
Chapter 57

Chapter 57. Jiufang Changming?!

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Inside the formation’s illusion that Xiao Cangfeng called their future, “Yun Weisi” slowly fell to the ground dead, wearing an expression of disbelief till the very end.

“Jiufang Changming” retrieved his sword and put his hand on “Yun Weisi’s” forehead. However, he was not going to close his eyes, but to check whether “Yun Weisi” had died for good by searching for any lingering demonic qi inside his body.

Having made sure that “Yun Weisi” was dead, “Jiufang Changming” refused to just leave his body as it was. “Jiufang Changming” turned his palm towards the body, sent out a blast from it, which then landed on “Yun Weisi’s” body.

The flame quickly flared up, enveloping the body and reducing it to ashes.

The real Yun Weisi remained completely expressionless while watching this scene.

Xiao Cangfeng tried searching for an opening.

But his opponent’s mind was as serene as still waters, his spirit and consciousness utterly without flaw, not even a hint of a gap could be found.

This Yun Weisi actually looked like he had succeeded in cultivating the Heartless Dao, and no person or matter could shake his heart that was completely devoted to his Dao.

Xiao Cangfeng could not believe it.

If it was true, how could he have gotten possessed?

Yun Weisi did not move at all.

Because he was looking for a chance as well.

It looked like Xiao Cangfeng was standing near him and talking, but he was actually an illusion too.

If Yun Weisi’s next move was even slightly wrong, the illusion would disappear, and attacking it would not be of any help.

If he wanted to attack his enemy, he had to determine his enemy’s real position first.

“Why would you show me this?” Yun Weisi said slowly, “Since Jiang Li wants to use the whole world as a chessboard, and deploy a Liuhe Zhutian Formation there, he thus wants me to return to the Nine Layers of the Abyss and provide support for this position?”

Xiao Cangfeng raised his eyebrows, as if he was a bit surprised.

“It turns out you’ve already guessed it, but there is no wonder that you did. If, working together with Jiufang Changming, you couldn’t have guessed at my shizun’s plan, I’m afraid that no one would have seen through it.”

Yun Weisi did not care about flattery, so, naturally, he did not reply.

He was waiting for Xiao Cangfeng’s next words.

“The Liuhe Zhutian Formation that was set on the Sacred Mountain Wan fifty years ago was only an experiment.”

Xiao Cangfeng was talking slowly, revealing just the tip of the iceberg of a plan that had been kept hidden for years.

Yun Weisi’s expression did not change.

“So, when Jiang Li and Chi Bijiang decided to deploy the Liuhe Zhutian Formation, they already knew that my shizun, Ren Haishan and others would fall victim to it and die?”

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Xiao Cangfeng shook his head: “Don’t talk about it that way. Back then, my shizun was sacrificing himself during preparations for the formation, since he expected himself to die there as well. Unexpectedly, he managed to survive by chance. Since it turned out so well, they kept going along with the plan. Moreover, Jiufang Changming is very knowledgeable about formations. Since he agreed to cooperate with my shizun back then, naturally, he understood that some unforeseen events could occur.”

Yun Weisi said coldly: “Then why did you pin the blame on him?”

“Someone had to be held responsible, right? The one who is to achieve great things doesn’t bother about trifles. You can’t even imagine how much my shizun had to sacrifice for the whole thing, so what’s wrong with Jiufang Changming sharing a bit of this burden?”

He fixed his eyes on Yun Weisi and smiled slightly, ignoring his ice-cold expression and murderous intent.

“Jiufang Changming is neither virtuous nor evil, and he used to act on a whim. Moreover, he had rebelled against the four schools of Daoism, Buddhism, the Demonic Dao and Confucianism; even if someone said he had colluded with demons, no one would doubt it, and no one would speak out for him. I just didn’t expect him to survive through that world-shattering accident. And you, even though you two have obviously fallen out and became enemies, still wanted to guard the Nine Layers of the Abyss for several decades for his sake. I was really deeply touched by your master-disciple affection. However,”

Xiao Cangfeng paused for a moment.

“Do you think that your master-disciple relationship will be restored simply because Jiufang Changming has returned? He wants to exonerate himself and find out the truth of what happened that year. You are the key figure in it, but you are possessed. Given his unscrupulous nature, will he reconcile with a disciple who is about to turn into a demon, or will he use you to uncover the mystery he wants, and afterwards, trample on your bones, before walking away? Have you ever thought about it?”

