Eternal Country

Chapter 80

Translator: SumTLMan

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Although the dish quickly swam under the boiling water, it was immediately fished out a moment later. What happened to the residual blood contained in raw the meat one might wonder? It seems to have been completely drained out from the meat. At the time of sculpting, the blade opened up tiny gaps. As soon as the boiling water lightly washes over the meat, all the blood inside will have been completely removed. This raw sculpted meat used to be dark red, but it immediately became crystal clear, giving off a jade-like brilliance.

The radiance born is just like a beautiful work of art.

The residual blood left in the raw meat will destroy the aesthetic conception of the meat. So, this pot of water will wash all the blood from the meat, further purifying it.

Then, more movement proceeded. A variety of spices and ingredients shake in both hands to perfectly season the dish.

Then, he picked up the sculpted meat and puts it into a steamer pot. He then added more water to the steamer pot. But this wasn’t just any water, this water had a unique blend of seasonings. After, he placed the dragon-shaped meat sculpture on the plate and into the steamer pot, he directly covered it with a lid soon after.

“Stoke the flames and boil the water. Then, add more heat to the point of steaming a cup of tea. We have to complete this step nine times in succession, can you do this?” Lai He ordered the chef who was in charge of the fire.

“This will be done.” The chef promised without hesitation.

Lai He didn’t pause as he began cooking the paw. The crocodile’s paw is on the same level as the supreme ingredient, bear’s paw. As long as it’s well cooked, it will become a top delicacy. If it isn’t well cooked, the taste will come out terrible.

“If one wants crocodile paw to come out tasty, it must go through a cycle of hot and cold. This is called fire and ice and the paw must go through 3 cycles. First, place the paw into the boiling water. Then, we have to take it out and place it into ice water, completing one cycle. The paw has to go through three cycles of this process to finish cooking. During the process, we add seasoning to the boiling water and boil the meat until it becomes soft, easily absorbing the essence from the seasoning. We then pull the paw out and place it into ice water for cooling, so that it can lock in the flavour. Not only does the flavour not dissipate, but it also thoroughly integrates into the meat. The paw must go through 3 cycles of fire and ice. Otherwise, the delicious food essence won’t accumulate and continuously blend into every inch of meat.”

Lai He started preparing the second crocodile paw as he braised the first crocodile paw with ice and fire.

During the cooking process, the people had subconsciously gathered all around and curiously watched the process.

Watching this cooking process left many unaware of the passage of time. What this process brought was a delightful sense of pleasure. There was nothing unbearable or vulgar about watching him cook, this was simply an expression of art.

“Cease the flames, pull it out from the pot!!”

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No one knows how much time has past, but the two dishes have been thoroughly prepared. The dish is covered with an iron lid. So that the aroma inside is completely sealed, leaving nothing to leak out at all.

“Please have a taste, sir.” Lai He puts the two dishes on a long, humble table and gives an inviting gesture to Yi Tianxing.

“Perfect timing, I get to taste Chef Lai’s craft.” Yi Tianxing already felt a sense of impatience. Even if he didn’t see the final form of the dish. Every cell in his body became completely active, and every inch of his flesh and blood is groaning for the meal.

The people gathered around to watch Yi Tianxing. He sat down in front of the long table as they all stared on at the two dishes with iron lid covers in front of them. They were eager to see what delicacies were made through these amazing cooking skills. Everyone wanted to immediately see what the outcome was. Many people are have already secretly begun swallowing their saliva.

“Please enjoy the taste of the first Crocodile Feast—<< Yunlong Sanxian >>!!”


Lai He reached out to uncover the iron lid on the first dish. When it was lifted, there seemed to be light which could be seen blooming from under the lid. It’s just that this light wasn’t strong, but there were still visible traces of light.

“There’s light, I see light!”

“How could this happen? How could a dish shine? Is this a dream?”

“Although the light isn’t strong, what I am seeing can never be wrong. There is light coming from under the iron lid. Is this a miracle? Can chefs also reach this point? “

“It’s dazzling, it’s actually dazzling light! I can’t see clearly what’s inside!”

“Dragon, I see a dragon!”

When the iron lid was completely uncovered, the light is in full bloom. Many of the villagers’ eyes had subconsciously closed. Many faces showed expressions of disbelief, they unbelievably witnessed a dish which was shining. This was simply subverting everyone’s view of the world. This has also revealed the extraordinary nature of this delicious dish, which has gone beyond the boundaries of ordinary food.

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The most fantastic thing is…

In the light, one can see the form of a life-like crystal dragon swimming within the rolling clouds. As this dragon shape is seen looming within the clouds, every angle seems to come alive, as if there was a true dragon hidden beneath the clouds. With only a scaled claw visible, this scene produced a strong impact.

The light faded after only a few breaths before completely dissipating.

If it weren’t for the fact that too many people had witnessed the same thing, few people would’ve believed what they have just seen was real.

“Shining Dish.”

Yi Tianxing deeply inhaled as the aroma continually passed through his nostrils. This is an indescribable aroma. This aroma, as if there was a crystal dragon with teeth and claws wrapped up in clouds while being displayed on the plate. This meat, he doesn’t know how to describe it. Even the flesh, which looks as smooth as jade, is free of impurities and is as clear as crystal. It makes a person not want to blaspheme this dish by taking a bite.

He takes out a plate, knife and chopsticks in succession.

