Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 403: Chapter 403: Saving Ma Rong

Chapter 403: Saving Ma Rong

"The… Forbidden Fields?" Alex was a little surprised. "But… she can't do anything there, why did she go there?" he asked.

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"She… we don't know," Zhou Mei said. "We only know that one day she suddenly contacted all the elders and said that they needed to go take a look in the forbidden fields."

Alex looked back at Ma Rong who was fully unconscious. The other girl was constantly turning the water around her to the ice to maintain her body temperature, but the heat she was giving off was too much. The ice kept on melting within seconds of each time it was forming.

The floor was nothing but a puddle at this point.

"So, are the other elders in trouble too? They went with her… right?" he asked.

"No, they are all fine. They just suffered from the suppression, that's all. Sect Leader, however, got ill at first, and then the longer she stayed there, the worse she got. In the end, she couldn't even return in time when she fell to the ground, unconscious."

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"The other elders had to carry her back," Fan Ruogang said from the side.

Alex thought about his time in the fields. Not for one second had he felt anything uncomfortable about the situation, aside from the suppression of course.

"What did Grand Elder just say? Does he have any hints? Can we make some pills?" Alex asked.

"No, he has nothing. Master came and checked too, but he has nothing either," Fan Ruogang said.

Alex went through the different pieces of information hidden in his brain, but he couldn't find anything. "But master should have been fine the other times she went to the forbidden fields right? How come she's only getting into problems now?" Alex asked.

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Both Zhou Mei and Fan Ruogang's eyes perked up as they thought of something that the grand elder had just told them.

"Oh, that's right. Apparently, Sect Leader has never gone to the Forbidden Fields before this," Zhou Mei said.

"Oh… never?" Alex was surprised by this piece of information.

"Yeah, never. She was always a model disciple, away from controversies, so she never had the reasons to go anywhere. After becoming Elder,? and then Sect leader, she had fewer reasons to go as that was all done by the other elders," Zhou Mei said.

"That's good to know," he said. He stepped over the puddle as he walked towards Ma Rong. The other girls tried to advise against it, but he didn't listen.

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As he went close, he felt something familiar, something— something was calling to him. He had to be very close to fell it.

'This… this feels like…' his eyes slowly went wide, "A Yang Jade!" he said out loud.

"What?" the girls got confused.

Alex hurried next to her, and he was sure that he was feeling the same feelings he got from the Yang Jades, albeit a little less powerful.

'Did master swallow yang jades on accident?' he wondered. He had shown what he could do to Ma Rong and now he was worried that it was his fault this was happening.

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'No, don't think like that. First, see what you can do,' He thought to himself and stood next to Ma Rong. He could feel perpetual heat radiating off of Ma Rong.

It wasn't the heat of a normal fever or even that of any Fire element. This was the heat of Yang. His eyes went wide as he realized this.

'Master has yang energy inside her body?' he thought. He quickly grabbed her hands to see if he could feel anything.

"Ahh!" he suddenly left her hands and fell backward. Pain flared from his hands, so he brought it up to see that his hands were red as if he had touched something hot.

'But I'm a body cultivator; Normal heat shouldn't affect me. Also, my body eats Yang like it's nothing, so why did I get burned?' he wondered.

This time, he didn't go in blindly. He sent out his spiritual sense and felt the energy in the air— it really was Yang energy.

Before he could even think of doing something else, however, something happened that stopped him in his place. He got a notification.

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