
Chapter 28

Chapter 28. He is not worthy enough to use you, but you are still reluctant to kill him?

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Changming used to have another sword before he got Sifei. Its name was Chunzhao.

High clouds of a spring day, the first brilliant rays of morning sun. These two words, ‘spring morning’, described the first half of its owner’s life quite well.

High clouds of a spring day, the first brilliant rays of the morning sun: spring is ‘chun’, while ‘zhao’ means ‘morning’ here; together, they form the sword’s name, ‘Chunzhao’, ‘spring morning’.

He took over the position of the Yuhuang Temple’s master a long time ago because he was exceptionally talented, and his cultivation level was higher than that of others. He even made his temple the most prominent Daoist sect of the world. Anyone who saw him addressed him with the title ‘Immortal’ or ‘Daozun’ politely. Many cultivators spent their life trying to keep up with him, but could never become as glorious and powerful.

Immortal: Daoist spiritual master, lit. ‘a real person’, sometimes translated as ‘perfected person’. Wiki uses pinyin, zhenren.

Daozun: the same zun as in shizun; lit. ‘venerable Daoist’, a polite form of address.

But Changming didn’t stop there. He left Dao, and turned to Buddhism. He left empty-handed, bringing nothing from the sect, and gave his Chunzhao Sword to his disciple, Yun Weisi, on the departure. Later, he forged the Sifei Sword with his own hands.

He brought this sword to the Sacred Mountain Wan, but didn’t take it to the Abyss.

Zhou Keyi said the Sifei Sword could be in Yun Weisi’s hands.

And now this assumption had been confirmed.

Yun Weisi had the sword indeed.

And was even using it to kill Changming.

“Stop!” Chen Ting cried out involuntarily.

He was standing too far, and couldn’t stop him in time.

The sword pierced Changming’s body, and the point of the sword reappeared behind his back.

But Changming didn’t even move an inch, and his face didn’t show his suffering.

He even laughed, and the tips of his brows slightly rose. His expression was mocking.

“You want to kill me using my own sword?”

Everything has a soul, and swords were no exception.

The Sifei Sword could never hurt its master.

Of course, Yun Weisi couldn’t kill him with this sword.

Yun Weisi withdrew the sword, made an indiscernible motion, and it disappeared from his hand at once.

“As of now, you are not qualified to have this sword.”

He was merely stating a fact as he was speaking to Changming. His intonation was cold, and he expressed no emotions of love or hate at the master-disciple reunion.

Changming nodded: “Certainly so.”

Yun Weisi said coldly: “I would have never thought that after all these years we haven’t seen each other, you would become so weak. Now, you are not worthy of being called shizun by me.”

Changming was seemingly unperturbed, and even laughed: “I should be the one saying these words. After all these years we haven’t seen each other, you sank so low that you came to the Nine Layers of the Abyss. A master of a Daoist temple becoming the owner of the Nine Layers of the Abyss is not something that deserves praise.”

Yun Weisi said nothing, and wanted to grab Changming.

He could still kill Changming if he used another sword.

The latter was well-prepared. Upon seeing the other’s actions, he leaped back, and the Golden Glass Beads Staff appeared in front of him. In the split of a second, the two of them exchanged a dozen moves.

Given Changming’s strength, he was bound to lose. But he felt that Yun Weisi’s cultivation was also restricted by unknown forces, and he was even weaker than Yun Hai—even though it was the same person from the very beginning.

Although Yun Weisi remembered their past relationship, he was trying to deal the fatal blow.

Yun Hai was treating people as he pleased, with justice or malice, and had no idea about the relationship between the two of them.

Just what on earth happened with his first disciple in the Nine Layers of the Abyss?

Of course, Chen Ting couldn’t watch Changming being killed indifferently, so he quickly stood between them to stop the fight.

“Daoyou Yun, if you have something to say, just say it. We have gone through a life-death experience, fought side by side, so how can we become enemies now? Surely, there is some kind of misunderstanding…”

Yun Weisi: “Get out of my way.”

His oppressive aura filled the area, and Chen Ting took a step back, still stopping halfway.

“Get out of my way.”

Yun Weisi repeated his words. This time he slightly moved his hand, and the Sifei Sword reappeared out of nowhere.

The Sifei Sword didn’t kill Changming, but it didn’t mean it would spare Chen Ting too.

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Chen Ting revealed a surprised expression. He didn’t recognise the Sifei Sword, but he was able to appreciate its qualities and felt that this sword in Yun Weisi’s hands was formidable.

“Daoyou Yun, please listen to what I have to say…”

“I have no time.”

Yun Weisi said all of a sudden.

These words made no sense and sounded weird, so for some time Chen Ting was at a loss for how to react.

