Eternal Country

Chapter 82

Translator: SumTLMan

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He didn’t expect that Yi Tianxing would really answer back, and it was such an affirmative answer at that.

Even with this response, however, Yang Ye didn’t fully believe him. If Yi Tianxing had denied his identity, he would’ve believed it was him. But with him so hastily claiming his true identity, it now left him hesitant and uncertain about whether his claim was true.

After all, the sound of the previous Heavenly Voice has spread throughout the world. There aren’t a few people who know of Yi Tianxing’s name.

If someone is truly pretending to be him. In such an environment where information exchange is limited, there is simply no way of distinguishing what is true or false.

So, when Yi Tianxing confessed who he was, he became slightly suspicious.

“If village head Yi isn’t in his own village, then how can you suddenly come to this Yang’s Yangjia Village? Is it possible village head Yi is no longer the village head of Xuan Huang Village?” Yang Ye looked directly at Yi Tianxing as if wanting to see any change in his expression.

“My Xuan Huang Village is also in this valley. It’s located at the other end of this jungle. You can just cross the jungle path to get there. This time, I actually wanted to roughly survey the surroundings near the valley. But after passing through the jungle, I didn’t expect to find Yangjia Village which was established by General Yang. This is when I decided to come in and take a look. After all, we are all humans. In today’s world, it’s a blessing to meet other humans.”

Yi Tianxing calmly said everything without hesitation.

Indeed, in this Eternal World, all humans have been scattered to various regions. The world is simply too big and there was no way of estimating the distance between each region. But it’s certain there are many humans. On the contrary, the monsters, ferocious beasts and other races sum up to outnumber humans. Therefore, it truly is a pleasure to meet the same humans in a neighboring village.

The common problem faced by every village is now survival.

“Is your Xuan Huang Village really in the nearby valley and in the same vicinity as my Yangjia Village? Then how can you suddenly leave your village? Aren’t you afraid of the monsters and ferocious beasts invading your village and slaughtering your villagers?”

Even if he was prepared, the message revealed from Yi Tianxing’s words completely shocked him. But immediately after, he felt this act of leaving the village was a completely irresponsible move. Subconsciously, a trace of disapproval appears in his heart.

When he founded his Yangjia Village, his army desperately fought day and night to stop the ferocious beasts and monsters from invading. For this reason, they have spilt too much blood and buried many fallen comrades in the wilderness. Even under these circumstances, the whole Yangjia Army has made no complaints. He’s afraid his people aren’t doing so well either. But he felt Yi Tianxing, as a village head, is so irresponsible for travelling outside at will. This is truly a waste of human life.

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“All kinds of infrastructure and fortifications have already been built in my Xuan Huang Village. Even if there is an invasion of ferocious beasts and monsters, my village won’t be easily breached. Once the village is in danger, the villagers will naturally ignite the signal fire. Being in this vicinity, I can return to my village as quickly as possible. Given the current strength of Xuan Huang Village, it’s impossible to face defeat in such a short period.” Yi Tianxing confidently said.

Most of the people in Xuan Huang Village are allowed to cultivate and have had no small success in cultivation. They usually act as regular villagers, but when the village faces any danger, the men can stand up and fight. Even the women of the village can far surpass ordinary strongmen in terms of physical strength after Qi cultivation. If there is truly a time of crisis, women can help fight off and kill the enemy. It’s no joke when he says all his people are soldiers. This is the advantage of a cultivation country.

“I see.”

When Yang Ye heard this, he was slightly relieved. Now his view of Yi Tianxing had slightly changed. He couldn’t help but be a little curious about Xuan Huang Village.

His Yangjia Village is now in desperate straits. The villagers cannot even afford to eat a full meal. However, Xuan Huang Village can resist the ferocious beasts and monsters while still setting up all kinds of fortifications. Even Yi Tianxing, the village head, as the leader can leave at will. This is simply unthinkable.

“I don’t know what village head Yi thinks of this Yang’s Yangjia Village.”

Yang Ye turned his head and asked.

As village head, he wants to know what evaluation his village will be given from Yi Tianxing’s mouth.

“The truth or the lie?” Yi Tianxing suddenly smiled and playfully said.

“I am a soldier and general. What I hate most is hypocrisy. Naturally, I want to hear the truth.” Yang Ye slightly frowned and said in a deep voice. He is a soldier. This is especially true about his straight laced character. What he hates most is when someone beats around the bush. There is no room for any falsehood or being wishy-washy in military affairs. Otherwise, he couldn’t have brought out such potential from Yangjia Army.

“Well, your Yangjia Village is more of a refugee camp than a village. This large gathering of people is grouped together without enough to eat, few people with warm clothes to wear and all living in constant fear. Not mentioning their low morale, they don’t even have the desire to fight for their survival.”

“When the faces are blank, the heart gives birth to despair. This leads to the loss of hope for the future. Without hope, one is no different from a walking corpse. In such circumstances, these people are just waiting to die. Such a mood hanging over the villagers, the whole village, means Yangjia Village isn’t far from total collapse.”

“If one doesn’t fight for themselves, all that awaits them is divine punishment and elimination!!”

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Yi Tianxing said these word without any scruples for Yang Ye’s face. He said the whole village would soon be destroyed and implied that all the villagers will die and end up as bones buried in the wilderness.

