
Chapter 51: Estranged Chapter 51

Yun Weisi had a vague memory of it.

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It seemed that after he had that dream, a half-closed door had slowly opened, and many things that were left behind the door started to appear one after another.

It was the anniversary of his parent’s death, the second year of his apprenticeship.

Their remains were in the faraway capital, moreover, their enemies had discarded the bodies and bones, leaving them to die without a burial site. The once powerful families, having lost the power struggle, dissolved like windswept clouds.

His shizun, Jiufang Changming, brought him out to travel to visit an old friend. Because shizun was usually strict, Yun Weisi did not dare to talk about his childish feelings.

But, when they passed through some village that was holding a fair, he got many toys.

Nine-link rings [1], ‘Getting higher each step’, and small animals made of bamboo.

He was not a small child at that time, and thought that Shizun was buying them for the children of that old friend. Who knew he would simply give them to Yun Weisi, and never take them back.

Then, Yun Weisi finally understood that these toys were bought for him.

He could not remember his thoughts at that time very well, but it seemed that he did not know whether to laugh or cry. Shizun had no experience with disciples, and even coaxed children so crudely. At Yun Weisi’s age, he would never be excited about these toys, but he still took them to play for a while. After that, he noticed shizun actually taking the Nine-links rings in his spare time. Since he was not very proficient, and it took more time for him to solve them, Yun Weisi deemed that it was his first time playing. That was when Yun Weisi found out that Shizun did not have much fun during his childhood as well.

At that time, Yun Weisi actually could not imagine young Jiufang Changming spending his first years on the path of cultivation. Could it be that he was also sitting cross-legged under a frozen waterfall cultivating, looking prim and proper?

“It seems that you built a twenty-something layer pile.”

Yun Weisi remembered it now. It was roughly half the height of a person.

After that…

Yun Weisi overturned it.

He was too impatient and reckless, and the pile of colorful balls that could reach human height fell down.

Of course, Jiufang Changming would not punish him for a simple thing like this, but his rare high spirits disappeared, and he never built a second pile.

To coax him, Yun Weisi piled up ice and snow into a tall house in the middle of the night, practicing his ‘Cutting Ice while Riding the Wind’ skill at the same time. But the next day, when Jiufang Changming opened the door, a gust of wind collapsed the two-story house of ice, and it almost fell down onto his head.

Yun Weisi failed to coax him, but Shizun did not get angry, and only made him copy the “Scripture of Purity and Stillness” several more times.

He did not try to recall it on purpose, but the seal opened by itself, and the tide poured in.

“It seems that you’ve recalled many things. This teacher is delighted.”

Changming turned over a bamboo rat in his hands several times, and then slipped it to him.

“The Luo Capital is too big, and we won’t be able to find clues quickly. Let’s stroll here for a couple of days, and then…”

Before he could finish talking, a stream of people rushed in a certain direction, pushing them to the side of the street.

The scene that was already bustling originally now resembled hot water poured on a frying pan, and people seethed with excitement.

Everyone raised their heads, looking somewhere with anticipation.

Xu Jingxian could not wait to come near to see what was going on, so she grabbed a passerby and inquired.

Soon, that person returned to them and answered.

“Zhaoyue sent an envoy to the court. They said that this time the princess of Zhaoyue, the most beautiful woman of their country, came as well, and her carriage will pass by here any minute.”

The world was divided into three parts of different strengths.

Luo was the strongest one, occupying the Central Plains and most of the regions to the north; the second was You, controlling the southeastern regions; and the Zhaoyue Dynasty was the last, confined to one southwestern region.

The reason why the last country had not been destroyed was because Zhaoyue knew its own place very well, and used the discord between Luo and You to sway between them, bowing to the strong and paying tributes to both of these countries every year. Now, the new empress came to power there, and she was even more eager to compromise and bowed most tactfully and incisively. Not long after the new monarch of Luo ascended the throne, Zhaoyue sent the princess here.

“This princess is a younger sister of their empress, so she is indeed a direct descendant. In order to win Luo’s favor, they are doing everything they are capable of.”

Xu Jingxian sighed.

It was hard for her not to compare this princess, who had no freedom to act independently, with herself.