After he finished this line, Yun Weisi drew the sword. He looked like a person who would slay anyone who obstructs his way, be it a man or a Buddha [1].

Chen Ting had no other option but to meet this attack with the Guyue Sword.

They had just disposed of Fu Xiaoshan, but before they could even take a breath, they had to engage in a fight again.

The Golden Glass Beads Staff hit the ground heavily, and a sea of flames appeared between the two of them and Yun Weisi.


Changming shouted. With no hesitation, Chen Ting commanded his sword to return, not forgetting to pick up Changming, and the two of them flew towards the little bridge that the Fenshui Pearl opened for them.

Yun Weisi chased them closely. Changming turned back and shot a few enchantments towards him with the Buddhist cane. Tiers upon tiers of golden ‘卐’ characters appeared in front of him, creating a barrier that obstructed Yun Weisi’s way.

 卐: a sacred symbol in Buddhism. It symbolises the auspicious footprints of the Buddha.

The small bridge was almost within their reach, and, unexpectedly, on the other side of the bridge, they saw a cliff and a waterfall.

They had no other choice but to rush to the back of the waterfall.

As soon as they approached the bridge, steam assaulted their senses.

It was not an illusion.

There was a cave mouth behind the waterfall, but they couldn’t see it clearly, and Chen Ting didn’t dare to charge in rashly.

Changming’s heart skipped a beat, and he made a prompt decision.

“Go in!”

When Yun Weisi, who was catching up to them, saw that they were about to go to the waterfall, his expression changed slightly, and, unexpectedly, he stopped.

The two people disappeared behind the waterfall. Yun Weisi pondered for a moment, put away the Sifei Sword, and entered the waterfall as well.

The sound of water was loud, as if it was falling right from the Silver River, rushing down for a thousand li.

The Silver River: the Milky Way.

Chen Ting could only hear this explosive noise as his vision was covered by water, and he couldn’t even open his eyes. He lost control over his flying sword, and his spiritual powers also were suddenly depleted; he could only walk forward with effort, staggering along the way.

He subconsciously stretched his arm to grab Changming, but he only captured thin air. In desperation, he moved forward. After some time had passed, the pouring-down water was eventually left behind, but its noise still lingered in his ears, as if the waterfall was close at hand.

Chen Ting wiped his face and looked around. But, to his surprise, he saw no trace of the waterfall. Instead, he saw a deserted land around him, and in front of Chen Ting, there was a memorial archway [2] with the words “Heavenly City” engraved on it.

Not far away, Changming was resting, leaning on a stone, with his eyes half-closed.

And Yun Weisi, who had been chasing them, was nowhere to be found.

Chen Ting sighed with relief and came closer.

“Daoyou Changming, are you alright?”

Changming shook his head slightly, but said nothing and didn’t open his eyes.

Chen Ting looked at his face. It was pale and lifeless, which probably meant that he had suffered a wound that he still hadn’t recovered from.

“I gained some superficial knowledge in medicine in my sect. If daoyou doesn’t mind, I can take a look.”

When Chen Ting got acquaintanced with Xu Jingxian earlier, he subconsciously thought Changming to be the same as her, a demonic cultivator. Now he saw it was just a misunderstanding, since a person who could control the Golden Glass Beads Staff and the Guyue Sword obviously couldn’t be a demonic cultivator.

Changming claimed to be a rogue cultivator, but there were many masters in the world who originally had strong backgrounds and came from formidable sects, and were unwilling to reveal this information. Since the other didn’t say much, Chen Ting was considerate enough not to ask either.

“You haven’t noticed?”

Changming opened his eyes and said slowly: “Look carefully at your inner breath. Do you sense any spiritual power?”

Chen Ting was taken aback. His expression changed quickly.

He really didn’t ponder over it much before; he only thought that he was injured and overextended himself, so his steps became weak and heavy.

“Wh, what happened? Are we poisoned?!”

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His inner spiritual power was completely gone, and not even a trace could be found.


Chen Ting pulled his sword out and performed a technique with it.

The sword drew an arch in the air and fell into mud.

Chen Ting: …

“Are we dreaming? Is it an illusion world again?”

He was a bit lost in his thoughts, afraid that this place would suddenly transform into that women’s country, and they would try to force him to enter the palace again.

“This place should be the Eighth Layer of the Abyss. This waterfall we have seen earlier should be precisely the Heavenly Waterfall.”

Changming coughed a couple of times, recalling Yun Weisi’s words.

Yun Weisi said that he had no time.

White days belonged to Yun Weisi, while dark nights were Yun Hai’s.

