Eternal Country

Chapter 25

Translator: SumTLMan

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This is because of their different physiques create different Innate Qi.

The most significant advantage of refining Qi with the < Sit and Forget Sutra > is that it can perfectly fit one’s constitution. In the future, even if one wants to cultivate another more advanced cultivation method. One can easily complete the conversion. This is very wonderful and profound aspect of the cultivation method, making it one of the most perfect foundational methods. In the Divine Sea Realm, it is already considered the top Qi refining cultivation method.

To a large extent, this is a stable and top foundational cultivation method.

Because the < Sit and Forget Sutra > visualizes one’s own Innate Qi, the Qi cultivated belongs to one’s own body and relates their own physique. Naturally, it is the most suitable for their personal cultivation. The derived True Qi will also be unique, and that’s the key.

The most important key now is to see how big a Divine Sea they can create.

The size of a Divine Sea is a manifestation one’s qualifications. At this point, other people cannot interfere. One can only look at their talent and opportunity. However, they must make a breakthrough during this strange phase of Heaven and Earth’s evolution. Doing so may bring some strange mutation or added benefits. Traces of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi are interspersed when Heaven and Earth is evolving. This seems unremarkable for Heaven and Earth, but for those who have just started Qi refining, this is very likely to make one’s Divine Sea even bigger.

“I hope that everything goes well.”

There was also a smile on Yi Tianxing’s face.

Without interrupting the thee sitting in the hall, he put the backpack down from his body. Afterwards, he opened it, and started counting again.

First were the wish beads, he killed a swarm of rats and got more than a thousand wish beads. This is the most common, but also the most valuable treasure. These beads are essential for Qi refining, with or without them during Qi refining is a huge difference. This is by no means a general disparity that can be made up by hard work.

These wish beads are placed in a unique password box. Opening the box, one can see that it has already been packed with a layer of wish bead.

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He placed them in, and each one shone like grains of pearls.

“I don’t know what kind of treasure there is in these light balls. Every time a light ball is crushed, I have an inexplicable sense of expectation. The power of fantasy, the power of dreams, really has the incredible power to make what is in fantasy appear in reality. I don’t know what will appear in the world.” Yi Tianxing muttered to himself as he looked at light balls in front of him.


With a crisp sound, a light ball was crushed in hand. One eye appeared in hand.

“Rattus Rat Eye (Commander of Rats): Precious Material, Obtained from Ferocious Rodents and Beasts, Can be Refined into an Eye Class Magic Treasure. No Class Middle Grade.”

This eye, surprisingly, is an eye of a rat. But it appeared brighter, more blood-like red, and even sent out a bloodthirsty light. It makes one feel the madness of a rat swarm.

Yi Tianxing doesn’t know if he can use it in the future, but he must be sure to put this thing away now.

“< Long Spring Cultivation >, Divine Sea Realm Cultivation Method, View of < Long Spring Green Pine Diagram >. Qi refining can nourish the body and make one’s Life Origin continue for longer.”

A jade book appears in his hands, which showed the ancient seal characters, Long Spring Cultivation, accompanying the description above. The book even records the view diagram and specific Qi refining method for the cultivation. After careful observation, he feels that there is a significant gap between this book and the < Sit and Forget Sutra >. The cultivation method rating is not too high. And it may be a suitable cultivation method for others, but with the < Sit and Forget Sutra >, the cultivation method is no longer in his sights.

After a little review of it, he put it aside. He may be able to use it in the future if someone else can’t refine Qi refine.

Then, some more precious treasures appeared from those light balls.

Rat Fang, Rat Fur, Rat Skin, and so on. They are all no class precious materials.

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Although they can’t be used now, they are also put aside, to be collected, for future use.


Once a light ball was crushed.

A silver stone fell into his hand. The stone was not big, only half the size of a fist, but the silver-white light was very mysterious.

“Contained Space Stone: Spatial Attribute Ore. Can Be Refined into Space Class Magic Treasures. High Grade Treasure Material. Profound Class High Grade.”

The silver-white Contained Space Stone description appears on the Wordless Heavenly Book as well. Unexpectedly it is a Profound Class High Class Treasure Material. Moreover, this material is also a space attribute treasure material, this kind of treasure material is extremely precious.

“According to the Wordless Heavenly Book’s record, wonders and treasures are divided into God, Celestial, Heaven, Earth, Profound, and Yellow. If not in range of those orders, then materials are not even considered a treasure. Although, they can still be considered divine weapons in the secular world. This piece of Contained Space Stone is not only included as a treasure, but also a treasure in the Profound Class. Space attribute treasures are scarce.”

When Yi Tianxing saw it, he could not help the flickering in his eyes. Such a treasure can be obtained from a group of rats. He had to say that the magic brought this wonder here through the power of fantasy. He speculated that this may be directly related to the rapid evolution of Heaven and Earth.

Otherwise, such a thing would not have ever happened.