If she had not resolutely left home and embarked on the path of seeking immortality through cultivation, she would have probably been trapped in her husband’s house raising children, just like any ordinary person, till the end of her life.

Even brocade garments and jade meals would not have been able to conceal the doom of having no freedom.

Of course, the competition between cultivators is even more cruel, and she could lose her life at any moment, but at least she did not have to be confined in a small cramped well, looking up at the tiny piece of sky above her head, and had a choice. Killing people to loot their treasures or dying was better than worrying about trifling matters all day long in her husband’s house.

A human’s life is short, and the most important thing is to live it to your heart’s content.

The convoy of carriages from Zhaoyue arrived soon.

The road they were standing on was the major road leading to the Imperial City. The common folk were very curious about the convoy, so they were following it. When the convoy passed by, the road behind it was so packed that not a single drop of water could trickle through.

Fortunately, the guards of the Imperial City were clearing the way, pushing people aside, so the carriages could move forward smoothly.

The one in the front was naturally the envoy, a tall person on a big horse, surrounded by guards. The carriage in the middle was gorgeous and unusual. It must have belonged to the Zhaoyue Princess.

But the carriages were heavily guarded from every side, and the windows were tightly closed, so the crowd could only watch it, heaving sighs and imagining the princess’ appearance to themselves.

As if hearing the heartfelt wishes of the crowd, the carriage window opened suddenly. An arm, as white as fine jade, pulled the lace curtain, lifting it slightly.

The face of the beauty, full of curiosity, came into sight. Those who were lucky to see her gasped in admiration. For a short time, it was hard to tell whether the pearls and jade jewellery on her head had lit up her complexion, or the beauty herself had made the jewels look so splendid.

Changming looked absent-minded as well. He even took a few steps forward to see her more clearly, not noticing his own actions, but a guard of the Imperial City pushed him back.

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The guard glared at Changming and wanted to reprimand him, but saw that he did not look like an ordinary person and had an elegant demeanor, so he swallowed back the words on the tip of his tongue and only said: “Don’t act rudely.”

The Luo Capital was a city of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Guards of the Imperial City had seen many extraordinary people, and they would not offend an important person easily.

Hidden dragons and crouching tigers: talented people concealing their abilities.

Xu Jingxian saw that princess as well. Surely, the latter was pretty, but there were many beautiful people in the world. No matter how good-looking that princess was, she was only one of the many outstanding people of the mundane world, falling far behind the appearances of the fairy-like cultivators who had left the secular world.

Could it be that the clan master’s shifu has tasted too many delicacies from the land and the sea, but now saw a simple porridge with a few vegetables occasionally and was attracted to it?

Xu Jingxian was unwilling to admit it, so she could not help asking: “If you are tempted by that woman, I can capture her and bring her to you.”

Play with it for a night, and all the interest will disappear, right? That was a typical line of thought for a temptress.

But Changming said: “Haven’t you seen her head ornament?”

Yun Weisi: “There was a precious pearl on the jade crown.”

Changming hummed: “A Moonlight on the Blue Ocean.”

Xu Jingxian, following her nature, only looked at the princess, the so-called beauty of the country, and really did not pay attention to the top of her head.

Upon hearing his words, she recalled.

Moonlights on the Blue Ocean were very famous. Both Liu Xiyu’s death in the Qixian Sect and Bei Shu’s in Seven Star Rivers were connected to them.

Wuqiu, a medicine that confused people’s minds and made them lose control of themselves, was hidden in such pearls.

Fang Suihan’s feet were not yet healed, and it was inconvenient for him to walk, so he had been settled in a house in the city, while the rest of them followed the convoy to the official residence where the ambassadors from Zhaoyue stayed.

In order to give the princess a warm welcome, the monarch of Luo ordered people to renovate said residence. Now it looked similar to a palace, and could not insult the princess.

“We can’t get closer,” Yun Weisi said.

Socressess followed her inside the official residence, as well as a number of cultivators, attending to the monarch of Luo himself; some of them were even masters. They were all here to ensure the ambassador’s safety.

Of course, Changming wasn’t afraid of these people, but if he attacked them, he would scare away the snake by beating the grass.

