
Chapter 135

No matter how good Yun Weisi’s memory was, he could not possibly remember how he had interacted with Zhou Shiqi that day.

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After all, back then, he had spent his days lazing around and having fun, which was supported by his noble background. He never had to worry about tomorrow. He had a personal teacher who excelled in martial arts, and many Daoist priests from the temples in the capital wanted to accept him as a disciple. Yun Weisi’s talent allowed him to learn anything quickly, but he did not want to sit still and study hard, so he never learned anything except for the basics of whatever he studied and stayed at the level of an amateur. He knew about techniques but not the reasons behind them, and had only learned a few cultivation skills and a bit of gongfu—this was about enough to overpower a common person, but he was not worth anything when compared to real masters. But he never cared about this. After all, becoming an immortal was too distant a goal for him and he never even wanted to leave his parents alongside his extravagant lifestyle to run away to some unknown place and suffer there.

At that time, the strength of the imperial court was not as steady as before. Barring the capital, the other cities often had uprisings, and the fighting never stopped. Only the capital, protected by a large army, could maintain its lavish and peaceful facade. However, Yun Weisi was influenced by what he constantly saw and heard, so he knew from his father’s words that the court was in a dire state and discriminated against those who opposed it. The emperor was neither determined nor wise, so everyone was working as monks that were tolling bells all day long. If they could benefit from something, they were sure to do it. Only his father, Yun Chang’an, refused to join in these bad practices. Yun Chang’an’s background was not humble and he had never had to worry about food or clothes. He could also certainly take control of everything alongside the other officials. Despite all that, contrary to what one might expect, he became an Iron Mask Censor, and spent his days saying things that the emperor did not want to listen to.

Working as monks that were tolling bells all day long: do as little as possible

Iron Mask Censor: strict and principled

Although Yun Weisi did not remember what he was doing that day, he clearly remembered that in three days, the officials of the capital would collude with officials from another country and start a rebellion. The emperor would almost be hacked to death with a knife, and only his luck would allow him to escape this mortal danger. After that, the emperor started a great purge. Anyone who had any kind of connection with the rebels had no chance of escaping it.

His father, Yun Chang’an, was supposed to be demoted at first, and had even told his family to pack everything. The young Yun Weisi did not feel that this was something bad—on the contrary, he was looking forward to living even more freely in the future. However, just as the Yun family was about to depart, someone accused the house of Yun Weisi’s mother, the Cong family, of participating in the rebellion. The emperor ordered the execution of the entire family in a rage. Yun Weisi’s mother had long since gotten married, so she should have escaped this disaster. However, the Yun family was afraid that they would also be implicated, so they ordered Yun Chang’an to divorce his wife. Of course, Yun Chang’an refused. However, his honesty and the fact that he had often remonstrated the emperor had offended a lot of people in the court, so someone added more lurid details to the story and passed it over to the emperor. The emperor was then angered and ordered the beheading of both Yun Chang’an and his wife. And so, the couple was killed. Their son, the previously carefree and good-for-nothing Yun Weisi, was turned into a lonely orphan overnight.

However, Yun Weisi was not actually a completely lonely orphan as all of his cousins were still alive. But they were all afraid of getting involved in this matter and turning into the next victims, so who would reach out and help him? On stormy nights, Yun Weisi knocked on the doors of the families that had been close to his own, but no one answered him. While some were court officials, their ranks were too low, so they could not do anything and could only sighed helplessly. Others just closed their gates and refused to let him in.

That was the first time Yun Weisi had tasted social snobbery. He had never known that this feeling was so difficult to endure.

On the day his parents were being executed, Yun Weisi even had the unrealistic idea of snatching them from the execution ground. Fortunately, a loyal servant knocked him out, and so, the boy did not end up delivering himself to death. As soon as Yun Weisi woke up, he realized that everyone had already left the execution site, and even the blood of his beheaded parents had been washed away by the rain.

Eventually, another Yun family from the capital decided to offer him shelter. But Yun Weisi’s misfortunes did not end here. In the next two years, Yun Chang’an’s political opponents wished to cut the weeds and dig up the roots and did not want this spring wind to blow in troubles in the future. They waited for a moment when he was away from the Yun family and attacked him on his way to his hometown. No one could have imagined that Yun Weisi would grow up so much in these two years. Not only had he become more agile, but he also learned some basic skills from a Daoist priest, so he actually succeeded in breaking away from them and surviving all by himself. Even though he was covered with wounds, he managed to reach the Yuhuang Temple alive.

Cut the weeds and dig up the roots: wipe sb. off the face of the earth

Spring wind: even a fire can not destroy the grass—it grows again when the spring wind blows

At this moment, time had flowed backwards, and everything had returned to this starting point. His parents could be saved, his family could live well—there was a lot that he could fix.

Yun Weisi lowered his head and looked at his hands that had yet to have any calluses.

