Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1019: 1019

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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In the hinterland of Tianyun sect, the atmosphere of silence and emptiness was strange and embarrassing. A group of people galloped in the distance, just from the Zizhu forest.

"No trace elder martial brother!"

"No trace!"

Traceless steps slowly stop, looking at the bloody corpses on the ground in front of us, I feel a pang of regret in my heart. When the disciples of the outer gate's eighteen halls and the leaders of each hall arrive at traceless, they are all overjoyed. Even the disciples of the inner gate's ninth hall and the elders are all sprouting a new hope in my heart.

"Brush!" Zhen Youcai, the master of the pre art hall, holds the body of Zhen Shengcai, the master of the astrology hall, and slowly falls down. Floating body appears beside Wu Chen and others.

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"Grandfather!" With a heartrending cry, the young fat man Zhen Bucai suddenly calls the general out of his mouth. The young fat man Zhen Bucai quickly steps forward, and immediately holds the body of the old hall master Zhen Shengcai in his arms and starts to cry.

As you can see, people in the Sutra collection rooms of the Academies on both sides are also very sad. Even Hua Buyu, the great master who has broken through the tranquility of being emperor, is very strong. When he meets Zhen Shengcai, the old hall master, his heart is also full of sobs and ups and downs.

"Elder martial brother, please stay and take good care of the immortal body of the old hall master. Let us deal with the rest!" After that, Wuhen's whole body quickly soared into the sky, and the air of Xuanli came out slightly in the void. Wuhen appeared in the place beside Zhuge mountain people, the seriously injured leader of Tianyun sect, in the blink of an eye.

"I've seen the son!"

"Welcome the son!"

At the sight of Wu Chen's figure appearing out of thin air, the leader of the eight royal families of monsters bowed slightly at the same time. All eight of them openly gave courtesy to Wu Chen, which caused a violent tremor in the hearts of all the people of Tian Yun sect below and the remaining three major forces in the opposite. All of them looked at the figure of the handsome young man in green clothes in the void, All inexplicably feel an invisible superior momentum, filled with oppression.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, aftershock, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, and a group of people all soar into the air like a shadow, and all of them always follow Wuchen around, even against Jiange, zhenbaozhai, JIANGSHA Dao, the leader of the three major sects There was no fear on their faces.

"Ha ha, the Sutra Pavilion of the academy? It seems that you are in some trouble, too! " Seeing the arrival of all the people in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, only two elder martial sisters, Feng Feifei, and three elder martial brothers, Shui merciless, could be seen. The cold light in the eyes of master Mo Qiyu of zhenbaozhai flashed in vain, and his whole face glowed on the spot.

"Ha ha, just a few of you, who are worthy of fighting with me?" Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect, had a cold and bloodthirsty look in his eyes. No matter in terms of accomplishments or qualifications, the people in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy were far from being able to compare with the three main sect leaders.

"Ha ha, after standing for a long time, I want to move my muscles and bones. Since you still have things to deal with, I can't get in the way here!" The leader of the ghost clan, the magic building, laughs loudly and looks at the three main sect leaders in the opposite direction with extreme disdain. Then he nods his head slightly to Wuchen. The evil spirit of the whole person turns into a black streamer and flies out of the void. The two sides of the void confront each other.

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"Thank you for your help. I have written down the kindness without trace!" In the void, no trace clasped his fist and bowed his hand to the magic building, which had already flashed to the distance. Then, his eyes suddenly burst out two cold lights, staring at the three main forces in the opposite, sweeping by one by one.

"Cluck, the Lord of the magic building is in a good mood. It seems that you attach great importance to that young man!" Bixia palace Qingxia fairy with a smile on her face, swept her eyes and came out of the demon house, the leader of the demon sect, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, he is certainly young, but his talent and cultivation will be above you and me! If these arrogant people are not enemies, why not make friends with them as soon as possible! It is said that his beloved once practiced in the Bixia palace, but later he was cleared out of the palace by the Bixia palace. These heavenly opportunities and the Bixia palace can be ignored. The two palace masters' demeanor and boldness naturally make me feel inferior and dare not compare with them! " With a smile on his face, the Lord of the demon sect began to talk with a loud voice to the fairy Qingxia.

Hearing the words, Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, and their faces were all extremely gloomy. The two murders were intended to flash away in their bodies. With a cold smile, the two palace leaders glanced at the magic building, the leader of Guimo sect, and then they did nothing. They directly looked away from the magic building, Towards the empty battle group, which was extremely quiet and embarrassed, coldly staring away."Amitabha, this battle is a duel between clans. Please don't interfere! Otherwise, if it leads to the war between the martial arts practitioners of our clan and the demon and beast practitioners, they are afraid that the six states will be stained with blood, and the lives of the people will be ruined... "In the distance, master Qingchan, the master of the Tantric Buddhism, recites the Buddha's name, looks at the eight masters of the demon and beast Kingdom, and then looks at the figure of the spirit Master, It seems to be waiting for the final answer from the Lord.

"Son?" The Spirit Lord's old eyes were full of indifference. He didn't look at master Qingchan, the master of Buddhists. Instead, he turned his eyes to the no trace beside him. His words were full of awe. There was not a trace of arrogance and domineering spirit of the king of monsters.

On both sides, the eyes of the other kings of monsters were all shining, and the faces of the people were all unpredictable. Obviously, most of the kings of monsters were not very convinced of the so-called Saint son of the monsters.

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However, fortunately, the leader of the spirit clan took the lead in putting pressure, and the support of the golden giant ape clan, the old ape king, and now the nominal ape emperor yuan Zong, made the other leaders of the demon and beast clan extremely reluctant, but on the surface, they were still respectful to Wu trace, the son of the demon and beast clan.

"Cough, thank you for your help. Let me do the next thing! Please have a rest. When I deal with the sign here, let's sit down and talk with each other in the Tianyun sect... "Wu trace coughed two times and said softly to the spirit Master. His strong self-confidence is revealed in his actions, as if everything is under control.

"Son, don't be impulsive!" The old ape king of the golden giant ape clan was full of shock in his eyes. He quickly stepped forward and spoke to Wu trace to stop him.

"Master, I will handle it properly this time. Please believe me!" With a faint smile, Wu Hun nodded to the ape king. Among all the monsters and beasts, only the ape king was closest to him. Naturally, Wu Hun should not turn a blind eye to the ape King's concern.

"Ha ha, well, well, well, I'm worthy of being the son of all kinds of monsters. I admire him for his courage. Since the son speaks, let's wait for good news!" The ape king also wanted to persuade him, but the Spirit Lord slowly opened his mouth and burst out laughing at the moment. In a word, all the masters of the other major monster kings retreated to the two sides. Although the ape king was unwilling, he just walked back with the Spirit Lord towards the empty field behind... < br > the ape King's heart was not willing

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