Scare away the snake by beating the grass: alert the enemy

The appearance of a Moonlight on the Blue Ocean was definitely a bad omen.

If the princess entered the palace this time and nothing extraordinary happened, she would be left there by the emperor. No matter where the Moonlight on the Blue Ocean on her head came from, it will naturally stay in the palace with her.

Obviously, the enemies’ target was not the diplomatic procession from Zhaoyue, but the palace inside the Imperial City.

If the court of Luo’s palace were turned into enemies’ puppets, there would be no doubt that the tragedy of the Jianxue Clan would repeat itself.

Of course, since Xu Jingxian had thought of it, Changming and Yun Weisi did as well.

They expected the Luo Capital to have some abnormalities since it was located in the center of the formation, but they never thought they would find such an important clue this fast.

Xu Jingxian said: “Why don’t we wait till the night falls, and then slip into the palace to investigate?”

No matter how much they looked at it now, they would get no results.

Changming cleared his throat: “No need to go through such troubles. We can ask Buddhist monks to come and invite the princess to participate in a Buddhist ritual. Given the Qingyun School’s status, the princess of Zhaoyue won’t be able to show them no respect.”

Xu Jingxian was just going to say, ”why would Buddhist sects help us”, but when she thought it over, she recalled that the clan master’s shifu was actually from a Buddhist sect.

Coincidentally, the Qingyun School’s current head, Zen Master Buku, was his second disciple.

But had not this master-disciple couple fallen apart? Would the latter actually give him any face?

Changming knew her thoughts even without her voicing the question.

“The Qingyun School only has one temple here, so it’s unlikely that Sun Buku is in charge of it personally; usually, an elder would manage it. But don’t we have the Golden Glass Beads Staff?”

This Buddhist monk’s staff had been put away by Changming for being useless since they left the Nine Layers of the Abyss.

Others wished to get this Buddhist tool but could not obtain it. Even if they were not Buddhist monks, it could still assist them in advancing in cultivation. Changming had the Sifei Sword now, so he did not care about this weapon, but people from the Qingyun School were surely willing to go to great lengths in order to get it.

“Send this Golden Glass Beads Staff to them, and ask them to dispatch people to invite the Zhaoyue princess and the ambassador to listen to their preaching in exchange.”

Xu Jingxian rolled her eyes. Since they had a treasure of a Buddhist temple in their hands, why would they not make life difficult for these bald donkeys?

“Don’t worry, Clan Master’s Shifu. Leave it to me.”

During this conversation, they were transmitting their voices secretly, and no one else could hear them.

The noisy crowd of onlookers were bustling about, having surrounded the gates of the official residence. Even though they were blocked by the guardians and could not come closer even half a step, let alone see what the princess looked like, they still refused to leave, as if there was a chance to see her through a crack if they lingered in front of the doors for a bit longer. The three of them, standing behind the crowd, were not particularly conspicuous.

“Is the Luo Capital so lively every day? It really deserves to be the land of the Son of Heavens.”

The Son of Heavens: the emperor

The one who said that had come into the city for the first time and was quite impressed.

His companion answered: “No matter how good-looking this princess of Zhaoyue is, I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch a glimpse of her anyway, so it’s better to go take a look at Prime Minister Song taking a concubine.”

“Is he taking her today as well?”

“Yes, the Washing Autumn Festival is a rare auspicious day, so many good things are happening today. They finished building that Treasured Celestial Library Pagoda on the eastern side today as well, have you seen it? Countless treasures were brought over there, and it’s just waiting for His Majesty to lead senior monks and Daoist priests to open it!”

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The crowd looked at the direction of the described temple, and indeed saw the adorned golden glass top of a pagoda, dazzling with brilliance in the clear sky, and towering high.

Many people who came to the capital for the first time thought that the pagoda was built long ago, and only after hearing this did they realize that it had just been completed.

“What do people say about it?”

“They say that a prophet appeared in His Majesty’s dream, and instructed him to establish this pagoda to ensure gentle winds and favourable rains, peace and prosperity in the world! His Majesty also ordered everyone to pay tributes and treasures to this pagoda to appease the immortals. [People from Zhaoyue did not bring many things today, but I think they will have to sacrifice a lot in the pagoda]!”