The sky was still bright, and there was still plenty of time before night would come, so Yun Weisi’s ‘there is no time’ shouldn’t have referred to Yun Hai’s arrival; he was afraid that Changming and Chen Ting would enter the Heavenly Waterfall.

“Since we became normal humans after crossing that waterfall, this is the same for others too.”

Including Yun Weisi.

If it was really so, it would be amusing.

If everyone in the Eighth Layer of the Abyss was an ordinary person, and there was no difference between cultivation levels, what did this place look like?

That unfilial disciple of his would not be able to kill him.

Chen Ting asked a question: “Then, if we leave this place, will our cultivation be restored?”

Changming: “Shall we wait for daoyou Yun to catch up to us so that you can ask him?”

Chen Ting: …

He saw Changming stand up with difficulty. Chen Ting wanted to land him a hand subconsciously, and realized that the other had a long wound stretching from the back of his shoulder to his arm. The blood had dried up, but that only made the injury look even more hideous.

Chen Ting could feel how painful it was just by looking at him.

He asked gently: “Are you really alright? Do you want me to carry you?”

“No need.”

Of course, Changming was hurt, but he felt his cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds at the same time, and the sufferings caused by the wound were even more severe than usual.

But he could endure it.

And this place wasn’t necessarily safe.

“Let’s enter the city first, find a place to take a rest, and talk afterwards.”

When Chen Ting saw Changming using the Buddhist cane as a walking stick, the corners of his mouth twitched. He wanted to say something, but held it back.

The treasured spiritual tool of the grand Qingyun School… Nevermind, this place has no bald donkeys anyway.

They passed the memorial gateway, walked for several li, and finally saw signs of human habitation.

Li: 0.5 km.

This area did not just have signs of habitation, but was even bustling with noise and excitement.

Chen Ting wanted to rub his eyes.

“Is this place… a market?”

He was not mistaken. Stall-keepers and people were coming and going in crowds, just like what happened in cities and towns of every country outside the Nine Layers of the Abyss on the fifteenth and the first days of every month.

The fifteenth and the first days of every month: on these days, people used to offer sacrifices to the gods and perform certain rituals.

The only difference was that this place was inside the Nine Layers of the Abyss.

And those who were buying things and selling things were all cultivators.

All things considered, it wasn’t all that surprising.

All of these people had lost their cultivation and became ordinary people, so the hierarchy that determined the weak and the strong, established through cultivation battles, no longer existed. As time passed, people who couldn’t get out had to find other means of livelihood, so the usual way of life of the outside world had naturally restored itself.

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Therefore, there were many markets and inns in this town, and some people even started to work the land. Of those men and women who were walking down the streets, some became rich and were wearing bright and beautiful silk or satin, while others hadn’t succeeded that much, and were now dressed in plain and shabby clothes.

Changming had no time to look around. The wound was so painful that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Chen Ting quickly supported him to the nearest guest house.

The inns here were not free, and the first thing the assistant from the guest house did was to ask them: “Do the two gentlemen have any Heavenly money?”

Chen Ting: “What is it?”

The assistant smiled: “To get a bed or a meal in this town, you need to pay Heavenly money. If the gentlemen don’t have any, you can give me your other valuables, and I will take them to a pawnshop, exchange them for money, and then return the overcharge or demand payment of the shortage.”

Chen Ting: “What kind of valuables do you take?”

The assistant: “Of course, talismans and other spiritual tools, for example, this sword the gentleman has.”

Chen Ting: “Haven’t all the talismans and tools lost their value after we entered this place?”

The assistant: “Be that as it may, but these things are still valuable. If you decide to leave this place one day, the prices will go sky-high for you. On the contrary, if you stay here, you will have to eat, drink, and sleep as an ordinary man. When I entered this place ten years ago, I was still considered a famous cultivator, but look at me now—don’t I have to work as a waiter doing odd jobs here?”

Chen Ting could say nothing more.

Obviously, he couldn’t pawn his Guyue Sword, and Changming couldn’t hand them the Golden Glass Beads Staff either, so they were in a deadlock.

The assistant noticed that Changming was injured, so he was not at a hurry, and simply waited for them to give up.

“Don’t tell me later that I haven’t warned you: it’s fine now, when the sky is bright, but wait for night to come, and if you don’t get a place to stay by then, you will be in a perilous situation.”

Chen Ting frowned, taking his words as empty threats: “Why are you saying this?”

The assistant wanted to answer, but at this moment a person entered the guest house.

“I will pay for them.”

Yun Weisi raised his head to look at the sky.

It was bright and clear, cloudless.

But he had lost the person he wanted to kill.

The Heavenly Waterfall was the place he loathed the most in the Nine Layers of the Abyss.