“What do you mean?”

Yang Ye changed his face and looked straight at Yi Tianxing.

“If people won’t even strive to work hard for themselves, they won’t desperately strive for survival. They will be eliminated from Heaven and Earth. In ancient times, when mankind was just born, they faced numerous ferocious beasts and all kinds of disasters. But in the face of these tribulations, everyone wants to live. Everyone struggles for survival and no one is willing to give up. Therefore, all is as it should be on Heaven and Earth and striving for continuous self-improvement is the emperor’s way. Your Yangjia Army cannot always protect these people.”

Yi Tianxing bluntly said.

When Yang Ye heard this, his face changed, then his eyes scanned the people around the village for a while.

Yi Tianxing is right, his people really are no different from refugees. They don’t even have a decent place to live. Many people’s faces are blank or decadent, which makes him unable to refute what was said.

In his heart, he can’t help but give birth to a trace of shame.


At this moment, they suddenly heard the sound of the military horn echoing in the village.

“General, the wolves are back!” A soldier quickly rushed over and saw Yang Ye before loudly shouting the information.

“Let’s go, I’ll be there at once!” When Yang Ye heard this, his face changed. He looked away from Yi Tianxing and strode towards the village gate. Hearing the blaring horn means something terrible has happened.

Everyone watched Yang Ye quickly leave.

In the village area where the broth is being boiled, the faces of these people have greatly changed. Some of these people became as pale as a sheet of paper with vacant looks in their eyes.

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“It’s over! They’re coming again! The fierce beasts and monsters are attacking the village again! What are we going to do?! The last time the giant wolves rushed into the village, I saw several of the people near me directly killed and torn to shreds. That scene was absolutely terrifying!”

“Those wolves are a group of beasts whose size are larger than humans. At first glance, many people tremble at the sight of their fangs.”

“I don’t know if General Yang can stop the wolves this time. Yangjia Army has suffered heavy casualties from the wolves this past couple of days. When the men fall in battle, it’s horrible their bodies aren’t left intact.”

“If the Yangjia Army cannot stop this invasion, then what can we do?! Everyone will die!”

Voices are shaking in despair during the village discussion.

The fear of wolves has been deeply embedded in their bones.

Of course, some of these people are unafraid. Their hearts are inspired and ready for action, they want to show their true ferocity. They have the idea of fighting against these wolves in their mind. However, they still lack that bit of extra courage.

The idea is flowing through their mind, but they cannot grasp it to run into battle.

“When one is dying and don’t know how to save themselves. It’s because they have the wrong mentality from the very beginning. In these troubled times, no one can receive too much external support. Villagers must become self-reliant so that they can grow stronger. Even if some people die, as a result, they can hone themselves through trials of blood and fire. Yangjia Army’s kindness has created weak villagers.” When Yi Tianxing heard them, he slightly shook his head. There are nearly ten thousand people here and none have offered to step up.

Is it really necessary for everyone to be unafraid of death? Of course, otherwise, these people will never dare strive for themselves. Even ghosts are unafraid. If these people want to be motivated and fight, these wolves must be placed on their dinner table as meals to be consumed.

He no longer cared about the thoughts of these ordinary people.

He turned and walked towards the gate of the village.

“Since I’ve eaten and drank enough, I can head outside to exercise my bones and muscles. I’d like to see what kind of wolves can force back Yangjia Army to such an extent.” Yi Tianxing’s mind secretly murmured.

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Without hesitation, he walked step by step towards the village gate.

Every step forward is extremely calm, firm and powerful.


At the edge of the village, it can be seen that the soldiers are looking towards the outside with solemn expressions and weapons drawn. With a weapon in hand, in their minds, this is a guarantee of personal safety. Their will is also firm. If this were ordinary soldiers, he’s afraid they would’ve been scared out of their wits. This shows the collective will of this entire elite army.

Even if they know they will die, they will rush forward to kill without hesitation under military orders.

“These are all good soldiers.”

When Yi Tianxing saw this scene, his eyes couldn’t help but show a touch of appreciation. Such soldiers are all rare elites.

The strength and weakness of an army depend entirely on their morale and vigour.

The reason their collective morale is so firm is they have faith, military spirit, and a strong spiritual pillar who is the founder of Yangjia Army, Yang Ye.

With long spears behind, the archers came forward and continuously opened fire from their longbows. Their arrows flew outward and headed in the direction of their enemies.

Yang Ye, wearing a helmet and armour set while carrying a long spear, stands quietly at the entrance of the village. Behind him, one can see Yang Yanping also with a helmet and armour set standing on his left side. On his right, a young man with a handsome face was also dressed in armour while holding two broadswords in each hand. The broadswords are thick-backed broadswords with long bodies and as high as an average man. As he held them in hand, baleful Qi filled the air, making them appear as light as feathers. This man has pure eyes. At first glance, one can tell this man doesn’t hold too many idle thoughts.

“Each of those two swords should have a weight of several hundred Jin. With him lightly carrying this kind of weight, it shows this man’s strength has amazingly exuberant spirit and vigour. This is natural divine power. Of Yang Ye’s seven sons, the second son is born with divine power and boundless strength. This man should be Yang Yanding.”

Yi Tianxing’s eyes flashed with light as thoughts flashed through his mind.

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