Gentle winds and favourable rains: good weather for crops—things are going smoothly for people

“So that’s how it is…”

“But that pagoda is really beautiful!”

“Hey, you said Prime Minister Song is taking a concubine. What time is it going to happen?”

“Probably, around noon. In order to avoid the Zhaoyue ambassador’s convoy, they postponed it to take place one shichen later. Prime Minister Song has much authority at the court, and this marriage won’t be any less grand than the convoy of Zhaoyue ambassadors entering the capital. If we go there a bit earlier, maybe we’ll get a good spot and pick up some marriage tips, otherwise there will be nothing left!”

Marriage tips: money given on a happy occasion. Maybe it’s like throwing petals or bouquets at a wedding


The rowdy crowd rushed to the prime minister’s residence all together.

Xu Jingxian was not interested in that prime minister, but was very excited about the Treasured Celestial Library Pagoda.

“Who knows what kind of treasure they are going to offer to this pagoda. Why don’t we find some time to take a look, and maybe pick up a couple of treasures in passing!”

“Others will also think the same way. If there actually are treasures, they’ll be guarded heavily, especially the ones meant for cultivators,” Changming said, “Let’s go see that prime minister taking a concubine, and meet with that Minister Song. Maybe then we won’t need to ask the Buddhist sects in a roundabout way, and will mingle in the palace more easily.”

Xu Jingxian: “You are that prime minister’s old acquaintance?”

Changming had spent fifty years in the Yellow Springs. If the prime minister of Luo had been in power for fifty years, he would be seventy or eighty years old now.

But she had met that person before, and he seemed to be in his early thirties. He certainly was not that old.

Changming asked her in reply: “What’s this Prime Minister Song’s full name?”

Xu Jingxian: “Seems to be Song Nanyan.”

Changming: “When I was with the Confucianists, I accepted a disciple. His name was also Song Nanyan. If it’s not a coincidence, he should be that Prime Minister Song.”

Xu Jingxian: …

You really have peaches and plums all over the world!

Yun Weisi had a vague memory of it.

It seemed that after he had that dream, a half-closed door had slowly opened, and many things that were left behind the door started to appear one after another.

It was the anniversary of his parent’s death, the second year of his apprenticeship.

Their remains were in the faraway capital, moreover, their enemies had discarded the bodies and bones, leaving them to die without a burial site. The once powerful families, having lost the power struggle, dissolved like windswept clouds.

His shizun, Jiufang Changming, brought him out to travel to visit an old friend. Because shizun was usually strict, Yun Weisi did not dare to talk about his childish feelings.

But, when they passed through some village that was holding a fair, he got many toys.

Nine-link rings [1], ‘Getting higher each step’, and small animals made of bamboo.

He was not a small child at that time, and thought that Shizun was buying them for the children of that old friend. Who knew he would simply give them to Yun Weisi, and never take them back.

Then, Yun Weisi finally understood that these toys were bought for him.

He could not remember his thoughts at that time very well, but it seemed that he did not know whether to laugh or cry. Shizun had no experience with disciples, and even coaxed children so crudely. At Yun Weisi’s age, he would never be excited about these toys, but he still took them to play for a while. After that, he noticed shizun actually taking the Nine-links rings in his spare time. Since he was not very proficient, and it took more time for him to solve them, Yun Weisi deemed that it was his first time playing. That was when Yun Weisi found out that Shizun did not have much fun during his childhood as well.

At that time, Yun Weisi actually could not imagine young Jiufang Changming spending his first years on the path of cultivation. Could it be that he was also sitting cross-legged under a frozen waterfall cultivating, looking prim and proper?

“It seems that you built a twenty-something layer pile.”

Yun Weisi remembered it now. It was roughly half the height of a person.

After that…

Yun Weisi overturned it.

He was too impatient and reckless, and the pile of colorful balls that could reach human height fell down.

Of course, Jiufang Changming would not punish him for a simple thing like this, but his rare high spirits disappeared, and he never built a second pile.

