
Chapter 94

Chapter 94. This smile froze Changming’s blood, making him shiver

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Proofread by Snake

Chunchi had always felt that the master of the Wanjian Immortal Clan was someone who viewed the game three turns ahead before making his first move.

Although Chunchi was not a part of the scheme on the Sacred Mountain Wan back then, he had also been watching it closely from the beginning.

Jiang Li had remained calm and collected throughout the whole event, even when Jiufang Changming had suddenly started to hinder them in the middle of setting up the Liuhe Zhutian Formation, which would eventually lead to Jiang Li’s defeat. Many people had perished at that time. But Jiang Li had never lost hope or became furious, as if he had anticipated everything and had it under control. Although Jiang Li had repeatedly stated that it had been his careless mistake, Chunchi doubted these words. Chunchi suspected that Jiang Li had schemed everything that was to happen on the Sacred Mountain Wan in advance, and had always intended to turn the whole world into a formation after the defeat, setting pillars in every direction once again.

There was only one unexpected detail in his plan: Jiufang Changming had not died.

It was likely that Jiang Li had not foreseen that Jiufang Changming would not have his soul scatter away after the grievous injury, like what had happened to Ren Haishan who did not even leave a corpse behind. Against all reason, Jiufang Changming had even managed to survive in a treacherous place like the Yellow Springs, coming back alive and even gradually gaining enough power to fight against them today.

It seemed like it was fate helping him from the wings.

But Chunchi did not believe in fate.

Even though he belonged to a Buddhist sect, was preaching to believers every day, and kept praising Buddhism, he actually doubted the existence of deities.

That was why he had not interfered with the Wanlian Buddhist Temple gathering souls to gain power, and did not care that Jiang Li had made a pillar for the Liuhe Zhutian Formation out of this place to refine a Soul Gathering Pearl, triggering the formation.

Chunchi was already powerful enough, and was waiting for the wind of change to come to his sect.

From Chunchi’s point of view, Jiufang Changming was the perfect wind of change.

He was more determined and strong-willed than any other cultivator in this world, and more worthy of becoming a part of the Liuhe Zhutian Formation. Compared to Jiufang Changming, a big fish, Zhou Keyi was only bait used to lure his teacher.

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Thinking of this, Chunchi smiled.

He raised his sleeves, and a golden light appeared around them. Lines of scriptures descended from out of nowhere and separated him from the other two.

“The two gentlemen surely have a lot to discuss. This poor monk won’t disturb you for now.”

His smile suddenly froze.

Chunchi saw Yun Weisi take a step towards him.

This one step had covered a thousand li, and Yun Weisi’s hand had directly penetrated Chunchi’s barrier of scriptures, getting closer to grab him.

Yun Weisi’s eyes were ruthless, brimming with murderous intent, as if he was viewing Chunchi as prey.

The words of the master of the Wanjian Immortal Clan were still ringing in Chunchi’s ears. He was sure that Yun Weisi would start by attacking Jiufang Changming, and did not expect himself to fail to sit on the top of a mountain and watch tigers fight, as he had been targeted by Yun Weisi.

Sit on the top of a mountain and watch tigers fight: watch in safety while others fight, then reap the benefit

This thought swept past quickly, and Chunchi put his palms together devoutly. The cane in his hands hit the ground heavily.

“Dharma surges in waves, the consciousness follows it, come out!”

As soon as the words were said, the lotus pond started seething, and the resentful qi rose up to the sky. Countless aggrieved spirits came up with the billows, rushing at Yun Weisi and Changming and surrounding them.

Nothing Buddhist-like could be seen about the Wanlian Buddhist Temple now. Everything was filled with wailing ghosts and whistling spirits. Like bloodsucking maggots seeing well-fed prey, they launched forwards altogether. Had Yun Weisi and Changming not been enveloped in spiritual powers, they would have been swallowed up immediately.

Changming had been drawn into the black waves, and not a trace of him could be seen. For a moment, it was unknown whether he had retained his life.

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Chunchi did not count on the aggrieved souls to stop his two enemies. He quickly leaped up, standing on his cane in the air. One of his hands made a gesture, pulling golden light from the cane to enter the water.

“Dharma has a reason, leading me forward. Dharma is eternal, and fate will sort everything out!”

In a moment, sixteen rays of golden light mixed with the black billows appeared from the water, and a black lotus bloomed in the air, faintly glowing with gold.

But the golden light was fluctuating fiercely, as if it was forced to fuse with the black color, and could not break free from it.