Picking up the knife, he went to cut a piece of meat from this crystal dragon. However, before the knife could slice, the whole crystal dragon suddenly dispersed and turned into well-textured crystal-clear pieces of meat as thin as cicada wings. The meat has been pre-cut during the sculpting process from before. This sculpting craftsmanship has reached the realm of being a miraculous skill.

Putting down the knife, he then picks up the chopsticks to grab a slice of glittering and translucent meat from the plate. He then slowly places it into his mouth.

A wonderful aroma spreads within his mouth. It can only be described with one word, fresh.

This fresh flavour has reached an astonishing degree. It stimulates the deepest reaches of every cell in his body.

Moreover, the slice of meat is tender, smooth and non-greasy, with a melt in your mouth texture. This warm slice went on his tongue, slid down his throat and fell into his belly. This kind of ultimate taste allowed the taste buds in his mouth to fully open while every cell in his body gave cheerful moans while unceasingly jumping. Every pore in his whole body then fully began opening up while he was immersed in this wonderful feeling, leading to a sense of extreme bliss.

Compared with this Yunlong Sanxian. The food he had cooked before was simply rubbish, a pile of miscellaneous food, only the most common food and not delicious at all. This comparison is the gap between Heaven and Earth. This is true gourmet food, a true top dish prepared by a true chef.

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“This slice of meat is smooth and non-greasy. It melts in my mouth and has a deliciously fresh taste which completely fills my taste buds. It’s so delicious that all of my pores have opened up.” Yi Tianxing takes in a deep breath. Even while breathing, he can still sense the wonderful aroma which has left an endlessly fresh aftertaste in his mouth.

This is true gourmet food.

Just from the wonderful aftertaste left on his taste buds, the gourmet cells in his body began to frantically draw Heaven and Earth Origin Qi from all around. The Origin Qi continuously integrates into the flesh and bones to the meridians in his whole body. His Flesh to Body power is constantly soaring like a rocket. Under the stimulation of the gourmet food, the gourmet cells in his body have gone crazy. The absorption of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi has become many times faster than before.

Yi Tianxing can clearly feel the strength in his body increasing.

This speed of ascension was so fast that his power is increasing by more than one hundred Jin per breath. In just a moment, thousands of Jin of strength has been added to his body.

Moreover, the chopsticks in Yi Tianxing’s hands hadn’t stopped moving at all. They laid in his hand while moving like the wind. He picked up these perfect slices of meat again and again and placed them into his mouth. No matter the speed of picking up the food or consuming it, all of it happened quite fast. But it didn’t give the people witnessing this scene any feeling of being rushed or that he was wolfing down the meal. On the contrary, he gave off an illusion as if this was how it should be.

In just a moment, a large plate of sliced meat had all fallen into his belly. This plate filled with sliced meat had a combined weight of three or four ordinary people. But it was easily consumed without pause.

Immediately after he finished eating, the Food Tripod Cauldron Destiny Aperture in his body directly and unceremoniously swallowed the food in his belly. The three-legged, two-handled gluttonous Tripod Cauldron naturally glitters as it continually refines the purest food essence. Finally, it turns into a dense stream of crystal-like essence and integrates it into his whole body. This food essence is even more appealing to his gourmet cells.

Since it allows the cells to become more active.

Even though a massive amount of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi was extracted from Heaven and Earth. But strangely enough, there was no abnormal vision outside of his body, as if everything were normal.

His flesh is growing stronger.

Every inch of his body is undergoing a transformation. His bones are becoming finer and denser, his skin is becoming tougher, his flesh and blood can now contain more strength and his meridians are becoming more resilient and powerful. This is an all-round ascension.

Such delicious gourmet food is really too stimulating for his gourmet cells.

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With every breath comes a surging of strength.

His strength is increasing several hundred Jin every moment.

Vaguely, a wonderful transformation is taking place in the Flesh to Body.

“Wonderful Craft!!” Even Yi Tianxing couldn’t help praising his admiration aloud.

“Please have a taste of this << Ice and Fire Dragon Claw >>.” Lai He showed confidence on his face as he uncovered his second dish.

At the moment when the iron lid was lifted, the same light had bloomed again. It looked like a dragon claw could be seen waving. In the blink of an eye, the whole crocodile paw has appeared in front of his eyes. The paw is bathed in red sauce, but it exudes an attractive aroma. It can be said to be a complete experience with colour, aroma and taste.

Crocodile paw is rich in protein with the meat being plump and juicy.

Yi Tianxing didn’t hesitate at all. He immediately placed the chopsticks aside and reached out to grab a crocodile paw in hand. He pulled it next to his mouth and began chewing at it.

As soon as he bites a mouthful, all the juices contained in the crocodile paw fills up his whole taste buds again.

Only when it is braised in this red sauce can the unique flavour be fully conveyed.

As soon as the meat enters his mouth, Yi Tianxing felt a wonderful explosion from his taste buds again.

Under the stimulation from this delicious gourmet food, without hesitation, he swallowed a mouthful in one big gulp. The meat was really too crisp, and all kinds of flavours circulated from the tip of his tongue, leaving him with an endless aftertaste.

Unwittingly, a crocodile palm has been thoroughly and cleanly consumed. There is no trace left on the plate. Even the bones have all been chewed up and swallowed into his belly. The bones were all tender as well.

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