To coax him, Yun Weisi piled up ice and snow into a tall house in the middle of the night, practicing his ‘Cutting Ice while Riding the Wind’ skill at the same time. But the next day, when Jiufang Changming opened the door, a gust of wind collapsed the two-story house of ice, and it almost fell down onto his head.

Yun Weisi failed to coax him, but Shizun did not get angry, and only made him copy the “Scripture of Purity and Stillness” several more times.

He did not try to recall it on purpose, but the seal opened by itself, and the tide poured in.

“It seems that you’ve recalled many things. This teacher is delighted.”

Changming turned over a bamboo rat in his hands several times, and then slipped it to him.

“The Luo Capital is too big, and we won’t be able to find clues quickly. Let’s stroll here for a couple of days, and then…”

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Before he could finish talking, a stream of people rushed in a certain direction, pushing them to the side of the street.

The scene that was already bustling originally now resembled hot water poured on a frying pan, and people seethed with excitement.

Everyone raised their heads, looking somewhere with anticipation.

Xu Jingxian could not wait to come near to see what was going on, so she grabbed a passerby and inquired.

Soon, that person returned to them and answered.

“Zhaoyue sent an envoy to the court. They said that this time the princess of Zhaoyue, the most beautiful woman of their country, came as well, and her carriage will pass by here any minute.”

The world was divided into three parts of different strengths.

Luo was the strongest one, occupying the Central Plains and most of the regions to the north; the second was You, controlling the southeastern regions; and the Zhaoyue Dynasty was the last, confined to one southwestern region.

The reason why the last country had not been destroyed was because Zhaoyue knew its own place very well, and used the discord between Luo and You to sway between them, bowing to the strong and paying tributes to both of these countries every year. Now, the new empress came to power there, and she was even more eager to compromise and bowed most tactfully and incisively. Not long after the new monarch of Luo ascended the throne, Zhaoyue sent the princess here.

“This princess is a younger sister of their empress, so she is indeed a direct descendant. In order to win Luo’s favor, they are doing everything they are capable of.”

Xu Jingxian sighed.

It was hard for her not to compare this princess, who had no freedom to act independently, with herself.

If she had not resolutely left home and embarked on the path of seeking immortality through cultivation, she would have probably been trapped in her husband’s house raising children, just like any ordinary person, till the end of her life.

Even brocade garments and jade meals would not have been able to conceal the doom of having no freedom.

Of course, the competition between cultivators is even more cruel, and she could lose her life at any moment, but at least she did not have to be confined in a small cramped well, looking up at the tiny piece of sky above her head, and had a choice. Killing people to loot their treasures or dying was better than worrying about trifling matters all day long in her husband’s house.

A human’s life is short, and the most important thing is to live it to your heart’s content.

The convoy of carriages from Zhaoyue arrived soon.

The road they were standing on was the major road leading to the Imperial City. The common folk were very curious about the convoy, so they were following it. When the convoy passed by, the road behind it was so packed that not a single drop of water could trickle through.

Fortunately, the guards of the Imperial City were clearing the way, pushing people aside, so the carriages could move forward smoothly.

The one in the front was naturally the envoy, a tall person on a big horse, surrounded by guards. The carriage in the middle was gorgeous and unusual. It must have belonged to the Zhaoyue Princess.

But the carriages were heavily guarded from every side, and the windows were tightly closed, so the crowd could only watch it, heaving sighs and imagining the princess’ appearance to themselves.

As if hearing the heartfelt wishes of the crowd, the carriage window opened suddenly. An arm, as white as fine jade, pulled the lace curtain, lifting it slightly.

The face of the beauty, full of curiosity, came into sight. Those who were lucky to see her gasped in admiration. For a short time, it was hard to tell whether the pearls and jade jewellery on her head had lit up her complexion, or the beauty herself had made the jewels look so splendid.

Changming looked absent-minded as well. He even took a few steps forward to see her more clearly, not noticing his own actions, but a guard of the Imperial City pushed him back.

The guard glared at Changming and wanted to reprimand him, but saw that he did not look like an ordinary person and had an elegant demeanor, so he swallowed back the words on the tip of his tongue and only said: “Don’t act rudely.”