He only needed to prevent the tragedy and set out for the Yuhuang Temple immediately. Everything would then follow the same trajectory, and nothing would change.

But Yun Weisi felt that something was wrong.

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Deep in his mind, a silent alarm was warning him, as if trying to stop him.

If something in the past changed, would the future change as well?


He tried calling out to Changming in the sea of his consciousness.

Only silence answered him. It seemed that Jiufang Changming had completely disappeared.

As soon as the thought of saving his parents entered his mind, his connection with Jiufang Changming was severed. After all, at this point in time, they had not known each other and had never even met.

One of them was a talented cultivator with brilliant prospects, and the other was a rich kid running wild in the capital. The two of them were never supposed to have any interactions.

When Zhou Shiqi saw Yun Weisi suddenly hunch over, holding his chest, he jumped out of fear.

“What’s wrong? Hey, you fell from the tree yourself, I have nothing to do with it! Don’t you try to pin the blame on me!”

Yun Weisi paled. He broke out in a cold sweat, silently grinding his teeth.

Zhou Shiqi was scared. He turned around and started shouting: “Call someone—”

Before he could continue, Yun Weisi grabbed his arm tightly.

“It’s fine, it’s just…”

It was just that when he thought of the possibility that he would never meet Jiufang Changming in this life, he was torn with grief. He had only returned to the past, and both his memories and his experiences were still here with him, so he could not forget Jiufang Changming.

“What’s wrong with your hand!” Zhou Shiqi cried out in alarm.

Yun Weisi lowered his head. The back of his hand, that had just been smooth, was now suddenly covered in red cracks, as if it had been burned. He could not wipe it off, and it looked terrifying.

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Zhou Shiqi felt an inexplicable fear as he looked at the wound, and he could not help taking several steps back. Yun Weisi, on the other hand, knew very well what this was—it was the fox poison.

He had taken half of Changming’s poison to share his pain. He had already discussed it with Jiufang Changming—the fox poison could lead people astray, and their sentiments could easily make the poison stronger. And a deep attraction would always evoke powerful emotions.

Yun Weisi leant against the wall and slowly regained his composure.

“I’m fine,” he said again, this time more hoarsely.

Zhou Shiqi thought that Yun Weisi was a bit different from his usual self today.

This kind of change was hard to explain, but as Zhou Shiqi had spent all his days together with Yun Weisi as his companion, Zhou Shiqi could notice it quickly. The Yun Silang before his eyes was not that unruly young man who pretended to be a grown-up. Now, he was more serious, and was even a bit apathetic in this seriousness. He said nothing on their way back up until they met an old man.

“If I may ask, young masters, have you seen my grandson?” the old man gestured vividly with a worried expression, “He’s approximately this tall. His hair is in a high bun, and his face is round. I’ve lost him just now and can’t find him anywhere!”

“We saw nothing, go look for him somewhere else!” Zhou Shiqi waved his hands impatiently.

Given Yun Weisi’s age, he should have acted in the same manner, but he felt that this old man looked familiar for some reason, as if he had seen him somewhere. So he decided to stop and ask him a couple of questions.

“What does your grandson look like?”

The old man looked like a common peasant, but his eyes seemed to carry great mysteries.

His eyes were so deep that after looking at him for a moment, Yun Weisi felt as if he was drowning in a whirlpool.


Subconsciously, he knew that something was wrong, but the feeble body of a thirteen-year-old boy could not react in time.

“My grandson looks just like you!”

He laughed viciously and pulled Yun Weisi towards him with one hand. After a quick thought, he used the other hand to grab Zhou Shiqi, who was about to flee, and was now holding both of them by their throats.

“Young master, you’re quite interesting! Obviously, you have no cultivation, but your spiritual consciousness is extraordinary, just right for becoming my cultivation furnace!”

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As Yun Weisi heard this man’s gloomy voice next to his ear, he suddenly remembered.

This was a notorious demonic cultivator, Lou Sheng!

He was a bloodthirsty person who especially enjoyed refining people’s brains into pills and used their spiritual souls to advance in his cultivation. He could not care less whether the person in question was good or evil, and as long as he liked someone, this person could not escape their death. At first, he only laid his hands on commoners and rogue cultivators, but afterwards, even disciples of the Celestial Abode Shenxiao and the Donghai Sect could not run away from him. However, in eight years’ time, he would die under Jiufang Changming’s sword.

Originally, Yun Weisi could not recall whether he had crossed paths with Lou Sheng when he was thirteen years old, but after thinking more carefully, he recalled that someone had been killed in the capital back then. However, the culprit was never discovered, so eventually this case was forgotten.

Had it been the original him, Yun Weisi would have been unable to hold back earlier, made a scene and slipped away with Zhou Shiqi before classes even ended. He would not have encountered Lou Sheng, and definitely would not have turned into Lou Sheng’s target.

