Eternal Country

Chapter 74

Translator: SumTLMan

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He really didn’t care about the contents of this tent.

But when Yi Tianxing stepped into the tent, a wonderful feeling of discovery naturally came to mind. The hidden message said that this ogre camp was impressively an ogre village. This small tribe had been built using a village construction order. This means that village construction orders aren’t exclusive to human beings, but are also available to other races as long as they can get one.

If a village is established, there must be a Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool condensing the Destiny Aura belonging to this village.

In this ogre camp, Destiny Aura is also being gathered.

Immediately after entering this camp, Yi Tianxing received a message that the ogre camp had been completely defeated, and all the ogres in the camp have been killed. As the person who destroyed the camp, he can directly swallow the Destiny Aura that originally belonged to this ogre camp. This is also the most direct form of plunder.


When his mind moves, he only sees a wonderful connection with his Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool in Xuan Huang Village. His mind seems to be able to see what is happening in the Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool. In the grey Destiny Aura pool of water, a golden carp was swimming happily. Suddenly, the golden carp shows a look of excitement as it sharply leapt towards the surface of the water and mysteriously disappeared from the Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool.

In front of Yi Tianxing, he can see a golden carp emerge from his body. Slapping its tail, it turned into a stream of light and instantly disappeared into the void.

But Yi Tianxing’s mind and spirit can follow the golden carp as it appears in another mysterious space. This space is very similar to the space in Xuan Huang Village. There is also a Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool in this space. In that Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool, a black ogre is constantly gathering the grey pool water. However, the size of this ogre isn’t the same as the one from before. Its size is more of an infant ogre.

Even the size of the Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool is much smaller when compared to Xuan Huang Village.

After the Destiny Aura golden carp from Xuan Huang Village appeared in this space, it immediately swung its body excitedly. Without hesitation, it dove right into the Heavenly Pool and bites at the young ogre belonging to the ogre camp.

The ogre camp has been completely destroyed. The Destiny Aura spirit, which is closely related to the village, has naturally become ownerless. It simply doesn’t have the strength to fight back. In this infant-like state,when it faces an opponent with such this strong-momentum, it had no force to resist at all. During the short entanglement, the ownerless young ogre was forcibly swallowed.

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At the end of the young ogre’s swallowing process, the Destiny Aura golden carp began growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a small golden carp. It completely transformed from its fry form and became an all-around bigger carp than before. The flickering golden light from the golden scales on its body became more lustrous than before. Its spirituality has also become stronger. The pool of grey water from the Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool had also disappeared as soon as the golden carp opened its mouth and completely swallowed the young ogre.

This Heavenly Pool has completely dried up.

Moreover, as the Destiny Aura Spirit was swallowed up, numerous cracks instantly began appearing on the whole Heavenly Pool. This is an obvious sign it has been completely scrapped. This pool no longer has the ability to collect Destiny Aura. This village is completely destroyed and left in ruins.

The Destiny Aura golden carp leaves the Heavenly Pool contentedly. It appears in the tent and goes back into the Yi Tianxing’s body before returning to Xuan Huang Village. Yi Tianxing can see the changes in his Destiny Aura Heavenly Pool. The original pool water has increased by more than half in that instance. This is a considerable amount of accumulation. The Destiny Aura golden carp naturally returns to the Heavenly Pool and begins swimming comfortably around in the pool.

Although the explanation of the process was long. The actual process from start to finish was but a few short breaths before it was completely over.

However, the Destiny Aura of Xuan Huang Village has actually soared in the end.

“This must be why people want to Destiny Aura Swallow and directly swallow all the Destiny Aura from hostile villages, not even sparing the Destiny Aura Spirit. This is the cruelty of war, especially a war between the two races, which is even crueller.”

After watching the whole process of Destiny Aura Swallowing, Yi Tianxing felt shocked and awe in his heart. Feeling the cruelty contained in the process. If the day comes when Xuan Huang Village has been breached and fallen, the Destiny Aura that belongs to Xuan Huang Village will also be swallowed up.

This time, however, he gained great benefits.

The most direct way for Destiny Aura to grow is by swallowing it from other sources.

“This tribe of ogres really robbed many things. It seems that when they had captured human beings, they just search the people once and put whatever they find here. Most of the possessions on the people were taken away and placed in here.”

Only after realizing this did Yi Tianxing have the mind to take a closer look at what was in the tent.

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Here, there are all kinds of things. Food, clothing, all kinds of sundries, tools, weapons and so on. He can see at a glance that these were confiscated from outside human beings.

However, there is also a big chest made of stone in the tent. This chest was so heavy and ordinary people wouldn’t be able to lift it at all.

Ordinary items are all on the outside. Obviously, some things that the ogres consider valuable are stored in this big chest.

“I don’t know what treasures it contains. I wish I can find some treasures from it. If it can help my village grow, it will be even more perfect. Unfortunately, most of the exotic treasures grabbed from before are either unable to help in the construction of the village. Or are unsuitable to be taken out for the time being. The exotic treasures which are actually helpful in growing villages are really too scarce.”

When Yi Tianxing saw the chest, he couldn’t help rubbing his hands. Yes, he had grabbed more than a thousand treasures. But only a handful of these treasures can be used for now and there was nothing he could do about this situation. Some of them are building treasures, but it isn’t appropriate to take them out for now. Among the exotic treasures obtained, there is one top building treasure. But it’s inappropriate to take out. He has to wait for an opportunity to really use it in the future.