The Luo Capital was a city of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Guards of the Imperial City had seen many extraordinary people, and they would not offend an important person easily.

Hidden dragons and crouching tigers: talented people concealing their abilities.

Xu Jingxian saw that princess as well. Surely, the latter was pretty, but there were many beautiful people in the world. No matter how good-looking that princess was, she was only one of the many outstanding people of the mundane world, falling far behind the appearances of the fairy-like cultivators who had left the secular world.

Could it be that the clan master’s shifu has tasted too many delicacies from the land and the sea, but now saw a simple porridge with a few vegetables occasionally and was attracted to it?

Xu Jingxian was unwilling to admit it, so she could not help asking: “If you are tempted by that woman, I can capture her and bring her to you.”

Play with it for a night, and all the interest will disappear, right? That was a typical line of thought for a temptress.

But Changming said: “Haven’t you seen her head ornament?”

Yun Weisi: “There was a precious pearl on the jade crown.”

Changming hummed: “A Moonlight on the Blue Ocean.”

Xu Jingxian, following her nature, only looked at the princess, the so-called beauty of the country, and really did not pay attention to the top of her head.

Upon hearing his words, she recalled.

Moonlights on the Blue Ocean were very famous. Both Liu Xiyu’s death in the Qixian Sect and Bei Shu’s in Seven Star Rivers were connected to them.

Wuqiu, a medicine that confused people’s minds and made them lose control of themselves, was hidden in such pearls.

Fang Suihan’s feet were not yet healed, and it was inconvenient for him to walk, so he had been settled in a house in the city, while the rest of them followed the convoy to the official residence where the ambassadors from Zhaoyue stayed.

In order to give the princess a warm welcome, the monarch of Luo ordered people to renovate said residence. Now it looked similar to a palace, and could not insult the princess.

“We can’t get closer,” Yun Weisi said.

Socressess followed her inside the official residence, as well as a number of cultivators, attending to the monarch of Luo himself; some of them were even masters. They were all here to ensure the ambassador’s safety.

Of course, Changming wasn’t afraid of these people, but if he attacked them, he would scare away the snake by beating the grass.

Scare away the snake by beating the grass: alert the enemy

The appearance of a Moonlight on the Blue Ocean was definitely a bad omen.

If the princess entered the palace this time and nothing extraordinary happened, she would be left there by the emperor. No matter where the Moonlight on the Blue Ocean on her head came from, it will naturally stay in the palace with her.

Obviously, the enemies’ target was not the diplomatic procession from Zhaoyue, but the palace inside the Imperial City.

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If the court of Luo’s palace were turned into enemies’ puppets, there would be no doubt that the tragedy of the Jianxue Clan would repeat itself.

Of course, since Xu Jingxian had thought of it, Changming and Yun Weisi did as well.

They expected the Luo Capital to have some abnormalities since it was located in the center of the formation, but they never thought they would find such an important clue this fast.

Xu Jingxian said: “Why don’t we wait till the night falls, and then slip into the palace to investigate?”

No matter how much they looked at it now, they would get no results.

Changming cleared his throat: “No need to go through such troubles. We can ask Buddhist monks to come and invite the princess to participate in a Buddhist ritual. Given the Qingyun School’s status, the princess of Zhaoyue won’t be able to show them no respect.”

Xu Jingxian was just going to say, ”why would Buddhist sects help us”, but when she thought it over, she recalled that the clan master’s shifu was actually from a Buddhist sect.

Coincidentally, the Qingyun School’s current head, Zen Master Buku, was his second disciple.

But had not this master-disciple couple fallen apart? Would the latter actually give him any face?

Changming knew her thoughts even without her voicing the question.

“The Qingyun School only has one temple here, so it’s unlikely that Sun Buku is in charge of it personally; usually, an elder would manage it. But don’t we have the Golden Glass Beads Staff?”

This Buddhist monk’s staff had been put away by Changming for being useless since they left the Nine Layers of the Abyss.

Others wished to get this Buddhist tool but could not obtain it. Even if they were not Buddhist monks, it could still assist them in advancing in cultivation. Changming had the Sifei Sword now, so he did not care about this weapon, but people from the Qingyun School were surely willing to go to great lengths in order to get it.