“But no matter how precious it is, it seems that I can’t use it now.”

Shaking his head slightly, this Contained Space Stone is very precious and can refine a space treasure. No matter where one is, this treasure is still very precious. But Yi Tianxing cannot make magic weapons or arms. Now that it is in his hands, he can only use it as a decoration.


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At this very moment, however, a strong desire is transmitted through his body without warning.

This feeling, like a hungry man who had been starved for three days, and suddenly smelling the most delicious food. The urge is so powerful.

He couldn’t help scanning his body with his sea of knowledge. Immediately he felt that in his Divine Sea, the mysterious stone bead was constantly beating. Even blooming out with a colourful divine glow. Conveying a strong desire to consume the stone. As if seeing before it, a delicious meal that it can’t help but want to swallow.

“It’s the Spirit Bead, does it want this Contained Space Stone?”

That stone bead is the mysterious treasure Spirit Bead that contains the < Heavenly Dragon Emperor Sutra >. The < Heavenly Dragon Emperor Sutra > is a top inheritance and a supreme cultivation method bred by Heaven and Earth. There will never be a second < Heavenly Dragon Emperor Sutra >. It is unique between Heaven and Earth, which carries a Heavenly Sutra in the stone bead. Naturally, it cannot be an ordinary treasure.

Only after passing this door’s cultivation method to Yi Tianxing, it naturally rooted itself in his Divine Sea. Sitting motionless and with a mysterious instinctive connection. He would not have noticed it at all if he hadn’t focused on it. According to his speculation, it might be a Dragon Bead. It could also be another rare Spirit Bead. He had no way of knowing precisely what it was. But it was not something mortal.

Unexpectedly, there will be sudden changes at this time by it conveying a strong desire.

“If you want it, I’ll give it to you and see what you can do.”

Releasing his grasp on the Contained Space Stone in his right palm, the light flashes, and an invisible swallowing force appeared in an instant. The Contained Space Stone was shrouded in the Divine Sea, and the stone bead emitted a colourful divine light, conveying a strong attraction.

From that Contained Space Stone, a stream of silver-white energy is absorbed at an amazing rate. It travels along the arm, quickly drilling into his Divine Sea, and as soon as it enters the Divine Sea, it sinks into the stone bead. Dyeing the stone bead with a layer of silver-white light.

In just a few breaths, the Contained Space Stone has turned into powder and the pieces drift in front of him.

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“This is!”

A strange sensation appears in his sea of knowledge. His connection with the stone bead, after devouring the Contained Space Stone, has reached a higher level. His sea of knowledge naturally falls on the stone bead.

Suddenly, a strange diagram appeared in Yi Tianxing’s mind.

He only sees that in the stone bead, there suddenly appeared a small independent space. The space is very empty. There are no objects in there, it is just an empty vacuum of space. The length and width are all three meters long and wide. At this space, it seems to be an extension of consciousness, he can control everything there at will.

“The Contained Space Stone is an Inner Space Ore. The Spirit Bead absorbs the spatial characteristics from the Contained Space Stone and evolved itself into a small independent space. This is almost like a small storage space. However, the most peculiar thing is that this stone bead can absorb the Contained Space Stone and evolve into space. What kind of treasure is this?” At this time, Yi Tianxing was delighted. But he could not help wondering about the stone bead in his body.

It was too strange, however, with his own current experience, it is impossible to explore what it can do. He did not delve too deeply into this issue. Anyways, it is a good advantage for him.

The length and width of the space are three meters each. This is simply Yi ’Tianxing’s most precious and extremely safe storage space. Unless he dies, no one can get his collection. These wish beads, treasures, and cultivation method books placed outside are not safe. This Spirit Bead Inner Space came at just the right time, it can solve his current problem perfectly. And it can store some vital survival supplies and can cope with all kinds of changes that might.

With this belief, he did not hesitate to immediately move the box of wish beads directly into his Spirit Bead Inner Space. The whole process is as easy as eating and drinking. In a flash, the box reappeared in his hands. Being able store and take out, are incomparably free and easy for him, no shackles at all.

“Well, I didn’t expect such a windfall.”

Without hesitation, he moved the wish beads, some treasures that were collected before, and even various cultivation method books. All of them are included in his Spirit Bead Inner Space. With his inclusion, the items only occupied a small position relative to the size of three meter area of space.

Subsequently, he collected some vital survival materials, food, clothing, and miscellaneous items. Swords, weapons, etc. were collected as well.

The whirlpool around Zhao Ziyan had disappeared, and she awakened immediately while seeing the look of joy on Yi Tianxing’s face. She then excitedly rushed over directly to hug Yi Tianxing, as she joyfully said, “Brother, I broke through, I successfully opened up the Divine Sea to become Divine Sea Realm cultivator. In the future, I can also help brother kill monsters.”

Watching Yi Tianxing face the monsters alone everyday. She had the idea of helping out. It was just that her strength was insufficient in the past and would only make her a burden to him.

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