Now he is looking forward to getting some more exotic treasures suitable for the village from other places.

This situation is similar to when he saw those several exotic treasures in the Travelling Merchant store from before. In that circumstance, he bought them all up without hesitation.


He reached out and pushed the stone chest open. The stone chest lid was really heavy. If he didn’t have the strength of a thousand Jin, there would be no way he would be able lift open this chest at all. This stone is no ordinary stone.

“Boy, there really are treasures.”

In the stone chest, there are really a few treasures, some of which look like light balls. This shape, obviously, is an exotic treasure which has fallen from the sky. The Ogres have never opened them, so these items were placed in this chest.

Yi Tianxing reaches out and grabs a light ball.

Casually, he crushes it, and a jade bottle suddenly appears in his hand.

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“Beautifying Dan. It uses Vermillion Face Fruit as the main medicine together with Lotus Plant, Jade Flesh Fruit. Other auxiliary medicines include Ginseng, Snow Lotus and other Panacea which are refined together using a unique method. This medicine has the wonderful effect of beautifying the skin and removing all kinds of scars on the body. After consuming it, it can keep a faces appearance unchanged for a hundred years and make a person always look bright and beautiful. Rank—Profound Order Dan Medicine.” A message naturally comes to mind.

“It turned out to be a bottle of Dan Medicine, Profound Order Dan Medicine. However, this Dan Medicine is of no use to me. I’m afraid the attraction to female cultivators will be incalculable. This is a good treasure.” Yi Tianxing muttered to himself. He doesn’t hesitate to put this bottle of Beautifying Dan into his Spirit Bead Inner Space.

Discovering how precious this Profound Order Dan Medicine, he is afraid the value will not be less than even Earth Order Dan Medicine.

When it comes to women, nothing comes cheap.

Moreover, this medicine was conceived from fantasy. The quality of Dan medicine is definitely the highest.

In this world, Dan Medicine Ranks are divided into high to low: God, Celestial, Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow. Six Ranks. Every single order is divided into: Low-Grade, Medium-Grade, Top-Grade and Highest-Grade. Four Orders, for a total of 6 Ranks 24 Orders. The Medicine Rank of the refined Dan Medicine is determined by the medicinal strength and efficacy contained in the Dan Medicine.

Low-Grade is 30% Dan. The Dan Medicine contains 30% medicinal strength and the rest are impurities. Long-term use will damage one’s foundation.

Medium-Grade is 60% Dan. The Dan Medicine contains 60% medicinal strength and the rest are impurities. Long-term use will cause some damage to one’s foundation.

Top-Grade is 90% Dan. The Dan Medicine contains 90% medicinal strength and the rest are impurities. Long-term use will cause little damage to one’s foundation.

The Highest-Grade is 100% Dan. The Dan Medicine contains 100% medicinal strength and there are no impurities in it. Since it is completely medicine, it is called an Elixir.

And what is conceived by Heaven and Earth is the highest grade 100% Dan, which is truly free of impurities. Profound Order Highest-Grade Dan Medicine. Its value is even more inestimable. This medicine is enough to make any female cultivator go crazy.

Yi Tianxing picked up a second light ball.

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Holding another one in his hand, he directly crushes it.

He was surprised to see what appeared in his hand, it is a blueprint. In the blueprint, what emerged was a variety of extremely precise and wondrous parts. It was dense, making whoever looks at it cannot help but produce a sense of dizziness.

“This blueprint…”

When Yi Tianxing saw it, especially after receiving the message in his mind, his face couldn’t help but change. But then, without hesitation, he quickly placed the blueprint into his Spirit Bead Inner Space. However, his mind gave birth to a trace of shock and awe. With this wave of emotions, he forcibly suppressed it and no longer dared to further think about it. The content contained in this blueprint is truly amazing. Once leaked, it will have a great impact.

Without even thinking about it, he sealed up the blueprint.

Once again, he takes out a third light ball from the stone chest. This is the last of the light ball treasures which have fallen from the sky. There cannot be too many of these treasure in the ogre tribe. Perhaps most of these treasures were snatched away from the captured humans.

Having three is already very good.


Another light ball is crushed again. But what appears in his hand this time is a jade book. Seeing the book, Yi Tianxing’s eyes suddenly lit up. No matter what it was, as long as it is a book, it will certainly not be useless.

“< < Basic Dan Sutra > >. This book contains the basic alchemy method. It contains an ordinary Dan Medicine recipe, Dan Fang. If one learns the recipe, they can be called an alchemist, being able to refine ordinary Dan Medicine.”

In his hand, it impressively the Basic Dan Sutra. Although it’s not a precious treasure, this book teaches the most basic threshold for entering the rank of an alchemist. In particular, it teaches one a common Dan recipe, Dan Fang.

“Good treasure! With this < < Basic Dan Sutra > >, it is entirely possible to train Xuan Huang Village’s own alchemists. Qiu Weiming, Wang Fengshan are both masters of Chinese medicine and acupuncture who have their own medical skills and can in turn Qi cultivate through Dan medicine. Their cultivation will be more relaxed than ordinary people.”

Knowledge is the most precious treasure in the world.

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