
Chapter 106

Chapter 106. He wanted to reach the distant light in front of him

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Proofread by Snake

The beam of light suddenly breached the thick, heavy murkiness, and the dark clouds scattered away.

Demonic flames were fluttering around haphazardly like moths, flying far away into the endless night.

The beam of light was gradually spreading, subsuming the black flames. Wherever the light went, the demonized plants were then covered with hoarfrost.

It seemed that time had stopped flowing for them, and life had lost its meaning.

Every creature was silent, as if they had been frozen by a bitter winter.

But this did not align with Princess Linglong’s goals.

She had wanted to see the end of the world, where demons would take over the human world and humanity would be reduced to slaves and servants, crawling under the feet of demons.

Not this hollow destruction in front of her eyes.

Luomei was a sly old fox, and as such, nothing should have gone wrong on his end. Yun Weisi would not have been able to escape by himself even if he grew a pair of wings, so what could have happened?..

The beam of light was expanding with a visible speed, reclaiming ground that had been lost to the black flames. Black and white were now the only colors in the world, as if death and life were two forces ruling it independently and fighting to decide the final owner of the world.

Princess Linglong could hardly believe what was happening. She had no time to care about Sun Buku anymore, so she pulled her hand back and, together with it, her demonic flames, before quickly charging towards Mount Xianlai.

She was not the only one surprised by this turn of events. Luomei had never expected this either.

Jiufang Changming, who was supposed to be on the verge of dying, had possessed the Chunzhao Sword with his fleeing soul. He had then summoned his body with the soul, fusing both together.

Black flames fell on Changming, but they evaporated quickly like boiling water. Luomei felt as if his souls were encircled by a raging fire that was burning them up mercilessly. He was in agony, and could not help groaning. Despite that, he stubbornly refused to let go, and tightly grabbed onto Jiufang Changming’s arm. Luomei’s body could not avoid its fate of turning to dust and ashes.

“The Three Flowers return to their original positions, and five qi go back to the basics; the precious spirit guides qi, the heart breaks through the Nine Realms, and the supreme deity eradicates all evil!”

Three Flowers: refers to a person’s essence (as in vigor), qi and mind. It’s the WJIC’s specialization

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Five qi go back to the basics: a Taoist practice in inner cultivating. It’s a necessary step on the path of becoming an immortal, one of the highest levels one can achieve

The precious spirit: also a Taoist practice, fostering one’s spiritual essence

The Nine Realms: Budd. there are altogether 10 realms (states of existance), and these 9 are the realms “of delusion”

The supreme deity: of Taoism

The mantra was uttered softly, yet it fell on Luomei’s ears like a heavy hammer!

At first, Luomei was astounded, but he soon became enraged.

How dare Jiufang Changming!

How dare he use the Wanjian Immortal Clan’s techniques to attack me!

To Jiufang Changming, cultivation techniques could either be helpful or useless in a particular situation, and he did not care which sect had invented them.

He looked at Luomei indifferently, paying no attention to the black stains covering his arms, which kept getting darker.

The two of them were standing close to each other, so Luomei clearly saw that Jiufang Changming’s eyes seemed to carry a hint of mockery, as if he was laughing at Luomei’s attempts to draw water with a bamboo basket.

Draw water with a bamboo basket: vain attempt

By this point in time, Yun Weisi would have rushed over as well.

In a split second, his overwhelming attack would slaughter Luomei.

However, in this very moment, Luomei sneered wickedly.

“You think that killing me will solve every problem?”

He had prepared for every possible outcome of today’s events during the past several years. 

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He had plans for both a rousing success or a complete failure.

When Chi Bijiang was setting the formation for Luomei, his spiritual soul was tied to the Liuhe Zhutian Formation. If the formation existed, he lived; if it failed, he died.

Conversely, if Luomei died, the Liuhe Zhutian Formation would collapse as well.

The Nine Layers of the Abyss, the Sacred Mountain Wan, the Zongfa Mountain Range…

If these distant pillars, high mountains and spiritual meridians of the world collapsed all at once, the human world would be ruined too.

If an explosion of this scale happened, everything would be razed to the ground and torn to pieces, ceasing to exist.

The ground shook, and as white and black gradually faded away, a faint red glow appeared.

Yun Weisi had arrived!

Jiufang Changming trembled slightly. He seemed to have realized the hidden meaning of Luomei’s words.