He noticed that when he finished saying these words, Yun Weisi’s expression seemed to have changed slightly.

It was only a minuscule change, but Xiao Cangfeng managed to take advantage of it.


Xiao Cangfeng did not hesitate anymore. Suddenly, bright rays shone from eight directions, flying towards his enemy!

The rays were extremely fast, and they had almost reached Yun Weisi’s head as soon as Xiao Cangfeng stopped talking.

Yun Weisi only managed to retreat a few steps back, and felt a scorching fire wrap around his body, as a single spark turned into dark blazing flames in a flash.

The black fire was only getting bigger and bigger, rising up to the sky, almost submerging Yun Weisi, who was trapped inside the formation.

Even if he used the Chunzhao Sword now, he would not have been able to stop these black flames that came from the depths of the Darkest Abyss. As long as they touched a human’s skin, they would inevitably swallow the person up, and the latter would have no other option but to give up.

If Changming or Xu Jingxian were here, they would have noticed that these black flames resembled the firefly maggots of the Nine Layers of the Abyss.

Yun Weisi’s appearance was slowly getting darker amidst the flames, and his face betrayed his suffering.

Almost half of his body had blackened, engulfed by the dark flames, and Xiao Cangfeng could even vaguely see his bones. The black flames, like maggots feeding on a corpse, gradually moved up his body, granting him neither death nor rest.

Xiao Cangfeng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Everything was going too smoothly.

No one knew the true power of these flames better than him. Even if the victim was a master of cultivation, after being stained with it, they probably would be unable to move at all.

But Yun Weisi was different.

He was acknowledged by many grandmasters, and had firmly taken over the position of the head of a Daoist sect. He was one of the most prominent daoists for the last several centuries.

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His cultivation was higher than that of many grandmasters, so how could he die that easily?

When the flames reached Yun Weisi’s neck, Xiao Cangfeng’s doubts reached their peak.

He could not help but to take half a step back.

And this half-step!

His heart was beating loudly in alarm as the sea of his consciousness was warning him of danger.

Xiao Cangfeng felt a chill coming from behind his back, but he had no time to turn around. He set up a barrier around his body, and summoned his spiritual weapon.

It was a long spear that resembled a sword or a sabre.

The long spear flew back and burst into blinding qi to confuse his enemy.

But, unexpectedly, that chill disregarded all his attempts to attack and defend by erecting barriers, and pierced Xiao Cangfeng’s back, reappearing from his chest.

Xiao Cangfeng felt his heart pierced by something that then suddenly burst into pieces inside his body. But that attack did not even stop at that, and the force continued to spread inside his body until it had shattered all his meridians and bones. Like a beast with its bones removed, he fell weakly onto the ground.

But Xiao Cangfeng’s mind was still conscious.

He knew that his death was imminent, but he could only stare blankly as the “Yun Weisi” in the flames turned into ashes, while another Yun Weisi was getting closer to him from his side. The latter was smiling mockingly.

Xiao Cangfeng realised that what had been burnt was Yun Weisi’s puppet incarnation.

Jiufang Changming had taught him the Art of Conferring Spirit.

Given Yun Weisi’s aptitude, learning the skill in a short period of time was not a problem.

“Since you knew that I’m going to get possessed anytime soon, how dare you use demonic tricks to deal with me?”

Yun Weisi chuckled, looking at Xiao Cangfeng with contempt, as if he was looking at a dead thing.

Xiao Cangfeng’s neck started turning rigid, and he could not even look at Yun Weisi’s expression once more, only letting his head drop.

He felt that this Yun Weisi was somehow different from the one he was talking to before. His manner of speech, his expressions—his entire person seemed different from that man who was indifferent to everything.

But Xiao Cangfeng’s life was coming to an end, and it could be snuffed out any moment. Blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth, and he could not say a word now.

He fixed his gaze to the top of the approaching Yun Weisi’s shoe, as if he wanted to see a flower blooming on it.

Yun Weisi’s demon-like voice entered his ears.

“I know that Jiang Li has your soul lantern, but there’s no doubt he won’t make it in time to save you. Really, what a pity. Like it was the year when he set up that trap, now I want him to watch every person he cares about die. Soon, it will be his turn.”


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Xiao Cangfeng struggled to open his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

Blood suddenly gushed out, painting his chin and the front of his robes red, silencing his dying words.