“Send this Golden Glass Beads Staff to them, and ask them to dispatch people to invite the Zhaoyue princess and the ambassador to listen to their preaching in exchange.”

Xu Jingxian rolled her eyes. Since they had a treasure of a Buddhist temple in their hands, why would they not make life difficult for these bald donkeys?

“Don’t worry, Clan Master’s Shifu. Leave it to me.”

During this conversation, they were transmitting their voices secretly, and no one else could hear them.

The noisy crowd of onlookers were bustling about, having surrounded the gates of the official residence. Even though they were blocked by the guardians and could not come closer even half a step, let alone see what the princess looked like, they still refused to leave, as if there was a chance to see her through a crack if they lingered in front of the doors for a bit longer. The three of them, standing behind the crowd, were not particularly conspicuous.

“Is the Luo Capital so lively every day? It really deserves to be the land of the Son of Heavens.”

The Son of Heavens: the emperor

The one who said that had come into the city for the first time and was quite impressed.

His companion answered: “No matter how good-looking this princess of Zhaoyue is, I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch a glimpse of her anyway, so it’s better to go take a look at Prime Minister Song taking a concubine.”

“Is he taking her today as well?”

“Yes, the Washing Autumn Festival is a rare auspicious day, so many good things are happening today. They finished building that Treasured Celestial Library Pagoda on the eastern side today as well, have you seen it? Countless treasures were brought over there, and it’s just waiting for His Majesty to lead senior monks and Daoist priests to open it!”

The crowd looked at the direction of the described temple, and indeed saw the adorned golden glass top of a pagoda, dazzling with brilliance in the clear sky, and towering high.

Many people who came to the capital for the first time thought that the pagoda was built long ago, and only after hearing this did they realize that it had just been completed.

“What do people say about it?”

“They say that a prophet appeared in His Majesty’s dream, and instructed him to establish this pagoda to ensure gentle winds and favourable rains, peace and prosperity in the world! His Majesty also ordered everyone to pay tributes and treasures to this pagoda to appease the immortals. [People from Zhaoyue did not bring many things today, but I think they will have to sacrifice a lot in the pagoda]!”

Gentle winds and favourable rains: good weather for crops—things are going smoothly for people

“So that’s how it is…”

“But that pagoda is really beautiful!”

“Hey, you said Prime Minister Song is taking a concubine. What time is it going to happen?”

“Probably, around noon. In order to avoid the Zhaoyue ambassador’s convoy, they postponed it to take place one shichen later. Prime Minister Song has much authority at the court, and this marriage won’t be any less grand than the convoy of Zhaoyue ambassadors entering the capital. If we go there a bit earlier, maybe we’ll get a good spot and pick up some marriage tips, otherwise there will be nothing left!”

Marriage tips: money given on a happy occasion. Maybe it’s like throwing petals or bouquets at a wedding


The rowdy crowd rushed to the prime minister’s residence all together.

Xu Jingxian was not interested in that prime minister, but was very excited about the Treasured Celestial Library Pagoda.

“Who knows what kind of treasure they are going to offer to this pagoda. Why don’t we find some time to take a look, and maybe pick up a couple of treasures in passing!”

“Others will also think the same way. If there actually are treasures, they’ll be guarded heavily, especially the ones meant for cultivators,” Changming said, “Let’s go see that prime minister taking a concubine, and meet with that Minister Song. Maybe then we won’t need to ask the Buddhist sects in a roundabout way, and will mingle in the palace more easily.”

Xu Jingxian: “You are that prime minister’s old acquaintance?”

Changming had spent fifty years in the Yellow Springs. If the prime minister of Luo had been in power for fifty years, he would be seventy or eighty years old now.

But she had met that person before, and he seemed to be in his early thirties. He certainly was not that old.

Changming asked her in reply: “What’s this Prime Minister Song’s full name?”

Xu Jingxian: “Seems to be Song Nanyan.”

Changming: “When I was with the Confucianists, I accepted a disciple. His name was also Song Nanyan. If it’s not a coincidence, he should be that Prime Minister Song.”

Xu Jingxian: …

You really have peaches and plums all over the world!

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