If Lou Sheng decided to take someone’s life, there was no stopping him. Yun Weisi would have never thought that he would die before he could even implement his plan of saving his parents from their tragic deaths.

The hand squeezing Yun Weisi’s throat tightened its grip with each second, but he could not break free from the cultivator. Yun Weisi could only hold onto the man’s fingers tightly, but this attempt was as futile as if he were trying to break a stone with an egg, or a mantis that was trying to stop a chariot.

Zhou Shiqi’s pained cries for help were gradually getting quieter. As they were slowly dying, it seemed that all the noise around them had been silenced. Right before his death, everything Yun Weisi had experienced in his life, including all of its joyous occasions, the moments of dashed hopes and the memories of his misery flashed before his eyes. In the end, he was left with only one thought—he saw Jiufang Changming leaving for the Sacred Mountain Wan towards the Liuhe Zhutian Formation, while he stood on a peak near the Sacred Mountain Wan, looking at that man’s figure gradually disappearing into the distance and feeling his heart being taken away as well.

“No need to worry. There is time for everything.”

Jiufang Changming’s voice resounded in the sea of his consciousness. Yun Weisi only felt his soul clearing up after some energy entered his body continuously, which made his body suddenly overflow with strength. He ruthlessly pushed Lou Sheng backwards, and the latter fell to the ground.

He gave his cultivation to me?

Yun Weisi realized the truth at once.

Jiufang Changming had ascended to the next cultivation realm. He could freely move between the future and the past and had long since surpassed anyone in this world. However, he still could not interfere with this world by appearing out of the blue. So, Jiufang Changming decided to give his cultivation to Yun Weisi to save his life and to prevent the impending storm.

With Jiufang Changming’s cultivation and his own extensive experience, Yun Weisi did not need Jiufang Changming anymore.

And Jiufang Changming would completely disappear.

Luomei had spent his entire life seeking a breakthrough and aspiring to become an immortal, but even after struggling for all this time, he had failed. Ascension did not mean leaving the realm and transcending to the next level, but rather gaining control over the past, the present and the future. But the past was full of small variables that would produce countless futures once disturbed. Yun Weisi’s parents from his past life and the old days of his youth could not be brought back. Even if he changed everything, it would no longer be the same, unless his parents also escaped the sansara and grasped the profound mysteries of nature—but were they able to do that, those people would not be his parents either.

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Escaped the sansara: escape from the neverending birth-death cycle (roughly the ultimate goal in Buddhism). Here probably just means ascension

He wanted to change the past, and Jiufang Changming had helped him by sacrificing his own cultivation and his recent breakthrough—perhaps, he had also spent the rest of the years allocated to him to support Yun Weisi’s cause. Jiufang Changming reversed the course of events for him, turned the world upside down, outwitted the Heavenly Dao—all to allow Yun Weisi to start over.

In the past, in the Wanlian Buddhist Temple, Sun Buku had turned into an incarnation of a Buddha. He realized the Dao of [“I am what Buddha has in me”].

And Jiufang Changming had grasped the meaning of individual existence after comprehending the concept of its denial, and afterwards understood the idea of “I am him”. Obviously, it was because he was a hundred times smarter than Sun Buku.

Still, despite having become a demi-deity, he chose to give up on everything for the sake of Yun Weisi.

Yun Weisi did not want to change anything.

He was willing to accept whatever that had been destined to happen.

In this life, Yun Weisi spent his childhood free from worries, but his frivolity turned into a weight upon his heart as he reproached himself after his parents died. From that day on, he had encountered countless grave dangers and suffered through a lifetime of tribulations. Only when he spent time in the Yuhuang Temple with Jiufang Changming could he relax and enjoy his life. Even if after that, he still had to experience unbearable suffering for several decades in the Nine Layers of the Abyss, and live this life as a walking corpse that had no hopes of actually living or dying—he could endure it all gladly for those short moments of happiness.

Yun Weisi slowly closed his eyes.

He saw neither Lou Sheng nor Zhou Shiqi, but Jiufang Changming.

His face was a bit pale as he sat cross-legged next to Yun Weisi, while leaning against a wooden couch. His eyes were closed, as if he was sleeping.

Without any hesitation, Yun Weisi hugged him and kissed his ice-cold lips.

That kiss was not filled with lust: Yun Weisi just treasured the moment and was afraid that Jiufang Changming could disappear any moment.

He had waited for a long time. He used to conceal his feelings until they became suspect and went back to hiding them after they broke out. The hot-blooded Yun Hai that was hidden in his heart was the embodiment of all the sufferings he had been through. Yet, now, Yun Weisi already understood that his shizun’s Heavenly Dao was incomprehensible, and in this life, he would never give it away to anyone else except for Yun Weisi.

For Yun Weisi, Jiufang Changming was far more important than anyone else in this world, the one and only uniquely precious person he had, and in the same way, it was an indisputable fact that for Jiufang Changming, Yun Weisi was special.



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