“Dharma appears today, while the soul and the body are immersed in illusions, forgiving the guiltless, countless evil creatures avoiding it!”

Chunchi’s lips opened and closed. After he recited this technique, the golden light entangled even more deeply with the black lotus with golden threads enmeshing it. In the end, they finally merged, and the black lotus burst. The resulting dark flames blotted out the sky and split into halves that rushed at Yun Weisi and Jiufang Changming!

Shoufan was acting too rashly, so the whole formation had been lost because of one careless move, ruined completely by Yun Weisi. Although the fifteen people had suffered wounds of different severity, they still had a chance to survive. But Chunchi’s attack had doomed them to death, forcing them to become one with the ghosts from the pond to create a powerful vessel.

After Chunchi moved, he did not even spare a glance at the two of them, turning around and leaving without hesitation.

He had many other things that needed his attention.

The Soul Gathering Pearl had almost been completed. After this night, the You Capital would turn into a hell plagued with demons, so no one could act carelessly. The Wanlian Buddhist Temple together with the You Capital, supported by millions of worshippers, would become the most stable pillar of the Liuhe Zhutian Formation. Jiufang Changming’s life would come to an end in this hell, adding a flower pattern on the brocade Soul Gathering Pearl, making it exhibit its best potential.

Adding a flower pattern on the brocade: beautify something that’s already perfect

It did not matter whether Yun Weisi was here as well, this would not change anything.

The pitch-black sky looked as if the rays of sunshine would never touch it again.

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The dawn was delayed, yet the wailing living creatures could not summon it.

Chunchi could not help raising his head to look at the sky.

Everything had come to this point, but the deities had not shown up.

The Wanlian Buddhist Temple had slandered the Buddhas and besmirched them by acting like demons and hiding behind the name of Buddhism, while in truth they were even more vile than Demonic cultivators. Sure enough, deities had never existed in this world?

If it was like this, what was the point of cultivating earnestly?

Since the human world would come to its end sooner or later, why would he not help it to end?

The qi of resentment was flourishing on the ground, gathering in one place, and rising up in waves.

Dark clouds were gathering in the air above the You Capital, and threads of blood were flashing up there occasionally. Red light was flowing down to the earth, stirring up the place with the black flames of the aggrieved spirits. They had formed an enormous, calamitous storm that was slowly crawling towards the Wanlian Buddhist Temple.

When the whirlpool reached the Wanlian Buddhist Temple, the Liuhe Zhutian Formation would be officially set. A crack to the Darkest Abyss would be opened wide, and the entire Human World would be drawn into a hopeless situation.

Countless demons would appear from there, swallowing living souls. What Jiang Li had planned to do and failed at doing fifty years ago would finally be accomplished today.

Chunchi did not care about the Wanlian Buddhist Temple, and neither did he attach much importance to the living creatures plunging into ruin. He did not even mind injuring his own cultivation base. He only wanted to solve this question that had been torturing him for years. Except for Jiang Li, no one could help him.

Suddenly, he froze!

His expression was stiff, even trembling, as if he was unwilling to believe what was going on.

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He slowly lowered his head.

A hand had pierced his body, grabbing his heart directly.

The red heart was still pounding in the hand, as if excited.

Blood gushed out from the wound, but Chunchi could not even grasp his cane. It fell from his hand onto the ground softly.

The hand left his body in a split second. Blood was oozing from Chunchi’s mouth, and his body resembled a cane now. In a moment, it was engulfed by the lotus pond, drowning him until he was no longer visible.

Changming had broken through the tide of black lotuses created by the innocent souls of the Sixteen Vajras, and slowly walked out from the shackles just at the right time to see Yun Weisi grab Chunchi’s heart and lower his head to lick it, as if tasting it to see if it was delicious.

His lips were colored with blood, and his eyes were burning red. In a second, Yun Weisi felt Changming’s gaze, and raised his head to smile at Changming.

This smile froze Changming’s blood, making him shiver.

The person in front of his eyes was no longer Yun Weisi, but rather a monster with heinous demonic qi!

Changming opened his mouth, as if he could not find the right word.

Because Yun Weisi, obviously, would not listen to his words anymore.

Yun Weisi clutched the heart in his palm with his fingers, as if it was his favorite plaything, and took a step towards Changming.

Changming folded his fingers in a seal. Even if there were waves surging in his heart, it was hidden under the cover of his plain actions.

“Sword, come.”

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