Because there everyone would lose their spiritual powers and become an ordinary person.

And if one wanted to leave this place, they would need to wait for the right time, favorable place and support from others.

In order to kill Changming, he entered this place.

A soft groan was coming from his palm.

That was something only he could hear.

Just like a groan of a dragon.

But he knew that it was not a dragon.

It was the Sifei Sword’s groan.

The Sifei Sword rarely moved. Even when he controlled it, the sword moved directly according to his command, making no noise.

But, after it had met Jiufang Changming, it responded, which had never happened before.

Yun Weisi moved his wrist and grabbed the Sifei Sword tightly.

The inscription on the blade was shining, as if it came across an old friend after a long separation.

He knew the Sifiei Sword belonged to Jiufang Changming.

But Yun Weisi felt that the other had no qualifications to own the sword now.

But why was the Sifei Sword still giving such a reaction?

Past events were vivid in his memory.

He remembered Jiufang Changming, remembered how he himself entered that temple, how they fell apart, and how they went separate paths in the end.

And he also remembered that he had to kill Jiufang Changming, whether the other was at the rim of the sky or at the distant shore of the sea.

As the years passed, all memories gradually faded away, but this one thing, he never doubted.

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He didn’t expect that not long after he had come out from seclusion, the other would take the initiative to send himself to Yun Weisi’s doors.

But it was fine either way. Even though the Heavenly Waterfall was a bit troublesome, it didn’t matter.

But why would the Sifei Sword groan softly, almost like it was lamenting?

Yun Weisi looked heartlessly at the golden glowing words on the sword.

“He is not worthy enough to use you, but you are still reluctant to kill him?”

Of course, the Sifei Sword didn’t give a reply.

And Yun Weisi didn’t need an answer.

He went forward, taking large steps.

He must find Jiufang Changming before the sky turned dark.

“Daoyou Xu!”

To meet an old friend in a distant land is like having a refreshing rain after a long drought.

Chen Ting was filled with elation and amazement, as if Xu Jingxian was really that refreshing rain, an old friend.

Xu Jingxian was, as always, a pretty girl in a violet dress.

Even after a long journey, her alluring style didn’t change.

Chen Ting used to avoid her before, but now he felt attachment to her.

At the very least, Xu Jingxian was a human, unlike that eight-legged Fu Xiaoshan or Meng Li who only had half of her body left. Chen Ting felt she was very amiable.

Xu Jingxian looked at him with contempt, and turned to Changming. Her expression turned into a loving and considerate one.

“Ming-lang, it’s a bliss that you are fine! Did you miss this girl?”

Changming: “Give me money first.”

Xu Jingxian: …

She took out some silver coins, gave them to the assistant, and waved her hand in an extravagant manner.

“Give us the two best rooms!”

The best rooms were the best rooms indeed.

The bedding was smooth, and even the drinking water was warmed for them; the room decorations were not inferior to those in mansions of rich families in the capitals of the outside world.

Chen Ting wanted to admire it for some time, but Changming’s eyes dulled, and he slumped to the floor.

Fortunately, Xu Jingxian noticed it in time and managed to catch him in her embrace.

“How did Ming-lang suffer a wound like this?!”

Chen Ting: …Why are you looking at me this way, it wasn’t my fault.

Unexpectedly, Xu Jingxian even had some medicine. She fed it to Changming, while listening to Chen Ting’s story of their desperate fight with Fu Xiaoshan. Upon hearing how Yun Hai suddenly turned against them, she couldn’t help but curl her lips angrily.

“I saw that he was not a good person from the very beginning!”

“At first, you were deceived by his looks, and even wanted to spend a spring night with him.”

Changming said, and groaned immediately.

Xu Jingxian exerted more force deliberately.

“Only at first!”

Chen Ting was in no mood for jokes. He was worried over the issue with Heavenly City.

“Just now, that man said, ‘wait for night to come, and you will be in danger’. Daoyou Xu, do you know what he meant?”


[1] Slay anyone who obstructs his way, be it a man or a Buddha: a similar line first appeared in “The Record of Linji” as “Whatever you encounter, either within or without (tn: if others obstruct your way or your inner demons tempt you), slay it at once. On meeting a buddha slay the buddha, on meeting a patriarch slay the patriarch, on meeting an arhat slay the arhat, on meeting your parents slay your parents, on meeting your kinsman slay your kinsman, and you attain emancipation.” Buddhists tend to resort to drastic measures sometimes, right? I believe that the main point is that one should not be attached to any worldly matters. This line will be used several times in this novel. (the translation taken from Ruth Fuller Sasaki, p. 236.)

[2] A memorial archway: Chinese memorial archways, aka paifangs, look like this:

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