
Chapter 82

Chapter 82. Yun Weisi! Yun Weisi!

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Proofread by Snake

The hands floating in the water were even more delicate than the hands of the most beautiful woman in the world. The pale, white skin was glowing slightly in the black sea water. The light from these hands made people’s hearts flutter, stunning them with their beauty. It looked like boneless water grass. Even a man with a heart as tough as iron would inevitably get tempted and distracted by them.

But hands like these should not have appeared in this place.

When peerlessly beautiful things appeared at an inappropriate place, the mind would certainly become less bewitched.

Especially when these hands touched his skin simultaneously. They were charming, yet they brought a sense of horror at the same time.

Yun Weisi turned around, having suffered an injury.

As he had been concentrating on his thoughts rather than surroundings, his reaction was a bit slow.

He saw a woman standing behind his back.

She was ineffably beautiful.

One could say that her beauty outshined the moon and put flowers to shame, and could even cause a downfall of a country. However, it would be difficult to use particular words, like “a woman with a rosebud mouth”, to describe her appearance. The reason for this was that her features embodied the dreams of every beautiful maiden, and a lament to the Heavens for having created such an outstanding creation, because in her presence, any woman would be outshadowed and discarded away.

But this face belonged to an evil spirit from the Abyss.

Her long hair was floating in the water, almost merging with it. Under her slender neck, more than ten hands framed her fair nude chest from either side, dancing and grabbing at thin air. These abnormally long hands with sharp nails had tasted the sweetness of blood, and rushed at Yun Weisi again.

The Chunzhao Sword moved faster than Yun Weisi’s body.

As soon as he thought of it, the sword flew forwards, slashing at the nearest arm. Yun Weisi used this chance to retreat, moving a bit further backwards to see the enemy better from a distance.

The lower half of this woman’s body was connected to seaweed so long he could not see their roots. They were wavering together with the water, but never failed to fling themselves at him. Her long nails were almost leaving marks in the water. The wound that Yun Weisi had received earlier had started to burn hot from pain, which meant that these long curved nails were laced with deadly poison.

The arm that had been cut off by the Chunzhao Sword was growing back at a rapid rate, and very soon, it had reached its original length.

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This monster had an immortal body.

If even the Chunzhao Sword could not slash her, what else could?

Yun Weisi frowned. The woman moved again quickly, and her hair turned into countless vines, throwing themselves at Yun Weisi’s limbs to bind them. His spiritual power kept on carving at them relentlessly, but some fish had escaped the net, wrapping around his limbs tightly and cutting through his skin, sucking away at his flesh and blood. His spiritual power rushed at them again forcibly.

Kept on carving relentlessly: unflagging efforts

However, like maggots feeding on bones, the vines never interrupted the assault.

Sword, come!

Yun Weisi recited a sword technique, and the Chunzhao Sword flew into his hand.

He brandished the sword!

The true sword intention had no need to be gaudy. Wherever the sword glow falls, every creature bows its head, as the sword sweeps away any obstacle.

Sword intention: (from zhidao & zhihu) intention here means wish, goal, determination and other subjective feelings like this. The intention of a sword depends on and follows the will of its owner. If a person has reached the state where his sword reflects his own mind, his skills must be unprecedentedly high

A glaring light had enveloped his body, and even the temptress was forced to retreat more than a zhang back. As she stared at it with shock, the sword sliced her into pieces, and the pieces drifted apart in the water.

But there was no blood.

The pieces seemed to have been pulled back together by an invisible force, and she merged back gradually, restoring her original appearance once again.

When the beauty appeared in front of him once again, showing him a smile, Yun Weisi no longer considered her attractive.

That was the most evil spirit in the world, a demon that was the best at beguiling people away from the righteous path.

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She opened and closed her mouth, as if talking to him.

Obviously, not a single sound came out of it, but Yun Weisi could hear it in his heart.

“You can’t kill me because you have a demon in your heart.”

She came to Yun Weisi unhurriedly, her hair binding him once again. It was soft and tender, like the gentle soothing of a lover.

“You think you have this demonic qi under control, but you are mistaken. It is always here, and if it’s triggered at the right moment, it will appear again there, in your human world. Take a guess, what will happen next?”

The tempress’ hands touched Yun Weisi.

This time, she did not attack him with her nails, because that would have woken him up and let him strike back. Her hair, wrapped around his body, was emitting an intoxicating fragrance.

