laughed out loud: “And I’d have never guessed that you, who cut down people like weeds, would say such words! Didn’t your shidi, Zhou Keyi, die by your hands? Why is daoyou being so lax with yourself while being harsh on others? The Jiang Li whom you’ve known has been me all along. What do you even know about the original Jiang Li? You’ve never even met him. He is me, and I’m him!”

Yun Weisi: “So, after failing your ascension, you started plotting schemes using Jiang Li’s identity, and intended to stir up a storm.”

Jiang Li shook his head: “I have to correct you. It wasn’t that I failed to ascend. There is no way to ascend. Everything is a lie. The so-called divine death, or immortal dissipation, simply means disappearance of one’s souls. After I realized I was being led by the nose, I was depressed for many years. However, one day I suddenly realized: since I was given a chance to be reborn, I should try to carve out a new, unfamiliar path for the sake of myself and for every cultivator of this world!”

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