Xiao Cangfeng opened his eyes wide, dying without closing them.

Dying without closing eyes: fig. with a remaining grievance

Yun Hai was expressionless. Blue flames appeared on his palm. He snapped his fingers, and the flames fell on Xiao Cangfeng, burning him up in a vicious blaze.

Everything, including his souls that had not yet flown away, was burnt to ashes.

Even if Jiang Li came running here now, he would not find a single trace of his disciple left.

Yun Hai felt that he had let Xiao Cangfeng off too easily. According to the way he did things, he should have at least captured Xiao Cangfeng’s soul and torture it over and over again.

But that would give Jiang Li a chance to track Yun Hai and trick him.

As he thought, Yun Weisi’s Heartless Dao was completely useless against people like Jiang Li and Xiao Cangfeng. Only Yun Hai’s intervention could help.

Yun Hai waved his sleeve, and the ashes were blown away by the wind, disappearing into the darkness.

The things on Changming’s side are probably going the same way, right?

Just as he thought of it, some invisible force drew his attention, making him look into the distance.

Ablaze with brilliant lights and vibrant colors, the colourful glazed peak of a pagoda was almost dazzling.

That place was—

The Treasured Celestial Library Pagoda!

Two shichens ago.

Two shichens: 4 hours

Han Ye was killed inside the imperial palace, but the emperor’s souls still had not been found.

A crowd of people had scattered off, looking for the souls everywhere.

Finally, Xie Chunxi found one of the three emperor’s immortal souls under the bed in the empress dowager’s sleeping room.

The soul entered the emperor’s body, and he slowly came to his senses. But his body was still motionless, and he could only sit, closing and opening his eyes dumbly like a mindless puppet.

It was better for the emperor to remain in his bed while he was in such a state.

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Seeing that everyone had lowered their hands helplessly, the empress dowager had lost all hope.

She and the last emperor only had one son. If something happened to the emperor, putting aside the bloody storms that would sweep by in pursuit of the emperor’s throne, the country of You would never miss this great opportunity after hearing the news.

Even the Zhaoyue Dynasty, who were bowing their heads in front of them now, would probably start an uprising, using Luo’s internal conflicts to change loyalties to You.

This coalition would jeopardize Luo.

The one who was controlling them behind the scenes was determined to initiate great disorder throughout the world.

Xie Chunxi and Yue Chengbo parted and went looking throughout the palace, asking questions in hope that someone suspicious would reveal a clue again.

But the hope was perhaps faint.

The empress dowager was shedding tears, placing most of her hope on Changming.

As she saw it, since this man could determine that an immortal had been possessed by a demon at first sight, his skills were obviously higher than the others’.

“The emissary of Zhaoyue will pay a visit to the palace tomorrow. But now the emperor… It’s still better if I receive them and tell them that the emperor fell ill and will take a few days of rest.”

Kuhe said: “If we drag this on for too long, it will be hard to contain the news inside the palace. King Hui has probably heard some rumors already. If he shares the news with Zhaoyue, their messenger will do their best to suss out His Majesty’s condition. Please, Empress Dowager, restrain your grief. We should plan ahead.”

The empress dowager shivered, and quickly dried her eyes.

“Zen Master is right in every word. I’m thankful for your reminder. Does the other gentleman perhaps have any ideas to share?”

Changming said: “I have a technique that can replace the emperor with a puppet. But this puppet can only last for a day, and it shouldn’t go near water or fire. If others stay away, it will deceive them easily.”

The empress dowager nodded at his words: “This is very good. Then, I will entrust this matter to you, Immortal! You’ve really helped me a lot. If it wasn’t for you today, I’m afraid that that demon would have succeeded. But I still don’t know Immortal’s honorable name. If Immortal is willing to reveal it, I’ll definitely offer sacrifices in your name, and wish you longevity with a memorial plate!”

Changming said: “Jiufang Changming, I belong to no sect or faction; I am nothing more than a rogue cultivator.”

The empress dowager had never heard his name before, but still put on a I’ve-been-looking-forward-to-meeting-you expression.

“So it’s Immortal Jiufang!”

Kuhe, who was standing beside them, trembled in fear, feeling that this name sounded way too familiar.

In a second, he froze, as if struck by lightning.

Jiufang Changming?!

The author has something to say:

PS, Yun Weisi and Yun Hai can switch over freely at this point, it seems that some friends haven’t noticed~

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