Yun Weisi’s eyes betrayed his confusion, and his movements slowed down. Obviously, he had started to lose himself to the delusion.

The fragrance was getting stronger, lingering near the tip of his nose and flowing inside him slowly.

“When a forcibly suppressed fire ignites for a second time, it will only cause more destruction. Look at the palm of your hand, hasn’t the red line reappeared?”

Yun Weisi lowered his head in a daze, and vaguely saw the red line that had been subdued by Changming earlier. Now, it was going down to his palm again, winding in all possible ways, wriggling and elongating one turn after another, twisting into an unsolvable labyrinth.

When did this new one appear?

Was it when he could not find his shizun wherever he looked, maintaining a calm appearance yet feeling anxious in his heart? Or was it when the flame was raging in his mind, but he had no way to vent out his troubles?

What the Mirror Stand of Karma reflected was neither the past nor the present life, but the depth of one’s mind, their inner demons they would never mention willingly.

The temptress smiled seductively, but one of her hands had reached out to his back, moved up silently, and then was raised high up—right above his head!

This man’s brain, his flesh and blood, she wanted to have everything!

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Suddenly, she froze, her expression panic-stricken!

The confusion on Yun Weisi had cleared away, replaced with his usual completely indifferent expression.

The Chunzhao Sword slashed down to her head, splitting it in half. Her astonished face distorted, becoming ferocious and violent. She opened her mouth, but before she could utter a single word, the blinding sword glow reduced her to dust.

The hair-like sea grass had lost its support, and fell away from Yun Weisi’s body, tumbling into the deepest abyss, right to the bottom of the sea.

Several locks of the hair were unwilling to relent, and still clung to him, putting up a last-ditch struggle. They wanted to use the rest of the fragrance to lead his mind astray.

This time, Yun Weisi did not manage to react in time, and was a bit absent-minded.

His hands, that were about to pull on the hair, dropped down helplessly. The sword seemed to have reflected his inner state, its glow slowly turning dim.

The alarm bells were ringing deep inside his mind, but his body refused to comply. Yun Weisi had trouble breathing, struggling against his instincts on the verge of losing his consciousness, choosing between his Dao heart and his Demon heart.

Yun Weisi! Yun Weisi!

Open your eyes, it’s me!

A voice reverberated in his ears, and Yun Weisi opened his eyes abruptly!

The hair that was tying up his body had fallen off, and the person who had grabbed him instead was quickly pulling him upwards.

The dull Chunzhao Sword brightened up once again.

This deep sea seemed to have demonic powers in its water, as it could pull people down quickly. But, when a cultivator was fully conscious, the sea had no way to compete against them.

Very soon, Yun Weisi was half-dragged, half-pulled to the surface of the water, leaving the territory permeated with the toxic fragrance.

“Are you alright?” Changming said.

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Yun Weisi shook his head, grabbing his hand tightly, as if to determine whether whom he was seeing was not an illusion.

Changming understood him, laughed, and did not shake his hand off.

They were drenched after leaving the water, but, unexpectedly, the air was scorching hot. They did not even need to waste their spiritual powers as their clothes had promptly dried up.

“I saw you just now.”

But Changming’s words could not get through to Yun Weisi, while his spiritual powers had been sealed away. He had thought of another method, the one he had used on Yun Weisi once, when the latter was starting to tread the path of cultivation. But Changming was not sure whether Yun Weisi remembered it.

As it turned out, he did. Had Yun Weisi not broken the mirror swiftly, they would have been separated once more, and no one could have predicted how long it would take for them to meet again.

“There’s something strange about this place.”

Changming sighed, got up to his feet and brushed the moisture off his sleeves, while looking around.

“I’ve also seen Xu Jingxian, but hesitated for a moment, and failed to rescue her in time. Haven’t you set off to find the source of the mysterious light? Why are you here?”

Yun Weisi did not answer him for a while, so Changming had to turn his head and look at him.

“Yun Weisi?”

Yun Weisi pulled himself together and hummed in response.

His palm was burning slightly, and he hid it in his sleeve subconsciously.

His mind was gradually calming down, and even this burn was not hurting that vividly.

The words that the temptress had said were still ringing in his ears, but he ignored it subconsciously, or, perhaps, on purpose.

“Sun Buku said that this place is a world created in imitation of the Eighteen Hells.”

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