Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1005: 1005

Boom, boom, boom

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The fierce and terrifying atmosphere of demonic killing rises up, and the violent atmosphere of demonic will sweeps the whole Statue Square. Jialou, Jialuo and the six two winged demons in the hall of cutting demons are close to each other, struggling to support the terrible evil spirit of killing and abusing.

Clang, clang, clang

Bursts of extremely weak magic music, under the attack of the fierce evil spirit, is particularly abrupt and harsh. The invisible demonic music turns into a terrible spiritual power, and then moves out quietly towards the source of the demonic spirit of killing and maltreating in the void.

At the same time, the wings of two pairs of blood red demons behind traceless beat wildly, and the power of the law of condensing the air rises out of thin air again. The terrible confinement and the power of the magic rule of freezing space emerge quietly, and once again lock the body shape of Feng Tianba, the master of Feng family, firmly on the spot.

Tear, tear, tear

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The wings of three pairs of blood red demons frictioned and swayed wildly in the void, and the power of ningkong demons gathered around them resisted and touched madly. Then, Feng Tianba's fierce eyes flashed a sharp cold light, and his whole body quickly flew out, In an instant, it turned into a black light, and went to the front of the traceless body.

"Dong!" A heavy muffled sound resounds through the void. The monstrous killing evil spirit is rampant, and the bloody breath of the dark world around us suddenly becomes crazy. Without trace, the whole body is swallowed up by the bloody evil spirit, and drowned in the air, even the rising and falling magic music, At the same time, it was covered by the restless wave of sadistic evil Qi.

"No trace, he will be OK!" Below, Garo's face is very pale, looking at the air of terror, killing and maltreatment in the void.

"Cough, I'm afraid it's hard for ordinary three winged demons to compete with each other. Fortunately, we are far away from the place where the demons erupted, otherwise we will not be spared..." Jia Lou's face is also very ugly. He feels the wave of killing and abusing demons around him, and the pressure on him is even heavier, The whole person is blessed by the power of the fast devil and the evil will, which can barely support the body to stand and not fall down.

"Cough, take the devil and the witch to leave quickly..." a leader of the two wings demon world old man's face shows solemn color, to the side of the other five two wings demon world strong quietly command up. Then, six two winged demons rose up together to protect the figures of Jialou and Jialuo. They rushed to the empty space outside the Statue Square and fled.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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Bursts of dull roaring sound, in the edge of the Statue Square, resounded from the general. The figure of several two winged demons trembled, and all of them turned into black awn streamers, and fell on the ground below. In the center of the void where the evil spirit of killing and abusing erupted, there was a strange melodious, gentle and peaceful music of evil spirit.

"Oops, the boundary of the magic square is locked up. We can't get out..."

"Protect the devil and the witch. I'll fight with the devil later!"

"Well, I've informed the temple by casting. I hope we can delay a little longer and wait for the experts in the temple to come to the rescue!"

The six two winged demons look at each other face to face, and there is a look of despair on each face. It is obvious that although they are comforting each other in their words, in the face of the terrifying spirit of the three winged demons' peak cultivation, all the six two winged demons know that they can't resist Feng Tianba, the leader of Feng family, has entered the peak cultivation level of the three winged demon world.

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"Eh, it sounds like the sound of the magic harp?" Garro's face was reflective, his ears were erect, and under the protection of a group of two winged demons, his eyes showed a persistent light, and he gazed into the most terrifying and turbulent demonic air battle group in the void.

"Damn, this guy is still alive?" The expression on Jia Lou's face was full of shock, and his body was crooked. He almost fell to the ground on the spot. Then, all of them quickly retreated and crouched in the edge of the Statue Square, staring at the terrible and turbulent magic war group in the void.

Boom, boom, boom

The sounds of terror and turbulence burst out again, and the whole dark void suddenly and violently trembled. The magic musical notes, which were transformed from evil spirits, flew out, and turned into rolling evil spirits, A head of then toward a fast rout and retreat of the blood red three wings demon man strong body above attack and kill winding away.Click, click, click

Three pairs of blood red devil wings and wings stirred out together, and quickly chopped down the magic musical notes in the void. The magic musical notes seemed to come from all directions, and they all poured into Feng Tianba's mind, It was like black awn sharp blades, with the power of killing and cutting, which was constantly violent in his mind.

"Poof!" A mouthful of black blood was sprayed out, and the three wings of magic feather behind Feng Tianba flapped wildly. The whole body quickly got rid of the siege of laimo Yiqin music. The black evil spirit swept out of his mind, and the ups and downs of his breath were slightly relieved.

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"Whoosh!" A black figure appeared out of thin air without any sign. Two pairs of blood red devil feathers flapped with strange black awn evil spirit. A fist awn with endless killing spirit flashed out and went straight to the chest of Feng Tianba, the master of Feng family, and then fought hard to kill the general.

"Cough, how can this guy have such a strong body? The strength of the body is no longer under the top level of the three winged demon man!" Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, was full of panic. His body quickly flew back. The wings of the three demons behind him stood in front of him and resisted the fierce attack.

"Bang!" With one blow, he hit the defense guard of the three pairs of devil's wings straightly. Then he saw that Feng Tianba's body directly retreated and flew away. In the void, the whole blood red void was marked with cracks of evil spirit.

"Brush!" As Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, was defeated in the air, in the middle of the fierce battle group of evil spirit, a young man with extremely handsome appearance and extraordinary bearing suddenly appeared out of the air. There was a golden light on the young man's chest, and all the evil spirit in the empty land was turned into black light, Crazy towards the golden light and shadow from the young man's chest

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