Luomei’s spiritual soul was the core of the Liuhe Zhutian Formation!

As soon as the soul was destroyed, the world would come to an end.

But it was already too late!

Yun Weisi had already split off a part of his spiritual power to attack. Luomei, who had been subdued by Jiufang Changming and had no chance of striking back, was immediately reduced to a fine powder by this immense spiritual power, without a single bone left behind!

Blinding light burst out, and the crack in the earth under their feet started rapidly widening. Plants and living creatures all fell down there, as they lost their foothold.

The tall mountains crumbled, the rivers flowed backwards, the clouds were torn apart, and the spiritual meridians were severed.

It was indeed the end of the world. Whomever one had seen, was forever dead, and whatever one had seen, was ravaged beyond recognition.

All the mountains that were rich in spiritual energy and the refined rivers that had emerged after the earth had separated from the sky, a long time ago, no longer existed now. Everyone on earth had been plunged into an abyss of misery, and no creature, be it a bird, a beast, a cultivator or a common person, could escape this calamity.

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At the price of sacrificing his own life, Luomei had destroyed the human world.

For thousands of years, he had been seeking immortality, yet he had failed to obtain it even now. His enraged wail shook the world, and, as Mount Xianlai crumbled, he vanished like smoke, his spiritual soul perishing.

Yun Weisi embraced Jiufang Changming tightly.

He only had one thought: whether it was in life or in death, whether his souls were scattered or his body disintegrated, he wanted to be with this person.

He was not even regretting the fact that he could have never gotten what he desired even if he begged. From the moment he had let his Demonic heart to enter his body and allowed it to gradually turn him into a demon, Yun Weisi had been prepared to die. He did not even harbor the extravagant hope of seeing Jiufang Changming again.

He saw nothing but the white light. In the utter chaos that arrived with the destruction of the world, his spiritual power had run amok and the barrier protecting him had long since been broken. Stones and wood fragments kept cutting him, but the pain caused by his distorted spiritual power was even greater pain. It was scattering all over erratically and dashing around madly. Yun Weisi felt as if a knife was slicing him into pieces, and in the end, only his spiritual soul was left, still holding onto Jiufang Changming. Yun Weisi could not even open his eyes, and did not know whether he was still alive or otherwise.

Perhaps, time had stopped, or, perhaps, it was still flowing. Perhaps, the world had already been obliterated, and everything had returned to the nothingness of primordial times.

The Heavenly Dao had its own laws, regardless of the war between humans and demons. For humans, the primordial chaos was the end of the world, but for the Heavenly Dao, it only meant a new beginning.

Even a real immortal could not withstand the might of the Heavenly Dao.

Jiufang Changming and Yun Weisi were mere mortals.

Yun Weisi thought that the world had never been this peaceful ever since it had emerged. Maybe, the Heavenly Dao was delighted to observe the destruction of the world.

Looks like my road has finally come to an end. He was very tired, and only watched as his spiritual soul followed the winds and waves blindly, before finally dispersing.

He had been wandering through pitch-black rivers in the endless night of eternal sufferings, unsure of whether he was going in circles or moving forward. The rapid torrent and sharp underwater stones made him stumble, but he never gave up.

He wanted to reach the distant light in front of him.

Even if the light was faint, almost non-existent, and infinitely distant, Yun Weisi felt that the warm light was actually close to him.

He still proceeded without hesitation, never turning his head back.

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Yun Weisi opened his eyes.

The light he saw was so bright that it almost blinded him.

He could not help frowning, and could not bear the resulting tingling sensation, so he closed his eyes tightly, and then slowly opened them again.

At first, he felt pain, and afterwards, desperation.

He had not died?

This power that had destroyed the world had been simply overwhelming, yet he had somehow survived, and nothing had happened to the world?

Yun Weisi suddenly looked down. Seeing the top of the head of the man in his arms, he could not pull himself together for a long time.


He tried to speak. His voice was hoarse, and he could not hide the way it trembled.

He was afraid to lose hope again.

If this was a dream, he did not want to wake up.


Good news: The mcs are still alive (?) Bad news: We’re taking a break for maybe like 3 weeks. But we’ll be back!

This chapter is the last one of Book 4. Book 5 is called [By Saving the Course of Events, Bring back the Warm Spring]~

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